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BHO Safety aka "Please don't immolate or blow your self up!"

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Because I live in a windy desert environment, theres always dust blowing around outside to some degree. I've refined my technique down to a t, for my area. YMMV.

The reason why I leave it to drip? Because I'm not gonna let it sit there waiting for the last 5% to drip out (on a okief xl or similar, after doing 3-3.5 cans), it will drip out a couple of grams after the lions share of the butane runs through. It takes way too long, I'd rather just set it off to the side while I'm getting the main part evap'd. It really does drip out quite a bit: ask my buddy, he found out the hard way after he semi-ruined the finish on his table, thought it was done running out (his lady just about killed him). :)

Not really concerned about the tube being hard to clean, it's not hard to dump it out and use a bit of alcohol to clean it out. (remember, I use stainless extractors)


I use a basket ball inflation pump to blow out the last bit of liquid.


New member
bho making bylaw # 424.12-6,7:

"when making bho, if you have an explosion blame it on everything BUT the explosive gas used to make said bho" , "if all signs point to bho as blame, say it was CO2 extraction and not bho afterall"


Active member
bho making bylaw # 424.12-6,7:

"when making bho, if you have an explosion blame it on everything BUT the explosive gas used to make said bho" , "if all signs point to bho as blame, say it was CO2 extraction and not bho afterall"

You ever ask yourself this -

If BHO makes people retarded, how come I am always the one looking and acting the most retarded?

Sorry Dontstepongrass, but things have been so nice here without constant hate


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Only a matter of time before the mods put the dsog account on sorta-ban. Only the shunned person can see their own posts, I think that's what they did to the trolls original account.

Tripledraw, good observation! :wave:

GW, tried that, still had some dripping out even after, didn't wanna screw with it, so I just went to the drip method only for the last little bit. Works fine.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor

Hi BJ!

Good visual effects, which I read as well done, but staged to demonstrate a point!

In actual point of fact, cannabis oil is flammable and does burn readily if ignited instead of vaporized.

Leaving residual butane in the oil would not come remotely close to producing the effects demonstrated, because there simply would not be enough present, unless it was stupidly obvious.

The key point I think may be missed here, is that burning cannabis oil in in any form, is a bad thing. Refining the concentrate into it's absolute reduces the danger to a minimum, but any time you burn cannabis, in any form, you ingest smoke that is insalubrious.

At my age, my lungs no longer accept burning material, so I surrendered and no longer offer any arguments to try and justify it. I just say no!

Well, um, mostly. To my eternal damnation and discredit, sometimes I just have to taste to see if it tastes as good as it smells. Kaf, kaf, kaf...........

Another key point missed, is that many oral or topical medications require an oil extraction. All cannabis medical needs are not met by toking, and without oil, we would not have the oral and topical meds available to us that we do.

I challenge anyone stepping up to the line in the sand, that cannabis patient medical needs include light years more than simply toking the best of the best full melt clear dome hash, regardless of how delightful it is.

I see that as more of the issue, and wonder why the question ever arose and having arose hasn't long since been put to bed!

For instance, what other medications do you use to maintain your health and well being that you go to such great lengths to eschew and discredit?

Aspirin? Wanna talk about how that is made and how flamable acetic anhydride is?

PS: The pipe they are dumping the oil in is incandecent. It should just dropping below red to be in the vaporization range.

It would also take an egregeously excessive amount of oil to create that much flame. What were they thinking or trying to demonstrate do you suppose?
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The hash oil flamethrower video is awesome. That guy was trying to smoke 1g of hash oil through a super-heated quartz bho rig.

He failed spectacularly.


IMHO the risk outweighs the reward when making solvent based extractions unless you

a) are a trained lab tech who knows about safety when dealing with compressed or combustible gases
b) have access to a lab or have created an adequate lab yourself (not seen on youtube)
c) have all safety precautions in place (as in respirators, safety glasses, etc)
d) are nowhere near your grow

With that said, I am sure I will be flamed for posting an opinion that goes against the general public's, albeit in a thread titled "BHO Safety"

With each batch of BHO you waste enough money on butane to buy a set of bubble bags, or kif screen.

If you do it right (see FMCD) the quality of bubble far exceeds any solvent based product.

Even if you don't get full melt, doing a bho run with hash instead of raw plant material reduces the amount of butane required.

Many people think that everything can be a simple DIY project. A wise man once said to me "never gamble what you are not willing to lose"

I think it's unfortunate that people are starting to lose their lives to this plant (in the extraction process), which is going to destroy the reputation of it (see the poppy, the coca plant etc) and limit people's access to it even further.


honey oil addict
Hi ya'll! Have ya'll been watching the folks blowing themselves and their homes up using butane extraction techniques, thus leading you to believe that such an attempt is suicidal?

Thank Gawd (Great Spirit) that paying attention to details reduces the odds to limits that you might embrace, after being thus enlightened. May we discuss, before you give up all BHO extraction attempts in difference to your family and home?

Clearly Butane is inflammable and can be explosive, if confined in a small space and supplied with about 1.86 to 8.41 percent butane to atmospheric air content and an ignition source.

In addition, ignition sources come from a number of different unexpected sources, so let's discuss that issue.

For starters, I never personally do a butane extraction indoors or any confined space! None at all, zero, zip, forget about it! It is important to keep it below explosive limits!

I do it all outdoors, with a non sparking plastic fan blowing, not sucking, the butane evaporation away! Butane loves self abuse and will clump together and pool, being that it is heavier than air.

I use three fans to keep any free butane dispersed below ignition limits of 1.86% and from it pooling and accumulating in low spots like through my basement window to my basement, chock full of ignition sources.

The central point is that concentration of the butane boiling off can be kept diluted below combustion limits, by blowing the accumulating vapors away using a fan.

Secondly, let's talk about stupid ignition sources. Despite previous discussions, I have literally grabbed the hands of cigarette smokers poised to light a cigarette while extracting. What can I say about addicts whom go on automatic pilot and forget where they are? Leave your cigarettes and lighter elsewhere

Lose the lighter and cigarettes (bong?) if you are an addict! Once the pin is pulled on a 5 second grenade, it is not your friend!

All pretty simple, but lets talk about subtleties! How about sparks?

Starting simple, dragging your feet on concrete, if you have gravel in your shoes can create a spark.

Wearing plastic clothing, especially socks, can also build up and discharge a static electricity spark.

Unless it is an explosion proof fan, always blow, instead of suck the vapors away, not only for efficiency reasons, but because the sparks from an electric motor slip ring can ignite the vapors.

Always use plastic or other spark proof blades, because a grain of sand can spark when hitting a steel blade, and be propelled into the concentrated vapors.

Always keep a fully charged and recently inspected fire extinguisher on hand. Shit sometimes happens and less shit is better, as I see it!

Never had to use one at home, though I have in industry, but they can't be beaten when they are called for!

If you get inadvertently sprayed with butane, stop, and go change clothes. Immolating as I sees it, is highly overrated!

Keep a blanket on hand, and if you do get unexpectedly ignited, immediately wrap yourself in it to extinguish the flames.

The good news is that none of the above has ever happened to me, but then I do pay close attention and try my very best to avoid it.


there's lots of stuff overly safe in there, i dont believe you need to do all of that, are you getting paranoid from heavy use of concentrates? :)

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
there's lots of stuff overly safe in there, i dont believe you need to do all of that, are you getting paranoid from heavy use of concentrates? :)

Old habit from former duties as safety director and as an engineer writing up the operating procedures for new equipment and processes that I designed. What can go wrong, go wrong, go wrong.........................

On the other hand, I retired with no industrial accidents on my personal record, no one was ever maimed or killed on any of my equipment or process designs.

I also managed to lower industrial accidents 72% in the aerospace plant that I managed, by raising my employees awareness and enforcing certain rules.

One employee was horribly killed however, by falling in a 331F aqueous KOH tank designed and built by others. He had been adequately trained and had previously been given a reprimand for climbing up on the tanks, while the lids were open, but chose to ignore input.

He was still alive when we got him out, but is skin and flesh dissolved and washed off with the water stream we were trying to hose him off with and he died before the ambulance got there. He wasn't pretty at that point and my only solace was that he was most likely in deep shock and no longer feeling the pain.

I believe that awareness of the details, makes us all more safety conscious and less likely to get hurt. On the other hand, not everyone places the same value on following the rules. I can only draw attention to ways to get hurt and leave their evaluation and assessment to the individuals.

So to your point bro, nah, I was paranoid before I ever started extracting, if that is what its called, but in my profession, it was considered good judgment. This is a different arena, so I will leave evaluating and accessing if it is paranoia or good judgment up to the individuals reading it.

Peace brother! As with anything I say, take what works for you, and discard the rest!


Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Oops! Duficate!
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Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Imo its related to the topic

The arrow in the quote fails in redirection,
the correct is post #1002 on page 67 in the thread "~BHO LOVERS~"

Excellent points brother Jump! The thermostats on electric resistant heat controls can generate sparks, if they aren't explosion proof. Why I use hot water until the pool has thickened and the boiling stopped.

The video says it all as far as safety un-consciousness. Its all there but the conflaguration.

Locally we recently had a fellow blow up his motel room extracting with butane and another his house. Both were doing stupid things, but it is poisoning the local publics minds about butane extractions in general.

With the aid of LEO and local press, they are coming to envisioning it as akin to a meth lab.

As I sees it, that is not doing any of us any good and the onus falls on us individually to insure we don't add fuel to that fire.

Except for the glory and prestige, getting hurt in the process can be highly over rated as well.


With the aid of LEO and local press, they are coming to envisioning it as akin to a meth lab.
Other than finished product, please help me distinguish what makes this any different? Making BHO is more like making freebase cocaine (minus the ammonia) making isomerized oil is the exact same process as making meth. Same ingredients, and level of danger to the people around it, and the environment. In any event you are discharging known carcinogens into the environment, and risking an explosion. Wether it's freebase, meth, fentanyl, DMT, or anything else, you are (ostensibly) using a residential area as a clandestine laboratory. It doesn't matter what drug (BHO is NOT medicine) you are producing.

The only difference I see is that meth makes you more alert and BHO make you less alert. Not sure who I would rather have as a neighbor...

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Other than finished product, please help me distinguish what makes this any different? Making BHO is more like making freebase cocaine (minus the ammonia) making isomerized oil is the exact same process as making meth. Same ingredients, and level of danger to the people around it, and the environment. In any event you are discharging known carcinogens into the environment, and risking an explosion. Wether it's freebase, meth, fentanyl, DMT, or anything else, you are (ostensibly) using a residential area as a clandestine laboratory. It doesn't matter what drug (BHO is NOT medicine) you are producing.

The only difference I see is that meth makes you more alert and BHO make you less alert. Not sure who I would rather have as a neighbor...

I'm accepting your untrue statements presented as facts, as prima facie evidence that this is not an intellectual exchange but you airing your unsupported prejudices.

Point taken, you are against BHO. Thanks for your input!
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Active member
the new crack cocaine!
Crazy story Gray Wolf.(guy falling in tank!)
Shitty, but that's why you don't screw around.
And I don't consider it paranoid. I would call it thorough. :)
Good advice.


I am analyzing the process not the substance. I am also directing my statements at the people who read this site to inform themselves on the subject of BHO. The target audience on this subject is young, pot smokers, not lab technicians.

Just because YOU (grey wolf) are trained and capable does not mean that everyone that reads your "how to safely establish a clandestine lab in your home" tutorial on the web is going to be safe when he tries this at home. Nor will you be there to pick up the pieces when he causes damage from an explosion, or the environmental damage, or the health hazards to everyone.

Your dismissive response seems indicative of your level of respect for others. So does you irresponsibly advocating pollution and methods of possible immolation.

And for the record, coca leaf is not nearly as destructive as the process involved in turning it into a pure smokable form (see richard prior)

BHO is going to make the whole cannabis community look bad each time someone gets hurt or killed.


I am analyzing the process not the substance. I am also directing my statements at the people who read this site to inform themselves on the subject of BHO. The target audience on this subject is young, pot smokers, not lab technicians.

Just because YOU (grey wolf) are trained and capable does not mean that everyone that reads your "how to safely establish a clandestine lab in your home" tutorial on the web is going to be safe when he tries this at home. Nor will you be there to pick up the pieces when he causes damage from an explosion, or the environmental damage, or the health hazards to everyone.

Your dismissive response seems indicative of your level of respect for others. So does you irresponsibly advocating pollution and methods of possible immolation.

And for the record, coca leaf is not nearly as destructive as the process involved in turning it into a pure smokable form (see richard prior)

BHO is going to make the whole cannabis community look bad each time someone gets hurt or killed.

Sounds a lot like that one guy that used to post about keeping records of people getting hurt/killed from bho explosions, man that guy was lame.

On a random note, maybe not, ice wax sucks balls. It's not suitable for dabbing imo, just decent bubble hash.