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Bad Animal Experiences



I'll check my sources next time, I thought I had located the wild beast

Team Microbe

Active member
I'm bringing this thread back to life!!!

My buddy and I got a glimpse of our first porcupine the other day while visiting one of our remote patches down south... that was a sight for sore eyes to say the least.

I've never come across bear, only their tracks for the most part.

Does anyone have any up to date animal encounter stories to tell? It's been 7 years and all...


Well-known member
This isn't bad but was a close call. I was visiting a couple of sites at night a few years ago and as I was walking back by the edge of a pond I heard this rustling in the brush behind me. It kept getting closer and closer and louder and louder. I flashed my light on it and it was a skunk making a b-line right at me. I started waving my arms, stomping my feet, and yelling and it froze, tail up. I then turned and ran as fast as I could. Apparently it had a den by the pond's edge and I got a little too close.

Team Microbe

Active member
This isn't bad but was a close call. I was visiting a couple of sites at night a few years ago and as I was walking back by the edge of a pond I heard this rustling in the brush behind me. It kept getting closer and closer and louder and louder. I flashed my light on it and it was a skunk making a b-line right at me. I started waving my arms, stomping my feet, and yelling and it froze, tail up. I then turned and ran as fast as I could. Apparently it had a den by the pond's edge and I got a little too close.


That sounds like Silverback's story at the very beginning of this thread, sounds like you got away just in the nick of time though :tiphat:


Well-known member
I've been sprayed before and have had pets sprayed and it's no fun. Was lucky with that one since it was late night/early morning, neutralizing is not really what you want to do at that time.

I never really thought skunks were that aggressive though, relying on their spray as a defense. Changed my mind when I saw that sucker coming at me that night, she or it meant business.


Well-known member
The Raccoons dug in my buds one year. My fault as I used fish juice on outdoors plants. LOL. I spread moth balls around and that keeps them off the plant. When the buds are almost finished they try climbing the plants because of the sweet smell. I am trying rags with household ammonia this year. The squirrels are almost funny as someone feeds them raw peanuts. Everyone has peanut plants sprouting in the yard. They have buried them at the stem of my plants but no damage so far. I figure it's a good cover crop.

Stone House

The guy I bought my property from told me his mom had a veg garden and old grow site in the back portion of my property. He said it's the only place on the property that gets plenty of sun due to the tall pines and it was used as a grow site during the days of C.A.M.P. (government eradication of cannabis).
before buying the property I went down into the canyon to check it out, nobody had been there in years and it was overgrown with blackberries and poison oak but was still fenced to keep deer out except one spot where a tree fell knocking the fence down.
Couple months after I got the property I figured it was time to clear the old grow site.
On day I was starting to cut the blackberries when I saw what looked like a large tunnel under a huge mound of blackberries growing up the fence. I walked over to check it out and there was a gold colored black bear about 10 feet down the tunnel looking at me. Before I could react he spun around and trotted out the other side of the tunnel and thru the broken section of fence.
After I cleaned out my shorts LOL, I went back with a friend and a shotgun and removed the blackberry tunnel. It appeared the bear was using the tunnel as a den.
Thankfully I haven't seen the bear since!

Team Microbe

Active member
The guy I bought my property from told me his mom had a veg garden and old grow site in the back portion of my property. He said it's the only place on the property that gets plenty of sun due to the tall pines and it was used as a grow site during the days of C.A.M.P. (government eradication of cannabis).
before buying the property I went down into the canyon to check it out, nobody had been there in years and it was overgrown with blackberries and poison oak but was still fenced to keep deer out except one spot where a tree fell knocking the fence down.
Couple months after I got the property I figured it was time to clear the old grow site.
On day I was starting to cut the blackberries when I saw what looked like a large tunnel under a huge mound of blackberries growing up the fence. I walked over to check it out and there was a gold colored black bear about 10 feet down the tunnel looking at me. Before I could react he spun around and trotted out the other side of the tunnel and thru the broken section of fence.
After I cleaned out my shorts LOL, I went back with a friend and a shotgun and removed the blackberry tunnel. It appeared the bear was using the tunnel as a den.
Thankfully I haven't seen the bear since!


One of the best encounter stories I've heard to date! Talk about fight or flight... Jesus lol

I love the fact that you brought the old patch back to life too. You wouldn't be able to grace us with any pics would you?!

That tunnel sounds like a great entrance to a patch btw. Nobody would see that coming.

Stone House


One of the best encounter stories I've heard to date! Talk about fight or flight... Jesus lol

I love the fact that you brought the old patch back to life too. You wouldn't be able to grace us with any pics would you?!

That tunnel sounds like a great entrance to a patch btw. Nobody would see that coming.

Yeah, I have a few pictures.
I have never tried to download them to IC before, I'll see if I can figure it out.


Yeah I thought story was going all Lion Witch and the Wardrobe on us when I read golden black bear


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
I had a cougar grab me by the neck. I thought I was all done.
Luckily I was able to twist my way out of her grasp, fend off her attack and quickly stumble into the men's room before she made me buy her a drink or had a chance to grab any other part of my anatomy.

Stone House

The bear was golden in color, commonly known as cinnamon colored.

Green Squall

Well-known member
Do domestic animals count? lol

A long time ago a friend and I were watering a few plants we had out in the woods and a couple dogs stroll up like they own the place. I freak out because I assume that their owners are somewhere nearby, even though there were no trails in the immediate area. They eventually left and nothing ever came of it but I always remember what a scare that gave us.


I live in Grizzly // Kodiak country only time i ever was really shitting was hiking in some park in Alaska and them adolescent , skinny diseased looking bears ,
Only thing on its mind, is you as food cause they will eat anything it can get its jaws on well think of walking with few people Women lol and 4 - 5 of them spot you and start ,
Heading towards you only weapons is Bear spray
A huge Grizzly healthy and well fed wouldn't even blinked a eye but these fuckers trouble.
I swore after that even park or no park i am packing


Grashoppers! They can ruin a garden in no time.. I do outdoor, so always gotta watch for them. Those and caterpillars ..

St. Phatty

Active member
I thought it would be fun to hear how other growers deal with the wildlife they encounter. Over the years i've had several unpleasant encounters, but the most devestating wasn't a bear or dear, it was a skunk.

The one time I got sprayed by a skunk, it sprayed me on the knee, at point blank range.

I didn't see it either. It was in a trap I had put out to catch some rats that gotten too big of a family. and, it was midnight.

But most of my animal encounters that involved cannabis, involved them eating my cannabis plants.

Once I was visiting my first grow, back around 1990. I guess I must have walked past some bird's nest because there was a squawking sound that sounded like a large mother crow defending her nest - but 1000 times louder.

Now I wonder if the local forest rangers set it up to scare away pot growers.

It was a practical joke or a 500 pound bird defending its nest, didn't find out which.

I've been right next to a 10 pound extremely healthy rooster when he does his early morning crowing thing. Whatever it was hiding in the tree or bushes, it was like 10 roosters loud.

Or maybe it was just a tiny hummingbird and my hearing was really sensitive :woohoo: