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Back for Round 2 with JH and ISS.



Nice, glad to see some comments!

Southernsmoker- I had a single cfl about 4'' away from the JH in the waterfarm... but when I added 3 more I backed them away a bit. Now they're about 8 or so inches away. I've got a small fan blowing on the bulbs to keep them cool. I may drop them an inch or tweo and see how she responds. and by the way, I was once a southern smoker myself. not too long ago. and still to this day... the nicest nugs i've found came from austin. top notch. hope you stick around to see these plants grow out!

weedninja- I didn't even think to look for laxitive use epsom. Good call. I found this kind in the pharmacy but it was the only kind they had. I'll check around at other pharmacies to see whats available. Maybe just pick some up from the hydro store to be extra safe- its just a bit out of the way. Maybe someone who knows a bit more about epsom can chime in and let me know if that kind is safe.

I've been wondering about the wavy seedling leaves as well. I've never done a soil runoff test before. Do I just run 6.5 water through the soil... collect the dirty water in a cup and test it? Do I need to filter out all the crud from the runoff or can i just stick my pH pen in the dirty water and still get an accurate reading?

And that fact about c99 is quite interesting. That's a strain that I've really been itching to get my hands on. That pineapple pheno sounds awesome.

Also a question about this "seedless" Jack Herer... Does seedless just mean unpollinated? And so... if I got a single seed out of an ounce or 2... does that mean it's one of those 'random' seeds that gets produced without pollination? Is this a 'seedless' seed? And if so... is it likely to be feminized? Interesting stuff. Would anyone care to share some wisdom?
hey Nathindica the JH looks great in the water farm !!!
The seedlings are under 2 t8 bulbs and you can keep the seedlings about 1" from them to keep them from stretching out on ya . keeepem green and happy growing to ya !!


I've been wondering about the wavy seedling leaves as well. I've never done a soil runoff test before. Do I just run 6.5 water through the soil... collect the dirty water in a cup and test it? Do I need to filter out all the crud from the runoff or can i just stick my pH pen in the dirty water and still get an accurate reading?
Yep. Pens are much better than drops for soil runoff tests because you don't have to worry about the coloration from the soil affecting the color of the pH test.

It may just be the pH difference between the peat puck, which has no lime added and the soil, which does. There's no burning or spotting or signs of lockout, so I wouldn't sweat it too much, though.
Also a question about this "seedless" Jack Herer... Does seedless just mean unpollinated? And so... if I got a single seed out of an ounce or 2... does that mean it's one of those 'random' seeds that gets produced without pollination? Is this a 'seedless' seed? And if so... is it likely to be feminized? Interesting stuff. Would anyone care to share some wisdom?
Seedless means that there were no males, no hermies and no pollen(sinsemilla). "Seedless" in quotes means that someone tried for sinsemilla and failed. Either someone didn't kill their males before they released pollen or one of the females hermied.


This is some good stuff. I love the cab Nathindica, is all that in there? I have a cab i've been working on my self. Smaller than yours but it should do some damage when i get her up and running. Good call on the popped inter-tubes, you probably saved me $100 in weather stripping. As well, the reflective stuff i wanted at the grow shop was $175 for a 4' x 10' roll and i just don't need that much, especially for that cost. So i went with the panda poly at $.99 for a 1' x 10' strip; i got 4' at 10' long. Not bad stuff, holds well, any advice?

As well i saw that you went with the florescent strip instead of the compacts, any reason or was that the same day you were utaliuzing all the extra stuff you had lying around?

Always good to see more work being done. I'll snap some shots of my cab as i'm constructing it. Peace.


yes retawgnob. i love hash too. haha. way to keep my thread goin when i was too lazy and stoned to do it myself. pics today. VERY exciting developments since my last post. im goin to snap pics right now.




Speaking of stoned and lazy... here are the pic.'s of my last crop!

Check out the ol' grow diary for more.
Peace! :joint:
Can't wait to see the new pics


Alright I'm on my way out the door for a beach sunset doob but I've got time to post a few pics.

Here are the 3 confirmed island sweet skunk ladies.

One with no training/pruning...



My first attempt at FIMing... (female 2)



And my first try topping... (female 3)



I only topped #3 yesterday so there is no big growth yet but i topped my other males and love the results. I double topped one and I love it. I'm also Impressed with the FIMing although I tried to FIM 2 and only 1 worked. the other grows like it was topped but with a third, weak branch coming from the middle.

Here they are under the HPS.


And the Jack next to them is just huge. Pics after this beach J.


Alright here we go.

Jack Herer in her 4th week of flowering. The yellowing is from a bit of light burn as the plant grew much faster than I anticipated and so i neglected to raise the light accordingly. However it doesn't seem to have affected it too badly. Currently feeding at an EC of 1.5 and she wants more and more every increase.

Here she is...



The top cola was just too tall. I have other plants that need light in the cab as well so I decided to supercrop it to even out the canopy. The stem seemed to be quite hollow and suptured when i bent it. But again... growth hasn't slowed much. The cola was reaching back up for the light in an hour. These plants do amazing things.


a better look at the fold...


and some bud shots...






This plant is awesome. So branchy. Even the nodes from the very bottom of the plant have budsites in the canopy. This plant easily takes up more than half of my cab. My only option was to bring in the sidebuds closer to the main stem to make room for my other skunky ladies. By the way this jack is starting to smell amazing. a dank fruity smell that i cant quite place at the moment. anyways here's some of my tie work. made a lot more space in the cab. plus... when i close the door the buds dont get squished against the walls anymore.


Hope you like the pics. More frequent updates are on the way as these ladies fill out. All comments and questions are encouraged here.


Oh yes and how could I forget. I took clones from the jack herer. we'll see how she does in soil.








Nathindica, I love it all. The Soilessness, the HydoFarm, the FIM-ing, the ToPPing, the SuperCropping, and then some Clonning... what's next? I can't wait to see.

I'm assuming you got the 400w HPS 6'' CoolTube in there?
- Hows the temp?

And of course, any pointers on any of the cropping techniques?

Hope all stays dank ass hell on your end!


I forgot to tell you before, but I used to run a system similar to a waterfarm and I used to run a separate air pump with air stone directly into the res. for a little extra o2 for the roots.

There is a rumor that Fed Seeds is no longer in business, so you might want to consider making some ISS beans.

Everything looks good, BTW.

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