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Bag Seeds Gone Bueno


First things first. I have had only one other experience growing cannabis and that was many years ago when i just threw some seeds into a pot, turned the soil and BAM! There you go, it grows like a weed. Little did i know that they would be obsconded with several months later when they were any where between 2 and 3 feet tall. Lesson learned... right!

Between then and now i have been reading up here and there; books, friends, forums, etc. I choose to go outside and start with FoxFarm OceanForest, EarthWorm Castings, & a little extra perlite.

80% FFOF
20% EWC

30% Perlite (Overall total in mix after adding addition)

I initally threw some seeds in my buddies front flower bed undr some mulch. Low and behold a few days later i had a nice little patch of seedlings to pick from. I had 6 or 7 in all, but after weeding out the unhealthy ones and transplanting others into personal containers. I wounded up with 5 plants, 2 female, 2 male, and one undecided as it's roots had been damaged during transplantation.

One of the Males I had to "dispatch of" if you will.

Female #1

Female #2

I quickly did away with the males and focused my attention to the two beautiful ladies i had left. I transplanted the second female into the pot the male had previously been in as to acomidate the vast root expansion during flowering. I watered with molasses and one drop of SupeThrive per gallon when transplating. To feed is was using...

2 Tbsp. Fish Emulsions (5-1-1)
2 Tbsp. Maxi Crop (0-0-1)

*Mind you that this is all done with water that has been bubbled for at least 24 - 48 hours.

This was during veg and it kept the ladies nice and happy. Shortly there after I aquired some EarthJuice Bloom and Liquid Karma from the local hydroponics store. Once Fall started i intended on using this in addition to the BlackStrap Molasses for flowering. The second female took the transplantation nicely, however a week later i noticed a few ball sacks on the second level of leaves from the top. I carefully removed them with needle nose scissors and hoped for the best. This was pretty difficult as to not break open the pollen sack and to not cut into the calyx.

Female #1

Female #2

I was enthused that these two ladies were producing such good resin as well as beautiful calyx's. I try to keep my questions simple when asking other members, but unfortunantly this is not always the case hen so many factors are an issue. I was told by one of the older members that my second female looked a little over watered in it initial container. Ironically i had transplanted it that day and haven't sen the problem since. They are both in clay pots with a level of lava rocks at the bottom for adiquit drain age. (And does it ever)

Since fall started a few days ago i had scheduled their first full strength bloom feed on that day. Again i ran this by some of the older memers and i was informed that i might need to continue with the veg nutes for a little longer to keep the level of Nitrogen at a necassary strength. So that being said i added a little bit of distilled water the next day and am crrently waiting for the soil to dry out a litle more in order to add more of the Fish Emulsions and Maxi Crop.

I own the "Bud Bible" as it is refered to and it has educated and provided as a refrence guid on multiple occasions. If any one reads this and has any advice, questions or constructive critacism please feel free. I mean thats why i started this thread in the first place.

I am so stoke to have my two little ladies. I use an application of neem oil foliarly to keep the bugs at bay, but other than that i haven't had to many other problems.

Thanks again everybody for reading. Please enjoy!

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Looks great.
Those ladies look happy,
Can't wait to follow this one.


Thanks man. Don't get too excited i'm still new to this but i'm tryin my best.
Please never hesitate to question or comment.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well we've already talked about the issue of when to start but one thing that strikes me about your feeding routine is you don't seem to have anything providing micro nutrients. The main things a plant needs is Nitrogen, Phospherous and Potassium. Now even though it starts with a P potassium on the periodic chart of elements is represented with a K and so when you see a product refer to an NPK or you hear someone talk about it they're talking those three things which by the way are also known as Macro Nutrients. All plants need them in one combination or another so to give people the ability to know what they're giving all fertalizers have an NPK value, like your fish emulsion it's NPK is 5-1-1 which is also a good ratio for veg as in veg the main thing a plant uses to make all those dark green leaves, is nitrogen, so being 5-1-1 it's mostly nitrogen and just a little bit of the other two. Now most people know about and understand NPK but what doesn't get talked about enough is the importance of a good level of micro nutrients. These are mainly minerals like calcium, iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, Boron, Manganese and a couple of others. They're only needed in very small amounts which is why they're called micro nutrients. Basically they combine in the plant with the macro nutrients to maintain certain functions of the plant and if the micro nutrient isn't there then the macro nutrient can't do what it needs to do. Without the micro nutrients, the macro nutrients are kind of like an electric guitar without an amp. It can still serve it's basic purpose but can't do all it can do. Now you could go out and learn about different organic elements you could gather and add to the soil but the best easiest way in my opinion and since you have a hydro store near and they carry the Earth Juice Line of Products. I recommend you get and use Earth Juice Micro Blast as directed which for container plants is 1 teaspoon per gallon of water once every 2 to 4 weeks. If you do that faithfully you shouldn't have micro nutrient issues.

Another thing I didn't see mentioned was anything for helping to buffer the ph. Fish emulsion and much of the nutrients we use tend to be rather acidic, marijuana plants like ph values just shy of nuetral on the acidic side at around 6.5ph (7.0 is nuetral). Fish emulsion is acidic enough that when you add it, the plant is probably seeing a ph in the high 4.0 to low 5.0 range, like say 4.8 to 5.4. One way gardeners use to counter this is they mix dolomite lime into their soil, also known as garden lime. This is an old old gardening practice used for centuries now to improve plant health by bringing up the ph to the 6.5 to 6.8 range. You don't want to use too much though because that can raise the ph too high which is just as bad as too low. See when a plant gets out of it's comfort range, nutrients become locked out. Which is like someone wiring your mouth shut and then they put a plate of food in front of you. Typically new growers will misdiagnose a ph problem as a nutrient deficiency and increase the strength of nutrients they're giving. Since the plant can't consume the nutrients the nutrients build up to a toxic level. Then if it's not flushed, once the ph is brought to a good level the toxicity will burn the plant up severely. Anyway the correct dosage of dolomite lime is 1 tablespoon per gallon of soil mix. That is to say, for example, if you mix up enough soil, perlite, worm castings, etc. to make 5 gallons worth of soil mix, you would add one tablespoon of lime and mix that in with everything else. That will help your plant maintain a good ph level, it is also a good source of calcium and magnesium, the molasses you add is also a good source of iron by the way. If your soil and/or nutrients are very acidic you might want to try 2 tablespoons of dolomite lime per gallon of soil.

Now another thing I notice about what you do that differs from me. You said your mix was about 30% perlite, and you use lava rock for drainage. My mix ends up being about 40% perlite and I don't need lava rocks. You seem to feel drainage is fine so you don't have to change this, I'm just pointing out things I'd do differently.

Finally, you say this all started with Bagseed. Which is fine, some of the weed on the street is pretty good stuff. The problem with it though is you usually don't know what it is so you have no way to know what to expect. For example, say you get ahold of some nice tropical Asian sativa that's used to being able to grow very big and flower for around 20 weeks. If you live in a very different climate you'll likely never be able to finish it before freezing weather kills it. Another possibility is say you get ahold of something that is known to be very sensitive to nutrients but because you don't know this you overfeed and kill the plants. By using bought genetics or genetics a grower/breeder gives you, you know what you have, what to expect and when it should finish.
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Just payin a visit lettin ya know I'm still here and peeping your spot. Looking well. And I use dolomite lime to adjust my pH. I have for about 20yrs. Not only in the mj garden either. Good stuff. Ok then catch you later chief.




I believe i mentioned i was using Liquid Karma to feed the micros as well as the MaxiCrop. I'm unclear as to wheather you were saying I should use the EJ MicroBlast during flowering since i wasn't using the maxi crop?

As well, i would like to say that i do have the "Indoor/Outdoor Medical Growers Bible" I am aware of the Macros & Micros, but i guess i hadn't understood it in they way you explained. Thanks.

I got the lime part too from talking to Burn1, who is very avid about his lime use. I have LC's Mix #1 ready and waiting for my next run. I did use lava rocks at the bottom of the pot but once mixing up the LC mix i further understood how well it would drain. As well, this takes up valuable root space

I feel as though the comments of you and others have made are true and i might not get more than a joint. However, i garantee even if i get that much i will appreciate the principal of growth, to flower, to ashes that i have never gotten to experience before. Thanks for all the helpfull info, the whole process comes together more and more as i become further educated.

Always appreciated. Peace.


Hey Mr. Bill, glad to see you... How are things?

Well as you can see here, i'm just workin with what i got! Nothing spectacular, but i'm learning more and more as i go along. Let me know where the pics are at and I'M THERE!!! Thanks again.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
retawgnob said:
I believe i mentioned i was using Liquid Karma to feed the micros as well as the MaxiCrop. I'm unclear as to wheather you were saying I should use the EJ MicroBlast during flowering since i wasn't using the maxi crop?

As well, i would like to say that i do have the "Indoor/Outdoor Medical Growers Bible" I am aware of the Macros & Micros, but i guess i hadn't understood it in they way you explained. Thanks.

I got the lime part too from talking to Burn1, who is very avid about his lime use. I have LC's Mix #1 ready and waiting for my next run. I did use lava rocks at the bottom of the pot but once mixing up the LC mix i further understood how well it would drain. As well, this takes up valuable root space

I feel as though the comments of you and others have made are true and i might not get more than a joint. However, i garantee even if i get that much i will appreciate the principal of growth, to flower, to ashes that i have never gotten to experience before. Thanks for all the helpfull info, the whole process comes together more and more as i become further educated.

Always appreciated. Peace.

Liquid Karma may provide some micros but it's hardly the full package. Maxi crop isn't micro nutrients, it's growth stimulating enzymes or something from what I read about it, made mostly from seaweed. Those are good organic elements but it's not the complete package. I was saying use the EJ Micro blast in addition to whatever else maybe since you use that other stuff you could use the every 4 week option for the microblast rather then the every two weeks. Something kept that plant small I'm just suggesting a way to make sure a plant has everything it needs nutritional to grow much bigger then that.

I only point out the yield issue because being you are a new grower I don't want you thinking that the size plant you got is normal. Unless it came from a ruderalis class strain which are known for being small but not popular because they have lower THC contents.


Thanks HempKat, I don't think they are a ruderalis strain but they are deff. too small. I will go get some of that EJ MicroBlast next time i get a chance, but i was curious if i could add that in addition to the LK & BS Molasses?

Okay, now i need some help... I have the two ladies and as i previously stated #2 is a hermie, it's also the smaller of the two and it looks kind of bad. Small, yellow...

I can see the seed pods start to form and the flowers are coming from every where. Luckly, the taller of the two(#1) is sitting right next to it and still hasn't been affected yet. I am curious if i should just harvest the second one now or if it's worth taking the risk?

Thanks again all. I appreciate the time & paitence.


P.S. will get pics up soon.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Yes EJ MicroBlast is in addition to everything else it focuses on the Micros but you still got to apply the macros which are the traditional big three NPK or fertalizers/nutrients. Other things in nature have benefits for plants by providing certain enzymes and growth stimulators. These things are typically discovered by someone noticing that plants do better in a certain region and then they examine why and find some unique property such as a build up of decayed seaweed or a clay that's particularly rich in certain minerals, etc. So things like this are added to other nutrients and such in an attempt to help the plant grow better.

Well your plant seems to be trying to squeeze out what it can. Alas if your area is like mine fall is settling in alot faster and sooner then the past few years so I don't think you got much outdoor time left. If it was like some rare hard to get strain or some reason you had to keep it around you could always try to reveg that plant, otherwise it's best to let it go and try again later.
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Mucho Gracias Senior

Mucho Gracias Senior

As Burn1 advised...
BurnOne said:
Hit 'em with the flowering nutes.
... I did and they they were very happy about it. They also got a nice rain yesterday which worked out cause i was gonna do that when i got out of class. So i got a chance to snap a fewer more shots...

Female #1

Female #2

This bad boy just keeps getting bigger, i love his/her spirit... she's been almost killed twice and she was originaly a 3 in tall stalk with two, count em, two leaves. I hope she sticks around long enough for me to do something with her.

And just-in-case any body was wondering most of my camafloge looks like this...

... it's not the best but it works. I've got a couple cactus closer to em.
If any body has any advice, questions, or comments please feel free to post them. As well, if anybody would like to throw a projected havest E.T.A. it would give me an idea of what i was already guessing.



i like the spirit of the fatty too. i wonder why it isnt flowering like the others? a retarded pheno?

looks like you're gonna get some smoke off those other two... hows the smell?


Nathindica said:
i like the spirit of the fatty too. i wonder why it isnt flowering like the others? a retarded pheno?

looks like you're gonna get some smoke off those other two... hows the smell?

Nathindica, how nice of you to drop by... Yes, i too wondered why he/she never budded. But non the less the other two do look appetizing.

However, at 2:00pm Thursday i chopped down the second female for two reasons.
1) I wanted to see how a organically fertilized plant tasted not flush for 7-10, but 2-3 day; "it" was a hermie any way so she will be an odd one to smoke.
2) She's a HERMIE and i wanted to get her out of there, the other one hasn't been pollinated yet and i didn't want her too.

Like i said, they are all bag seeds, so i'm not sure if they're a sativa, indica, or a combo. However i will agree that the leaves do look like that of a sativa-ish plant. Which, if i'm not too stoned, can take a while to flower!?

Well, i am letting the hermie dry out and then i will be curing it. Hope it all goes well. And i will keep my eye on the other lady till she looks ripe. Nice to see everyone.



It's Been A While, But I'm Still Here...

It's Been A While, But I'm Still Here...

I know it's been a while but due to computer problems and money problems there of i have not been able to keep up with my updates. I did however successfully harvest my second female. We will call here "Stanky" for all purposes. I flushed with distilled water for about three or four weeks before harvest and it rained significantly during that time too. So here she is...

The trim was barely enough to make hash out of but it was pretty good. I kept her in the dark for 24 hours before i harvested her and she stank up the house pretty bad; same deal when trimmed her. Drying wasn't to bad, she took about 7 days, 3 hanging and 4 in a paper bag. Them about a week and a half to about a month before she was all gone. It was about 3.5 - 4 grams total and it was dank, so naturally i was looking forward to next season but as i have learned there's much more to be learned. So here's too next time!

I Do still have the late bloomer (Female #3) and she is budding pretty well. The buds are about 1/2" - 1" long and growing. I believe i have under fed and watered recently b/c the rain soaked up into the soil and when it's cold and cloudy or even just cold, the moisture just has a hard time evaporating. Especially having top put it inside every night and then back out early as fuck; it gets old. But i believe i can correct this with the right combo of Maxi crop, Fish Emulsions and EJ Bloom... maybe a little LK or BS Molasses... We'll see this one has been my fert. experiment plant. I'm trying to better learn how to read my plant. We'll see!

Those pics will be up soon... Same Time, Same Place.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
retawgnob said:
I know it's been a while but due to computer problems and money problems there of i have not been able to keep up with my updates. I did however successfully harvest my second female. We will call here "Stanky" for all purposes. I flushed with distilled water for about three or four weeks before harvest and it rained significantly during that time too. So here she is...

The trim was barely enough to make hash out of but it was pretty good. I kept her in the dark for 24 hours before i harvested her and she stank up the house pretty bad; same deal when trimmed her. Drying wasn't to bad, she took about 7 days, 3 hanging and 4 in a paper bag. Them about a week and a half to about a month before she was all gone. It was about 3.5 - 4 grams total and it was dank, so naturally i was looking forward to next season but as i have learned there's much more to be learned. So here's too next time!

I Do still have the late bloomer (Female #3) and she is budding pretty well. The buds are about 1/2" - 1" long and growing. I believe i have under fed and watered recently b/c the rain soaked up into the soil and when it's cold and cloudy or even just cold, the moisture just has a hard time evaporating. Especially having top put it inside every night and then back out early as fuck; it gets old. But i believe i can correct this with the right combo of Maxi crop, Fish Emulsions and EJ Bloom... maybe a little LK or BS Molasses... We'll see this one has been my fert. experiment plant. I'm trying to better learn how to read my plant. We'll see!

Those pics will be up soon... Same Time, Same Place.


Two things, for future reference, when you go to flush two weeks is plenty and it doesn't have to be distilled water. It doesn't even have to be just water, you can still add things like Liquid Karma and Blackstrap Molasses right up to harvest. All you are really doing with the "flushing" before harvest is cutting off the nutrients to force the plant to use up whatever it may have stored within itself and/or in the soil or other growing media. The idea being that your smoke will burn better and taste better.

If it's colder out, which it should be this time of year your plant is going to slow down in growth alot. The majority of moisture should be removed from the soil more by the plant drinking then by evaporation. Meaning that the soil is staying wetter more by the lack of growth then the lack of heat. Ironically it's the lack of heat that makes the plant grow slower. Changing what you feed it isn't going to change things much, it's better to stick to what you've been feeding and adjust frequency by waiting longer between feedings rather then trying to adjust your feeding formula to compensate. I mean it's fairly close to being done isn't it? Just try to get your plants going sooner if you want to use the Sun so they can be done by Mid October and you should be good as long as you stick mostly with Indicas. Sativas are really more tropical and evolved to have much longer flower times then climates north or south of the Equator can support. Some sativias could go until as late as December making it nearly impossible to grow outdoors in many places other then it's native region.
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Thanks man, and ya its getting cold as fuck but i see what you're saying about the nute compensation. I have pretty well kept the same nute recipe. I only added a little Fish Emulsions to keep the leaves on there. The lower one had already fallen off. I should hav ethe pics of the 3rd one up soon. Its that time of the school year again so i'm kept pretty busy. I'll be back in a couple weeks to give an update and new pics. Thanks again HempKat. Hope you like this next one.