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Beanhoarder Seeds?


Active member
i got Bho runnin.....ima shitbag with updates and pics but ill get some on here before chop

so far? yes. i got one f13.ssh going, she's a total freak. looks like she shoulda been killed at birth for ugliness. which is why i kept it. other going too, and just harvested a freebie peshawar afghani from malberry....freebies.....i got another one getting ready, and they rock the cazbah......the one just cut smells sweety skunky earthy but with a lot of bad breath on top of it.......oooooohhhhh.


Active member
I'm about to start a run with a 5-pack each of Beanhoarder's Sweet Jack x Blueberry and Red Congolese x F13 (along with my all-time favorite Joey Weed C99.)

Going to be my first time attempting a full organic soil grow, and also my first real run with my two custom-built 315 CMH systems, so maybe I'll start a journal for this one. Natural soil and light indoors FTW!


Active member
heya intothegreen......keep an eye out on the swXbb, ive been running two different cuts of that and they both are gangbusters with the nanners. that is probably me at some degree, but im running about 8 other strains in the cab and they dont get hissy, ymmv. the red congo/f13 is something i want to run soon, please keep some updates if ya can.

ive had some requests in light of posts ive had on this thread to update on benaho progress. i'll get picks up when i can, for now i can give some insight into;

sweet jackXbb, f13Xssh, sensi starXblack widow, johhny blazeXc99

i got one f13Xssh running, it's mutated pretty well in the foliage. real easy to grow, tolerant of abuse %) i just harvested the first one. not much smell but whats there is beauty, very sticky and greasy, threw one nanner at the end......very dense buds.....very dense buds, did i say that already? very excited to ride her, back at ya in about 6wks with that.

the sensi widow cross has been great so far, just jarred the first plant on this. i have four girls going, each one is different enough to note that this cross will have a huge fucking range of possibilities down the line. if you have patience and wanna play? this your girl. the smells are dangerous; sickly, sweet, evil, skunky, yummy.....threw some nanners, does NOT like to drink too much.....my other plants drink her under the table. she must have camel genes in her.....GMO weed? i have one plant at 9+weeks right now, she looks ready to go but the buds are very airy, not much density.

jbXc99 looks/smells/feels/acts like its going to be a real winner. its pretty obvious who is dominate in each pheno....(of 4 grown)......i have 2 that are cindy, two that are johnny. the two johnnys are 8wks and are just starting to darken some hairs, one cindy is sitting in a jar, the other is on her deathbed. nuff said, ill let you know. dont want to jinx it. the smell is good and old.

i had two females from 4 sown with the sweet jackXbb and i 86d them both a couple days ago. nanners out the yinyang. noramally i dont go berserk over nanners but i have too many other good things going on in the same cab and im too loose overall to risk it right now. plus, i got more seeds :).......the smell is very sweet with a spice thrown in. smells like trix......ya know, silly rabbt? very sticky, beautiful buds with calyxes stacked. gets a bit dark and purple. when i get my ducks rowed up i'll let loose the other halves of these packs and see what there is to see.....f13Xssh has most my pent-up expectations. maybe the johnny/cindy.....so much incredibleness.

now the shocker.

the peshawar afghani freebies i got from Hdepot have been harvested, cured, and sampled.


incredible sweet, fuely, chemically, skunky smell and the effect is A-/A........very pleasantly surprised. i ripped out 2 12/12 from seed for giggles, one's the fuely thing the other is a good solid standard afghani smell. great density, breeze to grow....shouldn'ta let her go....and to make my point clear, the effect is great. warm, velvety blanket with clarity, energy and spunk. then, you get tired. long duration. and this is from what i would call 1-2 average puffs from glass, not even going lungbuster heroic shit. i usually sample the lowend first, then puff it cigar style for 3-4 minutes for the ceiling ride.

on another note, beanhoarder in general.......ive germed 18 of 40 from this order and have popped 18 of 40. fresh too, a day in h20/h202 then in plugs, up in 2-3 days all. much better than the ratio i got from seeders close by where i lost 70% of 50 seeds.....females to boot.....all good though, it happens.

i will get pics up, gotta get cam figured out and good representations....up they'll go.

i wanna to hear about that f13Xcongo stuff......


Active member
Good info, ion! I was looking at that Johnny Blaze × C99 before pulling the trigger on the other 2 crosses, since I'm running Joey's C99 also I figured I'd already have my Cindy fix. Interested to see how yours turns out! I'm a sucker for a good strain description and there are like 15 of Beanho's crosses that sound pretty sick lol.

Thanks for the heads up about the SJ x BB, I'll keep an eye out for nanners on the back half of flowering for sure. Right now at about 3.5 weeks of veg they look pretty uniform:

I can already smell some of that spicy maple sweetness on the stems - yum!

The Red Congolese x F13 is looking fucking swole haha! Some seriously thick stems and big-ass Indica-looking leaves, which is not what I was expecting based on the very sativa-ish description of the high, but then again I've never grown any African genetics before. Not a ton of smell to the stems at this point, just a little spice.

Just fired up the 2nd 315 today since the plants are big enough to need the whole closet now, and should be able to sex them and most likely top the females pretty soon.


Active member
ive got a plantation of nanners going on ....they're fairly prolific thruout the 4 crosses i have going, f13Xssh being the most behaved with one from several plants, sweet jack very nanner and the sensi starXbw has some phenos doing very well with these yellow fuckers and one pheno popping them in the 5th wk of flow, three different plants at the same time popping em out.......now, on the other hand ALL of the plnats ive grown are vigorous, healthy, and superstackysicklysticky, very resinous.....ive got 2-3 wks from the first smoking, so.......considering the insane amount of crosses he's pulling out and the nature of how it looks like his operation runs....?.....ill happily deal with the nanners. if i can come up with 1 maybe 2 worthwhile keepers from each 10pk, im up/down all around about it.

the f13Xssh i have in the jar has little smell....it was very nice, what was there, but in the last couple days some new smell is coming in and it feels like it'll be good. very dense buds, lotsa trich coverage, not a big yielder....


misterD farmhouse

I saw somewhere ... new line coming with the "big freeze" daddy .. No more information at the moment, otherwise than he pollen chuck everything he got around.


Active member
Yea I picked up 1 pack of Big Freeze and 3 packs of The Freeze. He does have alot of very cool crosses.


Active member
A few years ago I was able to obtain seeds from an old Quebecer who has been growing this stain for over 20 years. He referred to it simply as “Big Freeze” and it is the biggest version I’ve yet seen.

An in-cross of my newly acquired Big Freeze. The grower I acquired these from states he has gotten over 2 lbs per plant with these monsters. Tough, flavourful (although very strong, a bit acrid) potent and fast.

Sounds interesting to me. I've grown boreal's freeze x pluton bx2/bx f2 mix a bit, but have always wanted to try pure friesland indica. Hard to know if its been outcrossed over the years, but interesting none the less being a 20yr seed line.


misterD farmhouse
Still got the original freezeland mom, but to me big freeze sound like a big bud x freezeland!


Active member
Yea not sure on the Big Freeze line wonder if the Quebecer crossed it or he was working with male and female from original sssc seeds.

Hey ,

The Freeze or Freezeland is the Friesland (M33)* that has been kept alive in Quebec.

So the Big Freeze would be closest to the original, that we have.
Freeze would be more odor, but is two different Freeze lines crossed together.

here is the info on the Beanhoarder Freeze

The Quebec Freezeland is a unique and fascinating plant prized among eastern Canadian outdoor growers. It’s reportedly derived from the original SSSC M33 Friesland indica but is widely regarded to as simply Freeze. It possess many very unique and unusual traits but is mostly known as a bullet proof, fast finishing, reliable and potent outdoor variety. It has a very unique flavour that is a sharp, piney and a bit fuel-ish that many love but can be a bit much for some. If you like the diesels and chems you’ll likely to love this taste. Outdoors it finishes mid to late September and can thrive in the toughest conditions.

Not really known as an indoor plant, I’ve grown it many times with surprisingly good results. Again it has some very unusual traits. It does very well in lower light environments or in the corners where others varieties can suffer. It doesn’t seem to like long photoperiods and will getting stretchy with veg times over 18 hours.* Although not an auto-flowering variety, males tend to show early in veg and females will start to flower as soon as the light period is reduced even from 16 to 15 hours.

Over the years I obtained seeds and cuttings of this unique variety from several different sources. All of them share the unique flavour and fast finishing but vary a bit in size and stature as well as colouring. A few years ago I was able to obtain seeds from an old Quebecer who has been growing this stain for over 20 years.* He referred to it simply as “Big Freeze” and it is the biggest version I’ve yet seen.* I used the males from the Big freeze to cross with some of my other favourite stains that do well out doors. In every case they performed excellent outside with most finishing the end of September (and the weather this summer in Eastern Canada was far from ideal) . Now to be perfectly honest, I’ve grown all these crosses outside this year but due to the nature of guerrilla growing in my area, I was unable to grow large numbers of each strain. So although my results were very consistent, there maybe some variation due to my sample size.

These are all suitable for indoor or outdoor use.



Active member
johnny blazeXc99}}}}}............y;all wanna try this one out, it'sa fuckn winner.

smoked a jb dominant plant, very hazey tasting and immediate blastoff into a long duration effect. and this is from a very early stage sample at three weeks cure


Well-known member
This is great! I thought pure freeze and pine tar kush would never make it to my seed stable but now i can have them both! Two pine legends wow i feel really good now i love the pine terps. That chemd x freeze and stink freez sound interesting.


Well-known member
This is great! I thought pure freeze and pine tar kush would never make it to my seed stable but now i can have them both! Two pine legends wow i feel really good now i love the pine terps. That chemd x freeze and stink freez sound interesting.

where did you get the PTK???


Active member
Joey weed and beanhoarder got the goods. Wish there were more low cost high quality so called breeders. So much of what is available in the states, I'm to old to really have a fondness for. I like older strains with a good solid performance in and out. Don't need 35% THC.