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Bad Week for Marijuana in California


Registered Non-Conformist
We did it 3 years successively, 2006-2009. It was really fun.. It was exactly as described..
Whole lot cheaper than Amsterdam with better wiet. haha.. Not quite as good looking women as my favorite European Village, though. DOH..

1st place - Original Chemdog Cut greenhouse grown - Stasis
2nd place- MK Ultra greenhouse grown - Stasis
3rd - Sour Diesel - forgot

2nd year
1st place - same Chemdog cut Greenhouse grown -Stasis
Sorry, complete Brain fart regarding the others.

3rd year
1st Place - Lavender outdoor - Munchie
2nd Place - same Chemdog cut / greenhouse - Stasis
3rd place - Cheese Cut greenhouse - Stasis

That's all I can remember.. I really did not expect to win The first year...!

I do not expect to win if we do it this year.. It;s all good..!
So many talented growers out there, just doing their own thing quietly.
And now deep Strain Knowledge (while still rare) is more prevalent.

I did not mention that in the last one, everyone dressed in costume, as we held it the 1st week in Nov. A little later in Nov would be better, 2nd week, perhaps.

The costumes were kinda fun, but a PIA, In my opinion, but the Pack of Women of Mendocino often do not take NO for an answer. haha.. That was the last Competition that they would allow.. No longer in the picture. But location is important, and I am getting to work on that next week. Got some 'work' to do getting stuff going under El Sol..

Ok excellent, KB, you're on..! We'll Get some of these Local and Other Mad Scientists together.. Preferably everyone with a prescription... Indoor and Outdoor weed, Organic and otherwise, hydro, soiless, and soil.

Concentrates and oils - I want do a little research on the intelligence of having these there.. It may be a bad idea.

I will start a different thread, so as not to hijack this one further, which is so positive and informative.. One step from a Flame war, awaiting a match. haha..


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
We did it 3 years successively, 2006-2009. It was really fun.. It was exactly as described..
Whole lot cheaper than Amsterdam with better wiet. haha.. Not quite as good looking women as my favorite European Village, though. DOH..

1st place - Original Chemdog Cut greenhouse grown - Stasis
2nd place- MK Ultra greenhouse grown - Stasis
3rd - Sour Diesel - forgot

2nd year
1st place - same Chemdog cut Greenhouse grown -Stasis
Sorry, complete Brain fart regarding the others.

3rd year
1st Place - Lavender outdoor - Munchie
2nd Place - same Chemdog cut / greenhouse - Stasis
3rd place - Cheese Cut greenhouse - Stasis

That's all I can remember.. I really did not expect to win The first year...!

I do not expect to win if we do it this year.. It;s all good..!
So many talented growers out there, just doing their own thing quietly.
And now deep Strain Knowledge (while still rare) is more prevalent.

I did not mention that in the last one, everyone dressed in costume, as we held it the 1st week in Nov. A little later in Nov would be better, 2nd week, perhaps.

The costumes were kinda fun, but a PIA, In my opinion, but the Pack of Women of Mendocino often do not take NO for an answer. haha.. That was the last Competition that they would allow.. No longer in the picture. But location is important, and I am getting to work on that next week. Got some 'work' to do getting stuff going under El Sol..

Ok excellent, KB, you're on..! We'll Get some of these Local and Other Mad Scientists together.. Preferably everyone with a prescription... Indoor and Outdoor weed, Organic and otherwise, hydro, soiless, and soil.

Concentrates and oils - I want do a little research on the intelligence of having these there.. It may be a bad idea.

I will start a different thread, so as not to hijack this one further, which is so positive and informative.. One step from a Flame war, awaiting a match. haha..

No flame war!!!

Just good ol fun!!!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
The next one if it happens post those results too.. You might want to contact a Admin before going through all that trouble.. I know setting up meet and greets are not allowed here. what you doing might be different but it wont hurt to check first


Active member
I'd love to attend something like this....if it were scheduled for at least 2-3 months from now, when I have blumats set up and can afford a trip out West...
Gotta love the guise they have going on in Cali...head in the sand...at least the rest of us UNDERSTAND it's still ILLEGAL...as long as i can still use the word ILLEGAL, if it's not yet ILLEGAL in Cali to do so...haha

Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
here in central cali they puttin' their fist down....flew tree-top week ago.....neighbor was personally visited from feds and given 14 day notice to get rid of or forfeit property, home, and goods..........he has filed an injunction/w local attorney......

Obama sucks donkey................

ganj on............


First I'm going to bitch about peoples' reading comprehension. What was it about this thread that would have brought anyone to start discussing shit like "Cali beasters" (whatever the fuck that is) and offloading through the rest of the country? WHAT does that have to do with the current political climate, especially on a local level? Four pages of BULLSHIT, what a waste. As if this debate, idiotic in every sense of the word, hasn't been had before, as if people in other areas of the world can't grow cannabis well. Seriously? This needed to be gone over again?

Second, I'm curious what the Cali folks are thinking, perhaps planning on actually doing. Anyone...? Anything? No one can do anything about the deputy DA being caught with pot. But the shit that's been going down on a local level with all the zoning ordinances, that can be handled. So, will you?
Gotta love the guise they have going on in Cali...head in the sand...at least the rest of us UNDERSTAND it's still ILLEGAL...as long as i can still use the word ILLEGAL, if it's not yet ILLEGAL in Cali to do so...haha
Profound points made.

You do know that laws can be changed, right? It takes effort and time, but it can be done.

Mtn. Nectar, can you share more details, and was this Tuolomne county perchance? Or closer to Modesto?
Second, I'm curious what the Cali folks are thinking, perhaps planning on actually doing. Anyone...? Anything? No one can do anything about the deputy DA being caught with pot. But the shit that's been going down on a local level with all the zoning ordinances, that can be handled. So, will you?
Hi SeaMaiden

I live about 2 miles from where the Oakland bust went down. Forced into retirement a year & a half ago when my business went under.
Personally I will continue to do my thing for my family & friends regardless of what the government says and or does.

I really don't want more government intrusion into my life. If legalization passes here in Calif. the government will control it in favor of big agri-business to the detriment of the small family grower just like they're doing with family farms.
It's a God damn crime.
I grew up in a free country that is now only a memory.




Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
here in central cali they puttin' their fist down....flew tree-top week ago.....neighbor was personally visited from feds and given 14 day notice to get rid of or forfeit property, home, and goods..........he has filed an injunction/w local attorney......

Obama sucks donkey................

ganj on............

so true my bro in Fresno just got a letter from the local DA....HE HAS TO COMPLETELY shutdown or face some serious court time which means huge legal cost's......how's that " hope and change" working for you all?


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
some of you guys must be seeing the super low end packs...i see them all the time in cali but never buy them, people dont want that crap anymore. its always premature dark green brown colored and sometimes smells like tea or shit.....

but most of the REAL outdoor i see up in norcal is fuckin fire and shits on some of the indoor i see....its just not ending up in your part of town i guess..your importer needs to find a new plug..ive got some fire OGxChemD grown in the humboldt sun that is golden frosty as hell, tons of flavor one hit in the bong and you get a head change...id rather smoke some good cali outdoor than some canadian premature indoor beasters..

and yea schrews is right too...alot of the "bulk" weed out of staters are seeing, is most likely trafficked by large scale organizations like the mexican cartel and asian triads...these people could care less about quality its all about money to them. dont generalize an entire state based on that..
Amen.....I see a LOT of outdoor and totally agree with you Yes....but I see a lot more higher quality because I already know the good growers locally and I am building a nice list of excellent ones up north as well....I see a LOT. Of OD that is getting sold as indoor back east.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I know your just kidding but you wouldn't even think that if you'd been to state prison for possession.

I think you catch my drift.

I got busted with 77o plants and got PROBATION....

I think YOU catch my drift now.....


The revolution will not be televised.....
The only thing bad about Cali's day is all the know it alls who cant help but throw their worthless 2 pennies into conversations about the state and its state of MMJ. Plant limits, busts, harrassment by by piglets is nothing new to us here. Neither is shippin the herb somewhere else where the prices are better and the weed is harder to come by. Simple economics of supply and demand. If I can get 4 per pack intsead of 1500-2500 why wouldnt I send it back east to folks so they make some bread and I make some bread. Even though cali is the epicenter for herb in this country it aint free and it aint free to grow it so recoopin some $ and maybe making some is what it is all about. If you are waiting on the gov to give you a hand or make it easy for you then you have already missed the boat! What happened to the growers on here who were growing regardless of what your gov had to say? Now all I hear and see are a bunch of whiners and wet diaper crybabies spouting off about how free we used to be and how fucked up the country is for not legalizing the herb yesterday. Grow your own! Grow it even if the state says you cant! Keep it to yourself if you are worried about jail! But most of all whipe your f*#ckn nose, get your grind on, and please stop all your freakin cryin, whether you are here or some other state. Geez half you complainers prolly dont grow anyways so why you complaining? Its like no one remembers what it was like before the states openned the door for MMJ. What were you doing for herb back then? As for me, the only thing I plan on doin is what I have been doing for over 20 years, growing the herb for my people and me regardless of what my gov has to say about it on a fed, state, or local level!! Seems like people here should do the same..........Love , peace, and hairgrease you whiners!!!


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I got busted with 77o plants and got PROBATION....

I think YOU catch my drift now.....

I would think you would be more grateful that you got off with a slap on the hand. Many many people dont. Im sure you would not be so happy if you would have got life now would ya.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I would think you would be more grateful that you got off with a slap on the hand. Many many people dont. Im sure you would not be so happy if you would have got life now would ya.

THAT'S why im in CALI.....

I don't have to even have an inclination of those kind of penalties....

Grateful as fuck, but this is NOT my first time getting busted, ive been slapped on the hand a couple times....

Next one may not be so good though, i think the courts are getting sick of me...

Abja Roots

ABF(Always Be Flowering) - Founder
Nature abhors a vacuum........

If all of the other states met their local demand, then there would be no market for exports. So maybe more of you, in those high risk states, should grow more herb and risk harsher sentences. That sounds pretty dumb when you read it...right?

That's why people prefer to buy herb in those states, have herb shipped to them, and not have a grow going all the time. You can't quit when you're growing. You're constantly exposed. In those states it makes no sense to expose yourself perpetually, for a small pay out. It makes much more sense to expose yourself selectively and receive/sell herb. You can explain away the money, if they catch you with it. You cannot explain away a perpetual grow full of plants. Only those who are obsessed with herb will run the risk. It's because they want to grow it, as much as they want to smoke it.
I got busted with 77o plants and got PROBATION....

I think YOU catch my drift now.....

I'll assume it was in Cali. Probation, you gotta love this state.

I was refering to the bad things that happen to men in prison & what it does to them While I don't have personal experience of this I have former crime partners that do.
That's a drift I think YOU will understand.


Active member
I think Krunch is probably too busy being focused on the benefits that come from having 770 plants, to be worried and concerned about what might happen in prison if he fucks up.

Mtn. Nectar

Well-known member
megayields is on course seamaiden......merced/fresno/tulare/kern counties are being assaulted...........
the fed who showed up in plain clothes, ball cap and older beat up truck at my neighbors told him the medical script don't mean shit and you best clean up or lose it all.....neighbor told him he can't be on his property without a warrant and he said I can be anywhere I want on your property............

once again Obama sucks peeled donkey..............

ganj on................