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Barry Cooper never get busted again dvd rip



Loretta Nall is an American activist par excellence, ran for governor. Smart cookie, won some victories against leo re: bad busts, and she has (I believe) beaten a trumped up possession beef.

She has an opinion about Barry, too...

Reprinted completely without permission or request from http://nallforgovernor.blogspot.com/2007/02/berry-cooper-gets-his-cop-underoos-in.html
Sunday, February 11, 2007
Barry Cooper Get's His Cop Underoos in a Bunch!

I just received the following in my email. It was forwarded to me by a friend and is a response from Barry Cooper about my review of 'Never Get Busted'.
I never expected Mr. Cooper to be happy about my review. Why, if I were trying to rob millions of pot smokers and get them busted all in one fell swoop and some Alabama country-girl, monkey-wrenched my plans, then I'd be highly pissed too!

All the same this email should give everyone a much closer look into the psyche of this goon. What a complete juvenile.

I will have a lengthier reply after I finish reading the hundreds of emails PRAISING my dvd. Loretta attacked me at the beginning of this project making several crazy claims including accusing me of still being a cop and my dvd is a ploy to sting people.

Actually, I posted on my blog after talking with the groups that Mr. Cooper claimed to have the endorsement of (NORML and LEAP) for this DVD that he did not, in fact, have. Here are the questions I raised in the beginning and asked publicly, to which Mr. Cooper never responded. In a sense it is like he refused my (re)search for answers to questions that many people have. By his own code that would mean he has something to hide.

After inviting her to my camp to prove who I was, she refused. I even offered to pay her travel.

It is true that Mr. Cooper invited me to his home in Texas to meet his wife and children. I didn't go for a number of good reasons.

1. Meeting Barry Cooper and his wife and children in person would have in no way proven to me that he was legit. So why waste my time?

2. I had absolutely no intentions of getting near this guy anywhere near a TV camera rolling lest someone out there think that my appearance was an endorsement of his product. I have a reputation to protect and that would have hurt it terribly.

3. I am very busy here in Alabama doing REAL WORK TO END THE DRUG WAR....not trying to fleece a million pot smokers and jeopardizing their security by placing NEVER GET BUSTED on the front of a package that claims to help them avoid that very thing. I simply don't have time to go galavanting off to Texas to make this guy look good.

My wife is good at discerning woman and states Loretta is a failed politician who is jealous of my work. I have to agree. Loretta's review so far is the ONLY negative review we have gotten outof 102 reviews. Maybe this is why she never gets voted to office...she has a few followers but can't get past anybody accomplishing more than her.

Who cares what his wife thinks? The fact that she is married to him ought to make anyone suspicious of anything she says or does. It isn't like she can offer an unbiased opinion in this matter. She wants to protect all that money they had planned to make off of this DVD so she is apt to say anything. Besides, we know less about her than about Barry so no matter what she says no one who is important in this discussion will pay attention.

I find it to be an absolute scream that this big ol' tough guy would run off and hide behind the skirts of his little wife anyway.

As for my political career....hell I've only run once so there is no "never gets voted into office". Mr. Cooper hasn't produced anything to be jealous of. As for all other reviews being positive....well we will just have to take his word for it won't we?

This is a perfect example of a straw man or a bait and switch. Mr. Cooper seems uncomfortable under the examination light and so he tries to direct your attention elsewhere while never addressing the questions he has been asked.

My wife and office manager, another wise woman, thinks Loretta is not comfortable being a woman and wrongly attacks strong men. We have dealt with people like this before.

Umm Hmm...And how many times did you have to beat them to get them to say that? Your wife obviously isn't a good judge of character or she wouldn't be married to you, now would she? I feel sorry for both her and your office manager. That is one of the creepiest things I have ever heard. Ick! My skin is crawling!!

I have a feeling Loretta's email box will soon be full of hate mail from my supporters.

Somehow, I doubt that...but my inbox is full of hundreds of emails from people thanking me for saving them from a prison cell and $24.95 plus shipping by not buying your video..

The Loretta's of this world are haters who will fade away. I am here to stay and am about to release a never tried plan that will come closer to ending this war then any plan tried so far.

I'll believe it when I see it

Myself, NEVERGETBUSTED and numerous attorneys will be releasing our plan soon. It would be nice to have Loretta repent and join us in the fight but she would need some serious training from my wife and ourcompany before being allowd to even answer a phone.

Dear God, should I ever find myself so low in life that I would be relegated to answering phones for Never Get Busted someone please promise to fucking euthanize me right that second.

Tell Loretta to make a better dvd. I am going to mail her the cost of the dvd. NeverGetBusted will accomplish what we are going to accomplish without any of her money or support. She has other agendas beside ending the war.

I did plenty of DVD'ing when I worked for Pot TV. Besides, being able to make a DVD does not mean the contents of said DVD will be worth watching, as Mr. Cooper's 'Never Get Busted' has proven so well. NeverGetBusted is already a joke among the people who matter, and it won't accomplish more than perhaps a couple more weeks in the blogosphere where, people who actually care about ending the drug war, will proceed to rip it to shreds. I look forward to watching it die a quick and brutal death. As to the other 'agenda' that Mr. Cooper refers to I'd have to ask what that might be and what qualifies him to know anything about any possible agenda I may or may not have since he and I do not know each other?

So, folks this is a much better look at the inner workings of this jack-booted thugs mind. It seems to me that he could possibly be suffering from 'Roid Rage' and a complete disconnect from reality. If you can bring yourself to trust him after reading his response to my critique of his product then you probably deserve exactly what you get by ordering his DVD.

Barry, I would also like you to answer the burning question everyone is asking today....WHY IS NEVERGETBUSTED.COM PRINTED ON THE SHIPPING LABLE OF THE DVD?

P.S....Now Barry says Oops...I'm sooooo sorry for MASSIVE SECURITY BREACH!!!


Barry Cooper says, "Oops...sooo Sorry!"
I just got this in my email from the "Barry's Buds" email list. It makes absolutely no sense....which is no surprise.

Let the dissection begin!

From Barry Cooper:

I am sooooo sorry about the return address on your order saying "NEVER GET BUSTED." My dvd is manufactured and mailed by a fulfillment company in Illinois. I am in Texas. They made the mistake and I quickly corrected the problem. Future orders will say "Barry and Candi Promotions."

Uh Huh...sure you are sooo sorry now that it's clear that you obviously don't have the good god given common sense of a sweet potato. What kind of moron starts a company that claims to help people protect themselves from being busted and then sends the product in a package almost guaranteed to get you BUSTED? How many people have had their security compromised by this 'mistake'? You are in charge of this whole production Barry Cooper, and therefore DIRECTLY REPONSIBLE for any fuck-ups. I don't care if the distribution company is in Bumfuk, Egypt YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE!

Also, thanks for pointing out to the FEDS that "Future orders will say "Barry and Candi Promotions." Atta boy....tell the cops exactly what the next mailing will say so they can collect those addresses too. You, Mr. Cooper, are a goddamned genius!! Where in the hell would us dumb pot smokers and drug policy reformers be without your infinite wisdom? Thank you so much Mr. Cooper for flying down here to stoner land in your super hero cape and blessing us with your 'how to stay out of jail' knowledge.

Here is my 'how to stay out of jail knowledge' and I am giving it to everyone for free. DON'T ORDER THIS DVD. It comes with a free "Go Directly To Jail Card".

To our surprise, mainstream America is ordering the dvd more than the counter
culture so maybe one day NEVERGETBUSTED will seem normal to everybody.

How do you know that the customers ordering this are 'mainstream' and not counter-culture? How can you possibly know that from a credit card order? Is there a little box to check to indicate that you are one or the other? I didn't see one when I ordered my copy.Are you profiling your customers? I'd bet YES!

I do care about your privacy and am very sorry this happened. Please forgive me, I fixed the problem.

Very sorry this happened will not restore the massive breach in security your poor business skills have caused. Better use all that money you just made to set up a legal defense fund for all the people who are now screwed and headed to prison. Great job there Cowboy!!

The Most Trusted Name in Anti-Prohibition

Now, that's the part I really love "The Most Trusted name in Anti-Prohibition"...


This wad shows up in drug policy reform with the worst possible background, proceeds to tell lies on organizations who are widely respected in order to gain the trust of their members, tries to buy off critics of his garbage production by offering free trips to Austin, refuses to anwser questions and makes threats when people like myself and Keith Stroup do not roll out the red carpet for him. Then he sends out this DVD of trash with information on the front that comprimises the security of everyone who ordered and all he can say is "I'm sooo sorry...it won't happen again"? When I confronted him about all of this he ran and hid behind his wife's skirt and threatened to sic her on me.

Sounds real trustworthy to me! I mean really....what a fucktard!

Luckily, all Barry needed was enough rope to hang himself.

Please warn everyone you know that Barry Cooper is a dangerous person to associate with if you value your privacy and security. Don't give him any more of your money...he stole enough when he was a narc.

As, I look around the blogosphere I see there are still people willing to give the benefit of the doubt and I have to ask... how many 'benefits of the doubt' does this guy get?

When you look at my previous post of all his aggregious infractions that have placed people in jeopardy, it sort of reminds you of the part in the video where he goes over reasonable suspicion and instructs viewers that reasonable suspicion is when an officer sees different items, that, when viewed together as a package, indicates you are committing a crime

I say when all of these factors about Mr. Cooper and Never Get Busted are viewed together as a package there is more than enough evidence present for reasonable suspicion that he is not what he says he is. I'd even say there's probable cause not to buy this video and to warn others to follow your lead.
Said it before, and I'll say it again - once a lying leo douchebag, always a lying leo douchebag.


Active member
his website states..."After leaving law enforcement, Barry began building small businesses for a living. He is the former owner of three car dealerships, a tire shop, a nightclub, a limousine service and a cage fighting company."

now either he inherited a lot of money to be able to start up all these "small" businesses or he was very well paid during his 8 years working as a cop...


man you guys are hard.... the guy has only one life... he fucked up by becoming a pig... but he has seen the light, the injustice and is trying to make it straight. Hes got alot of vids on you tube of him getting grilled by fox news and a couple other but he holds his ground well. i suggest doing research before saying this man (and his wife)is/are a complete waste.

I like the one about spraying your tires with fox urine before transporting THE STINKY STINK.


spraying fox urine will make K-9 hit and then leo has probable cause to search w/o ur concent. next

he saw the light the day he became a pig. then made it worse by joining a bad war.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Laura Kush said:
Wait a minute. I watched his DVD and it had some pretty good information. Some of the chapters(informants) was common sense and some of it was info that not all of us have thought of.

Now that's got my curiosity piqued about this DVD.

:off2:A bit "off-topic" however: the original thread title is called "BARRY COOPER NEVER GET BUSTED AGAIN...>DVD RIP."

The first post just essentially states "sorry 'bout that", and was undoubtedly edited.

I'm going out on a limb here: was that a post about WHERE TO GET THE RIP from a torrent site?

Just curious, not endorsing any kind of piracy (LOL).

So what was this thread ORIGINALLY about, instead of ripping this guy a new ahole for being a pig :angrymod: and pulling a switchy? :Bolt:


accessndx said:
Now that's got my curiosity piqued about this DVD.

:off2:A bit "off-topic" however: the original thread title is called "BARRY COOPER NEVER GET BUSTED AGAIN...>DVD RIP."

The first post just essentially states "sorry 'bout that", and was undoubtedly edited.

I'm going out on a limb here: was that a post about WHERE TO GET THE RIP from a torrent site?

Just curious, not endorsing any kind of piracy (LOL).

So what was this thread ORIGINALLY about, instead of ripping this guy a new ahole for being a pig :angrymod: and pulling a switchy? :Bolt:

Google is your friend...

And while I would normally just dish out the $20 for someones hard work the fact that he made a career of destroying peoples lives, then used the experience in doing so to sell shitty dvds to those same people... So fuck him and download it!

If he really gave half a shit about the people he pretends to he would operate his company as a non profit and staff lawyers to get people he busted out of jail, but instead he would rather buy douchey leisure suits and a boob job for his wife.

I hope you guys are correct in assuming he posts here as then he may read this, ROT IN FUCKING HELL BARRY DOUCHEBAG COOPER!


Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
The_Leader said:
spraying fox urine will make K-9 hit and then leo has probable cause to search w/o ur concent. next

Even worse, K9 dogs are, in fact, trained to detect substances under heavy distraction.

Barry prolly thinks a seeing-eye-dog will drag its owner across the mall when it smells the hot-dog stand too.

Barry says he trained his own dog, so maybe he honestly doesn't know that this is something professional trainers do, but whatever.

Such bad advice from this guy.


ms kush. maybe the reason u had not seen what bc had to say is because u not been in this game long. iv seen leo pull some shitty shit shit on ppl. bc and his leo buddies ran out of revenues (they had busted all the growers) so, like any good com, they figured out how to get dumb potheads to GIVE them 2O$ and make it eaiser to bust the very dumb pothead that ordered it w/good ole propaganda.(and visa#)

glad im not a dumb pothead. i know a few, but dont wish to join their cult.

just saying...


The_Leader said:
spraying fox urine will make K-9 hit and then leo has probable cause to search w/o ur concent. next

without question! that dog will be all over your car like a cat on a carpet in heat! for this guy to even suggest that tells me he is trying to get people caught... still....


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I didn't even know who Barry Cooper was....but this thread made me intersted.

His "Never Get Busted Again DVD": Vol. 1 Traffic Stops was available as a torrent. After watching it, I would have to say that it has some interesting but contradictory advice. Particularly about consenting to searches.....he pretty much says "let the cops search if you've hidden everything properly"...because if you don't it's a huge red flag. Other videos I've seen suggest that you don't consent to searches because if anything is found and you haven't consented to the search...it's inadmissable in court.

I found the suggestion cited above in that video: masking odors as a means to trick search dogs. In fact, Cooper doesn't come right out and suggest you spray your tires down with urine....he just indicates that anything to keep the search dog from effectively focusing on your stash is the goal. He suggested "travelling with a cat" like that's practical. I'm not sure how helpful that is.

He goes onto pretty much say that in spite of how dog's react or "alert" to your car and belongings...unscrupulous cops can pretty much say anything or make the dog react a certain way so that they can tear your shit apart.

The one section I found quite interesting was the information on "permeation" of odors. It may be common sense in retrospect, but Cooper states that "dogs cannot in fact smell THROUGH anything"....like bag or container. However, when you let your nugs stay in a bag or container for a long duration of time, because everything is porous...eventually it will permeate and seep through anything. The duration of time before it occurs is variable.

So there's some obvious helpful information: wrap your stash late. This way it doesn't have time to sit in the bag or container and seep through. A dog won't "alert" to a freshly wrapped bag because it hasn't had time to permeate.

Of course, he goes into detail about "transferrence" of dust, particles and odor to the outside of the packages. So wearing gloves is paramount.

The rest seemed pretty obvious also, but he goes into detail about how many people could have just left the traffic stop immediately after he writes a citation....but more than half the people hang around as he continues to ask questions.....which inevitably lead to a legal search and seizure.

All in all, for free it's great information. Not sure I'd be running out and buying it...although it wouldn't have been wasted money if I did.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents.
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