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BHO Pills


Active member
Wait a min, I just read a couple things I messed up on...... Wrong kind of oil from what you guys are doing. O well, next time I will try the pills with the correct fixins.

Edit: well, here goes nothing. Brownies are going down the hatch. Hope I don't get an out of control case of the spins.....


Active member
Hello everybody. I am trying this as we speak. I read through the thread and have a couple of questions for the next time.

Why don't I start by telling what is what.... I put 3g of high grade BHO into 1/3 cup of olive oil. This is for one box of store bought brownies, about 9 pieces. I have a double boiler, but I am using water instead of cooking oil, so my temps should be 212. I will cook that for 20 min on the stove top before mixing in brownie mix.

Any adjustments I could make to get this down pat? BTW, I smoke and eat very large amounts of cannabis, so I want a potent mix.

Thanks for the great thread btw. I hope to find some cooking oil and get my temps up a bit.

First off, follow my directions if you want it to be potent. I never said to use olive oil. I never said to use 1/3 cup either. I use MCT oil, and make them into pills. I do not use water, because it does not get hot enough. No offense, but this is not a browning recipie. If you use water to double boil, you must double boil for a couple of HOURS.

If you use cooking oil instead of water and get your temps to 240/250 F then it only takes 30-40 min.
I feel like a newb asking this, but... I could've sworn that oil didn't need to be decarb'd with heat?

I thought I saw a thread where someone blasted into pyrex, and after boiling water double pan purge bath for 30 mins he just mixed in some chocolate to his pyrex bake pan. Let it cool, scrape chocolate up, melt again and then pour into small molds to make candies. I didn't think he did any decarb'ing.

If someone could give me a brief clarification that would be appreciated. No flames or trolls please.


Active member
First off, follow my directions if you want it to be potent. I never said to use olive oil. I never said to use 1/3 cup either. I use MCT oil, and make them into pills. I do not use water, because it does not get hot enough. No offense, but this is not a browning recipie. If you use water to double boil, you must double boil for a couple of HOURS.

If you use cooking oil instead of water and get your temps to 240/250 F then it only takes 30-40 min.

Yes, you are absolutely correct. I had this thread mixed up with another. Sorry about that.

On another note, I stopped by a GNC to get some MTC oil and he had no idea what I was talking about. Where did you say you got that oil? Also, SlowandEasy, is there a chart or graph that shows heat in relation to time when cooking the oil? Thanks for your time, and btw, these brownies just aren't doing it for me......You will have to show me the way.


Active member
Yes, you are absolutely correct. I had this thread mixed up with another. Sorry about that.

On another note, I stopped by a GNC to get some MTC oil and he had no idea what I was talking about. Where did you say you got that oil? Also, SlowandEasy, is there a chart or graph that shows heat in relation to time when cooking the oil? Thanks for your time, and btw, these brownies just aren't doing it for me......You will have to show me the way.

There is a chart, I will find it for you later. I got mine online from here.....http://www.vitacost.com/Smart-Basics-MCT-Oil-Medium-Chain-Triglycerides

First off, your brownies suck because the heat/time ratio was too low. If you do it with water, 2hrs is what I do. I prefer 250F inside the jar with about 8ml of MCT oil per 2Grams of BHO. That is not very much liquid, so watch it good and I like to stir frequently. Do that for about 30-40 min, let cool, then use a syringe to fill pill caps. Just a half of the pill, and cap with the other...store in freezer. Really potent if done right. Good luck


Active member
I feel like a newb asking this, but... I could've sworn that oil didn't need to be decarb'd with heat?

I thought I saw a thread where someone blasted into pyrex, and after boiling water double pan purge bath for 30 mins he just mixed in some chocolate to his pyrex bake pan. Let it cool, scrape chocolate up, melt again and then pour into small molds to make candies. I didn't think he did any decarb'ing.

If someone could give me a brief clarification that would be appreciated. No flames or trolls please.

Heating the mixture to 250F for 30 min will decarb it fully. No need for extra heat or time. Boiling water does not get hot enough for only 30 min....more like 2hrs.
Heating the mixture to 250F for 30 min will decarb it fully. No need for extra heat or time. Boiling water does not get hot enough for only 30 min....more like 2hrs.

I understand you decarb your bho with oil in the double boiler and not water. I had heard you could eat oil directly without a special decarb step. I was hoping someone could provide some documentation on that subject, because I am unsure.


Active member
I believe what slowandeasy would say is.... to get the strongest edibles you have to decarb. You can still make ok edibles without, but it wont be to the full potential of the edible.

I am having a hard time finding pills for this MCT oil. Can anybody tell me a source? Also, why would I need an oral seringe? I am going to ask a pharmacist but I don't want to sound like a dumb ass. Thanks in advance.


Active member
I believe what slowandeasy would say is.... to get the strongest edibles you have to decarb. You can still make ok edibles without, but it wont be to the full potential of the edible.

I am having a hard time finding this MCT oil. Can anybody tell me a source? Also, why would I need an oral seringe? I am going to ask a pharmacist but I don't want to sound like a dumb ass. Thanks in advance.

Bullfrog....I posted a link to the MCT oil a few posts up just for you!!! I use an oral syringe to suck up the MCT/BHO oil once it is cooled....then use the syringe to fill the capsules. Ask for an oral syringe to give your "dog" or child medicine, they are free. Or buy one.

FWIW, decarbing is what changes THC to THCA....without decarbing, your body will not process it fully and will not work right.


Bullfrog....I posted a link to the MCT oil a few posts up just for you!!! I use an oral syringe to suck up the MCT/BHO oil once it is cooled....then use the syringe to fill the capsules. Ask for an oral syringe to give your "dog" or child medicine, they are free. Or buy one.

FWIW, decarbing is what changes THC to THCA....without decarbing, your body will not process it fully and will not work right.

Maybe it won't work for getting high , but for relief they are amazing for people with nerve pain .
Thanks but again I understand what decarbing is, I want to know more about why it is needed with oil specifically. I will continue looking. :) Again, love your thread.

He linked the oil above a couple posts. You should be able to buy a syringe online too if you want. Used commonly to give medicine to pets.


Active member
Bullfrog....I posted a link to the MCT oil a few posts up just for you!!! I use an oral syringe to suck up the MCT/BHO oil once it is cooled....then use the syringe to fill the capsules. Ask for an oral syringe to give your "dog" or child medicine, they are free. Or buy one.

FWIW, decarbing is what changes THC to THCA....without decarbing, your body will not process it fully and will not work right.

I was asking for the pills, but you are right. The site you pointed me in the direction of also has the pills. However, the description of the gel cap pills says not for liquid.....have you had a problem with this before? Are some caps better than others?


Active member
Thanks but again I understand that decarbing is, I want to know more about why it is needed with oil specifically. I will continue looking. :) Again, love your thread.

He linked the oil above a couple posts. You should be able to buy a syringe online too if you want. Used commonly to give medicine to pets.

BHO is just concentrated THC. Your body physically needs the THC to convert to THCA, to effectively absorb. Same goes for bud, bubble or any other form of THC. Without decarbing, it will not be potent. It is a matter of time vs temp. Some people make tinctures by letting the material sit for a month in alcohol...if you dont decarb at some point....you will not get the effects.


Active member
I was asking for the pills, but you are right. The site you pointed me in the direction of also has the pills. However, the description of the gel cap pills says not for liquid.....have you had a problem with this before? Are some caps better than others?

I just get the regular 00 empty pills. They work fine, just freeze your pills to avoid loosing any. I fill one half, then cap the other tightly. stick in pill bottle and put into freezer.


My pills get you insanely high. Different temps can cause different effects, as well as the quality of material you use.

I was referring to not decarbing it . People with MS want relief with out the high . These have been better then any pharm the Doc's have prescribed! I use A+ quality bud for my extractions


Active member
One last thing Slowandeasy.........What kind of cooking oil do you use for a double boil? Is it literally "cooking oil" they sell at Safeway, or is it just corn oil or something? Also, any thermometer you recommend?