Great honey it....!!!!
I made it look like this the other day......
good karma to you all.....
you dont like rettis do you, holy cow, this is an oil thread, not retti
i'm working on another retti unit today. also made a steel wool one recently.
WOW WOW WOW WOW MZ still needs a little purge. those patterns of bubbles and lines are butane IMO not terps. a few days at room temp or a few hours in the sun in a puddle like that and it should be gone.
b friendly. id search for something else, coffee filters arent strong enough. ive done prolly close to a hundred runs. 40 or so with coffee filters. last month i made a BHO blunderbuss. a fucking cannon of cannabis butane and schmoil exploded into my dish. that paper cannot hold up to the pressure, so i use a screen printing screen now fastened by a hose clamp in fears that rubberbands wont hold the cloth screen on. untearable basically. anyone know a store that sells thin wire screen mesh? dont care to shop online.