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Bill O'Reilly took a poll on legalizing weed. You'll never guess what happened next.


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Caught him online whining about all the "stoners who notified all their stoned friends on the pot friendly websites" to go vote in the poll. Thus making the poll invalid. LOL
B.O. likes to spout about a poll when it favors his view but he didnt bother mentioning that this action/result could also be applied to all polls conducted on the internet. Not just the ones he disagrees with.


, The Ghost of
The people have spoken. The real people, the citizenry of the USA.

Time for the Legislature and Senate in DC to get off their lazy, self-serving, fat cat asses and do the job we hired them to do.


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I still don't like Bill though.
Its all politically driven and they all support war, debt , and more authoritarian laws. So its only on the surface that they seem to disagree. You will get all the above mentioned problems that effect everyone negatively with the feel good sensation of having "done something" or "having a national conversation" about it in a knee jerk manner without having any of the facts or without the partisan spin. Any decent is dismissed as crazy and extremist. If that does not work then they will call for laws to deter it.

Bill only enjoys "national conversations" with people that agree with him. everyone else is "biased"... LOL! what an asshole.

jpt again

Caught him online whining about all the "stoners who notified all their stoned friends on the pot friendly websites" to go vote in the poll. Thus making the poll invalid. LOL
B.O. likes to spout about a poll when it favors his view but he didnt bother mentioning that this action/result could also be applied to all polls conducted on the internet. Not just the ones he disagrees with.

I have no doubt all the Bible thumpers and anti-cannabis groups were doing the same thing.:biggrin: jpt


Well-known member
I have no doubt all the Bible thumpers and anti-cannabis groups were doing the same thing.:biggrin: jpt

you might be surprised at how many religious people take the same view that we do, that He gave us all of the seed-bearing plants & dominion over the animals for our use. many church-goers have no issue with smoking pot, nor with alcohol. it is the MISUSE & ABUSE that they take issue with, as do many non-religious folks. it is not the people that really believe that bother me, it is those that know better & deny for their own purposes...


Well-known member
Bill O'Reilly is one of those people we all know from our past. Like the big pot smoker now turned mister straight or the hippy chick free love sex drugs and rock and roll turned soccer mom PTA president that hide their pasts.

Bill was a pot smoking hippy/beatnik that did stories of bands and festivals but now hides his past. TURNCOATS!

9 pictures down on this link.


This is my local news.
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ICMag Donor
wrong. John Stossel is cool. Bill hates him, LOL! :biggrin:

I was going to post this. John Stossel has been against the war on drugs for as long as I can remember. He believes in limited government and personal freedom, including the freedom to get high.

If you read the comments on the different news sites, you'll see they're overwhelmingly pro-legalization. Even on the conservative sites.


Well-known member
I watch Bill from time to time, u know, for the comedy.

he CAN be entertaining, he IS intelligent, but he IS an egocentric prick that is unable to consider anyones opinion but his own as having any merit whatsoever... there is no one so dangerous as the son of a bitch that is convinced that he & he alone knows the truth.


Active member
he CAN be entertaining, he IS intelligent, but he IS an egocentric prick that is unable to consider anyones opinion but his own as having any merit whatsoever... there is no one so dangerous as the son of a bitch that is convinced that he & he alone knows the truth.

It's really worse than that. He's a highly paid mouthpiece for everything right wing who created this persona who has no problem purveying what he knows is snake oil. He shamelessly panders to fools, mocks them the whole time.


Caught him online whining about all the "stoners who notified all their stoned friends on the pot friendly websites" to go vote in the poll. Thus making the poll invalid.

I could say that all the non-pot people called all their friend to vote against it, But instead their friends have a brain and voted for it instead.


No other news network has done more damage to the minds of America by dumping their biased agendas unto the mainstream conscious. I stopped watching television years ago because watching news networks like "Faux" would literally make me feel sick and I would feel dirty inside, like my mind had been raped by Rupert Murdoch himself. Boycott Pig News!

Yea it is called MSNBC followed by CNN.:laughing:

The most fact based news source in the states is ONE AMERICA NEWS. Very refreshing.
Did see something on facebook about this poll and Bill's audience was voting against legilizing it something like 95% to 5%. After one day of the news of the poll hitting all the other people that don't watch Bill, you know regular people, changed the voting in favor of legilizing like alcohol. Originally they only had something like 5-6000 votes total after his show, then one day later as news spread of the poll 60+ thousand voted in favor. Surprised Faux news didn't remove the poll before anyone else could change the outcome.
It's a shame so many people believe faux or anything that comes from that network. A recent research firm conducted a truth in news reporting and found most of the news Faux spews is incorrect and wrong. Go figure, It has replaced PBS in the south and midwest.

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