Seed supreme or gyo seedbank. Both orders were here in less then 10 days
What's HD?As far as sourcing beans up north here, HD is a good place to orde from, but best bet is to contact the breeder directly and place an order that way.
I always knew they were scammers. Anyone have any luck with canuk? They have so many clone only strains yet seem to be in legit seedbanks. Not that is hard to do s1sAVOID Upper Canada Seedbank (out of BC). Ripoff artists!
Anyone have any luck with canuk
I find these seed banks should clearly state the year the seeds were created.
I had richard williams trainwreck from HD (15 seeds)..not one germinated. Their beanhoarder stuff was ok..same with joeyweed.. free swazi gold was shit. Trying aceseeds via truenorthseedbank. Maybe easier to just go straight to aceseeds but i figure easier within borders..
Gtaseedbank is running again it appears?
They were always reliable, met the owner once, he seemed cool. Been thinking about starting my own seed site actually. has some amazing prices for retailers. About half the price of retail, you just need somewhere to realistically sell them.
I recently did business with them (1st time), they update the availability regularily, service was quick, and when i threw an extra question at them they took the time to answer, even after i had the seeds....