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Better late than never..

Farmer John

Still alive.
Holy shit! Yeah I was dreaming of and remembering SB, I loved it so much. 🥲 thats amazing!! I must look deeper into this.. 👌🏻

Steele Savage

Well-known member
Boutique Breeder

24 Sept, '24

Dear diary...... Lol
Growing in this area where it's not as hot as where I used to (outdoor), plants aren't getting roached out due to heat stress. Thought I'd have more of a challenge with The Prophet, considering it's a more wet type plant (where the DMT hybrids would/will do better for my environmentals, as they're more of a drier type leaf and flower), but Prophet is doing quite well, even after rains and unexpected heat up.
Been clipping out small patches of bud rot over the last week, though nothing too bad, not on all plants and very small areas. Entire node taken to prevent spread.

Harvest early morning.. terrific looking flower architecture on most, prefer the more 50/50 "looking" phenos. Insane bass frequency type aromas of DMT and burnt rubber with the brightness of the Diablo, adding that typical OG pinesol and lemons, but with an added kick of marshmello, funky ass body odor and something else I can't quite out my finger on. All but 1 DMT OG taken. #1 DMT OG, most prominent in marshmello aroma was pm prone, bottom leaves of plant exhibiting symptoms. Nothing to git excited about.. plans to reveg plants 3, 4, 5(?), & 9 as well as another plant that was never numbered but pictured, more petite, light in color and weight.. for next year's clones and breeding. Smoke tests to follow for selections of these that are fit for my needs.

The Prophet continues to bulk, just started their first swell, last week. Harvested top of #2 last last Friday due to bud rot. Rest of plant to be harvested tomorrow or Thursday. Plants receiving less light and more subterfuge seem to be doing better than their sisters in better lighting for this location. Better flower formation.. typical aromas of Prophet but also with perhaps never picked up notes of liquorice and black pepper, kinda surprised... 1 of the ladies at the top of the garden, again, more in subterfuge, has a beautiful tart, blueish aroma and may reveg for next year for something different from the typical Prophet that I find in low counts of seed popped. Many nice Bubba types with fruit and added kerosene in some. Very satisfying nose..

Pics of DMT OG from yesterday, prior to harvest. Randoms









Plant not numbered if I have my pics in order..



All praises to The Most High

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
All in all a successful season !
Wish I had found your thread earlier. Hope the reveg goes well for you !