New member
Very cool thread.
I am in love with the idea of being able to see portions of this process in action; and love how you integrated a way to see...
While I am runnning a slightly modified Terpenator, I have gained so much from this and your other threads as well.
I should have my sight glasses installed for tomorrow's run, and I have my finger's crossed I will be able to see into the tank, as well as above my column in an attempt to visually verify the Butane level with each flood cycle.
thanks for all of the inspiration
Been looking all over the place for a butane can tapper. The link goes to a tool place but they are not listed. Anyone know where I might get one?
Can you use one from the Tamisium website?
I've been out of the loop.
I had no idea 10 years ago how this would end up.
So when we did this on Overgrow what, just 12 years ago, I would never have guessed. Seems strange but being from the south, I had never been in a dispensary until this week. Wow. How fast all of this has moved. There were 20 versions of BHO all made with closed systems.
I still have my little stainless paint pots and they still work great. Still using the same butane, you just don't lose much if you do it carefully.
I haven't been internetting much but I'm glad you guys are keeping up the spread of information. Just saying hi....
So when we did this on Overgrow what, just 12 years ago, I would never have guessed. Seems strange but being from the south, I had never been in a dispensary until this week. Wow. How fast all of this has moved. There were 20 versions of BHO all made with closed systems.
I still have my little stainless paint pots and they still work great. Still using the same butane, you just don't lose much if you do it carefully.
I haven't been internetting much but I'm glad you guys are keeping up the spread of information. Just saying hi....
Time does fly brother Foaf, and look where it has led the industries technology!!
Thanks for your pioneering contribution that led us here!