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Bible bombshell: Jesus used cannabis to perform 'miracles'?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hmmm, yes, some people even believe that the mosquito is a Gods way of controlling the human population, by causing all that suffering and many deaths. I have known people with cerebral malaria (that which got Franco).....and they can suffer immensely for a very long time before dying a horrible death. Dengue' fever too is bloody aweful not to even mention Japanese encephalitis....

Yeah, if I was a God cannabis oil would be in every home along with the plants to produce it in every garden, and if we can get Jesus to drop down from his busy schedule to do a promo .....I'd reckon that the Jesus brand would sell the best 'cos you could advertize the company as: 'God and Son anointing oils....meekly serving the discerning believer for 2018 years'....
LOL, my first thought was the video clip of Gates (in response to the fact vaccines his foundation pushes kill infants) saying how parents will cherish the children who live more than if they hadn't lost any kids.

Yeah, not funny but funny. :)


Active member
The whole idea of the enlightenment period was that we don't need superstition lies to answer suffering. Either people can handle the truth and suck it up, or people need myth to cope.

2 trillion galaxies does offer a lot of unknown. So there is going to be plenty of room for myth/error.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Hmmm, yes, some people even believe that the mosquito is a Gods way of controlling the human population, by causing all that suffering and many deaths. I have known people with cerebral malaria (that which got Franco).....and they can suffer immensely for a very long time before dying a horrible death. Dengue' fever too is bloody aweful not to even mention Japanese encephalitis....

Yeah, if I was a God cannabis oil would be in every home along with the plants to produce it in every garden, and if we can get Jesus to drop down from his busy schedule to do a promo .....I'd reckon that the Jesus brand would sell the best 'cos you could advertize the company as: 'God and Son anointing oils....meekly serving the discerning believer for 2018 years'....

and some people blame mother nature

yet people are describing the same phenomenon due to the same cause regardless of the label

so regardless of phenomenon the same perceptive outcomes remain the same as far as CHOOSING to perceive it differently or the same

the "proofs" to view it both ways are a constant


3rd-Eye Jedi
The whole idea of the enlightenment period was that we don't need superstition lies to answer suffering. Either people can handle the truth and suck it up, or people need myth to cope.

2 trillion galaxies does offer a lot of unknown. So there is going to be plenty of room for myth/error.

actually suffering is a catalyst to wisdom and compassion and why it is so prevalent as a feature of godheads and Buddhas alike

do you need to suffer to be compassionate?

Based on your post alone the lack seems substantial so it begs the question is your compassion based on your phenotype or brand of humanity against the whole or genotype of humanity?

because if it is, you make a case against your very statement


Active member
That's not very compassionate.

Compassion is complex emotion. It makes sense that suffering creates a love for compassion. But for a lot of addicts compassion is more drugs. Compassion is the end of suffering, not even finality of total suffering but for a moment or longer.

There is also no promise to the end of suffering or a promise of compassion.


Active member
The only end to suffering is loss of self. That can go a lot of bad ways and very very rarely a transcendence of the self.

Self blocks compassion 99 out of 100 times if not even more rare.

There is a bigger picture and the self only see's in relation to the self. So sometimes loss of self or aspects of self can be very bad. It's a protection system of amnesia.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
So suffering is some sort of right of passage to being compassionate?..Hmm yes every time I see someone fall out of a tree I feel compassionate because I have a shared experience of falling out of trees....it reminds me of the broken bones, the hurt and the hospital luckily...


Active member
Transcending suffering is the only end to suffering.

Google photo of burning monk.


3rd-Eye Jedi
So suffering is some sort of right of passage to being compassionate?..Hmm yes every time I see someone fall out of a tree I feel compassionate because I have a shared experience of falling out of trees....it reminds me of the broken bones, the hurt and the hospital luckily...

the word catalyst does not imply exclustivity

you can feed the plant more than one source of N why not the being more than one catalyst to compassion?

I notice those who lack empathy blame people who posses it for having it by attacking the means they achieve it

how would your life feel if you had never experienced compassion from others? or that of your children?

seems that those without it are frustrated by the need of it and the lack at the same time and the inability to conceive it

if you like and this is sincere I will post the science that shows the brain regions both empathy and empirical thinking are done in and the practices that help modulate them

since pot is one of them it makes sense that so many people who have a hard time being overly empirical or empathetic smoke so much pot


3rd-Eye Jedi
Transcending suffering is the only end to suffering.

Google photo of burning monk.

transcending our own personal perception of suffering predicated on our own psychological imprint while remaining compassionate to the suffering of those who don't understand this is the middle road

being able to resist self immolation while as noble it was in Thích Quảng Đức's case is not transferable to all it is provisional because of the extremity and finality

thus the comment regarding the middle road


Active member
transcending our own personal perception of suffering predicated on our own psychological imprint while remaining compassionate to the suffering of those who don't understand this is the middle road

being able to resist self immolation while as noble it was in Thích Quảng Đức's case is not transferable to all it is provisional because of the extremity and finality

thus the comment regarding the middle road

The statement 'transcending suffering' is not the same as

"transcending our own personal perception of sufferingpredicated on our own psychological imprint while remaining compassionate to the suffering of those who don't understand this is the middle road being able to resist self immolation while as noble it was in Thích Quảng Đức's case is not transferable to all it is provisional because of the extremity and finality thus the comment regarding the middle road"

The statement 'transcending suffering' implies what is read and the hidden agenda you expose is one you look onto and not my own.

Transcending [all] suffering is the implication.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Very interesting Weird....

Lets go on an exploration of the frontal lobes of the brain then. Are some brains more seemingly developed than others in this aspect of empathy and empirical thinking being present, and if so is that a development/aspect of human evolution that is found in what sort of populations, ethnic or otherwise?....or as I suspect is it a constant throughout most all societies?


Active member
Today they only believe for the most part in the west, that causing suffering ends suffering. They really don't know how to understand suffering. It's more about what appears to be rule and order in their favor, than actually aiding others suffering.

Speaking of authority of course. I found they cause a lot of suffering. So just not suffering and feeling a high ego can cause a lot of suffering. Which is in part to their not understanding or even admitting their suffering or the suffering they inflict.

But people that suffer, love to have other miserable souls suffer with them


3rd-Eye Jedi
Very interesting Weird....

Lets go on an exploration of the frontal lobes of the brain then. Are some brains more seemingly developed than others in this aspect of empathy and empirical thinking being present, and if so is that a development/aspect of human evolution that is found in what sort of populations, ethnic or otherwise?....or as I suspect is it a constant throughout most all societies?


Conflict between science, religion lies in our brains

The conflict between science and religion may have its origins in the structure of our brains. To believe in a supernatural god or universal spirit, people appear to suppress the brain network used for analytical thinking and engage the empathetic network. When thinking analytically about the physical world, people appear to do the opposite.


Finding the fear and love of God inside the brain

Scientists have long mused about the evolutionary significance of religion and

Confirming some of their earlier conclusions, the authors found that both religious belief and religious practice seem to be associated with networks in the brain involved with social cognitive processing. The robustness of the networks varied on an individual basis, reflecting each subject’s distinct religiosity, and seemed to fluctuate over time in response to changing stimuli. None of the networks they identified were found to be unique to religion.
The MRI results revealed that a stronger sense of intimacy with God correlated with an increase in the cortical volume of the right middle temporal gyrus (MTG). The MTG plays a key role in establishing and maintaining intimate relationships, such as the one between a mother and her child, so the authors reason that its evolution gave rise to the sense of intimacy with God that some devout individuals share.
At the other end, subjects with low MTG volumes displayed little interest in God or religion. (Schizophrenic patients, who often struggle to differentiate self from God and display aberrant religious behaviors, had the lowest volumes.)
They also found a pronounced negative correlation between the cortical volume of the left precuneus, an area involved in empathy and emotional response, and fear of God's anger. Those who felt a stronger connection with God, and thus were better able to relate God to their selves, had larger precuneus volumes and tended to be the most devout practitioners. Individuals with smaller volumes who did not form strong emotional bonds with God typically prayed out of a sense of fear, rather than out of a sense conviction or love.
Because the study only considered adults, the obvious next step would be to analyze younger age groups. Being correlational rather than causal, these findings don't really address the question of whether certain individuals were more predisposed to particular patterns of religiosity because of their brain development. The fact that no region of the brain corresponded with religiosity of upbringing rules out the contention that religious nurture alone contributes to neuroanatomical variability.
The sum total of their results suggests that religious belief may have arisen as a natural extension of evolutionary advances in social cognition and behavior. Over time, the changes in brain volume that enabled humans to show empathy towards others may have also made it possible for some to develop intimate personal relationships with a supernatural entity, thus laying the foundation for the emergence of religion.


Columbia and Yale scientists found the spiritual part of our brains—religion not required

During their varied transcendent states, all subjects showed similar activity patterns in the parietal cortex, which processes sensation, spatial orientation, and language, and is thought to influence attention, among other functions. In other words, whether the thing that makes a person feel connected to something greater involves church, trees, or a stadium full of sports fans, it appears to have the same effect on the brain.
The effect on the brain is distinct from the effect of other forms of relaxation, according to researchers. “We observed in the spiritual condition, as compared with the neutral-relaxing condition, reduced activity in the left inferior parietal lobule (IPL), a result that suggests the IPL may contribute importantly to perceptual processing and self-other representations during spiritual experiences,” the study explains.
These changes in the brain may help explain why, during spiritual experiences, the barrier between the self and others can be reduced or even eliminated altogether. Although we need some separation between ourselves and everyone else for protection and to manage reality, removing the barrier every so often is also valuable.
“Spiritual experiences are robust states that may have profound impacts on people’s lives,” explains Yale psychiatry and neuroscience professor Marc Potenza, in a statement about the work. “Understanding the neural bases of spiritual experiences may help us better understand their roles in resilience and recovery from mental health and addictive disorders.”
Spiritual experiences involve “pronounced shifts in perception [that] buffer the effects of stress,” the study says. The findings suggest that those experiences can be accessed by everyone, and that transcendence isn’t dependent upon religiosity. That makes studying spiritual experiences and figuring out how to use such states for improved mental health easier for scientists. Next, the researchers hope to test a bigger group of subjects of all ages.
Beyond mental health, scientists study spirituality because the human quest for meaning is timeless and universal. By cultivating spiritual experiences in addition to strengthening our intellectual abilities, people can lead emotionally richer lives and develop more open minds, scientists say.
As Tony Jack, director of the Brain, Mind and Consciousness lab at Case Western Reserve University—who was not involved in this study—explains to WKSU, analytical thinking and spiritual, empathic thinking rely on different neural pathways and processes. They don’t happen simultaneously in the brain, but both modes are necessary, like breathing in and breathing out. “You can’t do both at the same time, but you need both to stay healthy and well,” he says.


Well-known member
Real religious experience is rare. It's too phony anymore. Bubblegum religion. Epic lies. Just watch some of the christian channels on free tv and theyhorseshit the feed kids. Being stupid is not being saved.

This is only because psychedelics are illegal in the so called free world. These experiences are not so uncommon if you listen to natures laws and share her knowedge while ignoring mans.


Chemdog & Kush Lover Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
I can't wait for the day when science proves we aren't alone in this universe. Then most , if not all religions will have a lot of explaining to do. At the rate we are going, I can see it happening in my kids lifetime.


Boreal Curing
I can't wait for the day when science proves we aren't alone in this universe. Then most , if not all religions will have a lot of explaining to do. At the rate we are going, I can see it happening in my kids lifetime.
The Dali Lama was asked what he would do if science proved reincarnation wasn't possible. Without hesitation he said "We would simply put away that idea. It wouldn't change how you should live or treat other people."


Well-known member
Very interesting Weird....

Lets go on an exploration of the frontal lobes of the brain then. Are some brains more seemingly developed than others in this aspect of empathy and empirical thinking being present, and if so is that a development/aspect of human evolution that is found in what sort of populations, ethnic or otherwise?....or as I suspect is it a constant throughout most all societies?

some individuals brains are shaped differently than others, never seen it claimed that it was race-related etc. Einsteins was supposedly not wrinkled like most folks..


Well-known member
I can't wait for the day when science proves we aren't alone in this universe. Then most , if not all religions will have a lot of explaining to do. At the rate we are going, I can see it happening in my kids lifetime.

most religions need to do some explaining even if we are alone, because God is probably pissed about the behavior of his self-proclaimed "people" and "followers" as well as those who claim to speak for him. TV preachers, LOOK OUT!
if we are NOT alone....:biggrin: