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Beneficial Agronomic Strengths - Cannabis Traits

Mate Dave

ICMag Donor


By outcrossing the S population with their Brothers from the full-sib generation, you’re:
  • Reinforcing desirable traits from the S generation while introducing the genetic diversity of the F1 mothers
  • Increasing fitness and hybrid vigour (heterosis), which is essential for ensuring strong, healthy plants that can thrive under various growing conditions
  • Aiming to maintain 88% heterosis in the final line through careful backcrossing to a pure line (Afghan or Thai) to ensure vigour and stability
  • Outcrossing and backcrossing will allow you to maintain the genetic diversity required for vigour while stabilising traits like flowering time, structure, and resin production
This strategy ensures a genetically robust and productive synthetic line that will thrive in both commercial and breeding applications, with a solid foundation in hybrid vigour and stable traits for future generations.

1. Establish Initial Crosses and Select F1 Plants

Goal: Create genetic diversity and select strong plants with desirable traits
  • Step 1.1: Cross Afghan and Thai lines
    • Perform reciprocal crosses between the Afghan and Thai lines (Afghan x Thai and Thai x Afghan). These are your F1 hybrids.
    • These F1 plants will exhibit hybrid vigour (heterosis), but will still be quite genetically diverse.
  • Step 1.2: Open-pollinate and grow F1 generation
    • Grow a large batch of F1 plants from both reciprocal crosses (Afghan x Thai and Thai x Afghan).
    • Ensure you grow enough plants (at least 20-30 per cross) to capture diversity and identify the best phenotypes.
  • Step 1.3: Select for desirable traits
    • Focus on selecting the plants that best exhibit your desired traits:
      • Flowering time (early to moderate flowering)
      • Plant structure (compact, strong branches)
      • Resin production (high quality, good yield)
    • Keep both male and female plants that show the best traits to carry forward into the next generation.

2. Create the S Population and Stabilise Traits

Goal: Fix the desirable traits within a stable population.
  • Step 2.1: Self-pollinate the best female plants from the F1 generation
    • From the F1 plants that exhibit the best traits, self-pollinate the best females to produce S1 seeds.
    • Use the males from the same generation (F1) for pollination or use other F1 males with good traits.
  • Step 2.2: Grow S1 generation and evaluate
Because the F1 plants were open-pollinated, the resulting F2 plants will show a broad range of genetic variation, (BRGV) including:
  • Different flowering times, structures, and resin levels.
  • Some plants may be phenotypically superior, exhibiting enhanced vigour, structure, or resin production.
  • Step 2.2: Evaluate and Select for Desired Traits

  • As the plants begin to mature, evaluate the F2 generation for the traitsyou want to enhance in your synthetic line.
    • Resin production: Select plants with high resin content.
    • Plant structure: Choose plants that are robust and have good branching, height, and compactness.
    • Flowering time: Select plants that flower faster or match your target flowering range.
    • The idea here is to pick the best-performing plants from the genetic diversity created by the open-pollination process.
  • Grow the S1 plants, selecting those that continue to show the desirable traits from the initial F1 generation (e.g., resin production, structure, flowering time).
  • The goal here is to stabilise these traits and weed out any unwanted traits or genetic weaknesses. Continue to self-pollinate the best plants in the S1 generation to create S2.
  • Step 2.3: Self-pollinate S1 plants to create S2 generation
    • Step 2.3: Save Seeds from Selected Plants

      • Once you have identified the top-performing plants, collect seeds from these selected individuals to use as parents for future generations. This will form the base for your Selfed population (S population), which you can further stabilise and develop.
        These F2 seeds will be part of the next generation in your breeding programme and will provide a mix of genetic diversity with enhanced traits for further selection.
    • After evaluating and selecting the best S1 plants, self-pollinate them to produce S2 seeds.
    • Focus on reinforcing the stability of the desired traits. By now, you should start seeing a more consistent expression of the selected traits in your selfed plants.
  • Step 2.4: Continue selection for stability
    • Grow the S2 generation and select the best individuals again. At this stage, you should be seeing more stable, consistent traits in the plants. Continue self-pollination for a few more generations (S3, S4) to further stabilise the desired traits.

3. Outcrossing S Population to Full-Sib Mothers (F1 Generation)

Goal: Increase genetic diversity and reinforce hybrid vigour, while stabilising traits from the S population.

  • Step 3.1: Select top S2/S3 plants for outcrossing
    • Choose the best S2 or S3 plants (those that show high stability for your desired traits: flowering time, resin, structure, etc.).
  • Step 3.2: Outcross selected S plants with their full-sib bothers
    • Cross the selected S2/S3 plants (which have stabilised traits) with their full-sib bothers (from the original F1 generation).
    • These full-sib mothers should still be robust plants, showing some of the hybrid vigour from the initial Afghan x Thai cross.
  • Step 3.3: Grow out the resulting offspring (F4 generation)
    • Grow out the offspring from this outcross and evaluate them for hybrid vigour and the stability of desirable traits.
    • The F4 generation should have a balance of stable S traits and hybrid vigour from the full-sib mothers. This will help reinforce fitness and improve overall performance.
  • Step 3.4: Select the best outcrossed plants
    • From the outcrossed F4 generation, select the best plants exhibiting both stability (from the S population) and vigour (from the full-sib bothers).
    • These selected plants will be the foundation for the next generations and will continue to drive both vigour and stability.
  • 3. Stabilising Traits and Creating the S Population

    Goal: Select and self-pollinate the most stable, desirable plants to fix traits in the S population.

    Step 3.1: Select the Best F2 Plants for Selfing (S1 Generation)

    • Choose the best-performing F2 plants that have the most stable expressions of the desirable traits.
    • These plants will be used for self-pollination to create the S1 generation.
  • Step 3.2: Self-Pollinate the F2 Plants

    • Self-pollinate the selected F2 plants to produce S1 seeds.
    • This will fix some of the traits in the S1 generation and help create a more genetically stable population.
  • Step 3.3: Grow S1 Plants and Select for Stability

    • Once the S1 seeds are grown, evaluate the plants for stability of the selected traits.
    • Continue selecting for uniformity and high performance, gradually stabilising traits such as flowering time, structure, and resin production.

4. Backcross to Pure Line for 88% Heterosis

Goal: Maintain heterosis (hybrid vigour) while stabilising traits and ensuring fitness.

  • Step 4.1: Select F4 plants for backcrossing to pure Afghan/Thai line
    • Choose the best F4 plants that exhibit both stability and vigour.
    • Backcross these F4 plants to a pure Afghan or Thai male (depending on your ultimate goal — Afghan traits or Thai traits) to infuse more genetic material from the pure line.
  • Step 4.2: Perform backcross and grow out BC1 (first backcross generation)
    • Backcross the selected F4 plants with the pure Afghan/Thai male. This produces the BC1 generation.
    • Evaluate these plants for heterosis, fitness, and trait stability. They should show a blend of vigour from the Afghan/Thai pure line and stabilised traits from the F4 line.
  • Step 4.3: Select the best BC1 plants for continued backcrossing
    • Select plants from the BC1 generation that show the best traits in terms of vigour and stability.
    • Continue the backcrossing process (BC2, BC3) to reinforce hybrid vigour while maintaining 88% heterosis (the goal is to keep as much vigour as possible while increasing genetic stability).
  • Step 4.4: Backcross and evaluate
    • After a few rounds of backcrossing (BC2, BC3), you should start to see the desired traits becoming more stabilised, while still maintaining heterosis. This phase should focus on both improving the consistency of the traits and preserving vigour.

4. Continue to Create S Populations and Stabilise Traits

Goal: Continue stabilising the selected traits through multiple generations of self-pollination.

Step 4.1: Self-Pollinate S1 Plants to Create S2 Generation

  • After selecting the best plants from the S1 generation, self-pollinate them again to produce S2 seeds.
  • This will further stabilise the traits you want and increase genetic uniformity in your line.

Step 4.2: Repeat the Process (S3, S4, etc.)

  • Continue this process over several generations of self-pollination (S2, S3, S4, etc.) until you achieve a stable population where the desirable traits are consistently expressed.
  • Over time, this process will reduce genetic variability within your population, but you’ll have a stable foundationfor future outcrossing and hybridisation.

5. Maintain 88% Heterosis Through Selection and Crosses

Goal: Maintain vigour while fixing traits for future stability and use in breeding.

  • Step 5.1: Continue selection in BC4, BC5 generations
    • Continue selecting the most vigorous and stable plants in each successive backcross generation.
    • By BC4 or BC5, you should have a population that maintains 88% heterosis from the original hybrid vigour while also showing stable traits, like flowering time, resin production, and plant structure.
  • Step 5.2: Final outcross to pure Afghan or Thai male
    • After several backcrosses (BC4, BC5), perform one last outcross to a pure Afghan or Thai male to ensure you maintain that final dose of heterosis while stabilising key traits.
  • Step 5.3: Stabilisation and final selection
    • Once you have your F6 or F7 generation (from the BC6 generation onwards), continue to select for the best plants that show the perfect balance between stable traits and hybrid vigour. At this point, the line should be consistent and predictable in terms of its flowering time, resin production, structure, and general performance.
  • Step 5.4: Achieve final stabilisation
    • At this stage, the population should be a stable line that can be used for further breeding, propagation, or commercial production. The goal is for a robust, stable, and vigorous population with 88% heterosis maintained throughout.

5. Outcrossing to Maintain Heterosis and Fitness

Goal: Introduce fresh genetic material to maintain hybrid vigour and fitness.

Once you’ve stabilised traits in the S population (S1, S2, S3), you can begin outcrossing to maintain vigour and create an optimal breeding pool for future generations.

Step 5.1: Outcross S Population to Full-Sib Mothers

  • Select the best plants from the S2 or S3 generation and outcross them with their full-sib mothers (F1 plants). This will help increase the genetic diversity and maintain hybrid vigour.
  • This cross will maintain the desired traits from the S population while improving overall fitness and resilience.

Step 5.2: Continue Selection and Crosses

  • Select the best outcrossed plants and continue backcrossing and selecting for the most stable and vigorous traits. This will ultimately lead to a line that combines both stability and hybrid vigour.

1. Initial Crosses (Afghan x Thai, Thai x Afghan) → F1 Generation

Goal: Create hybrid vigour (Heterosis) and generate genetic diversity.

  • Crossing the Afghan and Thai lines:
    • Afghan x Thai and Thai x Afghan reciprocal crosses.
    • This generates F1 hybrids, where you’ll see hybrid vigour, but the plants will still be genetically diverse. Each reciprocal cross gives you a slightly different genetic expression, so you can compare them in the next steps.
    • F1 traits will include an initial mix of Afghan and Thai characteristics (resin, structure, flowering time, etc).
  • Open-pollinate the F1 plants to further increase genetic diversity. You can allow both male and female plants to pollinate freely, or manually control pollination, depending on your objectives.

2. Self-Pollination of F1 Plants → S Population (S1, S2, S3)

Goal: Stabilise and select for desirable traits by self-pollinating F1 plants.

  • Self-pollination of F1 plants:
    • Choose the best F1 females that exhibit the most promising traits (e.g., resin, flowering time, plant structure) and self-pollinate them. You can also self-pollinate male plants if you want to explore pollen genetics as well.
  • S1 Generation:
    • These seeds will represent the first selfed generation of the F1 plants. At this stage, the plants should show a bit more consistency in the traits you selected in the F1 generation but will still retain some genetic diversity.
  • Selecting for S2 Generation:
    • From the S1 generation, choose the best plants that most consistently exhibit your selected traits. Self-pollinate these to produce S2 seeds.
  • S2 and S3 Generations:
    • Continue selecting the most consistent, vigorous plants from S2 and S3 generations.
    • The goal is to fix traits like flowering time, plant structure, and resin production. By the time you reach S3, you should start seeing more stable expressions of these traits.
    By this stage, you’ll have a population that is more stable but still has some variability, which will be useful in future outcrossing.

3. Outcross S Population to Full-Sib Mothers → F4 Generation (Hybrid Vigour + Stability)

Goal: Enhance hybrid vigour and stabilise traits by outcrossing.

  • Outcross S population to full-sib mothers:
    • Choose top-performing plants from the S2/S3 generations and cross them with full-sib mothers (i.e., the best plants from the initial F1 generation).
    • This introduces hybrid vigour (heterosis) back into the population, as the F1 plants carry a diverse genetic base.
  • F4 Generation:
    • The offspring from this outcross will carry hybrid vigour (from the F1 and pure parent genetics) while showing stability in the selected traits (e.g., flowering, resin).
    • You’ll need to grow out these F4 plants, evaluate them, and select the best plants for their vigour and stability.

4. Backcross F4 Plants to Pure Afghan or Thai → BC1 Generation

Goal: Reinforce desirable traits from pure Afghan or Thai lines to preserve vigour and stability.

  • Backcrossing F4 plants to a pure Afghan or Thai:
    • From your F4 plants, choose the best phenotypes (plants with desirable traits such as resin production, structure, etc.) and backcross them to a pure Afghan or Thai male.
    • The BC1 generation will have a genetic blend of 50% pure Afghan or Thai genetics and 50% from the hybrid (F4), which brings in some stability and vigour from the pure parent.
  • Evaluate the BC1 generation for desired traits and vigour. Select the top-performing plants for further backcrossing.

5. Continue Backcrossing (BC2, BC3, BC4, BC5) to Maintain 88% Heterosis

Goal: Maintain hybrid vigour while stabilising traits.

  • Backcross the BC1 plants to pure Afghan or Thai (BC2, BC3, BC4, BC5):
    • Each backcross generation increases the genetic contribution from the pure Afghan or Thai line, while maintaining 88% heterosis (hybrid vigour).
    • The BC2 generation will be 75% Afghan or Thai, BC3 will be 87.5%, and so on. With each successive generation, the line becomes more stabilised while still retaining the hybrid vigour.
  • Selection in BC2 to BC5:
    • Continue selecting the best plants from each generation for vigour, stability, and your target traits. Select the plants that show the best balance of stability (from Afghan or Thai) and vigour (from the hybrid).
  • At BC5 (or possibly earlier), you should have a population that consistently expresses the desired traits while maintaining 88% hybrid vigour. This is where you want to stabilise your breeding line.

6. Final Outcrossing to Pure Afghan or Thai for Ultimate Stability

Goal: Final outcross to enhance stability and solidify genetic traits.

  • Outcross BC5 generation to a pure Afghan or Thai:
    • To ensure the final genetic stability and preserve the vigour of the line, perform a final outcross to a pure Afghan or Thai male.
    • This step can improve the consistency and final stabilisation of traits like flowering time, resin, and structure.
  • The outcross helps balance the heterosis and stabilises the final line, providing an ideal population for future breeding, cultivation, or commercial use.

7. Select and Stabilise Traits in the Final Generations

Goal: Achieve a stable, vigorous line with consistent expression of desirable traits.

  • Selection and stabilisation in the final generations:
    • By now, you should have a line that consistently expresses the desired characteristics: early flowering, strong plant structure, high resin production, etc.
    • Continue selecting the best plants from the final generations (BC6, BC7, F6, etc.) to fine-tune the traits and stabilise any remaining inconsistencies.
  • Final stable line:
    • After selecting the top performers from these final generations, you will have a stable, vigorous line that carries 88% heterosis, meaning the plants will show both hybrid vigour and consistent desirable traits.
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Mate Dave

ICMag Donor

Summary of the Steps:​

  1. Initial Crosses (Afghan x Thai, Thai x Afghan) → F1 Generation
  2. Self-pollination of F1 plants → S1 Population (S1, F2, SF1) Mixed
  3. Outcross S population to full-sib Males → F3 Generation (hybrid vigour + stability)
  4. Backcross F3 plants to pure Afghan or ThaiBC1 Generation
  5. Continue Backcrossing (BC2, BC3, BC4, BC5) to maintain 88% heterosis
  6. Final Outcrossing to pure Afghan/Thai for ultimate stability
  7. Select and Stabilise traits in the final generations to achieve a stable, vigorous line.
This process ensures you’ll have a genetically robust population that maintains high vigour through heterosis, while also being stable enough to reliably reproduce desired traits.

Recap of the Programme Flow:

  1. Initial Crosses (Afghan x Thai, Thai x Afghan)F1 Generation (hybrid vigour, genetic diversity)
  2. Self-pollination of F1 plantsS1, S2, S3 Generation (stabilising desirable traits)
  3. Outcross S population to full-sib mothersF4 Generation (hybrid vigour + trait stability)
  4. Backcross F4 plants to pure Afghan or ThaiBC1 Generation
  5. Continue Backcrossing (BC2, BC3, BC4, BC5)88% heterosis (vigour + stabilisation)
  6. Final Outcrossing to pure Afghan/Thai for ultimate stability
  7. Select and Stabilise Traits in final generations for a stable, vigorous
  8. Key Points to Focus On:​

    • Stabilising traits: As you progress from F1 to S3 and outcross to F4, the goal is to stabilise key traits like resin, flowering time, and plant structure.
    • Maintaining vigour: The backcrossing and outcrossing stages are focused on preserving hybrid vigour while improving stability and reducing genetic weaknesses.
    • Final selection: In the last stages (BC5 and beyond), you focus on selecting plants that have consistent traits and robust health, leading to a line that will reliably reproduce these traits.
  9. By following this structured breeding programme, you’ll create a high-performing, stable line with the desired traitsand 88% hybrid vigour, ready for future breeding, cultivation, or commercial production.
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Mate Dave

ICMag Donor

1. Initial Crosses (Afghan x Thai, Thai x Afghan) → F1 Generation (Open Reciprocal Pollination)

Goal: Create hybrid vigour (heterosis) and generate a genetically diverse F1 population.
  • Crossing the Afghan and Thai lines:
    • Perform reciprocal crossesbetween Afghan and Thai strains. This means making two separate crosses:
      1. Afghan x Thai (Afghan male × Thai female)
      2. Thai x Afghan (Thai male × Afghan female)
  • Open Reciprocal Pollination:
    • Allow both male and female plants to pollinate freely within each generation (Afghan x Thai and Thai x Afghan populations). This will increase the genetic diversity within each F1 population.
  • F1 Generation:
    • This generation will be genetically diverse, inheriting traits from both Afghan and Thai lines.
    • Hybrid vigour will be present, resulting in plants that express robust growth, vigorous flowering, and enhanced characteristics like resin production and disease resistance.
    • These F1 plants will be used in the next stage to evaluate desirable traits and begin stabilising them.

2. Self-Pollination of F1 Plants → S Population and F2 Generation

Goal: Stabilise desirable traits by self-pollinating F1 plants, generating the S population (selfed generation) and the F2 generation.
  • Self-pollinate F1 plants:
    • Select the most robust, healthy F1 plants with desirable characteristics (such as resin production, flowering speed, plant structure, etc.).
    • Self-pollinate these F1 plants, meaning each F1 plant is used to produce seeds by pollinating its own flowers. This will lead to the S1 generation.
  • S1 Generation:
    • This is the first selfed generation of your F1 plants. These plants will express a more stable version of the traits seen in the F1 but will still have genetic variation due to the crossbreeding between Afghan and Thai.
  • F2 Generation:
    • While you’re selfing the F1 plants to create the S1 population, you’ll also have an F2 generation. This will come from open-pollination of the F1 generation, creating a broader genetic pool with potential to stabilise traits further.
  • At this point, you will have:
    • S1 population (selfed F1 plants)
    • F2 generation (open-pollinated F1 plants)

3. S1 Population to Full-Sib Mothers and Males of F1 Population → SF1 Generation (Hybrid Vigour + Stability)

Goal: Reinforce hybrid vigour and stability by outcrossing the S1 plants to F1 full-sibs (siblings from the initial F1 cross).
  • Outcross S1 plants to F1 full-sib mothers and males:
    • Select the best plants from the S1 generation and outcross them with full-sib mothers and males from the initial F1 generation.
    • These F1 full-sibs can come from both Afghan x Thai and Thai x Afghan reciprocal crosses. By crossing S1 plants with full-sib males and females, you reinforce hybrid vigour (heterosis) while stabilising the traits you want to maintain.
  • SF1 Generation:
    • This generation will combine hybrid vigour from the F1 plants and trait stability from the S1 selfed plants. You are now mixing the benefits of genetic diversity (from the F1s) with stability (from the self-pollination process).
  • Selection:
    • Select the best plants from the SF1 generation based on the traits you wish to continue improving (e.g., flowering time, resin content, structure, etc.).

4. Continue Selfing the Best Plants and Using Full-Sibs and Best Males to Maintain 88% Heterosis

Goal: Continue selfing the best plants while maintaining hybrid vigour and stabilising desirable traits.
  • Selfing Best SF1 Plants:
    • Take the top-performing SF1 plants (those exhibiting the most stable, desirable traits) and self-pollinate them to produce S2 seeds.
    • These S2 plants will be more genetically stable than the SF1 but will still retain the core characteristics that you’re selecting for (e.g., vigour, resin, structure).
  • Using Full-Sibs:
    • Continue outcrossing S2 plants to their F1 full-sib mothers and fathers to maintain hybrid vigour and genetic diversity. This helps keep the line vigorous while still working toward stabilising the traits.
  • Maintaining 88% Heterosis:
    • As you continue to self-pollinate and outcross with the F1 full-sibs, the goal is to stabilise the line while maintaining 88% heterosis. This ensures that while you’re fixing traits, the plants still retain vigour and robustness from the F1 genes.
    • Each backcross and outcross to F1 full-sibs helps to reinforce the hybrid vigour and fix desirable traits in your line.
  • Selective Backcrossing:
    • If needed, consider backcrossing the best S2/S3 plants to pure Afghan or Thai male plants to reinforce key traits (e.g., resin production or structure), but without losing hybrid vigour.

5. Final Outcrossing to Pure Afghan/Thai for Ultimate Stability

Goal: Achieve the ultimate genetic stability by final outcrossing to a pure Afghan or Thai line.
  • Final Outcross:
    • After several generations of self-pollination and hybridisation with full-sibs, outcross the best S3 or S4 plants to a pure Afghan or Thai parent. This cross is designed to finalise the genetic structure and stabilise key traits across the line.
  • Outcross Result:
    • The outcross should create plants that have a stable genetic foundation (with desirable traits) while still retaining hybrid vigour.
  • Evaluate for Stability:
    • Evaluate the final outcrossed plants for stability, vigour, and consistent expression of desirable traits. These will be the foundation for your stable, vigorous line.

Recap of the Breeding Programme Flow:​

  1. Initial Crosses (Afghan x Thai, Thai x Afghan)F1 Generation (Open Reciprocal Pollination)
    (Hybrid vigour and genetic diversity from the reciprocal crosses.)
  2. Self-pollination of F1 plantsS1 Population and F2 Generation
    (Stabilising traits via self-pollination while maintaining genetic diversity in F2.)
  3. S1 Population to Full-Sib Mothers and Males of F1 PopulationSF1 Generation (Hybrid vigour + trait stability)
    (Reinforce hybrid vigour and stability through outcrossing to F1 full-sibs.)
  4. Continue Selfing the Best Plants and Using Full-Sibs and Best Males to Maintain 88% Heterosis
    (Self-pollinate the best plants and continue outcrossing to F1 full-sibs to stabilise traits while maintaining vigour.)
  5. Final Outcrossing to Pure Afghan/Thai for Ultimate Stability
    (Outcross to pure Afghan or Thai to reinforce stability and ensure that hybrid vigour is maintained.)

Final Thoughts:​

This breeding programme is well-structured for creating a stable and vigorous line while ensuring that hybrid vigour is maintained and desirable traits are stabilised. The combination of self-pollination (to stabilise traits) with outcrossing to F1 full-sibs and final outcrossing to pure Afghan or Thai is an effective method for achieving both stability and hybrid vigour in the long term.
As you progress, regular selection for desirable traits (such as resin content, flowering time, plant structure) at each stage will be critical in guiding the breeding process.
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Mate Dave

ICMag Donor

1. Selection of the F4 Generation for Stability

Goal: Use the F4 generation for stability in the base structure, flowering time, and overall health of the plants, providing a robust foundation for outcrossing.

  • F4 Generation:
    • This generation will be more stable compared to the earlier F1 or F2 generations because the plants have been backcrossed and selected for stability.
    • The F4 males and femalesshould be selected based on traits like:
      • Consistent flowering time (especially if you're aiming for early flowering or particular flowering cycles).
      • Vigour (strong growth, resistance to disease, robust structure).
      • Overall plant health (disease resistance, pest resistance, etc.).
    • Select plants that show stability in the key traits you wish to carry into your synthetic line, such as flower structure, resin production, and growth habits.

2. Selection of the S Generations for Specific Traits

Goal: Select specific S generation plants for individual desirable traits (such as resin content, terpene profile, bud density, etc.).

  • S Generation(S1, S2, S3, etc.):
    • Each S generation will have been self-pollinated to stabilize specific traits. These plants might show more consistency in things like resin production, flavour profile, or flower structure but might not be as vigorous as F4 plants.
    • Focus on selecting plants from the S generations that express the traitsyou want to reinforce in your synthetic line:
      • For example, you might have a specific S2 generation that is excellent for resin production but lacks vigour.
      • Alternatively, another S3 plant might have superior bud structure but is slower to flower or is a bit more prone to disease.

3. Outcrossing F4 Plants to S Generation for Trait Integration

Goal: Outcross the F4 plants to the S generation to combine the stability of F4 with the specific traits of the S generations.

  • Outcrossing F4 males to S females:
    • Choose the best F4 males (those showing stability and vigour) and outcross them to the S1/S2/S3 females(which carry specific desirable traits like resin production, terpene profile, or structure).
    • This will introduce the stability of the F4 males into the plants that show specific traits in the S females, helping to reinforce those traits while retaining hybrid vigour.
  • F5 Generation(the result of this outcross):
    • The offspring of this cross should carry the hybrid vigour of the F4 plants (vigour, stability, resilience) and the specific traits from the S plants (e.g., resin production, flower structure).
    • Evaluate these F5 plants for the desired traits, selecting individuals that show the best balance of stability and trait expression.

4. Selfing the Best F5 Plants and Continued Selection

Goal: Stabilise the synthetic line further by continuing to self-pollinate the best F5 plants while using full-sib crossesfor continued vigour and trait enhancement.

  • Self-pollination of F5 plants:
    • Take the best plants from the F5 generation (those exhibiting the desired combination of vigour and traits) and self-pollinate them. This will produce an S4 generation, continuing the process of stabilisation.
    • By now, you should have a more consistent expression of the desirable traits, as well as a degree of hybrid vigour maintained in the line.
  • Full-sib crosses (F5 × F5 or F5 × S):
    • After self-pollination, perform full-sib crosses using the F5 plants or a cross between F5 and S generations to keep vigour and ensure the line is moving toward a homogenous expression of traits.
    • Continue selecting the best plants in the S4 and S5 generations that consistently express the best combination of stability, vigour, and traits.

5. Repeating the Process and Maintaining 88% Heterosis

Goal: Keep the synthetic line’s heterosis (hybrid vigour) intact while reinforcing and stabilising the traits you want.

  • Outcrossing to maintain vigour:
    • After a few generations (e.g., F5 or F6), you may want to do occasional outcrossing to a pure Afghan or Thai line (or another suitable parent) to reinforce vigour or adjust traits, while maintaining the overall 88% hybrid vigour. This ensures that the line continues to perform well.
  • Continued Selection:
    • Regularly select the plants that show the most consistent expression of the traits you desire.
    • Keep using the best males and females from both the F generations (for vigour) and the S generations (for specific traits) to stabilise the synthetic line.
  • Balance Stabilisation and Hybrid Vigour:
    • As you continue the breeding process, the key will be balancing the stabilisation of traits (through self-pollination) with the need for hybrid vigour (via outcrossing and full-sib crossings). You want to keep the line vigorous but also consistent in the desired characteristics.

6. Final Selection and Line Stabilisation

Goal: Achieve a stable, robust synthetic line that carries both stability and vigour with the desirable traits, ready for commercial production or further breeding.

  • After several generations (e.g., S6 or F6), you should have a line that is genetically stable (with consistent traits like resin, flowering time, etc.) and retains the hybrid vigour you want (especially in terms of growth, resilience, and overall performance).
  • Final Selection: Carefully select the best individuals from these later generations that consistently express all of the desired traits.
  • End Goal: You now have a synthetic line that is genetically stable but also maintains enough hybrid vigour to be vigorous and robust in the field. You can use this line as the basis for further breeding or cultivation.

Summary of Steps for Your Synthetic Line Programme:​

  1. Selection of F4 Generation:
    • Choose F4 males and females based on stability, vigour, and health. These form the foundation for outcrossing.
  2. Selection of S Generationsfor Specific Traits:
    • Select plants from the S1, S2, S3 generations for specific traits like resin production, flavour, or flower structure.
  3. Outcross F4 Plants to S Generation:
    • Cross F4 males with S1/S2/S3 females to combine stability from F4 with specific traits from S generations, creating the F5 generation.
  4. Self-pollinate the Best F5 Plants:
    • Self-pollinate the top F5 plants to produce S4 and continue stabilisation. Also, perform full-sib crosses to maintain vigour and trait enhancement.
  5. Maintain 88% Heterosis:
    • Outcross periodically to pure Afghan/Thai lines for vigour, keeping the 88% hybrid vigour in the line.
  6. Final Selection and Line Stabilisation:
    • Select and stabilise the synthetic line through several generations (e.g., F6, S6), ensuring the best combination of stability, vigour, and desired traits.
This approach should give you a vibrant synthetic line that is genetically stable, carries specific traits, and maintains hybrid vigour for robust performance. You’ll be able to optimise it for commercial or personal use depending on your goals.
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Mate Dave

ICMag Donor

1. Selection of the F4 Generation for Stability

Goal: Use the F4 generation for stability in the base structure, flowering time, and overall health of the plants, providing a robust foundation for outcrossing.

  • F4 Generation:
    • This generation will be more stable compared to the earlier F1 or F2 generations because the plants have been backcrossed and selected for stability.
    • The F4 males and femalesshould be selected based on traits like:
      • Consistent flowering time (especially if you're aiming for early flowering or particular flowering cycles).
      • Vigour (strong growth, resistance to disease, robust structure).
      • Overall plant health (disease resistance, pest resistance, etc.).
    • Select plants that show stability in the key traits you wish to carry into your synthetic line, such as flower structure, resin production, and growth habits.

2. Selection of the S Generations for Specific Traits

Goal: Select specific S generation plants for individual desirable traits (such as resin content, terpene profile, bud density, etc.).

  • S Generation (S1, S2, S3, etc.):
    • Each S generation will have been self-pollinated to stabilize specific traits. These plants might show more consistency in things like resin production, flavour profile, or flower structure but might not be as vigorous as F4 plants.
    • Focus on selecting plants from the S generations that express the traitsyou want to reinforce in your synthetic line:
      • For example, you might have a specific S2 generation that is excellent for resin production but lacks vigour.
      • Alternatively, another S3 plant might have superior bud structure but is slower to flower or is a bit more prone to disease.

3. Outcrossing F4 Plants to S Generation for Trait Integration

Goal: Outcross the F4 plants to the S generation to combine the stability of F4 with the specific traits of the S generations.

  • Outcrossing F4 males to S females:
    • Choose the best F4 males (those showing stability and vigour) and outcross them to the S1/S2/S3 females(which carry specific desirable traits like resin production, terpene profile, or structure).
    • This will introduce the stability of the F4 males into the plants that show specific traits in the S females, helping to reinforce those traits while retaining hybrid vigour.
  • F5 Generation(the result of this outcross):
    • The offspring of this cross should carry the Heterosis of the F4 plants (vigour, stability, resilience) and the specific traits from the S plants (e.g., resin production, flower structure).
    • Evaluate these F5 plants for the desired traits, selecting individuals that show the best balance of stability and trait expression.

4. Selfing the Best F5 Plants and Continued Selection

Goal: Stabilise the synthetic line further by continuing to self-pollinate the best F5 plants while using full-sib crosses for continued vigour and trait enhancement.

  • Self-pollination of F5 plants:
    • Take the best plants from the F5 generation (those exhibiting the desired combination of vigour and traits) and self-pollinate them. This will produce an S4 generation, continuing the process of stabilisation.
    • By now, you should have a more consistent expression of the desirable traits, as well as a degree of hybrid vigour maintained in the line.
  • Full-sib crosses (F5 × F5 or F5 × S):
    • After self-pollination, perform full-sib crosses using the F5 plants or a cross between F5 and S generations to keep vigour and ensure the line is moving toward a homogenous expression of traits.
    • Continue selecting the best plants in the S4 and S5 generations that consistently express the best combination of stability, vigour, and traits.

5. Repeating the Process and Maintaining 88% Heterosis

Goal: Keep the synthetic line’s heterosis (hybrid vigour) intact while reinforcing and stabilising the traits you want.

  • Outcrossing to maintain vigour:
    • After a few generations (e.g., F5 or F6), you may want to do occasional outcrossing to a pure Afghan or Thai line (or another suitable parent) to reinforce vigour or adjust traits, while maintaining the overall 88% hybrid vigour. This ensures that the line continues to perform well.
  • Continued Selection:
    • Regularly select the plants that show the most consistent expression of the traits you desire.
    • Keep using the best males and females from both the F generations (for vigour) and the S generations (for specific traits) to stabilise the synthetic line.
  • Balance Stabilisation and Hybrid Vigour:
    • As you continue the breeding process, the key will be balancing the stabilisation of traits (through self-pollination) with the need for hybrid vigour (via outcrossing and full-sib crossings). You want to keep the line vigorous but also consistent in the desired characteristics.

6. Final Selection and Line Stabilisation

Goal: Achieve a stable, robust synthetic line that carries both stability and vigour with the desirable traits, ready for commercial production or further breeding.

  • After several generations (e.g., S6 or F6), you should have a line that is genetically stable (with consistent traits like resin, flowering time, etc.) and retains the hybrid vigour you want (especially in terms of growth, resilience, and overall performance).
  • Final Selection: Carefully select the best individuals from these later generations that consistently express all of the desired traits.
  • End Goal: You now have a synthetic line that is genetically stable but also maintains enough hybrid vigour to be vigorous and robust in the field. You can use this line as the basis for further breeding or cultivation.

Summary of Steps for Your Synthetic Line Programme:​

  1. Selection of F4 Generation:
    • Choose F4 males and females based on stability, vigour, and health. These form the foundation for outcrossing.
  2. Selection of S Generationsfor Specific Traits:
    • Select plants from the S1, S2, S3 generations for specific traits like resin production, flavour, or flower structure.
  3. Outcross F4 Plants to S Generation:
    • Cross F4 males with S1/S2/S3 females to combine stability from F4 with specific traits from S generations, creating the F5 generation.
  4. Self-pollinate the Best F5 Plants:
    • Self-pollinate the top F5 plants to produce S4 and continue stabilisation. Also, perform full-sib crosses to maintain vigour and trait enhancement.
  5. Maintain 88% Heterosis:
    • Outcross periodically to pure Afghan/Thai lines for vigour, keeping the 88% hybrid vigour in the line.
  6. Final Selection and Line Stabilisation:
    • Select and stabilise the synthetic line through several generations (e.g., F6, S6), ensuring the best combination of stability, vigour, and desired traits.
This approach should give you a vibrant synthetic line that is genetically stable, carries specific traits, and maintains hybrid vigour for robust performance. You’ll be able to optimise it for commercial or personal use depending on your goals.
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Mate Dave

ICMag Donor
You're focusing on creating a synthetic line that, in the final generation, will have males that are primarily identical to the females except for the Y chromosome, which would simply express the male sex-determining traits (and perhaps some of the inherited traits from the female lines, depending on how the Y chromosome carries genetic information). Essentially, you want the males to be genetically identical to the females except for sex determination.

This approach implies a form of sex-specific genetic stabilisation where you essentially minimise any genetic divergence in the males other than their Y chromosome and use that to ensure the sex-determining function is passed on.

This is a more advanced approach that essentially involves sex chromosome engineering while maintaining the same traits across both sexes, which can be highly effective for stabilising your synthetic line while keeping hybrid vigour intact.

Here’s how you could structure this approach from start to finish:

1. Initial Crosses (Afghan x Thai, Thai x Afghan) → F1 Generation (Open Reciprocal Pollination)

Goal: Create an F1 generation that introduces broad genetic diversity and produces both males and females with a variety of traits.

  • Perform reciprocal crosses (Afghan x Thai, Thai x Afghan) to create the F1 generation.
  • Use open pollination within the F1 generation to allow for genetic diversity. This will produce a wide range of F1 plants, including both males and females with different combinations of vigour, resin production, flowering time, etc.

. Sex-Specific Selection in F1 Generation

Goal: Select males and females separately based on sex alone, while prioritising important traits like vigour and stability in males, and trait-specific qualities (e.g., resin, flower structure) in females.

  • Select F1 males:
    • Choose the most vigorous, stable males based on structure and overall health. These males should exhibit strong growth and vigour, ensuring that the hybrid vigour is preserved when crossed with females.
  • Select F1 females:
    • Choose the best females based on the desired traits (e.g., resin production, flower structure, flowering time, pest resistance).
  • The key here is to select males based on vigour and structure, while selecting females based on desirable traits that you want to stabilise in the line.

. Self-Pollination of F1 Females → S Population and F2 Generation

Goal: Begin stabilising female traits through self-pollination, while maintaining genetic diversity for males.

  • Self-pollinate F1 females:
    • Self-pollinate the best F1 females to produce the S1 generation. These plants will start to stabilise the desirable traits (resin, flowering time, structure) in the females.
  • Open-pollinate remaining F1 plants:
    • Open-pollinate the rest of the F1 generation to create the F2 generation. These will include the male plants that will be used for future outcrossing to maintain vigour.
  • Now, you’ll have:
    • S1 females (stabilised for female traits)
    • F2 males and females (with genetic diversity)

4. Outcross S1 Females to F1 Males → SF1 Generation

Goal: Reinforce trait stability in females while maintaining vigour from F1 males.

  • Outcrossing:
    • Cross the best S1 females (those with the most desirable traits) to F1 males (the selected strong males).
    • This creates the SF1 generation, which will combine the stabilised traits from the S1 females and the hybrid vigour of the F1 males.
  • Evaluate SF1 Generation:
    • Select the best SF1 plants based on a combination of desirable female traits and vigour. This will ensure that the final line retains vigour but also begins to stabilise the traits you're targeting.

5. Continue Selfing and Outcrossing to Maintain Stability and Vigour

Goal: Continue selfing the best SF1 plants while outcrossing to maintain vigour and hybrid vigour. This step is where you start reducing any male-specific divergence, aiming to make the male plants genetically closer to the females.

  • Self-pollinate SF1 plants:
    • Self-pollinate the best-performing SF1 plants to create the S2 generation. These plants will continue stabilising desirable traits in females.
  • Outcross to F1 males:
    • To maintain vigour, outcross the S2 females with F1 males (or later-generation males selected for vigour). This will prevent the line from becoming too inbred and help to preserve hybrid vigour.
  • Continue selecting for consistency in traits (for females) and vigour (for males).

6. Create Male-Female Genetic Similarity

Goal: Make the males genetically closer to the females, with the only significant difference being the Y chromosome. In other words, you want male plants that express the same traits as the females (minus the sex-specific ones).

  • Approach for Male Lineage:
    • As you continue selecting and stabilising the S generation, select males from the line that exhibit the same traits as the females, with only the Y chromosome being the main difference.
    • Through self-pollination and selective outcrossing, the goal is to reduce genetic differences between males and females, while preserving the necessary traits in males.
  • Genealogical Strategy:
    • Every time you cross, ensure that the males are selected from the same pool as the females in terms of phenotypic traits, but the males should always retain the Y chromosome.
    • For example, you may have an F4 female that expresses desirable traits (e.g., resin production), and a male from the same generation that shows identical traits but has the Y chromosome. These males should be crossed to S4 females that express the same traits, thereby homogenising the genetic material.

7. Repeating the Process to Stabilise the Line (S4/S5 and Beyond)

Goal: Achieve a highly stabilised synthetic line where the males and females are genetically similar except for the Y chromosome.

  • Continue with self-pollination, outcrossing, and sex-specific selection until you reach the S4/S5generations.
    • The S generations (particularly the S4 and beyond) should stabilise the traits to the point where the males and females are nearly genetically identical.
    • At this stage, the males will express the same phenotypic traits as the females, except for their male sex chromosomes (i.e., the Y chromosome).
  • By now, the males will only carry the Y chromosome, which will allow them to express sex determination and pass on their male sex chromosomes to offspring. The rest of their genome should match the females in terms of traits like flower structure, resin production, growth habits, etc.

8. Final Outcrossing to Pure Afghan/Thai for Stability and Heterosis

Goal: Ensure the synthetic line maintains its stability, vigour, and genetic diversity.

  • To ensure the synthetic line is stabilised and to maintain 88% hybrid vigour, outcross to pure Afghan or Thai(or another robust, stable parent line) in the later generations.
    • This outcrossing will reinforce vigour, increase genetic diversity, and ensure that the line maintains its hybrid vigour and desired traits.
  • After several generations, you’ll have a stable synthetic line with males and females that are genetically almost identical, with only the Y chromosome responsible for sex determination in males.

Summary of Steps for Creating the Synthetic Line with Minimal Male-Female Divergence:

  1. Initial Crosses (Afghan x Thai, Thai x Afghan)F1 Generation (open reciprocal pollination).
  2. Sex-Specific Selection in F1 Generation:
    • Select vigorous males and trait-specific females.
  3. Self-Pollination of F1 Females → S Population (S1) and Open Pollination for F2 Males.
  4. Outcross S1 Females to F1 Males → SF1 Generation for vigour and trait enhancement.
  5. Self-Pollinate SF1 Plants → S2 Generation and outcross to F1 males for vigour maintenance.
  6. Male-Female Genetic Similarity:
    • Select males that exhibit identical traits to females, except for the Y chromosome.
  7. Repetition of the Process (S4/S5) until the males and females are genetically nearly identical except for the Y chromosome.
  8. **Final Out
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Mate Dave

ICMag Donor
The goal here is to stabilise a synthetic line where the males and females are genetically almost identical, except for the Y chromosome, while maintaining Heterosis and reinforcing desirable traits. You’re aiming for genetic stability in the traits carried by females, vigour from males, and a robust, stable line after several generations. Additionally, the process should occur with some steps happening concurrently to maximise efficiency.

Here’s the entire breeding programme step-by-step, structured with concurrent stages, and highlighting the key areas:

Breeding Goal:

The goal is to create a synthetic line with:

  1. Stabilised female traits (resin production, structure, etc.).
  2. Hybrid vigour (preserved through male contribution).
  3. Sex-specific genetic stabilisation, where males and females are nearly identical genetically except for the Y chromosome (which will be responsible for male sex determination).
  4. Maintain 88% heterosis (hybrid vigour) throughout the process by outcrossing with pure Afghan or Thai lines.

1. Initial Crosses: Afghan x Thai, Thai x Afghan → F1 Generation

  • Stage Goal: Establish the F1 generation with broad genetic diversity and all potential desirable traits.
  • Key Actions:
    • Perform reciprocal crosses: Afghan x Thai and Thai x Afghan.
    • Allow open reciprocal pollination to maximise genetic diversity.
  • Concurrent Actions:
    • Select males and females based on vigour (males) and trait-specific characteristics (females) in the F1 generation.
    • The F1 generation will provide a wide array of traits that will be essential for future selection.

2. Sex-Specific Selection in F1 Generation

  • Stage Goal: Select vigorous males and trait-specific females based on sex alone, allowing for gender-based selection.
  • Key Actions:
    • Select the best males: Based on vigour, structure, and resilience.
    • Select the best females: Based on desired trait expression (e.g., resin production, flower structure, growth rate).
  • Concurrent Actions:
    • You’ll continue with self-pollination of F1 females to create the S1 population, while the F2 generation will be generated through open pollination of F1 plants.
    • At the same time, males from the F1 generation will be selected to create hybrid vigour in future crosses.

3. Self-Pollination of F1 Females → S1 Population and F2 Generation

  • Stage Goal: Stabilise female traits through self-pollination, while maintaining vigour in the male population (F2).
  • Key Actions:
    • Self-pollinate selected F1 females to create the S1 generation.
    • Open-pollinate remaining F1 plants to create the F2 generation, which will consist of males and females for future outcrossing.
  • Concurrent Actions:
    • Select the best males from the F2 generation for outcrossing with S1 females.
    • Continue to evaluate S1 females for the stabilisation of desirable traits and the F2 males for vigour.

4. Outcross S1 Females to F1 Males → SF1 Generation

  • Stage Goal: Create the SF1 generation that combines stabilised female traits and vigour from the F1 males.
  • Key Actions:
    • Outcross the best S1 females to F1 males.
    • This will reinforce hybrid vigour and trait stability from the S1 females.
  • Concurrent Actions:
    • Evaluate the SF1 plants for a combination of desired female traits and male vigour.
    • Select the best SF1 plants for further breeding (selfing or outcrossing).

5. Self-Pollinate SF1 Plants → S2 Generation and Outcrossing to Maintain Vigour

  • Stage Goal: Continue stabilising female traits through self-pollination while maintaining vigour via outcrossing.
  • Key Actions:
    • Self-pollinate the best SF1 plants to create the S2 generation. This will continue to stabilise desirable traits in females.
    • Periodically outcross S2 females to F1 males (or later-generation males) to maintain hybrid vigour.
  • Concurrent Actions:
    • Continue selecting for trait stability in females and vigour in males.
    • Use S2 males for any future outcrossing to females that require more vigour or a wider genetic base.

6. Create Genetic Similarity Between Males and Females

  • Stage Goal: Achieve genetic similarity between males and females, with the Y chromosome being the only difference for sex determination.
  • Key Actions:
    • Select males that exhibit the same traits as the females, apart from their Y chromosome. This will reduce genetic divergence between sexes.
    • Use the best S2 and S3 males to cross with S2 and S3 females. Over time, the males and females will become genetically almost identical, with only the Y chromosome serving as the sex determinant.
  • Concurrent Actions:
    • Continue selfing the best-performing males and females for trait stability while monitoring their vigour.
  • Select females with Ideal Traits

    Begin by selecting a group of female cannabis plants that exhibit the traits you wish to preserve in the offspring. These traits might include aspects like:
    • Flowering time (early, mid, or late)
    • Resin production
    • Aroma profile
    • Yield potential
    • Resistance to pests and diseases
    • Growth structure (height, branching)
  • By focusing on selecting high-quality females, you establish a strong foundation for the desired characteristics.

    2. Choose Males with Comparable Phenotypic Traits

    Next, select male plants that express the same phenotypic traits as the females. The idea here is to choose males that are genetically similar, except for the presence of the Y chromosome, which will be the primary difference used for sex determination. Key traits to consider include:
    • Similar flowering time
    • Resin production (if applicable)
    • Aroma or terpene profile
    • Plant morphology (branching, size, etc.)
  • The goal is to reduce genetic divergence between the sexes by selecting males that are as close as possible to the female plants in terms of their non-sexual characteristics.

    3. Use Advanced Breeding Techniques

    To achieve this genetic similarity, you may need to employ advanced breeding methods such as:
    • Backcrossing: Cross male plants back to their female parent or a similar female plant to reinforce desirable traits and bring them into alignment. This method can help ensure that the male progeny will share many of the same traits as the female plants, with only the Y chromosome causing sex differentiation.
    • Stabilisation: Repeatedly cross the selected males and females over several generations to ensure that the desirable traits are passed on consistently while maintaining a consistent level of genetic similarity.
    • Marker-assisted selection (MAS): Use genetic markers to identify and select plants that exhibit the desired traits. This can help to track and maintain genetic similarity, particularly for complex traits that might otherwise be difficult to monitor through visual inspection alone.
  • 4. Minimise Genetic Drift

    Over multiple generations, it’s important to ensure that genetic drift doesn’t introduce unintended variations. By carefully selecting both males and females that exhibit the same phenotypic traits, you can minimise genetic drift and keep the plants genetically similar.

    5. Select for Male Plants with No Negative Traits

    In each generation, carefully monitor male offspring for any unwanted traits, especially those that deviate significantly from the female parent plants. This can include undesirable aspects like poor resin production, abnormal growth habits, or weak pest resistance. Discarding these males from the breeding pool will help maintain genetic similarity and prevent the introduction of negative traits into the female line.

    6. Implement a Strict Selection Process

    In each breeding cycle, continue selecting both male and female plants that best represent the ideal genetic profile. Use this selective process to ensure that genetic diversity is preserved only where necessary (e.g. for healthy, strong plant development) while minimising differences between sexes.

    7. Monitor and Adjust

    Throughout the breeding process, keep a close eye on genetic markers and phenotypic expression. If the offspring consistently exhibit the desired traits with minimal divergence between sexes, you can begin to reduce the intensity of selection. If, however, you notice significant deviation in sex-related traits (like male-specific characteristics emerging in females or vice versa), you may need to adjust your breeding strategy.

    8. Establish a Stabilised Line

    After several generations of selective breeding, the male and female plants should exhibit minimal genetic divergence beyond the sex chromosome difference. At this point, you can establish a stabilised breeding line where males and females exhibit the same desirable traits and only the Y chromosome determines sex. This will result in a higher level of genetic uniformity across both sexes.

    By following these steps, you should be able to achieve genetic similarity between male and female cannabis plants, with the Y chromosome serving as the sole determinant for sex differentiation, while ensuring the preservation of the desired phenotypic traits.

7. Continue Selfing and Outcrossing Until Stability

  • Stage Goal: Achieve stabilisation of the traits while maintaining vigour and reinforcing the genetic similarity between males and females.
  • Key Actions:
    • Continue self-pollination of the best plants in the S4/S5 generations, while periodically outcrossing with F1 males or later-generation males to maintain vigour and prevent inbreeding.
    • The S4 and S5 generations should stabilise the traits, ensuring that the males are genetically close to the females.
  • Concurrent Actions:
    • After reaching S4/S5, you will have a line with genetically similar males and females, with the only key difference being the Y chromosome.

8. Final Outcrossing to Pure Afghan or Thai Lines for Stability and Heterosis

  • Stage Goal: Ensure ultimate genetic stability, reinforcing vigour and maintaining hybrid vigour at around 88%.
  • Key Actions:
    • Outcross to pure Afghan or Thai lines in later generations (e.g., S5 or beyond) to reinforce vigour and maintain a genetic base.
    • This final outcrossing will help maintain the vigour and stability of the line, ensuring it doesn’t lose its hybrid vigour.

9. Final Selection and Stabilisation of Synthetic Line

  • Stage Goal: Achieve a fully stabilised synthetic line that produces consistent results in future generations.
  • Key Actions:
    • Continue selecting the best plants from the final generations (S5 and beyond) for vigour, trait consistency, and genetic stability.
    • Final selection should result in a population where males and females are genetically almost identical, except for the Y chromosome, which will carry the sex-determining genes.

Breeding Program Summary:

  1. Initial Crosses (Afghan x Thai, Thai x Afghan) → F1 Generation
  2. Sex-Specific Selection in F1 Generation → Select Vigorous Males and Trait-Specific Females
  3. Self-Pollination of F1 FemalesS1 Population and F2 Generation
  4. Outcross S1 Females to F1 MalesSF1 Generation
  5. Self-Pollinate SF1 PlantsS2 Generation and Outcross to Maintain Vigour
  6. Create Genetic Similarity Between Males and Females → Minimise Male-Female Divergence (except for Y chromosome)
  7. Continue Selfing and Outcrossing Until S4/S5 Generations
  8. Final Outcrossing to Pure Afghan/Thai Lines → Reinforce Stability and Heterosis
  9. Final Selection and Stabilisation → Create a Stable, Homogeneous Synthetic Line with Vigour and Desired Traits.
  10. Final Out
By following these steps concurrently, you ensure that each generation of the synthetic line stabilises desirable female traits. Through continued outcrossing, self-pollination, and sex-specific selection, the synthetic line will eventually result in males and females that are genetically almost identical except for the Y chromosome.
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