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big plant ppk


Hi Delta! I've been studying your system for sometime now and finally figured it out :D
I've got a couple of questions: Instead of using the big brute trash can outside can't I just put the control bucket outside to mix ferts and use longer hoses connecting to the PPK bottom bucket? Or is there a need for the brute trash can that I am missing?

Also, I was wondering what are your ppms for veg/bloom using jacks cal/nit? How are you mixing each per gallon? I am just confused if this is a hydro system or soil. Where should my pH be for optimal absorption?

Last but not least, what is that tiny pen like device you have injected into the turface?

Thank you for taking your time to read this. I am so happy to have stumbled upon your threads. Have a nice day Delta!

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
i feel like a douche asking this lol but is all turface the same? i googled it and find all different brands and types. i think i remember someone mentioning NAPA as a source or was that for something else? i really wanna try this out.

do you think this would be an OK medium in my ebb and grow buckets if i screened off the hoses or am i just asking for clogs/failure?


I will be the first to admit I have neg repped people just because that where I swipe the screen up on my phone. Don't take it personal. Not sayin I have done it on the vert forum but I have done it.
Now D9. If I could persuade you to switch to an organic soil with horizontal lighting.
I feel you would do better.
I am sure you need to spend more on nutes too.
Your just not trying.


No Jive Productions
some captions:

first we have #1 at 2 weeks and about 20 in. laterals have been flattened and the shoots on them are growing strongly out towards the front. i broke one that is not going to recover. i'll take two cuts off #1 today so i can get to my first un-stalled clone in 3 weeks.

roots popping up out of the medium, arcing over, and then diving back in. it would be cool to get a time lapse of this gazelle like leap. a bunch of them leaping out at random like dolphin or something. have you ever watched earthworms leap out of the soil when a mole approaches? if there are a bunch of worms they will leap out and run at high wormspeed in random directions. what intense drama. it's fun to fuck with the worms and vibrate the ground pretending to be a mole.

enough wormshit! then we have #2 at one week. considering that it looked like #3 to the far right a week ago it's coming along ok. no training or flattening yet. i'l do it in a few days.

.i am computer illiterate. these are the captions for post # 119


No Jive Productions
Hi Delta! I've been studying your system for sometime now and finally figured it out :D
I've got a couple of questions: Instead of using the big brute trash can outside can't I just put the control bucket outside to mix ferts and use longer hoses connecting to the PPK bottom bucket? Or is there a need for the brute trash can that I am missing?

Also, I was wondering what are your ppms for veg/bloom using jacks cal/nit? How are you mixing each per gallon? I am just confused if this is a hydro system or soil. Where should my pH be for optimal absorption?

Last but not least, what is that tiny pen like device you have injected into the turface?

Thank you for taking your time to read this. I am so happy to have stumbled upon your threads. Have a nice day Delta!

hi, thank you!

please look at the build in this thread. it is superior to all of my personal previous builds.

you are thinking about the separate control and float buckets that i started with 3.5 years ago. in that configuration i used a control bucket outside the reservoir with the float bucket feeding it so the solution pathway was a little different from what you see now.

if you look at the reservoir in this thread you see the one gal container bolted to the wall with the float in it. this is the float and level control bucket and also performs the role of a nutrient injector.

this change is just a slightly different pathway using different shaped and size
containers but is essentially the same thing.

in both iterations you will need an elevated tank to feed the float. mixing new solution in this elevated tank instead of your reservoir gets you a more stable solution. also this "volume tank" puts a stable, pre-mixed solution into a stable, premixed solution minimizing the effects on the chemistry and therefore ph.

and the elevated volume tank is what gets you the time away you need with your busy schedule as a marijuana tycoon. i've got three brute 44's linked for a tank in flower and i can go 5-7 days without remixing.

you still need a tank outside the reservoir feeding a float valve or you will have a fluctuating level in the entire system and you don't want that.

running this system without a continuous input ramps up the ec and then ph goes down.

i'm not sure i have answered your question but i don't have a clear understanding of your space.

in the ppk thread i used 600 ppm for everything a lot of the time. this worked well but i was not using co2 there.

now with co2 i find i need a stronger solution so i'm using about ec 2 for input in veg and about 1.6 in flower. but this doesn't mean that these levels are ideal for you and your environment. you will need to monitor your reservoir for a while in a new location to get a feel for the rate the plants are consuming both water and nutes. if the reservoir ec level is climbing you lower your ec input to steer it back down. if it is dropping you increase. changing rh can cause you to compensate, too.

the entire device is tunable to the particular set of environmental variables that you have.

the little pen like object is a digital meat thermometer. is it done yet?

really the best way to go about this is to find someone here whose style and space is similar to yours and duplicate it. then as you operate it everything just snaps into place theory wise. it's very simple and straightforward.

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No Jive Productions
i feel like a douche asking this lol but is all turface the same? i googled it and find all different brands and types. i think i remember someone mentioning NAPA as a source or was that for something else? i really wanna try this out.

do you think this would be an OK medium in my ebb and grow buckets if i screened off the hoses or am i just asking for clogs/failure?

hey! turface is just a brand of calcined clay. it comes from a deposit in georgia. diamond pro is another brand of calcined clay that comes from a deposit in mississippi. playball is another from missouri.

there are more deposits all over the world that are suitable. alluvial flood plains build up millions of years of clay deposits. clay is fine particle ablated by natural processes from rocks and minerals. all types. so the chemistry at each site is a little different. there is a classification system for clays.

ok, enough background. what happens when these clays are calcined, or kiln fired, is that they are turned into a permanent ceramic just like your aunties figurines. and become largely inert. so this is a long ass way of saying that they are all different but all the same too.

particle size and characteristics are much more important than the substance itself.

the napa stuff, the 8822, is diatomaceous earth, which is formed by the skeletal remains of diatoms.

most of the use of these materials is in heavy industry, not agriculture.

i'm not sure how your ebb and gro buckets operate so i don't know how it will work there.
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No Jive Productions
I will be the first to admit I have neg repped people just because that where I swipe the screen up on my phone. Don't take it personal. Not sayin I have done it on the vert forum but I have done it.
Now D9. If I could persuade you to switch to an organic soil with horizontal lighting.
I feel you would do better.
I am sure you need to spend more on nutes too.
Your just not trying.

the neg rep button shouldn't even be there. it encourages folks to be mean! my philosophy is if you like something fine if you don't keep your fucking mouth shut.

i have a problem with organic soil. as a liver transplant person i am on anti-rejection drugs for life. these compromise your immune system and make you more susceptible to disease vectors.

one of these diseases is caused by aspergillis. it is a common organism in all organic soils.

i have listened to the medical personnel describe what it does to people as they die from it. they all have serious looks of horror on their faces as they describe what they have seen.

i don't need that shit!

so the organic experiments will have to be done by someone else. i'm fascinated by the possibilities. i wonder why no one has tried it in one of these yet. if there ever was a device suitable for organic hydro this is it.

i know i'm a slouch and will try to step up the pace as soon as i finish doing this series of 5 hour energy drink commercials. you may have seen me; "my debut album". but still i have world domination, finding a cure for cancer, and ending world hunger to get through before i can devote any time to anything else.



i always wondered why you never did more with your nutes.
i cant imagine silica and a chelating agent not giving you way better results.


No Jive Productions
i always wondered why you never did more with your nutes.
i cant imagine silica and a chelating agent not giving you way better results.

i have done a lot of experimenting with nutes in the past. some since the ppk but most before then.

all the hydro store overpriced, hyped up, crap.

some attempts at mixing my own raw bulk salts. which worked to some extent but there is just no way that an individual, even one growing huge quantities, can buy this stuff in bulk quantities cheap enough to beat jrpeterslab, haifa chemicals, total gro, scotts, and all these other corporations that buy truck loads. you might be able to buy the stuff at that price break but you probably will not live long enough to use it. in addition these people at jrpeters have 60 years producing for the greenhouse industries. they are real nice folks too!

turface, or calcined clay as we should be calling it rather than giving a single producer a head start, has a high silica content. that fine dust has tremendous surface area. no matter how well you wash there will still be some fine dust in there. look just inside the rim of my containers above. that's the dust adhering to the walls. it adheres to everything else too. i think it acts as a contact prophylactic. it also has a feel to it that i found shocking at first.

you know that sports resin that is used in various sports? baseball pitchers use it. pole vaulters. i know you're down under and don't have baseball but you have seen it and touched it before somewhere i'm sure.

that non-skid feel. well, the container walls feel like that. to me that indicates bio-exchange of some kind. there is something going on chemically. probably cation exchange. this would describe chelation too. although i don't think there are a lot of toxic heavy metals in this system or the nutes there are probably some. they're everywhere.


Still Learning
Hello D9.. I see you've been busy! I've been trying to get environment and 'process timing' down and havent paid close attention to your threads.. sucess is hard to part with
but let me ask, when was it that you found the 1/2" hose is OK? WAY BACK (PPK Thred) I thought the thought process was that it exchanged juice too fast. Does your new (to me) controll within pulse tub that quicker exchange is OK? I'm happy as hell with the tire valve 3/8 black tube but the 1/2 inch tube and 1/2" plastic connections would be easier to work with, although a little more expensive... just getting around to building a screen for the NAPA floor dry, been just washing it 2-3 times.. works ok but your new designs have me thinking.. I thought you reached your PPK satifaction level when you moved and built your new space. I shoulda known you didnt.. you've made me an addict... a PPK addict..>>>forever thankful for you direction..


Snook the new setup allows for saturation pulses ie. filling the top container completely and quickly to displace the old "used" air and to quickly drain once the pulse completes. The quicker the system settles down is more time the plant roots sit in optimum conditions. So you want a quick complete pulse followed by a quick complete drain in this instance. This has proven to grow large plants even move quickly than the older tire valve setup was capable of doing. In effect you are watering the medium rather than the plant to keep the air, feed, water ratio at an optimum level for the greatest time possible. D9 currently feeds day and night to achieve this. Hope this helps.


Well-known member
I believe MULE MIX is another calcined clay product which may be available to those who cant source Turface.


Still Learning
Snook the new setup allows for saturation pulses ie. filling the top container completely and quickly to displace the old "used" air and to quickly drain once the pulse completes. The quicker the system settles down is more time the plant roots sit in optimum conditions. So you want a quick complete pulse followed by a quick complete drain in this instance. This has proven to grow large plants even move quickly than the older tire valve setup was capable of doing. In effect you are watering the medium rather than the plant to keep the air, feed, water ratio at an optimum level for the greatest time possible. D9 currently feeds day and night to achieve this. Hope this helps.

I came in on the PPK on page 7 of the original PPK thread, now I feel like a nube.. HA,, it can only get better...


. i wonder why no one has tried it in one of these yet. if there ever was a device suitable for organic hydro this is it. .

i have world domination, finding a cure for cancer, and ending world hunger to get through before i can devote any time to anything else.


There was someone asking about this a couple months ago I helped them figure out how to use the wick with an organic medium I forget who it was said they were going to try it out. I will try and go threw the thread and find it mite take a bit seeing all pages of conversations on the PPK thread lol. Once its mainstreamed more peeps will be experimenting with these bet on it..

also next to world domination, the cure for cancer and world hunger has been accomplished if you take the PPK or multiple and grow your own food and medicine in a skyscraper, a blizzard, arid desolate areas( as long as you have water) can be accomplished. Now you have your own little army of PPK followers we can help with world domination


Still Learning
Is there 'engineering' (more pics) of your new pulse/control rez, in one of your other threads, D9?
What happened to all the pictures in those other threads.. doo they still exist?


heh im not a fan of hydro shop products with names like big shark and bitey fish and grow-hard-monster-nuggs or DutchBlasterOrganicGodStick etc

but as i understand it peters has no silica in it, nor humic or fulvic.
as i understand it the mediums you use are inert and dont break down over time.

so im dubious that your getting as much silica as you could use, nor any fulvic/humic.

these things i have found amazingly good to use, especially with bigger plants.

as to what brand name : i dont care. i use powders from kelp4less.com but im sure there is 100 other shops that are as good.

i would suggest you try getting these products in for a grow and measure the difference. A little goes a long way.


New member
Hey Delta! Thanks for everything you've done so far! I need help from you guys. I wanna run Pureknowledges organic amended soil mix but want to implement your PPK. How would I make this work? I plan to use what HL45 has as containers (or should I use something else?). I plan to use a room the size that HL45 has, roughly. I don't want a bunch of particles falling into the bottom bucket and mixing into the controller bucket. I would most likely set up a top feed and have it go on a certain amount each day or so. I am open to all ideas, thanks fellas!