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bio-bucket res's sssdh x joey weed's blueberry ak47

cravin morehead

Active member
crack'r, yes I have tried a couple cobs. I did 3 of them. I've only just began to sample them. so far the one I unwrapped is still pretty damp. but the smell, I have no idea how to describe it. really sweet, but also sort of sour, like a fermented sweet I guess. I plan to smoke some, or actually vape some tonight or tomorrow for my first testing. after I test, I will be posting my thoughts on Tang's cob thread, so check it out there.
as far as bio buckets go, i've set up and designed grows in the triple digits as far as buckets go. also one system that is 5- 25 bucket arrays so 5 different varieties are grown in one big flowering area. any questions and I'll be glad to help out if I can. you are correct, there is a ton of good info out there if you look and read up.

good luck bud,

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New member
Hey CM,

I'm getting ready to build my bio-bucket system and have some questions that I'm more curious about than anything. I've sat in Home Depot and Lowe's probably for hours staring at the various fittings they have and unfortunately both that are local to me don't carry a good amount of what's needed. But staring in the stores across town found most of what I need. I'm basically following and using the same fittings and materials that Big Toke outlined in his thread. I haven't found any black buckets but I figure insulation and spray paint will keep out most light.

To my questions...the bottom of the return line seems pretty far down from the top. Does the water line basically stay at the bottom of the return line fitting? Or does the supply 'overwhelm' it a bit so the water line is half way or even towards the top of the fitting?

If the water line is at the bottom, the 'net pot' that I repurposed will only have about it's bottom 1/3 in the water and that seems a bit low and a lot of the lava rock will stay dry enough that bennies (that word really annoys me but it's easier than typing it out) don't flourish. But maybe there is enough bubbling and splashing going on to keep them consistently damp? Maybe my 'pots' aren't as deep as the 8" BT spec'd? The 8" pots I found online seemed a bit overpriced and I don't have a local store I would risk going to as it's known the local cops stake it out and take pictures of license plates which has resulted in multiple grow busts. Anyways, I found some pool skimmer baskets at HD that are about 7.5" diameter and under $4 a piece and I figure they are made to sit in water and hold up to chlorine tablets. Maybe not ideal but will have to work this go round.

Also, what size holes did you cut in your lids? Looks a little smaller than 4"? If smaller, do you find that better? Would also be curious what fittings you used to go thru the bucket for the return line? And what size is your tent?

I have a 4'x4'x7' tent I've been using and have been contemplating how many buckets to go with. I think yours is about the same size (?) and if so do you feel like 6 is a good number? I was originally thinking about 5 in a U shape so I have a little room to get in to the plants. But started thinking the light would likely end up right over an empty spot which doesn't seem like a great use of light so I've been thinking 6 in 2 rows like yours is set up is probably the most logical and easiest to route everything.

I have a mag drive pump that is rated around 600 gph with a 2' head loss which I think should be adequate. Otherwise I have a 2100 gph which is way overkill. The smaller pump has a 3/4" outlet so I guess I will have a 3/4" supply line with 1/2" take-offs for each bucket. From BT's thread this sounds like it's on the small side but I'm just going with what the pump outlet offers. I would be curious what size you used? Or if you think I may run into problems?

Anyways, I'm rambling and I apologize for taking up a bunch of space in your thread. I type fast and didn't plan on it getting so long and I might should just start a new thread and will delete this? I originally was going to send you a message but I guess you need a bunch of posts before being able to do that. Anyways, if you have some time any input would be greatly appreciated. I'm disabled and not working so I would like to not have to redo anything which is why I haven't started drilling, cutting, and gluing yet.



New member
Geez, that's a lot longer than I thought!

Is there no way to edit a post once it's made? Only options I see are Quote and Quick Reply and multi Quote, but nothing about editing?

Sorry about the wall of text! I type fast and can't sleep and went a little crazy while watching some cheesy movie!

cravin morehead

Active member
Look through my albums and my other BB grows and you'll find some answers. I'll post some more answers when I have more time soon

Bobbo- too bad this run is almost over. but glad to have you join in. :smoke out: below is a drawing I put together for a few people to try out bio buckets without a big investment. I would recommend putting the res bucket outside of the grow area to help keep water temps down. also adding a float valve to auto top up the reservoir is ideal. one main key is a 8" net pot mounted to the inside of the bucket lid with a 2" hole in the lid itself. it helps keep a humid environment where the Bennie's live most. I like using a mixture of red, gray, and black lava rocks for the silica and other minerals each bring to the table. also, try to keep the main return line to the res as high as you can because that waterfall at the return provides all the oxygen for the system, no air pumps needed if done right. notice the grow bucket is on a slightly raised platform to help facilitate the main return line angle to flow back to the reservoir. I hope you can see it good enough. I also included a parts list to roughly get it going. if you have any specific questions, ask away I'm always glad to help someone get into bucketeering.

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=53518&pictureid=1248853&thumb=1]View Image[/url]

let me know if I can help,



Great results in your system, good to see it thanks.. I do something similar using a Trickle Tower (Wet/Dry filter) for bacterial colonies..

Do you have any issues priming the supply line (and pump) where it goes up and over the side of the reservoir? Or any issues with air locks? In my simplistic mind it would be more reliable to take the line from the bottom of the reservoir, or at least have the pump in the bottom of the reservoir..


cravin morehead

Active member
Crack'r- I'll just do my best to answer some of your questions. Here we go. The flow rate of each bucket can be regulated by adjusting flow with the ball valve installed at each bucket location. I run mine as open as possible without 'overwhelming' the drain. Height of water level is controlled somewhat too.
The little drawing BigToke provided in his posts is where your waterline should be. Lava wicks moisture very well
2" hole in lid. Works great.
Yes, same size tent. 6 buckets is great.
1800gph danner mag drive for me. More water exchange the better.
Look through my albums for build pics. Read the quote from Robbie on this page for more ideas.
READ BigTokes threads, all of them, understand them, don't stray too far from what he laid out, then play it out and be successful.

Good luck to you


cravin morehead

Active member
Robbie, BL, whoever you are, hahaha- thank you.
trickle tower bio filter, I first did that when I started messing with beneficial bacteria in my hydro set ups. In my experience I saw much greater root explosive growth when I let the Bennie's live in the lava medium itself. Right in the heart of the rootzone. But the trickle system did help.
It's not really shown in that drawing you linked to, but I have enough piping before my pump so it stays primed pretty well on its own. After power outages the pump just starts itself right back to pumping solution. I don't like to put the pump in the res because it heats the water up. I mainly go out the top of the res just to eliminate a possible leak location below the waterline in the res.

Zeke- thank bud. I've never needed anything other than what Dyna-gro supplies and bio buckets. Winning combo for sure!

Ha ha.. I am who I am, thats for sure...

Thanks for sharing your experience..

I also use a Protein skimmer for oxygenation, so I'm quite pleased at the combination at the minute..

Have you heard of a product called 'Matrix' or 'Pond Matrix' by seachem, its a refined Pumice made for Bacterial aquarium or pond filtration. It's on my list of improvements to replace hydroton for something more bacteria friendly..


EDIT: http://www.seachem.com/matrix.php
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New member
Hey CM! Hope things have been going well. Saw you post on Big Toke's thread recently so I hope you see this.

I posted on this thread almost 2 years ago. After more health issues and taking care of my (now) 4 year old daughter full time, time has been at a minimum. I also had to change locations, but I finally got my 6 bio buckets system in a 4'x4' tent going. It's been running for a couple months as I try to get some seeds going but for some reason absolutely none are popping. They are only 3 to 4 years old and kept in a dark dry spot that stays in the 60-70s. But I haven't had the first one pop which sucks because I've got probably $700 in seeds plus a few crosses I attempted with some pollen chunkin. Anyways...

Being in the hot and humid South I'm dealing with temps right now. I'm going to have to figure out some type of rez chiller but I'm curious what material you're using to insulate your buckets? I think I've seen something similar but have no idea what the name is? Does it seem to work well? Do you use anything else to chill your main reservoir?

I was going to try to send you a private message but I don't see the option. Probably don't have enough posts yet or something...

Hopefully I'll be running with some plants soon and can experience these BB first hand as they have been a long time coming. I had to take a few years off and then was almost set up with these when I had another big set back. Hopefully I'm close this time.

Hope all's well!

cravin morehead

Active member
Hey Crack'r-
Hopefully you can get up and running bio buckets soon. As far as bucket insulation, what I use is called Reflectix, I believe. I find it at Lowe's by me. It's near the water heaters and comes in like 25' rolls. I've also used regular foil backed house insulation wrapped around my buckets. Both seemed pretty equal. As far as a chiller, I do run one most of the time. It's a small eco plus brand, ¹/10 hp. I just pull reservoir water through the chiller and waterfall it back into the reservoir. Works great. In the south, like you are, I would run a chiller too. I don't need one most of the year here in SoCal. Hope this helps you reach bud Independence soon. It's a great feeling to enjoy the "fruits" of your labor. As far as popping stubborn seeds, I take an empty pill container and line it with fine grain sand paper. Put a seed or seeds in there and walk around a few hours or most of the day. The sandpaper will rough up the seed shell surface making it easier to let water in to begin germination. I've heard if people lightly sanding the edges of seeds too; for the same reason...
Good luck brother, I check in here once in awhile. Let me know if I can help out



New member
Thanks for the reply. I was a bit sleep deprived last time and I sure can ramble...

I've tried about 50 seeds from my stash so far and still haven't had any luck. I've tried the sand paper thing along with fulvic acid and kelp extract which is supposed to contain a hormone that is responsible for germination. It's like something happened to them as a new years ago it was pretty rare to not have one pop. Who knows but it sucks as I had some land race and sativa's I was really hoping to try.

My brother gave me 3 bag seeds from some "pineapple" crosses that would probably give you guys in the legal states a pretty good laugh. But they are all going and doing well so far and definitely moving a lot quicker since going in the buckets. Hopefully they will give me a good practice run while I start tracking down better genetics.

Anyways, at least I'm moving along. Also, I remember you had tried the fermented cobs. I need to track the thread down, but how did you like it? Have you bothered messing with it again? Did it make a noticeable and positive change? Hope to give that a try one day as well.

Thanks again

cravin morehead

Active member
Hey pal, yes I always cob up a portion of my harvests. I really like the difference. With most sativas I've cobbed, it really changed the effects. It reminds me of the good ole Thai stick days. After you get rolling along and got your grow/dry/cure procedures down, give it a try.
Good luck to you brother, hit me up if you think I can help you out.



New member
Hey, just wanted to say that I've had a couple grows now with the biobuckets and they are amazing. They are basically self growing except for adding more nutrients and pulling fan leaves. Not having to constantly worry about PH is awesome.

Setup needs some tweaking to totally eliminate smell and to deal with our high heat and humidity better, but the actual biobuckets work as advertised. I even added a line to a tray with lid and holes, with a return to the reservoir to put clones in and they root great and sit there until time to go in a bucket.

I had issues with my seeds not being viable and just ended up with one plant last grow, but it filled my tent and I ended up with 3/4 of a pound once dry which isn't bad in my book from 1 plant.

Hope everything is well and maybe one day these will catch on better as it's so simple once up and running.


I just finished some of beanho's sweet tooth waiting for them to dry but some nice fruity smells coming off them.

cravin morehead

Active member
Hey Crack'r! Hope all is well man. Great to hear you dove into bio buckets. They truly are amazing. Simple, efficient, and productive. I'm loving your cloning idea. I'm going to have to implement that myself. Thanks for the idea. I'm still loving these bio buckets. Set it and forget it growing for sure!



New member
Hey bro, Just wondering if you're okay? I'm not sure if you remember me but we used to speak a lot on here. I'm from Wales, if that rings a bell? Is there a way I can get hold of you so we can chat? There does not seem to be an option to message you on your profile. Do you have whatsApp on your phone bro?

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