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bigger yields with guano


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
^ the no drain holes I see no problem, just make sure if you over water your gonna be waterlogging for a couple days, and not sure how you can do a lift test on that, I guess your going by feel

the three in each "pot" look at home together


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
I use 1/3 worm castings 1/3 perlite 1/3 coco coir. i add 2 tablespoons per square foot of both lime and bone meal.

your adding 2 tbsp per square foot or per gallon?

never heard 2 tbsp for a square foot before

Clackamas Coot

Active member
Thanks man, I find it makes life much easier for my and the plants. They seem to love it I am just wondering if the no run off will cause me problems late in flower.

What do you think?


I purchased these small vents a Loew's last night:


My thought was to take a tub like the one that you're using and filling the bottom with 4-5" with pumice and placing these vents along the sides and at the ends midway at the pumice level.

What do you think?



Okay, I can see I'm kicking a dead horse on this forum so I'll kick the can instead, one more time.

Your response shows that you are applying traditional chemical techniques to organic growing. When I grew the plants I mentioned, they yellow all on their own as they go through the end of life flower production (as Maryjohn mentioned). All annual flower producing plants do this. If you are able to delay this process by using your fertilizers, then there is something rotten in Denmark because this should only occur with soluble (chem) fertilizers. NPK is really not applicable to organic growing, no matter whose technique you use. Don't believe me. Phone OMRI and ask one of their research people what the meaning is of NPK ratings on organic substances (especially compost/vermicompost) You know those 'how to grow marijuana books' treasured by many? They are mostly wrong.

I do not agree with how you conduct yourself in this forum but I do agree with this statement.
they yellow all on their own as they go through the end of life flower production (as Maryjohn mentioned). All annual flower producing plants do this.

BTW long before you came here with your microscope and scientific methods we were working this out for 25 years........ alone.

But I do appreciate the added boost we get from discussing these things with you.

Now I am growing is a closed bed system so we shall put this theory to the test. At the cost of me and my wife smoking our medicine with possible effects from nutrient build up that would effect the taste and the way it burns......we shall see.

And I would not phone OMRI. For what? To buy a fake certification?

You know those 'how to grow marijuana books' treasured by many? They are mostly wrong.

Then write us one that is perfect and we shall never need another.....nor another proven method. I would buy it in a New York minute.

Now as far as the Compost tea thread goes........there was very little information to go by then....... that was before all the commercial band wagon jumpers showed up with their NEW found methods and microscopes we were working on that for decades. Just like REZDOG said.
I personally have been growing on and off for 25 years and have experimented with everything......just like this grow. It is the only way to learn for yourself.

But you do have some good concepts now and again that warrant a look into just for curiosity´s sake.

But to be quit honest with you........I would go with my fellow growers first....Jaykush-Crazy Composer, Ver-Rezdog Jackthegrower and so on . Even if their methods are not derived from the scientific world where you live.

Give it your best shot Microman, we are waiting for your answer.

Thanks for your contributions BTW.



^ the no drain holes I see no problem, just make sure if you over water your gonna be waterlogging for a couple days, and not sure how you can do a lift test on that, I guess your going by feel

the three in each "pot" look at home together

Ya, I d the lift test. After building houses for 26 years, lifting these pots is not so hard.

Thanks for the input.




I purchased these small vents a Loew's last night:


My thought was to take a tub like the one that you're using and filling the bottom with 4-5" with pumice and placing these vents along the sides and at the ends midway at the pumice level.

What do you think?


I did put about 4 inches of Clay gravel in the bottom. Never thought of the air vents though. Great idea. I have 2 containers sitting so I might run that one next. Placing them above water level would be great.....adding air near the root system but not allowing the water to drain. It gets better the more I think about it.



Active member
Is it me or is there a bit of a blowback against the food soil web folks? There really is no threat to any people, and if the current tradition is so great there is no need to defend it by attacking its critics. It's just thuggish, and I have the pm's to prove it.

Kind of a shame, it's the future of cultivation. Now I see guys who probably came out of the 70's engaged in a generational struggle of sorts with people who got started in the 80's or 90's. Take a toke, and understand that seasons change. Your work was not in vain, but it's not over either. Pioneers should be celebrated, not deified.

Calling microbe commercial is a bit silly. He's encouraging people away from all those silly bottled nutes, which seem to work just like chem nutes.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
Is it me or is there a bit of a blowback against the food soil web folks?

its just you. and if you were here before microbeman and ct guy got here you would know what Von is talking about. we love the soil food web and anyone who thinks otherwise needs a big fat bong rip to clear the mind.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
I would surmise that vonforne is the very last person/poster that I would suggest to being 'anti Soil Food Web' - in fact I would proffer that he's the epitome of their methods and processes.

That's my opinion based on reading his posts for over 2 years.



CT Guy

its just you. and if you were here before microbeman and ct guy got here you would know what Von is talking about. we love the soil food web and anyone who thinks otherwise needs a big fat bong rip to clear the mind.

I felt like I better chime in. I stumbled across this site about a year ago and saw some info. that I disagreed with in regards to compost tea. I got ripped up for the first month for being commercial, not because I was promoting my products, but because I didn't disguise my background either. I don't "sell" on this forum and if you go back and look at my posts you'll see that I give plenty of info. in regards to making your own CT systems and such.

That being said, I feel like I buried the hatched with Vonforne and others. I realize that many of you have been growing since I was in diapers. I try to only chime in on subjects that I have some knowledge, and realize that many people have developed techniques that have proven effective without ever touching a microscope or reading on the "Soil Food Web."

Personally, I like the balance on here between "science" and "experience." I enjoy the passion and creativity that many of you on this site bring to growing. Some of the suggestions have improved the way I brew my tea and source my materials.

I like the idea of a forum where everyone can raise questions and give answers. I feel like we're pretty close to that ideal, with the occasional disagreement. As long as we stay focused on the issue in question and don't make it about a person's background or them personally, but rather judge it soley on the merit, then I think we'll be good.

I like all you guys!


Clackamas Coot

Active member
I've done far more in promoting CT Guy and his company than he ever has. Not because I was looking for a 'deal' - I wasn't. In fact when I've ordered products from KIS I paid the full retail deal which was/is a friggin' bargain, IMHO.

Those who accuse CT Guy of trying to 'gild the lily' are not just misinformed - they're criticizing something/someone that they know little about.

And I make that statement from talking with others in the organic growing paradigm - like folks from Yelms Worms, SFI, et al.

He's far more legitimate than the companies promoted by the 'grow store' clowns.



follow your heart
ICMag Donor
^ as CT says, it takes a mixture, is there ever black and white?

I have been growing only on and off for a year and don't know shit, but the second I popped a seed I was hooked and came here to read from the "pros" as I wanted to learn as much as I could being the perfectionist I am..

the beauty is that there are a million ways to grow, and science has it's merits, and so does the people growing in third world counties and continue to grow year after year without science and high tech methods. what works for some won't for others, but the beauty is in diversity.. even if the chemical guys are using chemical, there growing the plant and we must focus on the good and not the bad to continue on..

ok after writing this I have no clue how it pertains to anything.. HAHA, good vibes to whatever method gets the job done


Active member
Sweet. I was hoping it was just me.

Got scared the other day when someone actually used the term reverend to refer to another.

CT Guy

Sweet. I was hoping it was just me.

Got scared the other day when someone actually used the term reverend to refer to another.

I also respond to "Your Highness" and "Master" :laughing:

I think we all get along fairly well, and even the new people have something to share.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
I felt like I better chime in. I stumbled across this site about a year ago and saw some info. that I disagreed with in regards to compost tea. I got ripped up for the first month for being commercial, not because I was promoting my products, but because I didn't disguise my background either. I don't "sell" on this forum and if you go back and look at my posts you'll see that I give plenty of info. in regards to making your own CT systems and such.

haha i agree, when you guys showed up the shit hit he fan lol. but now i consider you guys regulars, even though both sides were a bit stubborn at first we all seem to get along fine now. and it wasn't you being commercial, it was just commercial product itself, before this forum was VERY do it yourself.


great thread, now that you've all made nice, back to work-
how do you flush a plant that is growing in the ground? doesn't this question of flushing need to include a discussion about containers versus the ground?
we all agree that the plant dies in the process of producing flowers so leaves yellowing
and falling off is proper.

pretty tough to flush a plant that is living in the ground, how do you do that? in order to achieve what some have mentioned here you would have to grow in a container in order to control what you describe as nutrition.

If the plant is going thru a death dance does it not know what it needs? if growing in an organic medium that is very healthy won't the plant turn yellow even if there is nutrition in the medium by virtue of it's natural process? Every plant i have ever grown has yellowed at the end of the cycle some more than others but i find that to be a genetic issue. If you never use a chemical and don't over fert your plants by the end of the life cycle haven't they essentially flushed themselves? i've tried every method i've ever read or heard of, from flooding them to letting them starve and everything in between, good genes make good herb imo. but i still flush, ha ha

Clackamas Coot

Active member

The whole 'flushing' deal is based on the hydroponic growing paradigm, i.e. it has ABSOLUTELY no basis in any level of SCIENCE, i.e. it's strictly a 'stoner grow' deal and little else.

As one poster noted that when talking about growing 'dope' that science can't be considered because this is some kind of 'special plant' which dictates that a 'new science' must be applied to understand this 'special process'

Laughable to say the least.



dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
how do you flush a plant that is growing in the ground?

i grow in the ground and you don't. if you tried it could cause more harm than good.
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Active member
i have read some posts on this forum that recommend slicing 1/3 of the main stem off the bottom of the plant to simulate a flush, others use nails and stuff to peirce the stem.

this is the closest i have read to being able to flush an outdoor ground grown plant. but please i have no xp on this subject so thats my 2 cents - please get the real methods for this stuff from people who practise this themselves.