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Biggest possible BHO tube?



Again I say where did I ask a question? Don't jump into a convo and start preaching how I'm(or anyone else) is wrong, and again I say that you misunderstood what I was saying. I never asked a question.

HMK just told you that I was right, what is your point? Am I going to have to ask Gypsy to close the thread or something, just stop this nonsence. Get a life man.


HMK, for sure with kief , dry sift and bubble, all of which i have used as mediums vary GREATLY in color, wheras leaf of at least decent quality will make an outstanding product, just not very high yield.
And how else am i supposed to get into a conversation dank, raise my hand? and for the record i was one of the first people to post in this thread, so get off it like i'm new to the topic.... and i have no idea how HMK said you were right, he claimed a valid point of color of oil can be darker, and in some cases(like yours) black. and i'm sorry that you feel it necisarry to give me a bad rep because i contradict your all mighty opinion. some people can dish it out but can't take it back.


honey oil addict
i dont agree that leaf will make outstanding product, but i am pretty picky. i wont smoke leaf oil. i give my leaf away after lightly skuffing it.


for personal consumption I usually stick to bud oil. but on occasion, when the trim is perfect, i have made oil to this day one of the best runs in 7 years of oil, but buds still hold the crown. but please anyone who grows great herb, your trim can make a fantastic product for sale or consumption. with butane and trim you will yield more than sifting it. but sifting trim, IMO, is a superior product 95% of the time through my trials. but the magic trim was fresh humboldt blueberry trim(dj shorts). :canabis: i wish everyone the experiance i have had with great trim.... :rasta:


honey oil addict
it was nice tasty oil eh? i made some tasty oil from trim before i remember too. just not sure if it would live up to my standards now.


Dude my point is that when I say something you try to discredit it, and when HMK says something you say something like "well it wasn't totally black, dank your an idiot you said black, black" you started the name calling pal and you didn't read everything well, I know what you were doing you were skimming through and you have a big head and try to be the guy who allways sounds right, even after someone tells you otherwise you try to play it off. Yea leaf oil is better than smoking trim but it is in no way as good as bud oil, and unless your trim is well cured(chlorophyll brokendown) and even then the oil will come out black or possibly very dark brown. Just stop trying to sound right all the time man I've tried to get you to stop bickering with me but you kept on and that is why i gave you a negative rep point.


extremely tasty, the fruity flavor was mild but came through well, very nice clear amber and solid at room temp. but i never grind the trim up, enless i'm trying to milk the product for quantity and not quality.

you win, you keep on with your awsome calyx theory, and black oil. :bow:


Active member
I'll take some pics of the tubes and the final product. I've been busy and haven't really done too much of it yet. Plus we need more butane. So it's kind of on the back burner for the moment.

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