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Bill O'Reilly took a poll on legalizing weed. You'll never guess what happened next.


ICMag Donor
Bill O'Reilly took a poll on legalizing weed. You'll never guess what happened next.
When Bill O'Reilly issued a poll on his site about marijuana legalization, he probably didn't expect users to come out swinging for the pro-weed crowd. And yet, that's exactly what happened.
On July 28, Bill O'Reilly asked his site's visitors their opinions on "the move to legalize marijuana for recreational use." The poll had two answer choices: "It should be legal, like alcohol" and "Dangerous idea with many unintended consequences."
That's an echo of Bill O'Reilly's own statement on Monday night that "the legalization of marijuana is still full of unintended consequences." But after more than 68,000 people responded, 89 percent of those polled said that marijuana should be legalized, "like alcohol."
Now, it's possible O'Reilly's online poll got hijacked. Online polls are notoriously unreliable, because respondents are just whomever decides to click. Still, previous polls by Gallup and Pew have shown that a majority of Americans support legal weed, and seeing the data reinforced on a right-wing website really drives home the fact. Check out the screenshots of the poll, taken Thursday afternoon, below. --Meghan DeMaria

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if it smells like fish
I should be able to buy my weed at the liquor store lol... not that I would but it should be an option


Active member
Bill, where is Water's on this? Keep it up people, even the big republicans are starting to cover the will of the people when it comes to cannabis. We have almost won, OVERGROW THE WORLD!!!!


Well-known member
Normally if Bill O said the sky was blue, I'd have to stick my head outside just to be sure. But I give him credit for providing the results, even if he himself disagrees with legalization and thinks there will be unintended consequences. He's a gasbag, and I don't like him, but he just did us all a good service. He could have claimed the opposite and plenty of his viewers would have believed it.


Active member
Anyone on Fox (Faux ) News is an asshat, but I love the results. Where can I go and vote Legalize IT? Peter Tosh is smiling somewhere.


Active member
From my experience everyone loves weed. Weed transcends all religions, all ethnicities all classes, every continent and all political leanings, it really is a miracle plant. I even know some hardcore conservatives that love to smoke weed. Anyone with half a brain can see it's harmless and much less damaging to society then many things that are legal.

You could smoke weed for 24hrs straight and not die but if you drank a couple of cups of salt water and be dead as a doornail.


Active member
Bill O'Reilly = Neo-con, Trotskyite trash.

Bill O'Reilly and Stewie Griffin


Well-known member
Normally if Bill O said the sky was blue, I'd have to stick my head outside just to be sure. But I give him credit for providing the results, even if he himself disagrees with legalization and thinks there will be unintended consequences. He's a gasbag, and I don't like him, but he just did us all a good service. He could have claimed the opposite and plenty of his viewers would have believed it.

I bet Bill about shit a lung out on the floor when he saw the results, LOL! now he will say "and THIS is why we must protect the people from themselves! they just don't UNDERSTAND!" well Bill, we do, actually. it is morons like YOU that do not understand. GET YOUR DAMN BOOT OFF OF OUR NECK!:woohoo:
No other news network has done more damage to the minds of America by dumping their biased agendas unto the mainstream conscious. I stopped watching television years ago because watching news networks like "Faux" would literally make me feel sick and I would feel dirty inside, like my mind had been raped by Rupert Murdoch himself. Boycott Pig News!


New member
No other news network has done more damage to the minds of America by dumping their biased agendas unto the mainstream conscious. I stopped watching television years ago because watching news networks like "Faux" would literally make me feel sick and I would feel dirty inside, like my mind had been raped by Rupert Murdoch himself. Boycott Pig News!

I'm certainly no Conservative, but I have to take issue with this "Faux News" shit being the only biased news outlet.

You can't call them bias without mentioning MSNBC or CNN. I'm sorry, I don't care if you are Conservative or Democrat...network news is completely irresponsible on both sides.
I don't watch ANY of them. They all tell you what they want you to hear.
And kudos to Bill, he could have hidden these results but he didn't. Not even Rachel Maddow has that much integrity.


Active member
I'm certainly no Conservative, but I have to take issue with this "Faux News" shit being the only biased news outlet.

You can't call them bias without mentioning MSNBC or CNN. I'm sorry, I don't care if you are Conservative or Democrat...network news is completely irresponsible on both sides.
I don't watch ANY of them. They all tell you what they want you to hear.
And kudos to Bill, he could have hidden these results but he didn't. Not even Rachel Maddow has that much integrity.


I still don't like Bill though.
Its all politically driven and they all support war, debt , and more authoritarian laws. So its only on the surface that they seem to disagree. You will get all the above mentioned problems that effect everyone negatively with the feel good sensation of having "done something" or "having a national conversation" about it in a knee jerk manner without having any of the facts or without the partisan spin. Any decent is dismissed as crazy and extremist. If that does not work then they will call for laws to deter it.


Well-known member
This plant is grown from water, soil and sun how much more natural can you get? Its about damn time people realize it and stop all this non sense. I can't wait for the days when I start to see marijuana commercials on tv.


Active member
people need to wake up
obviously weed should be legal but if the powers that shouldnt be didnt have it as part of the their agenda then it'd be illegal forever. they dont give a fuck bout what we think or want.
there is a hidden agenda here and it aint in our favour

at the very least the elite see it as soma for our times

Grass Lands

They have seen the light...the gov now understand they can make more revenue by legalizing and controlling the cannabis industry then they can make incarcerating people....


Active member
I think that public opinion on this subject is kinda like an avalanche. Nothing seems to happen for a long while, just more snow on the mountain, but once it starts it's unstoppable.

It's been building for 50 years, particularly with acceptance of MMJ. Success here in CO & maybe in WA (who knows?) are the triggers setting it loose.

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