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bitches and pimps


Active member
Not only did Thomas work as an attorney for the Monsanto Co. in the late 1970s, he also penned the majority decision in a 2001 case that paved the way for companies like Monsanto to patent seeds. .


Guess I'm just too high usually to panic over this stuff lol.
Frankly I don't consider any customers of these companies as victims, n don't plan on using them or their services any more than I'll allow the gov. to regulate me or my garden, so wtf are any of them gonna do about anything I do at all realistically.
If a government can't stop me now what chance does a company with help from the gov as enforcement have in doing so.lol
Not like there's never a choice to not use what these companies provide so I can't be assed for any of their "victims" who chose to be such by having dealings with them.
Always plenty of choice on most biology based markets n it's getting kinda old ppl acting like it's ever been otherwise.
If ppl make bad choices for themselves that's on them, just like those who choose wisely reap their rewards.
When they strt using any of this crap to deprive of my free will than I'll strt to worry, till than other ppl's problems from these companies are just that THEIR problems.
It's all so especially irrelevant for anyone who isn't a commercial producer, n if commercial producers want reg folks who just do for themselves to get their backs, I'd have to say tough shit for all the use commercial producers have been for patients n rec users alike.

Or as I stated b4 I'm just too high to get panicked an when the sky does fall on us all I'll just be as blissful as always through the experience.
Meh, be a laugh to see all the jerk offs acting like they own or are in charge of something like cannabis, but aside from the entertainment factor I'm just not chicken shittling myself right yet. lol



Active member
10 Reasons why Monsanto is corrupt from its core
1. Monsanto’s GMO Alfalfa and sugar beets are a threat to native and organic crops - See more at: http://www.seattleorganicrestaurant...santo-corruption-gmo.php#sthash.PRQfgcqG.dpuf

2. Monsanto’s Roundup is toxic

3. The impact of GMOs on livestock

4. Small farmers are pushed out of business

5. Hiding PCBs and its devastating side effects for many years - See more at: http://www.seattleorganicrestaurant...santo-corruption-gmo.php#sthash.PRQfgcqG.dpuf

6. Monsanto is still refusing to pay any compensation to the families of the Vietnamese that were poisoned with chemical “Agent Orange” - See more at: http://www.seattleorganicrestaurant...santo-corruption-gmo.php#sthash.PRQfgcqG.dpuf

7. Monsanto’s GMO seeds are causing a disaster in US agriculture - See more at: http://www.seattleorganicrestaurant...santo-corruption-gmo.php#sthash.PRQfgcqG.dpuf

8. Devastating Result of GM crops in India

9. Monsanto taking ownership of public water

10. Monsanto is now joining big banks and the giant oil companies to pursue the UN so called Agenda 21 for “Global sustainability - See more at: http://www.seattleorganicrestaurant...santo-corruption-gmo.php#sthash.PRQfgcqG.dpuf

^ overview of all ten points and links at: http://www.seattleorganicrestaurants.com/vegan-whole-food/Monsanto-corruption-gmo.php


Active member
the corruption of the supreme court of usa is not just limited to one particular Clarence Thomas. many many articles are on the 'net about how corrupt the supreme court has become:

http://www.bing.com/search?q=supreme+court+corrupt&form=IE10TR&src=IE10TR&pc=ACJB 3,000,000 links

more re Clarence:

Supreme Court justices are exempt from oversight under the federal judicial code of conduct, and it is left up to them in order to self-regulate their recusal from cases. Ideally, justices identify any conflict of interest which may cause them to be biased while deciding a case (ex. financial conflicts of interest) and they voluntary recuse themselves from the case in order to prevent a biased ruling from being handed down.
Unfortunately, Justice Clarence Thomas has failed to conform to this code of conduct, particularly in regard to cases involving Monsanto Co.

great article below re general Supreme Court corruption evidence, analysis:

Complicity of Supreme Court Justices

^ tremendous article with lots of links giving excruciating documentation of how corrupt the supreme court of the united states really is. you gotta do your research. I just post the stuff. you gotta do some of the work.

it really doesn't matter what the façade looks like. you must delve under the pretty image and realize the truth for yourself.


Active member
The first step in making that possible, I think, is through sequencing "publicly available" varieties (Sour Diesel, etc.) so breeders have a comparative baseline to operate from. Anyone doing that in a public way? I know of several companies who are doing this privately, but they are reticent to share their genomic data

It is not. I'm not sure which one Sam mentioned; the only other project I know of with any real steam is being run by Phylos Bioscience in Portland. That's Mowgli Holmes' company--they are mapping the cannabis "family tree". It's a really, really cool project...but, when I spoke with him in September, he indicated that they were not interested in sharing the gene sequencing data with anyone.



Active member
How the US Supreme Court Has Treasonously Undermined and Destroyed America’s Democratic Republic

Posted by Veterans Today on March 6, 2015

See how these momentous, monumentally significant, game-changing actions from the nation’s highest court have directly impacted and caused such grave damage degenerating our republic into an oligarchy? Again by design, relentlessly pointing the finger at each other deceptively obscures the real truth of the bigger picture from ever getting noticed or recognized. Through the feds’ and their MSM’s nonstop propaganda and lies, as long as the US populace can continue to be fooled and controlled, in its complacency it will only continue to tolerate its government’s failures and accepted inadequacies, never demanding more as a disempowered, seemingly impotent, disenfranchised citizenry
Still another Supreme Court decision that put the final dagger into the heart of our dying democratic republic was 2010’s Citizens United case followed up by last year’s McCutcheon case that opened up the purse-string floodgates giving carte blanche power for oligarchs to buy off elected politicians with absolutely no oversight or accountability. With no dollar limits making bribery perfectly legal and completely private and untraceable by high court endorsement, by no accident a joint university study last year made it official – America is no longer a republic but an oligarchy where the power interests of the few dictate and control how our federal government votes and makes laws. Rather than pay any attention to its blatant conflict of interest in violating every democratic principle, the Supreme Court has also made it official – our government is up for sale to the highest bidder

^ pretty good overview of the problem including supreme court corruption.



Active member

there are 9 supreme court justices. according to ppl in the intelligence community that I listen to ( radio interviews in this case) 5 are totally bought and paid for. they claim to have chief justice Roberts on tape bragging about having 4 other justices in his back pocket.

the "5 little piggies" image posted above does not show 9 pigs. it shows 5 piggies.


^ great article on how you (Roberts in this case) get to the top.

taking a peekaboo at the American justice system from another angle:

The American justice system is broken. Completely and totally broken. This has been one of the key themes here at Liberty Blitzkrieg since inception, and I’ve come to realize that the death of the rule of law is the single most important issue facing our society at this time.

This site has focused on the increased use of selective prosecution in these United States. If you are poor, disenfranchised, or a dissident, the full force of the law will rain down on your skull like a thousand tons of bricks. We have seen this repeatedly in cases such as the South Carolina man who was fined $525 and fired from his job when he failed to pay for a $0.89 soda refill. We saw it in the case of Aaron Swartz, the child prodigy was driven to suicide by overly aggressive and ambitious feds. Finally, we saw it in the case of Barrett Brown, who was threatened with over a century in jail for essentially exposing the criminality of certain very rich and/or powerful individuals.

On the other side of the fence, we see that anyone associated with the power structure can do whatever they want with zero repercussions.
The Justice Department and FBI have formally acknowledged that nearly every examiner in an elite FBI forensic unit gave flawed testimony in almost all trials in which they offered evidence against criminal defendants over more than a two-decade period before 2000
American Justice? FBI Lab Overstated 95% Of Forensic Hair Matches (Including 32 Death Sentences)

^ one of the thousands of "bricks in the wall" called "I DON'T TRUST THE SYSTEM".

we can discuss usa patent law all we want. the system is corrupt. giving out dna samples of the heirloom landraces might have negative unforeseen consequences.