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Bay Area pot raids net 10 arrests and 22 pounds of marijuana


auto guerilla

Hydrosun, that was a good point you made about the natural laws of man and the man made ones. everyone has different points of view of whats right and whats wrong but for the government to make all moral decisions for us based on what suits their agenda and have people say not following their rules is illigitimate..illigitimate in who's eyes..the governments. well i have my own opinion and so do many other people so as long as those opinions are'nt ones that hurt other people who's to stop them

Hydrosun +rep and respect to you. you are obviously very intelligent and can see what's going on. i wish more people could open thier eyes and let go of agendas. this world needs change and people like you are inspiration. thanks not putting anyone else down but some are further ahead than others in perspective of the world and this guys got it
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i agree with you auto g. hydro has got it down, and like you said, i wish more people could look at the good ol USA with the same view finder,or even the whole world, i have just gotten to a point in my life, where ive been broken by the system, due to tragic events that have occurred, i am timid, and feel powerless, so i keep to myself, and try to be good,(even though it is my nature to break the ''laws of mankind'') so i dont have to be locked up in a cage again, i am not a young buck anymore, i see all the garbage that is going on, corruption, greed,extortion, lies, the system is f-N broken, and it breaks down to even the smallest political factors of city , state & and government, alot of people can see it, my question is how do we fix it,?, how do we get these people out of their placement of power, and get people who will do the right thing, in there?, i have all but given up on it, i have seen that voting does nothing, because the ballets can be rigged, i have seen our rights being slowly taken from us, i have seen good men turned into heartless pieces of shit from what the system has done to them, i do live my life according to my own rules, and do what i feel is right, and i do disagree with the laws that are getting passed, because people dont even know what the hell they are voting for half the time, because they "heard he was a good guy" or ''thats a good prop.'' even though they write it out so that it will confuse the average college graduate, and find out later they were voting for something they were actually against, they write it out like that on purpose, being sneaky, when there are stupid people (''sheeple''), voting blindly, what is the point, its like a runaway train, its nice to be able to come on here to I.C. and talk with like-minded people like yourselves, i dont know if it will happen in my life time, but there will be a revolution in this country, hopefully it will be for the good of the people, not the government.


Active member
ok, i put this in another forum, but it look like it would fit in here, this is on the other side of the bay, in S.F., i got a good laugh out of it,

When San Francisco narcotics officers showed up at a Castro District home early on the morning of January 11, they had a search warrant for "proceeds" from an illegal marijuana grow.

But the SFPD and federal DEA officers didn't find any cannabis cash at that address, one of six raided simultaneously that morning, reports Chris Roberts at SF Weekly.

Instead, they found Clark Freshman, a UC Hastings law professor and the main consultant to the TV show Lie To Me.

Freshman was handcuffed while in his bathrobe as agents searched, despite his insistence that they had the wrong place and were breaking the law.

"I told them to call the judge and get their warrant updated," Freshman said. "They just laughed at me -- I guess that's why they're called pigs."

Soon the porcine police may be defendants, in addition to douche bags. Freshman, who is furious about the incident, has pledged to sue the DEA and the SFPD for unlawful search and seizure of his home.

Photo: UC Hastings
Professor of Law Clark Freshman: "There will not be a better litigated case this century"

​"I've been on the fence for years about the legalization of drugs ... and now I'm a victim of this crazy War On Drugs," Freshman said.

He pledged to sue until "I see [the agents'] houses sold at auction and their kids' college tuitions taken away from them."

"There will not be a better litigated case this century," Freshman said.

Freshman isn't just frontin' -- he has plenty of firepower to back up his claim. He received his B.A. from Harvard, where his senior thesis facilitated a pardon in the infamous Leo Frank case. He got his M.A. from University College, Oxford, where he was a Marshall Scholar, and a J.D. from Stanford Law School, according to the University of California, Hastings College of the Law.

For more, read Chris Roberts' story at SF Weekly.

HAH thats awesome! i hope that lawyer sues the DEA into bankruptcy...i wonder if he wants to add cases to his litigation from others who were wrongfully raided. compile a massive lawsuit that sues the DEA and other police agencies for every single wrongful raid they committed...

fuck the DEA and fuck their families...their kids dont deserve to go to college on money stolen from other americans....the DEA is nothing but a roving gang of armed government employed thieves...


HAH thats awesome! i hope that lawyer sues the DEA into bankruptcy...i wonder if he wants to add cases to his litigation from others who were wrongfully raided. compile a massive lawsuit that sues the DEA and other police agencies for every single wrongful raid they committed...

fuck the DEA and fuck their families...their kids dont deserve to go to college on money stolen from other americans....the DEA is nothing but a roving gang of armed government employed thieves...

I think that's pretty drastic. Their families didn't do anything wrong and technically they were just doing their jobs. As arbitrary as they may seem, the laws are just rules. You are essentially victimizing growers at the expense of the DEA(lol and their families?) when growers know their risks and know the punishment if caught. The DEA is the reason for the handsome reward in exchange for knowing what you're doing.


I love my life
I think that's pretty drastic. Their families didn't do anything wrong and technically they were just doing their jobs. As arbitrary as they may seem, the laws are just rules. You are essentially victimizing growers at the expense of the DEA(lol and their families?) when growers know their risks and know the punishment if caught. The DEA is the reason for the handsome reward in exchange for knowing what you're doing.

But what about the families that were raided? No problem for the government, the government's employees, or the families that feed off the paychecks?

If your father dresses up in armor and raides homes or invades countries at gun point, don't be surprised if he ends up getting shot or making enemies.

The problem here is the DEA is making enemies of the American people, not foreign nationals on a far away soil.

Civil forfeiture of your assets and future pension is a CODE OF LAW remedy. Why would you make an extra-constitutional exception for families of PIG criminals?

The state should not be allowed a double standard in justice. Either ceasing 100% of everything you can point to is ok or it is not. These families falsely raided have certainly been violated, the recompense to them should be equal the pound of flesh the state would extract were they even SUSPECTED (not upon conviction, but MERE FUCKING SPECULATION).

I'll cry for the families of the pigs in the same way I feel bad for the families of elites during the French Revolution.

If your dad was in the DEA and your going to college on his money, I'm sure you are dealing with demons greater than we could ever imagine. You are right the children of pigs aren't pigs they were just born to a sow; what they choose to do with their life will define them.

As pervasive as the government is I'd bet more than half of this forum has at least one parent who had a government check at some-point.

Don't hate the player hate the game? Nanh if you make a choice to join the abusive black booted team in this game, then I hate you as a player.



I don't agree with them stealing power but besides that there is nothing they are accused of that has harmed ANYONE!

Homeowner from the article said:
I would have responded as the others until the house we rent out was turned into a grow house. We had to fork out $10K in damages, our neighbors are freaked out, and we had to make a claim on our homeowner's insurance. I would prefer it to be legalized and regulated so it wouldn't be grown in HOMES, include firearms, and major damage. People were opposed to prop 19 because they didn't want to pay taxes but they were perfectly find with ME coming up with the money to pay damages. It's time this is taken away from the underground.

I add that none of the tenants were prosecuted and she called a few weeks later wanting her deposit! It was a waste of law enforcement dollars, but it was also a waste that I lost income, had to fight the city of Oakland and PG&E to get the house repermitted because they were stealing power and created a fire hazard. Really, legalize it, regulate it. I agree with that but don't assume it's a harmless situation. The grow house nearly ruined us financially and I don't know if we ever could sell the thing. Let me also add that the OPD never bothered to show up. It was al Sac. Area cops. I also had to be interrogated like a criminal in front of my child. Not cool at all.
I'm not trying to imply that they are bad people, but to say that they didn't harm ANYONE is a bit of a stretch.


I love my life
The fucking 10K in damages is from the PIGS!!!!!!!!!!!!

What the fuck, the PIGS harmed the landlord not the grower "none of the tenants were prosecuted" "It was a waste of law enforcement dollars, but it was also a waste that I lost income, had to fight the city of Oakland and PG&E"

The PIGS and IMMORAL government shifted burden to this landlord, not the guy with a fucking house plant.

LEAST COST AVOIDER, the government caused this NOT any other player.



The previous tenant probably committed fraud when selling a house like that.

"CAVEAT EMPTOR. Let the purchaser take heed; that is, let him see to it, that the title he is buying is good. This is a rule of the common law, applicable to the sale and purchase of lands and other real estate. If the purchaser pay the consideration money, he cannot, as a general rule, recover it back after the deed has been executed; except in cases of fraud, or by force of some covenant in the deed which has been broken. The purchaser,if he fears a defect of title, has it in his power to protect himself by proper covenants, and if he fails to do so, the law provides for him no remedy. "


^ I'm not really sure where why you would assume that.

Hydrosun, please re-read it. The house was damaged from the house being converted to grow in rather than live in.


Gang-related growers, fuck em and everyone who pulls this shit. Thieves with guns, gives us all a bad name and hurts our cause, and depresses our market. Good riddance to bad rubbish!

Amen and if your so totally STUPID as to try and steal power you deserve to get busted...what total losers...from what I have seen here in the Bay Area, stealing power is the #1 way to get busted.
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I love my life
^ I'm not really sure where why you would assume that.

Hydrosun, please re-read it. The house was damaged from the house being converted to grow in rather than live in.

No the FUCKING PIGS evicted the tenants and FUCKED SHIT UP IN THEIR RAID.

We'll never know how good the tenant would have been with returning the leased space because the GOVERNMENT put their fucking nose in it.

$10K in damages is NOTHING after the pigs come through. Don't believe me just read some "I was busted threads."

If plants can live in a house so can people, I'm not buying damages from conversion to grow. This isn't meth. I sleep in houses where cannabis is cultivated, and don't see the damage to property or health.

We need to quit believing their bullshit.



We'll never know how good the tenant would have been with returning the leased space
That's probably the most accurate statement. Have a good one. :)


yes, i think this is true, when they moved out, who's to say that it wouldnt be good as new, and hydro, i agree with you on the whole, cry me a river about the cops kids, im sure they will be fine, but as a whole, your right about the other side of the coin, what about the people being raided, kids having to be scared out of their wits, and not even having any drugs in the house, f#*k that, i have to wonder when i see this kind of thing, when they are just going to start doing it to everyone, and not need a warrant.


quote=SicKSKills;4239953]i don't care what it costs, im glad to see these, and any other FOBs doing the same, get rolled up like a burrito.[/quote]

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law enforcement is a integral part of our economy and society. They enforce rights. Without law enforcement, there would be anarchy. Most people on this forum should have a bone to pick with the laws and the people that control the laws not those hired to execute them.


I love my life
I waz yust following ze orders, of my paramilitary commander!

Enforce rights? Absent police raids anarchy? Shit doors must have been kicked in right and left during the 50's, cause there wasn't any anarchy? How long have these over paid thugs been "Enforcing rights?"



I waz yust following ze orders, of my paramilitary commander!

Enforce rights? Absent police raids anarchy? Shit doors must have been kicked in right and left during the 50's, cause there wasn't any anarchy? How long have these over paid thugs been "Enforcing rights?"


The law enforcement is just that, they enforce laws. Laws against murder, rape, stealing, fraud, and the possession of certain substances. Without law enforcement, far fewer people would follow laws. Our whole economy would collapse because their would be a much higher incentive to break the law than to add to society when the enforcement of laws is absent. There might as well be no laws if there is no law enforcement; the two work hand in hand. Just because you don't agree with 1 minuscule LAW, doesn't mean you should be against all of law enforcement. That is ludicrous. I've seen so many people target law enforcement with their anger. I think it's funny because without law enforcement, only the most fittest would survive. The old, the young, the weak, the sick would all probably lose their assets if law enforcement wasn't there to protect their rights.
I think it's just in style to hate on law enforcement, especially on this forum.


I love my life
Sorry, but you and I use different dictionaries.

The activities you speak of are policing crime, or protecting and serving.

Pigs do not enforce laws against rape or murder, they investigate and arrest rapists and murderers.

So your far fewer people following the laws with fewer police is based on what? Pull that out of your ass? Do you have ANY studies on crime rates across the decades and dollar adjusted spending on police? I bet you don't have any such study. I also postulate that crime rates were well lower in the 1950's and police spending was way less (inflation adjusted) than it is today.

I am not against all law enforcement actions, only UNCONSTITUTIONAL violation of our rights; which unfortunately is well to high.

How many law enforcement officers do the PA Dutch Amish have stomping around their neighborhoods? If there is almost NO law enforcement shouldn't we see Amish pimps and ho's everywhere? How about underground casinos they must be everywhere in places with low number of pigs.

The old, young, weak, and minorities are already having their assets stolen from them by thieves, burglars, and the STATE with terrible asset forfeiture rules.

When does law enforcement protect the rights of ANY of these underprivileged classes? So heavily patrolled parts of Detroit should be a perfect paradise, because of all the protection the pigs are throwing around?

It will always be in fashion to hate on a tyrannical state and its agents of evil.


PS. Your thoughts on PIGS stopping fraud is so laughable I can't even wrap my mind around it. Where have you lived in the last decade? Do you think fraud has been stopped by pigs? If so please list some of the frauds pigs have stopped, bet is only a handful and those only after the con men stole millions / billions. Any prevention of real estate fraud by these pigs?


Active member
I think it's just in style to hate on law enforcement, especially on this forum.

no ones hating because its trendy...we hate cops because they are government paid thugs. some police protect the old, poor, etc...but the cops we hate, are the narcotics agents who kick down doors, flashbang civilians, shoot pet dogs, then rip apart and destroy ones personal property, all in the name of increasing their operating budget to buy new guns and dodge chargers....and oh yeah that whole thing about marijuana being dangerous lol...

the deep seeded hatred of law enforcement here on IC is justified...we as growers/smokers/brokers are all the enemy of the DEA and other local narco task forces..and we have our basic rights stripped away because we choose to deal with mary jane....

have cops bust your door down, chop your plants, smash your lights, seize your cars, then hand you a notice saying the feds want your property too......then come back here talking about "people just hate the cops because its in style..."


Our whole economy would collapse because their would be a much higher incentive to break the law than to add to society when the enforcement of laws is absent.

This is total bullshit. Total total total bullshit. I've become convinced that the ones who believe this notion-- that economies and societies would fall into chaos w/o law enforcement are the ones who choose to become cops, lawmakers, obsessive autocratic politicians. Leave us the fuck alone! I can live peacefully w/o someone telling me what to do.

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