I need one of those birds!!!
This night view shows the spread pretty nicely, looks like about seven plants and one bird, looks like DN9 is the strain name they're using.
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Alright well Like im laughing inside to keep from balking Im crying. honestly hemp in the eagles nest, thought provoking.alright. Sometimes people make their joke out on others, physically it happened to me like the eagles nest dont watch pre-historic creatures and i dont like kids smoking pot at elementary in front of everyone but sure enough.. talk about invisibility. Here i am. honestly i can say i started seriously consuming cannabis when i were 22 hardly a bud over the years ever before and I did want to point out that hemp is a different metabolism, cbd but even cbd were therapeutic to me in another light...
The High Choice... zero point energy is choice. (0's and 1's) the equation always starts at 0.
I mean hemp is not completely decriminalized 100% legal like even tobacco... well tobacco is intoxicating and imho cannabis is not a narcotic or an intoxicant and it IS a benign plant substance! because they cannot tell them a part... how sick is that its damn near robotic it is without feeling No choice. 1.
So people figure they must overgrow the government for lack of choice, like we did rebel against the british empire english for its A new world not just for the english. Where we want to go there are no plant counts.. its just a state of mind. The federal gov does not wish to decide it is human rights instead they opt to sit back like lazy creatures and allow the state to decide a human rights issue... And also to talk about dysfunction, they also say they may not legalize it for they would be 3rd party to the united nations schedule narcotics.
medically, the cannabis plant substance is benign, it is not a narcotic it is not intoxicating. Combustion can cause lung asphyxiation, i dont combust herb any more. any genuine doctor not afraid of losing their medical license may point out that it is benign and not narcotic or intoxicating like tobacco cigarettes are intoxicating, they contain carcinogens where nicotine itself is considered a neurotropic nootropic. Really odd.. alcohol and tobacco cause death, im talking of millions of people dying each year cannabis alone does not cause and yet it is persecuted out of herd mentality ooh reefer, the madness cry thee.
Hemp is not 100% legal in the states only it has been decriminalized or de-penalized "with" license, only because THC.. The high choice. Look how far its snowballed as result of prohibitionists, you know people today worry about %thc and concentrates when people were smoking hash in the 70's.. i've smoked hash. The room wasn't spinning, i was. It caused deep lung asphyxiation.
Anyhow im speaking on behalf of all suffering from being hit, by snowball. People tend to curl up in their human nature to block it out because they hide they dont want to see. Who's fault is that, the state or the federal government and you know, the fed was meant to govern the state arbitrarily objective from my subjective interpretation. The federal government governs the state and the state governs the federal government.. and its corrupt as fuck where official representatives wont stand for your human rights for they may lose popularity, its despicable. I am not officially represented, We are not officially represented here, in the federal gov. Those officials think they are staying in popularity for 'your' support but it is actualized as selfish motive and not official representation FOR the people.
In doing nothing, you are here by making choice and that can be the distinction between being subjective and objective, as responsible of government... minorities are not truly represented, it is FACT. "Overgrow" the government.... Anarchists of men, arche. you blood thirsty bEst tards, oh do you smell the reefer now... at the cost of human life the majority is not greater than minority when it pertains to human rights if we are to remain as a people, as one. A person finds their authority on personal diet unrecognized.. alone? i am not a robot ai artificial intelligence as much as i am only human and people, i feel shame in that from people. I shouldn't feel shame for other peoples bullshit its infringement where I'm not encroaching its encroachment. For whom, her. I got hurt for her and i suffer for it today and i am required to take it to my grave, as a robot, for her. Shameful when nice guys finish last and become shit on by society "their dumping grounds.." who use "ATP'ower' to distinguish themselves as the majority as a herd against minorities its enough to not see value in someone but when you completely discard them as human.... Your only devaluing yourself away discarding yourself as humane. When i actually were born as a human I realized it when i learned to walk.
You know.. beings carry gravity and i figure my balance is normal, for me at least. Trouble is the fight or flight system and pursuit of happiness it can become really tricky finding balance in other people who are different, who like you to remind you of their distinction for that. Its piss poor people trust humans on the basis of being only human and they find themselves stabbed in the back for that, so you want to evolve aye, humans? You wont get my seed with that attitude, world. You know? oh so the worlds unfair.. well then the world can kiss my arsehole! humanely, we're supposed to domesticate the world so to make it fair.. its called cooperation and its only symbiotic and in that you have to understand everyone has their own path, as long as they're not intent fully colliding and harming other beings in their own pursuit of happiness i mean like were done to me i have to carry that to my grave alone for, God. I were suspended from life - they "already" told the teachers knew they would had been suspended. (speaking honest to god) I said nothing. I have never taken advantage of an innocent in my time, i feel the one taken advantage of and at the same time i feel thank god i know not me. How innocent is that in and of itself.. im just living the human experience just like anybody else pre-historic or not we're 98% primates here.... no dishonesty here i know i am a primate that thinks that some rough estimate of %2 makes a person for people. People are the true robots because they dont want to wake up to the simple fact that children create the world as we grow together. Like, if one thinks Autism is robotic then obviously you must be a child especially if you think you see a side of yourself in them, it is common origin. Like, Some people think they grew up because that, others grew up and never even knew it because them. Do you feel me? Its so messed up.. because P'ower is the deciding factor alone (in THAT), it corrupts absolutely in my experience its piss poor. Then here you have a bunch of monkeys pretending to be a bunch of who-haas thinking they're raptors because of it. Purely Despicable. Raptors truly were the lowest creature alive, today, pre-historic creatures or post-historic? truly, you wear a skin of evil for protection of historic events? because that is what i see here.. I hope all eaglets can grow to have your very same experience with eating our hemp...... *rolls eyes* omg.. you would have to be retarded to not think.. You flew too close to the sun man, Icarus? Eat my hemp leaves like the il-eagl let you are.
Keep a benign substance illegal save for the children but hemp our eagles eat that. my apologies, eaglets are not raptors, they do not run the world as eagles do not control me for being an eagle themselves... I grow cannabis indica and its in space, not some broken down eagle nesting its coop with hemp so all eaglets are the very same.. thats monoculture for you and it leads to compromise to the genepool in individuality for an selfish historical sake and I know better. dn9 strain? Looks like a weed trying to out compete other plants genetically by playing unfairly (illegal move).
2009: A pair of eagles establishes the Decorah North territory, building a nest in a white pine tree.
2011: The branches holding the nest collapse. The eagles build a new nest in a dead elm tree.
2013: The tree falls. The eagles begin a new nest in a white oak tree.
2015: Cameras are added to the North nest in very early fall.
2018 (August): The nest falls out of the tree.
2018 (September): Kike Arnal and Amy Ries build a starter nest.
2018 (October): The eagles adopt it.
2018 (unknown): A female eagle we call DNF replaces Mrs. North
2019 Nesting Record
Egg #1: February 21, 2019 @ 3:23 PM CT
Egg #2: February 24, 2019 @ 12:23 PM CT
Hatch #1: March 31, 2019, confirmed @ 6:01 PM CT (DN9)
Hatch #2: April 1, 2019, confirmed @ 6:32 PM CT (DN10)
DN10 died within a day of hatching. We don’t have a cause of death.
DN9 is 64 days old.
Detailed Annual Information on Eaglets and Outcomes
2016 3 eggs hatched. DN3 died of cold and malnourishment on May 11. Sibling aggression was a significant factor. DN2 was killed by contaminated prey on May 25th. DN1 survived to fledge
2017 DN6 died of hypothermia shortly after hatch. DN4 and DN5 survived and fledged
2018 Mrs. North laid one egg on 2/25/18. That egg broke in the wee hours of March 16. She reclutched on 4/12, laying two eggs. Both eggs hatched, but the eaglets succumbed to heat and blackfly bites on May 25.
We often get questions about where the eaglets go after they disperse. We have never tracked eaglets from this nest, but we have tracked eaglets from the Decorah nest
Damn! I read the info about the eagles.
Mr. North has had a hard time!
His old lady left him, lost his home a few times, lost his kids.
Mr. North has had a hard time for sure...probably why the nest has some hemp in there......![]()