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Bagseed Trial Run


1 tsp is 5ml, so get a decent set of measuring spoons and you'll thank your self.

Handles are nice, just scoop and dump :D

lol i made a hole in the lid that fits on every bottle of biobizz i use so its easy as hell honest, just stick that syringe in the hole and suck up what i need just like that, sounds more precise than spoons to me personaly lol


no week 6 pics tonight guys, ill have them tomorrow for sure, i was 2 days late with the last pics so thot id take these a day late so its 6 days not a full week, then next week it will be week 7. all i can say is that shooting powder is amazing on half dose for there first week, now the shooting powders been doubled now for the last 2 weeks but im giving them 3grams the last week instead of 2.6, trying to get the most out of these babys! hope you enjoy the week 6 pics tomorrow, sorry there late guys another day wont hurt there looking so nice, a tiny bud broke yesterday so weve had a little taste of her and its tasteing fruity and got a stone from it so the thc content must be quite high, well i hope!
be back with updates tomorrow, thanks!!!


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
lol i made a hole in the lid that fits on every bottle of biobizz i use so its easy as hell honest, just stick that syringe in the hole and suck up what i need just like that, sounds more precise than spoons to me personaly lol

Nah man, I get it, I did the same thing.

You just hit a point in volume consideration that you realize measuring by syringe is a bigger pain in the ass than it is worth :D

You're syringe holes work great, and keep everything nice and neat. Agreed. But when you're in a hurry, it's nice to know the MAX something can hold - let's ya move faster :D

Tell ya what, I'll check back on ya in a coupla years, and see if you're still using a syringe ;)


Nah man, I get it, I did the same thing.

You just hit a point in volume consideration that you realize measuring by syringe is a bigger pain in the ass than it is worth :D

You're syringe holes work great, and keep everything nice and neat. Agreed. But when you're in a hurry, it's nice to know the MAX something can hold - let's ya move faster :D

Tell ya what, I'll check back on ya in a coupla years, and see if you're still using a syringe ;)

haha i have been growing for a few years! this was just a restart grow after being busted to get everything going! anything can happen in this game unfortunatly :( but the 10mill syringe works fine, i hope i still am growing when you check back on me tho! thanks for droping by mate :wave:


week 6 flowering

week 6 flowering

heres the week 6 pics, there looking good in my eyes, the nutes are on full strength now and hopefuly in 2 weeks they will all be ripe and time to chop!!! theres quite a few pics so its gona take 2 pages lol, just trying to get beter with the budshots, hope you guys enjoy the garden shots this week! :tiphat:



hey guys, know this is a little offtopic here but im just so excited about me feminized genes ive just got, i mean theres like 9 or so different kinds!!!
so strain wise, theres still 1 purple seed church to pop in the paper towel method with 3 mango indica
stuffs that popped in root riot cubes with long taproots are now in small soil is pots, 3 blue hash, 3 bagseed, 2 white widow, 1 grapefriut.

currently in the root riot cubes we got
greenhouse seeds pick and mix colour coded indica/sativa mix.
1 x the church were still waiting on her for around tomorow hopefully,
1 x arjans strawberry haze in root riiot cubes already tails fast like i expected
1 x lemon skunk in root riot cube again tails already within 2 days right to the bottom.
1 x great white shark in root riot cubes
1 x hawaiian snow in root riot cubes

we got 4 freebies so we also have now 4 nice strains in root riot cubes right now we got
paradise seeds acid
g13 labs auto ak
g13 labs purple haze
g13 labs pineapple express.

i must say, its a very good job ive got alot of space for this!!!!




hey gys, this weekend its oly gona be 6 ladies, the smallerst most mutrest looking one got the chop, no flush but the rest will have a week flush its just cus were not getting any smoke here atall and i felt like i could sacrafice 1 to keep the other 6 growng and packing on the rocks! another, nutrogen is completely out of nutes now so its blues only, so watch out for the yellowing plant see if she may change into any colours lol. hmm 1 small plant nearly ready, grown in soil and organic the taste will probably be less noticible than a hydro flush haha


feeding schedule for last week then week flush then 2 week dry then some of each away to cure rest is gona make me veryyy highhhh.
i know you guys will hate to hear this but i chopped my 1 down yesterday, she nearly reached 7 weeks and it looked the smallest so we just went for it no flush, no dark time and upto dry but she was alot ofm orangeon her compared to rest u know, and the other 6 ladies will get the full grow of more nutes and her flush and 48hour darkness in the next 2 weeks i gota say thry look like an 8 weeker to me

ive got well over 1m2 so with the genetics ive got im hoping i get more plants, more tastes maby that 1 in 10000. im going to search for a true bubblegum after this grow, bog sour bubble and serios seeds bubblegum wait till i start those diarys guys!

feeding wise now all they get is this for flower
biobizz blom 5ml/litre
biobizz topmax 5ml/litre
biobizz alg-a-mic 5ml/litre
shooting powder 1,3grams/litre

hopefuly ill get some comments this week at week 7, if anything looks odd or anything tell me before i ruin connoisseur bud, week 7 to 9 is gona be flush and 48hour in dark


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
They look pretty damn good pedro, I wouldn't be disappointed at all with those girls. Getting close my friend


They look pretty damn good pedro, I wouldn't be disappointed at all with those girls. Getting close my friend

yeah close indeed! there on full feed right now and when it just looks ripe enough were fushing her, im hopeing i get some good pics of the yellowing leafes as the buds suck the sugars and stuff back into to them :) flushing next week i think so there maby to cut on week 8 which is only a week tomorrow, 2 more weeks grow then flush or 1 week grow then flush ? what would u guys do with them ladies ??
thanks guys.


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
im not posting any more pics up till its time to chop as its nearly week 8 so ive missed out week 7, oh well sorry guys i would have had the pics up if i could, never mind who even cares


Pic postin' slacker!! :bat:




Pic postin' slacker!! :bat:


things have changed, instead of me taking pics tonight im taking them this week on saturday at week 8 so we can see 2 weeks of difference, yesterday i thot my bro wasnt to botherd about the journal but he is so im taking more pics this week, but i swear guys theyll b worth waiting on, week 8 pics! there huge thick nugs man, there all huge thick solid nugs and she was a bagseed! if only i had the x-stream cloner back then i still could have saved this lovely bagseed, the 1 i chopped at week 6 was lovely not even flushed it was a minty pheno im so pissed i didnt manage to keep her, maby ill get the mint pheno in another plant ive got theres 6 left. my next grow is going to be insaine and greenhouse seeds has chosen me to be a test grower for them so im finding out in a few days what im testing out! its around 16 feminized there giving me, i think there genetics are awsome ive got some going just now actualy 7 seedlings. :ying::ying:


week 8 flower shots, flushing now the big chop next week!

week 8 flower shots, flushing now the big chop next week!

hey guys, its nearly the end of my grow journal here, its been a great experience to see peoples comments and stuff on my grow and ideas, well i missed week 7 so here they are at week 8 now starting to flush there coming down a week today so there will be 1 more pic of budshots before there cut down, ive had a few lucky mistakes ( buds snaping etc ) and 1 happened tonight so will get a quick smoke in a couple days, im dieing so bad to smokeeeeee!!!!!! enjoy guys! :ying::ying::ying:




heres rest of em babys!

well thats week 8, what do you guys think ? theve started flush now their getting a gooood flush so the tast of that weed is sooo pure and amazing pot with amazing bagapeal. cant wait till next week!!! my next grow is going to be exciting, its going to be perpetual with 5-6 mothers, a 2m x 2m 2m flowering room with 4kw, and every 14 or so days 20 clones of our choice will go into the room and eventually every 2 or so weeks we will be chopping down 20 beautiful plants to dry. theres going to be a seperate veg room so the clone get a small veg in with the mothers for a week then over to the big flower room, nice mother/clone/seedling/small veg room to keep things going perpetual, this has always been my dream im going to try every strain till i find the ones i love! ive already started ive got seedlings going, they are
greenhouse seeds: feminized
1 x curch
1 x arjans strawberry haze
1 x lemon skunk
1 x great white shark
1 x hawaiian snow
2 x white widow
2 x mango indica
3 x blue hash
feemale seeds:
1 x grapefruit
G13 labs:
1 x pineapple express
1 x purple haze
1 x auto - ak
paradise seeds:
3 x bagseed

ive got thru the door more beans, cant decide what to do with them yet,
delta 9 labs:
5 x mixed
karma genetics:
12 x dominator
12 x mirre
still planning on buying BOG sour bubble too and serious seeds bubblegum, collcting up alot of genetics here lol i dnt know what to do next, strain hunters have even offerd me to be a test grower for them thats an achievment for me im proud my bagseed grow givs me that little bit of respect. next week final pics they will look amazing flushed thats all i can say :)


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Ahhhh yeah... somebody's going to be a trimming fool soon lol. Wow do they look nice or what? Nice job pedro, you should be smiling right now.


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Well I'm going to make a guess on the dried weight, and I'll be way off so no laughing lol... 8.92 oz