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Beware of this Instagram elite clone seller!


Not ICMag Donor
Hi all! Opening this thread with a moderator's permission.

This is just a heads up for all icmag growers who buy elite clones on Instagram. This seller's @ on insta is cortesdelsur88. He sells trendy American elite cuts. He is Spanish but sells and sends to all European countries.

This is the state of the clones sold:

My friend bought this clone for 300 euros so this is no joke. Several growers have had the same problem. When confronted, this guy ignores/blocks the buyers. Then when my friend made a post about this on Instagram, he was actually contacted by the seller and told he would never sell clones to him again 🤣

Imagine trying to buy clones from him after receiving this, lmfao. You can't make this stuff up really. I think it's really important to let people know about this kind of scammer.

So yeah maybe save your 300 euros for someone else 🙈


Not ICMag Donor
I also wanted to thank @exploziv for his work as an Administrator on this forum and for being a fair and trustworthy person, and an example of how to do the job to benefit the forum, and not limit the users' freedom of speech or exercise power over others based on personal preference just because one can.
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Well-known member
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What is wrong with that leaf? Is that caused by bugs or what?

I ask because I have a plant with some leaves that look just like that.

And, thanks for the heads up on that seller.


Well-known member
Premium user
Thanks. I don't see any bugs with my naked eye other than the Whiteflies I have been fighting.

I'll get the scope out and look closer.


Well-known member
Thanks. Guess I better check my plants for thrips.

Thanks again
Got a picture of the plant? I've got an easy way to deal with thrips if that's the issue. That clone looks like spider mite damage. I don't really see the signs of thrips but that doesn't mean it doesn't have both.


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Premium user
I just did an inspection and trimming and... yep, definitely have thrips along with my whiteflies. Thankfully, there's no sign of the borg.

I am only about 2 weeks from harvest so I'll probably just let them ride. Most of the affected leaves were the larger bottom leaves and I trimmed all that off. I wiped the bottoms of larger remaining leaves with a 20% iso soaked swab.

Upon closer inspection I realized the infestation was pretty bad. I can't believe I let it get there. In 35 years I had the same grow room and I might have had bugs 3 times. I had the grow dialed in like a fine watch. Now, in the 3 years since I moved I just can't quite get my new grow dialed in. Bugs, pH issues, water issues, environmental changes and more. Damn. LOL

I have 3 grows in progress. One finished last week. One is finishing next week and this grow has about 2 weeks left. After that, I am going to scrub all the tents and equipment and start fresh.

I plan to use bleach/water to clean. I do believe that will kill any remaining bugs AND their eggs in a single application. Yes?

terry the trich

Active member
I don't know why anyone would pay $300/euros for a clone. To me that is pure insanity.
For the clone to arrive with spidermites or spidermite damage is really taking the piss to a whole new level. I hope matey who bought the clone can get it cleaned up and make a good motherplant from it to try to make the $300 feel more worth it.


Not ICMag Donor
Were they still.present?
Yes both pests are present otherwise the thread would be pointless.

I don't know why anyone would pay $300/euros for a clone. To me that is pure insanity.
For the clone to arrive with spidermites or spidermite damage is really taking the piss to a whole new level. I hope matey who bought the clone can get it cleaned up and make a good motherplant from it to try to make the $300 feel more worth it.
Neither do I. I personally stopped accepting clones from anyone like 5-6 years ago at least. It's not worth the trouble. I have my own moms and I'm not putting them at risk just to have whatever latest clone is trending. By the way some clones are a lot more expensive than 300 eur. Some cost in the thousands. Obviously has nothing to do with quality. All that is needed is for some idiot rapper to "sing" about a particular strain to make it to the top of the hype list, and sheeple will buy the clones 🤷‍♂️

ringodoggie said:
I plan to use bleach/water to clean. I do believe that will kill any remaining bugs AND their eggs in a single application. Yes?
I would prefer to keep the thread on topic if you don't mind. In case anyone else wants to add info about any other shady clone sellers. If you need help with growing shoot me a private message if you want.


Well-known member
Yes both pests are present otherwise the thread would be pointless.

Neither do I. I personally stopped accepting clones from anyone like 5-6 years ago at least. It's not worth the trouble. I have my own moms and I'm not putting them at risk just to have whatever latest clone is trending. By the way some clones are a lot more expensive than 300 eur. Some cost in the thousands. Obviously has nothing to do with quality. All that is needed is for some idiot rapper to "sing" about a particular strain to make it to the top of the hype list, and sheeple will buy the clones 🤷‍♂️

I would prefer to keep the thread on topic if you don't mind. In case anyone else wants to add info about any other shady clone sellers. If you need help with growing shoot me a private message if you want.
Not if you were looking at old damage it wouldn't be pointless, it would still be relevent


Well-known member
I dont even bother fighting spider mites if flowering has began. They ruin the bud quality and so do treatments like neem oil. Best to just scrap them and sterilize the tent.


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bleach water in a spray bottle. I also wait for 2 weeks before starting a new grow.
I'll only have about a week down time to keep on schedule but I plan to spray and clean every other day. And, cool, bleach has always been my choice as well.

Thanks again