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BCBD adds animal cookies to their strain list

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Active member
my point is take the pic of Godbud off the front page or quit the bitchin about borrowing pics.
^False equivalence. The picture on the front page is from a photo of the month contest hosted within in this site and has nothing to do with what's available at the the Bay. So seeing that it wasn't lifted from anywhere or anyone so I fail to see the comparison.

Tom Hill

Active member
A thief is not to be admitted to life, and believe u me I have been to that party, agreed. ,, My comments/question was directed to all of us squawking like fat ignorant hens who have no idea what they're talking about outside of that. For many years have I watched clowns fight over whether or not something was "legit",,,, with zero understanding regarding the fact that,, that is not what matters, not at all...


Just like "the big" which was a Michigan strain as most know made by swampy and can't recall the other guys name but they took it which was called free Leonard and now are making a killing off the seeds which ok ya they gave credit in the discription but what makes me mad is us Michiganders use to give these seeds away for free cause that's what the originators wanted and they get so e cuts of it and seen dollar signs which ya we all are guilty for wanting to make some cash but when you take a strain that was specifically made to be given away to make a point and spread the work which is why it was named free Leonard then that's just greed... I have the original cut along with a shit ton of f2s and fem seed I made that we ever possible I give away hoping I took a customer away from them every time I hand a pack out lol but I am guilty of buying into the hype as someone mentioned from reading a so called mag that I won't buy ever again since there all about money and whoever pays the most as far as advertisement will be in there top 10 list of most potent strains which if I was a millionaire I'd pay a huge amount and submit some shitty bagseed and name it something fancy like apple chunk ;-) and have it place even though the discription won't fit it even a little bit and will herm like crazy and when it doesn't it will be nothing special lol but ya I've learned the companies that do less advertisement are usually the better breeders since there heart is into making good strains and not wasting most of there time coming up with bogus discription and fancy packs to put there seed in or there fancy names




BCBD has stolen my picture and are using it as their selling point. They are not affliated with me nor my friends club who won the HTCC (with forum, not animal). These hacks are blatantly ripping us off, and making money off doing so. To say it's frustrating is putting it lightly.

Proof that they are thieves and fakes
Their add and my pic...

Then my pic on my IG...

And I'm noticing I added a filter to the IG picture but didn't when I posted it here, so that means they stole it off this site!

I hope they see this and know that real heads think they are a plague on the community and should probably just swallow some cyanide.



And reading through and hearing how they stole from a prisoner of the cause is just about the lowest thing I've heard a seed company do. How do people like that sleep at night or not manifest their guilt into cancer? Scum of the earth.


gentlemen, I have an idea

I can get hella infected clones, like so bad you would fucking cry looking at them. They can have every fungi and virus anyone could want.

time to create the next elite and pass off hell to their garden, make it immune to everything first, just straight death to their "garden"

and yea, I was near the booth that had the winning cut, they had cookies at different day finishes, and did not sound anything like a Canadian, EH

BCBD sux
Finally got em like two weeks..won't be going there but I did get my Animal Cookies ;)

mack 10

Well-known member
^^holy shizz only 3 hours? them baby's want to grow!

edit; didn't relise these where the stolen Cookies...

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mack 10

Well-known member
BCBD has stolen my picture and are using it as their selling point. They are not affliated with me nor my friends club who won the HTCC (with forum, not animal). These hacks are blatantly ripping us off, and making money off doing so. To say it's frustrating is putting it lightly.

Proof that they are thieves and fakes
Their add and my pic...
[URL="http://i869.photobucket.com/albums/ab256/unknwnprphet2/Ze%20Interwebs/Picture5_zps2d7bc2cf.png"]View Image[/URL]
Then my pic on my IG...
[URL="http://i869.photobucket.com/albums/ab256/unknwnprphet2/Ze%20Interwebs/Picture12_zps34c560a5.png"]View Image[/URL]

And I'm noticing I added a filter to the IG picture but didn't when I posted it here, so that means they stole it off this site!

I hope they see this and know that real heads think they are a plague on the community and should probably just swallow some cyanide.


Dam,straight fu@@ing thieves! karma's gonna fu@ck them up:ying:

Also WHY are peepz buying these? it just sends a message that this type of shzz is ok... shakes head.


Registered Med User
Greenfire- why would you support these fools knowing everything that been posted in this thread?
I bought some BCBD godbud a long long time ago.... out of three seeds that popped one was a giant sativa that never bloomed, one was a male, and one was a droopy mold prone plant that grew all funky but was surprisingly potent. I wont support them after this tho, hell you could get some scout seeds on the seedbay at random times or get one of the real cuts in the bay.
Hammerhead- how did the black turn out? I had my eye on that strain when it came out but never pushed the button because that's when I was hearing storys of credit card fraud....
Ok look I don't know who is who but I do know I know their purple Buddha is bomb and there's many we'll known "old" breeders that have been blessed by their genetics. Plus I already purchased before I asked. Plus these seeds want to grow!!! I don't agree with what happened but I also feel like there are many scam artist out there and I'm just trying to grow some fire!!! Hey you don't like me that's ok. Thanks for your time.
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