Jaqen H'gar
My best bet is cause its 600 bucks!
Its the clear king of the ring... If you want the best save your duckets and go for The Volcano... The pax is the only other vape I have seen that doesn't scorch the herb similar to the volcano... Granted it has been a few years since I have been into vaping flower.. I like oil now personally
You should probably research the current market before giving advice.
The volcano is regarded as a bit of a dinosaur these days, its not recomended very often at all, dont get me wrong its a great vape, its just that in almost every possible use scenario there are better (and cheaper) options. If you were really into the idea of bags the volcano is the right vape but hardly anyone does bags these days (if your not in a group setting its just so wasteful!).
been running my Volcano classic daily for 10 years. excellent build quality, minimal maintainance. cleaning/changing bag about once a month (iso!), new mesh screen every 1-2 years, one rubber ring (blue) needs replacing after about 3 years.
aside from that it just runs and runs and runs.
when i made the switch from bong to vape i halved the amount of weed i needed while improving the high significantly.
if my volcano broke beyond repair i would immediately buy another one.
If you are ever looking for a second vape have a look at the e-nano. You will likely cut down half again with an e-nano vs a volcano.