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I do like a good gravity bong rip every now and then too... 3 liter bottles make good sized hits almost mandatory :woohoo: LOL
The first time I smoked a joint through a bong, I asked how high the person was already! lol
Homemade contraptions are always fun!

yup, Im high again... been dabbing oil lately :D


made a bong in chemistry class from a elemire flask a rubber stopper and the bowl was blown there in class. We filled it up with Capitan Morgan's spiced rum and smoked black afgany hash in it. If the hash didn't mess you up the alcohol did.

Right on, I did the same but used a thistle tube for a bowl.

A short burette with the stopcock removed made a nice glass pipe. I raided the lab for those.

And the ever useful deep well socket.


Active member
ICMag Donor
I knew a girl who could make a perfect pipe out of aluminum foil in a few seconds. It worked perfectly the one time I tried one of her pipes.

I mostly use my vaporizer these days, but there's no excuse for not having a glass pipe or rolling papers somewhere close. I haven't had to get creative with smoking for a long time.
:) the dirt pipe wasn't because we had to. He had told me about it, so we made that one, and another within a week..... I had to make sure it was really that cool! It was pretty damn cool :tiphat: :peacock:

I've not really a need to get creative with smoking, just a desire to keep life interesting and fun. :D


Active member
I haven't had to get creative with smoking for a long time.
we're the last ones who are going to know about all this shit. after prohibition, things significant to us aren't going to mean anything to future generations..

people who are going to want to sell us books and shit are gonig to want to make a list of all the good bits lol


if it smells like fish
a squash...done lots of fruits and veggies when younger...foil pipes are easy... using the parts from a pen ..use the ink part and the cap for bowl section..then pull out cap and ink part ..bam a perfect bowl...ha ha I made one on my trip to vegas last


Active member
ICMag Donor
a squash...done lots of fruits and veggies when younger...foil pipes are easy... using the parts from a pen ..use the ink part and the cap for bowl section..then pull out cap and ink part ..bam a perfect bowl...ha ha I made one on my trip to vegas last

I've smoked out of a few apples, but not a squash. Not yet.

I'll drive the next time I go to Vegas just so I can bring my hash and vape. I've been avoiding Vegas for the last couple years. My ex wife is a stripper there, so I didn't want to run into her. I figure the odds are low if I avoid the strip clubs.


if it smells like fish
find her and toss change bro....^^^^^^... I don't bring anything I cant easily toss, hide or eat to vegas....had a female friend nurse get caught up in some bullshit there when we went once...she could of lost her career over it....


Active member
ICMag Donor
find her and toss change bro....^^^^^^... I don't bring anything I cant easily toss, hide or eat to vegas....had a female friend nurse get caught up in some bullshit there when we went once...she could of lost her career over it....

I avoided her for a while, since the divorce kinda sucked. I wouldn't care if I saw her these days. I'll bring a different girl with me on my next Vegas trip.

Maybe a few joints would be safer than the hash vape. I just don't want to fly and have to sneak something onto the plane.
I think the laws in nevada are changing... But I still wouldn't want to get caught up.
I actually had some bud in my medical recommendation when I flew to Denmark this past summer.... I had forgotten it was there. it was from a joint I was rolling at the coast before I went. My boyfriend smoked it :smokeit: ..... I know it wasn't as good as it could have been, some of the crystals stayed with the paper :/ :laughing: :artist: :blowbubbles:

Where are some of the stranger places that you've smoked?


if it smells like fish
behind the police station in Verona pa ...I have a kayak bong and use it everywhere..you should see the looks I get

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