IMO this extreme over-kill. Even if dogs could did pick up on bud this well, which they cant, why couldn't you just keep relatively clean (gloves, separate clothes for the trimming) and then once all the weed is in it's jars or bags, then wash down everything with iso. Just make sure to keep conscious of what your hands touch because they will leave potentially detectable resin behind. An aside...I haven't read anything saying what it is the dogs smell. I assume its the terpenes which are water soluble ya? Either way the iso would get everything. Also, sterile isn't possible unless in a completely micro-organism-free environment.Do you guys learn anything from Julian?
If you want to have a fighting chance against a dog you must invest in a quality vacuum sealer, a pro2300 at the very least .
On top of that, sterile procedures must be maintained throughout the process. Sterile as in no weed, trim, smoke, whatever in the area. Outside in the grass is a good place. Clothes change and shower is a good precaution.
Gloves must be changed in between seals and surfaces wiped down after the first wrap. Some may choose to wash the entire bag itself to remove resin. Each wrap last 24hrs.
If you're in a non-med state you'd be wise to follow these procedures to a 'T'. Hell, even in a med state you might wanna take these measures..krunch and thousands of others would not be in a legal battle if they did.. It's not medical til proven in court :big laugh:
hermetically sealed glass jars
always worked for me, made with thick glass and a rubber seal. Bought some 5qt ones at the container store, 10-13$ a piece.
Some head shops have the black magnetic boxes that are supposedly smell-proof, but you can attach them to the bottom of your car or engine bay, worth looking into.
For transport, I'd say hollow out a battery and store a lb+ in a fake airtight battery that's bolted down tight in the engine bay. No dog will smell it, and no cop will look there.