are you Captain Chronik?
One hit of salvia from some dipshit head shop and you won't even know what planet you are on. I imagine this black magic is the same sort of poisonous bullshit.
Find some good weed to smoke, kid. And try to avoid shit on a stick when offered to you.
This strain is real, too many people including myself have described
this strain to a t, the black color the white smoke and it only comes from Africa.
Ok this is what I believe it was given to us by higher beings
hence the Dogon tribe for example they said that the two dog plant came from the two dog star. The two dog basically means a man and female or yin and yan
or right and wrong, It means all of these. Now a dog can be male or female good or bad.
It was given to us for agriculture use for all it's uses from rope to oil to medicine the list goes on. The name is what it is Black Magic or juju etc there's different languages in Africa so of course there would be different names for it but they all have some thing to do with magic. This strain is the original decentdent of the two dog plant. The dogon tribe have been pretty accurate so far so I don't think what I'm wrong here. This strain is a gift from
our watchers some abuse pot some make profit of it when it was truly the tree of life
and a holy sacrament. For those who have been to church you ever wonder
what kind of incense they burn you know what I'm talking ever wonder why purple haze and kush smell like church on Sundays. It may not be the same thing but I remember going to church as a kid and the smells from the incense,
when I got older and started to come across some haze kush etc I noticed that I know these smells just can't put my finger on where I know these smells from. Then
It hit me church that's where I remember these smells from.
It sounds crazy but I knw I'm right you don forget a smell like haze kush and any
very not normal hemp smell like skunk etc. Softy abut that just had to be said but back
to the black magic. This strainis the strongest that I have ever encountered. The word magic is exactually what it is, when you smoke it you feel the magic like your body feels light as a feather your eyes get like budda i mean like the little budda statue notice how the
Budda statue is smiling with his eyes looking like there closed but they are not he is high but he was using it for mediation. Ok when you smoke pot doesn't make you think more you catch your self closing you eyes and then your mind starts to wonder or imagine hint hint. If you know how to use the plant in the right way you can access certain parts of your
conscious and subconscious. Hope u guys understand.