First things first. I have had only one other experience growing cannabis and that was many years ago when i just threw some seeds into a pot, turned the soil and BAM! There you go, it grows like a weed. Little did i know that they would be obsconded with several months later when they were any where between 2 and 3 feet tall. Lesson learned... right!
Between then and now i have been reading up here and there; books, friends, forums, etc. I choose to go outside and start with FoxFarm OceanForest, EarthWorm Castings, & a little extra perlite.
80% FFOF
20% EWC
30% Perlite (Overall total in mix after adding addition)
I initally threw some seeds in my buddies front flower bed undr some mulch. Low and behold a few days later i had a nice little patch of seedlings to pick from. I had 6 or 7 in all, but after weeding out the unhealthy ones and transplanting others into personal containers. I wounded up with 5 plants, 2 female, 2 male, and one undecided as it's roots had been damaged during transplantation.
One of the Males I had to "dispatch of" if you will.
Female #1
Female #2
I quickly did away with the males and focused my attention to the two beautiful ladies i had left. I transplanted the second female into the pot the male had previously been in as to acomidate the vast root expansion during flowering. I watered with molasses and one drop of SupeThrive per gallon when transplating. To feed is was using...
2 Tbsp. Fish Emulsions (5-1-1)
2 Tbsp. Maxi Crop (0-0-1)
*Mind you that this is all done with water that has been bubbled for at least 24 - 48 hours.
This was during veg and it kept the ladies nice and happy. Shortly there after I aquired some EarthJuice Bloom and Liquid Karma from the local hydroponics store. Once Fall started i intended on using this in addition to the BlackStrap Molasses for flowering. The second female took the transplantation nicely, however a week later i noticed a few ball sacks on the second level of leaves from the top. I carefully removed them with needle nose scissors and hoped for the best. This was pretty difficult as to not break open the pollen sack and to not cut into the calyx.
Female #1
Female #2
I was enthused that these two ladies were producing such good resin as well as beautiful calyx's. I try to keep my questions simple when asking other members, but unfortunantly this is not always the case hen so many factors are an issue. I was told by one of the older members that my second female looked a little over watered in it initial container. Ironically i had transplanted it that day and haven't sen the problem since. They are both in clay pots with a level of lava rocks at the bottom for adiquit drain age. (And does it ever)
Since fall started a few days ago i had scheduled their first full strength bloom feed on that day. Again i ran this by some of the older memers and i was informed that i might need to continue with the veg nutes for a little longer to keep the level of Nitrogen at a necassary strength. So that being said i added a little bit of distilled water the next day and am crrently waiting for the soil to dry out a litle more in order to add more of the Fish Emulsions and Maxi Crop.
I own the "Bud Bible" as it is refered to and it has educated and provided as a refrence guid on multiple occasions. If any one reads this and has any advice, questions or constructive critacism please feel free. I mean thats why i started this thread in the first place.
I am so stoke to have my two little ladies. I use an application of neem oil foliarly to keep the bugs at bay, but other than that i haven't had to many other problems.
Thanks again everybody for reading. Please enjoy!
Between then and now i have been reading up here and there; books, friends, forums, etc. I choose to go outside and start with FoxFarm OceanForest, EarthWorm Castings, & a little extra perlite.
80% FFOF
20% EWC
30% Perlite (Overall total in mix after adding addition)
I initally threw some seeds in my buddies front flower bed undr some mulch. Low and behold a few days later i had a nice little patch of seedlings to pick from. I had 6 or 7 in all, but after weeding out the unhealthy ones and transplanting others into personal containers. I wounded up with 5 plants, 2 female, 2 male, and one undecided as it's roots had been damaged during transplantation.
One of the Males I had to "dispatch of" if you will.
Female #1
Female #2
I quickly did away with the males and focused my attention to the two beautiful ladies i had left. I transplanted the second female into the pot the male had previously been in as to acomidate the vast root expansion during flowering. I watered with molasses and one drop of SupeThrive per gallon when transplating. To feed is was using...
2 Tbsp. Fish Emulsions (5-1-1)
2 Tbsp. Maxi Crop (0-0-1)
*Mind you that this is all done with water that has been bubbled for at least 24 - 48 hours.
This was during veg and it kept the ladies nice and happy. Shortly there after I aquired some EarthJuice Bloom and Liquid Karma from the local hydroponics store. Once Fall started i intended on using this in addition to the BlackStrap Molasses for flowering. The second female took the transplantation nicely, however a week later i noticed a few ball sacks on the second level of leaves from the top. I carefully removed them with needle nose scissors and hoped for the best. This was pretty difficult as to not break open the pollen sack and to not cut into the calyx.
Female #1
Female #2
I was enthused that these two ladies were producing such good resin as well as beautiful calyx's. I try to keep my questions simple when asking other members, but unfortunantly this is not always the case hen so many factors are an issue. I was told by one of the older members that my second female looked a little over watered in it initial container. Ironically i had transplanted it that day and haven't sen the problem since. They are both in clay pots with a level of lava rocks at the bottom for adiquit drain age. (And does it ever)
Since fall started a few days ago i had scheduled their first full strength bloom feed on that day. Again i ran this by some of the older memers and i was informed that i might need to continue with the veg nutes for a little longer to keep the level of Nitrogen at a necassary strength. So that being said i added a little bit of distilled water the next day and am crrently waiting for the soil to dry out a litle more in order to add more of the Fish Emulsions and Maxi Crop.
I own the "Bud Bible" as it is refered to and it has educated and provided as a refrence guid on multiple occasions. If any one reads this and has any advice, questions or constructive critacism please feel free. I mean thats why i started this thread in the first place.
I am so stoke to have my two little ladies. I use an application of neem oil foliarly to keep the bugs at bay, but other than that i haven't had to many other problems.
Thanks again everybody for reading. Please enjoy!
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