lol please... if this does happen post the results....
We did it 3 years successively, 2006-2009. It was really fun.. It was exactly as described..
Whole lot cheaper than Amsterdam with better wiet. haha.. Not quite as good looking women as my favorite European Village, though. DOH..
1st place - Original Chemdog Cut greenhouse grown - Stasis
2nd place- MK Ultra greenhouse grown - Stasis
3rd - Sour Diesel - forgot
2nd year
1st place - same Chemdog cut Greenhouse grown -Stasis
Sorry, complete Brain fart regarding the others.
3rd year
1st Place - Lavender outdoor - Munchie
2nd Place - same Chemdog cut / greenhouse - Stasis
3rd place - Cheese Cut greenhouse - Stasis
That's all I can remember.. I really did not expect to win The first year...!
I do not expect to win if we do it this year.. It;s all good..!
So many talented growers out there, just doing their own thing quietly.
And now deep Strain Knowledge (while still rare) is more prevalent.
I did not mention that in the last one, everyone dressed in costume, as we held it the 1st week in Nov. A little later in Nov would be better, 2nd week, perhaps.
The costumes were kinda fun, but a PIA, In my opinion, but the Pack of Women of Mendocino often do not take NO for an answer. haha.. That was the last Competition that they would allow.. No longer in the picture. But location is important, and I am getting to work on that next week. Got some 'work' to do getting stuff going under El Sol..
Ok excellent, KB, you're on..! We'll Get some of these Local and Other Mad Scientists together.. Preferably everyone with a prescription... Indoor and Outdoor weed, Organic and otherwise, hydro, soiless, and soil.
Concentrates and oils - I want do a little research on the intelligence of having these there.. It may be a bad idea.
I will start a different thread, so as not to hijack this one further, which is so positive and informative.. One step from a Flame war, awaiting a match. haha..
Profound points made.Gotta love the guise they have going on in Cali...head in the least the rest of us UNDERSTAND it's still long as i can still use the word ILLEGAL, if it's not yet ILLEGAL in Cali to do so...haha
Plant limits are for PUSSIES.....
Love Cali....
Second, I'm curious what the Cali folks are thinking, perhaps planning on actually doing. Anyone...? Anything? No one can do anything about the deputy DA being caught with pot. But the shit that's been going down on a local level with all the zoning ordinances, that can be handled. So, will you?
Hi SeaMaiden
I live about 2 miles from where the Oakland bust went down. Forced into retirement a year & a half ago when my business went under.
Personally I will continue to do my thing for my family & friends regardless of what the government says and or does.
I really don't want more government intrusion into my life. If legalization passes here in Calif. the government will control it in favor of big agri-business to the detriment of the small family grower just like they're doing with family farms.
It's a God damn crime.
I grew up in a free country that is now only a memory.
here in central cali they puttin' their fist down....flew tree-top week ago.....neighbor was personally visited from feds and given 14 day notice to get rid of or forfeit property, home, and goods..........he has filed an injunction/w local attorney......
Obama sucks donkey................
ganj on............
Amen.....I see a LOT of outdoor and totally agree with you Yes....but I see a lot more higher quality because I already know the good growers locally and I am building a nice list of excellent ones up north as well....I see a LOT. Of OD that is getting sold as indoor back east.some of you guys must be seeing the super low end packs...i see them all the time in cali but never buy them, people dont want that crap anymore. its always premature dark green brown colored and sometimes smells like tea or shit.....
but most of the REAL outdoor i see up in norcal is fuckin fire and shits on some of the indoor i see....its just not ending up in your part of town i guess..your importer needs to find a new plug..ive got some fire OGxChemD grown in the humboldt sun that is golden frosty as hell, tons of flavor one hit in the bong and you get a head rather smoke some good cali outdoor than some canadian premature indoor beasters..
and yea schrews is right too...alot of the "bulk" weed out of staters are seeing, is most likely trafficked by large scale organizations like the mexican cartel and asian triads...these people could care less about quality its all about money to them. dont generalize an entire state based on that..
I know your just kidding but you wouldn't even think that if you'd been to state prison for possession.
I think you catch my drift.
I got busted with 77o plants and got PROBATION....
I think YOU catch my drift now.....
I would think you would be more grateful that you got off with a slap on the hand. Many many people dont. Im sure you would not be so happy if you would have got life now would ya.
I got busted with 77o plants and got PROBATION....
I think YOU catch my drift now.....