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Becoming a gardening hermit


Active member
I'm a gardening hermit and suffer depression. have some friends along with regular exercise, daily prayer and meditation, proper diet high in vegs and fruit helps. finding a strain that provides motivation like zamaldelica and other sativas helps as well.


You hit the nail on the head with hermitgrower syndrome. I think you just have to force yourself out there.

Kill your tv, home internet for starters.

Boredom will lead to creativity and reaching out hopefully after that is the theory. I did volunteer work all last year and still managed to pull off a reasonable smallish grow. We need connection I reckon or whats the fuken point...

This thread should be pinned thanks for posting it.

Anyway haven’t read through this thread yet just your first post so i’ll have a read. I’m in need myself on advice how to become more intergrated more and less of a paranoid defensive tard.

Lastly one thing I learnt last year was to keep weed talk to myself on the outside as much fun as it is to validate you hobby with like minded others..

Sorry to bump an OLD thread, but just wanna say thanks for inspiring me with all your reassuring posts. I'm a hermit by nature & always have been. I'm in my 30s now & constantly feel like I'm "wasting" my life by spending so much time indoors/alone, but there's nothing wrong with doing what you love. Not everyone is an extroverted sensation-seeker and that's okay. But I also know what depression/crippling anxiety feel like, so I can identify with the OP too. Can't become a slave to your growing hobby.

I look forward to my golden years when weed is the only substance I use & I have my own sun room, patio, balcony and/or farm plot to grow it on. Right now I'm restricted to a Solo cup in a closet, lol.


Active member
This is the first time I've seen this thread and I agree with a lot of people's sentiments.
I too live in a country where cannabis is illegal. I truly believe the whole issue is caused by prohibition.

Prohibition forces people to become secretive. Loose lips sink ships etc. Secrecy causes isolation and isolation isn't good for humans. We need social interaction. So IMO cannabis doesn't causes mental illness prohibition does through isolation

I'm fortunate that I have a group of friends that I can trust but many people don't. That's why forums like this are so important. It allows people somewhere to talk with people in similar situations.
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Swamp Thang

Well-known member
I can relate to the OP's sense of isolation that comes with being a perennial weed grower who dare not breathe a word about their favorite hobby, for fear of being turned in to face harsh laws.

It is ironic that for many of us weed growers who reside where the laws are draconian, freely share news of our grows with hundreds of other anonymous growers online in this forum, yet dare not so much as mention the subject of weed cultivation to anyone who knows who we are in real life.

Living out in the sticks like I do also means more time spent alone, so hobbies become all the more important aspects of staying mentally healthy for the long haul. Outdoors, I'm lucky enough to have access to a rain forest where I can paddle my dugout while monkey troops pause to watch me from the trees above, with nothing but bird-song, and wind through the tree-tops, as the sound-track.

Indoors, I indulge my obsession with the magic of flight, by spending more hours than I should battling storm-strength cross-winds on final approach into airports like Hong Kong Kai Tak, Heathrow and LAX, in the virtual world of Microsoft FS9 Flight Simulator, where I captain my very own highly realistic and detailed Level D Boeing 767-300 ER, set up with a CH flight yoke, Saitek rudder pedals, and a twin-engine throttle quadrdant that combine to put me in the zone, as I tame the turbulence at the helm of the big bird.

I'd better not start talking about my rc quadcopter, because most of y'all are likely to nod off to sleep reading my ramblings here ha ha.


Sorry to bump an OLD thread, but just wanna say thanks for inspiring me with all your reassuring posts. I'm a hermit by nature & always have been. I'm in my 30s now & constantly feel like I'm "wasting" my life by spending so much time indoors/alone, but there's nothing wrong with doing what you love. Not everyone is an extroverted sensation-seeker and that's okay. But I also know what depression/crippling anxiety feel like, so I can identify with the OP too. Can't become a slave to your growing hobby.

I look forward to my golden years when weed is the only substance I use & I have my own sun room, patio, balcony and/or farm plot to grow it on. Right now I'm restricted to a Solo cup in a closet, lol.

Thank You for this.


I am a hermit too. Cannabis is illegal where I grow, my dog knows, some members of my family know. I cant tell no body because they wouldnt understand. If it was legal I would happily smoke in front of anybody and give people green medication free of charge :D


Well-known member
yeah get yourself a couple o pups n rear them, you will never feel you are on youre own again when ye have two good friends by your side, goodluck.


Active member
I live in a small rural state that legalized this year. As of July 1 anybody can grow a couple of plants. No big weed though as retail outlets are not yet permitted. Regarding weed isolation I have been astounded to discover people I have known for many years at the farmers market and other public places have been growing weed on the quiet for all those years. If it's legal you no longer need to keep it a secret or be a hermit. I've got a very nice plant growing on my porch that even the mailman pays no attention to.