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Bill unveiled to legalize medical Cannabis


Guys it's going to get legalized no matter what. It just takes some time for the industry to find a way to capitalize on our beloved plant. It's the reason why the pharmaceutical industry works with chemicals derived with plants instead of the plants themselves which work much better, and at the same time calling ancient, proven ways of healing with plants a scam. Looks like they're getting there now, with patents being taken on both Natural plants and GM'd plants, and it getting steadily but surely legalized everywhere...


When they outlawed alcohol, they people wanted it so bad the gov was forced to allow the alcohol industry to flourish. Very few average joes have the money to start up a legal distillery. It takes millions to start a small factory.
With MJ, the average joe can start a new grow op, legally, relatively cheap.
Its actually within reach for the lower class to make something of there financial lives.
To stop living pay check to pay check. Get out of debt and stimulate the economy with self sufficienc income. This would be a huge game changer for america. We could actually pay off our national debt within 20 years. Just off the taxes from the revenue earned.
But we must remember, we fight against principalities, powers of darkness, and spiritual forces in high places that are greedy and controlling that wont let this power and control over the millions of citizens go too easily.
They have the military might of the U.S armed forces at there right hands, and when the sleeping american slaves wake up to the fact that the gov uses disasters and violent crimes to gain a stronger grip over its people, the sleepers will arize without fear of loosing their lovely homes and land and fake freedoms. They will see right through the lies that the media uses to sway public opinion in there favor, and stand against the gov.
I forsee the gov getting much smaller.
The poorest americans getting left in a gutter.
The gov raising our taxes for more war.
The cost of gas and food sky rocketing.
Minimum wage staying at $9.00 hr.
I believe the age of steel. The industrial age, made only a few people beyond wealthy really quick and changed the landscape of american living, but at the same time, destroyed our economy and lives now, all while destroying the fragile Earth ecosystem.
It took away our liberties of owning land and farming for our vegies and raising cattle for our milk and meat. We dont ride horses anymore. No. We are enslaved to gasoline.
Do any of you, here on this thread, feel independant and free? I certainly dont.
I truly hope MJ brings that aspect of independant farming on ones own land back to the americas.


ruger 500
2 legal your shouting fire in movie theater ,you are very very soon to find out just what a place this will be when the christian are called terriorist ,the gift that was fought for by our fore farthers when the tried to seperate them selves from brittian and taxation ,you cant concieve the tax codes now ,if you could you would clearly see who is not paying there share ,the top 1% and the bottom feeders,who refuse to try and help them selves to anything more than more handouts ,have you ever seen the old movie the big fix ?it talks about electing a gov in cali that wants to re distribute the wealth ,please educate your self ,befor throwing rocks at the christians who made this country possable for you to speak out freely ,with you are now loosing and dont even know or care to know about ,obama will shurly be shot very soon ,his brother will be i should say ,youknowthats why his birth certificate was seald up ,it proves he was born a twin and seperated at birth,so he can be raised from the dead ,so the new 112th pope can point to him and say he is god in the flesh,and all will worship obamanation that makes desilation,yet you have all the answers to refute this even when it all takes place ,war is comeing to your neighborhood soon so join up with the tsa ,and keep speaking out ,it will make you famous


Well-known member
...please educate your self ,befor throwing rocks at the christians who made this country possable for you to speak out freely ,with you are now loosing and dont even know or care to know about ,obama will shurly be shot very soon ,his brother will be i should say ,youknowthats why his birth certificate was seald up ,it proves he was born a twin and seperated at birth,so he can be raised from the dead ,so the new 112th pope can point to him and say he is god in the flesh,and all will worship obamanation that makes desilation,yet you have all the answers to refute this even when it all takes place ,war is comeing to your neighborhood soon so join up with the tsa ,and keep speaking out ,it will make you famous

what a conspiracy theory bro...........talking abut needing faith to believe all that crock.................obummer a twin.....112th pope say hes god in flesh.

you need a Tin Foil hat sir............they are afer your brain.

i bet you was a 2012 er too but were all still here.

its amazing what the feeble minded fear.


2 Legal Co

Active member
Dam folks, I was only pointing out the We are an "electoral swing" group.... If we want to get what we want.

Surely not advocating violence or wars. They come way too soon as it is.

Thx again to the VA for the checks!


The government likes to control everything, good and bad. The problem with marijuana is they cant 100% control it since its so easy the grow ans distribute. All in all, this is just rediculas its still not legal.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
2 legal your shouting fire in movie theater ,you are very very soon to find out just what a place this will be when the christian are called terriorist ,the gift that was fought for by our fore farthers when the tried to seperate them selves from brittian and taxation ,you cant concieve the tax codes now ,if you could you would clearly see who is not paying there share ,the top 1% and the bottom feeders,who refuse to try and help them selves to anything more than more handouts ,have you ever seen the old movie the big fix ?it talks about electing a gov in cali that wants to re distribute the wealth ,please educate your self ,befor throwing rocks at the christians who made this country possable for you to speak out freely ,with you are now loosing and dont even know or care to know about ,obama will shurly be shot very soon ,his brother will be i should say ,youknowthats why his birth certificate was seald up ,it proves he was born a twin and seperated at birth,so he can be raised from the dead ,so the new 112th pope can point to him and say he is god in the flesh,and all will worship obamanation that makes desilation,yet you have all the answers to refute this even when it all takes place ,war is comeing to your neighborhood soon so join up with the tsa ,and keep speaking out ,it will make you famous

:bashhead::spank::snap out of it::pointlaug :stfu:


Tweet, email, write and phone your ELECTED representatives to support marijuana reform! I tweet mine every day like clockwork. This could mean your freedom, job, and overall well-being.



^^Yeah not enough people speak up, or maybe people dont know how to voice their opinions. I really like seeing how the MPP is helping out with this.

2 Legal Co

Active member
Tweet, email, write and phone your ELECTED representatives to support marijuana reform! I tweet mine every day like clockwork. This could mean your freedom, job, and overall well-being.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Thank you

that smell

I have to agree with GP73, the 5 groups are the ones who hold the chips. Lobbyist for the for profit prison complex, alcohol,tobacco and big pharma all throw billions of dollars to the politicians to support their interests. The cops arrest people so they can get more militarized equipment so they can arrest more people so they can get more equipment so they can arrest more people. These groups are not going down without a bloody fight. Would you? Not just marinol on the market but also sativex coming to a country near you. But no marijuana has no medical benifits. Big pharma has actually said regarding lawsuits pertaining to deaths from meds that it is more profitable to pay families millions of dollars and leave the drug on the market than it is to pull the drug . 1 pill from a company can make billions alone and which drug company has only one pill? The govt knows this and says oh ok. I also believe that when the giants can be the ones making the billions off of weed Then it will be decriminalized. The prison complex has corrupted police depts and judges ,lawers more than they already were to place people who should never be incarcerated in jails and prisons. Fact also. look it up. My 2 cents

2 Legal Co

Active member
Weeeeellll, did anybody see the 'news' regarding Colorado 'retail' exploratory committee?

Said something about for the first yeat the Dispensaries will be the retail outlets.... until other policies can be put together.

Regarding the taxes; They then proceeded to frame out how the taxes would be structured.

For a $30 purchase, there would be a 'wholesale tax' already paid and included, then there would be sales tas, then there would be a 'Marijuana Tax'........... All totaled? ......... Right at $50 on a sale of product with a cost of less than $25........ Yeah right.

I think I'll just buy some additional equipment and continue to Make my own.

Looks like the state has been persuaded to be greedy, keeping the Black Market alive. Good news for some growers who don't mind being out there. Hell might even keep the Cartels in business for a while longer? Seems that they think us 'sinners' should pay extra.

Oh well, as long as I can get and make seeds. I think I can keep myself in smoke, harvesting 3 plants a year,,,, welll maybe 2 runs of 3 each. :laughing: or 3 runs.... I do have friends to support as well.

Before I get too vocal, I suppose I should find out what the 'sin' tax is on alcohol?