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Babba's '09


Active member
We're doing great with veggies. We have 18 extra smartpots filled with the same awesome dirt we are gorwing the medicine in. (I guess we can thank the sheriff for that) 65 gallon joints... i turned most of them down so that they are about half as deep... some we left deep. I think we'll be able to grow 22" carrots and get pretty massive tomato plants.

I have been throwing the leftwover ganja nutes (diluted to 30% of their original strength) on them. The tomato plants are kicking ass.


ICMag Donor
Sounds like you have it down nomaad!! I've had pretty success with carrots before, they are soooo yummy outta the garden! ..I have a few potatoes coming up that I must have missed from last year!...we do that with out nutes too...good way to recycle! thanks for posting! :D


I don't think it would work on taters and carrots would it?, Hella?

I think nomad is dumping leftovers from water changes on his patch. ??


Active member
I'm gonna post some pics of the veggie garden in my OD thread later. Can't wait... I haven't had proper tomatoes in way too long. We're going to eat nothing but bruschetta and caprese salad for a week when they start to pop.

That reminds me... I need to get tomato cages today or I am going to run into problems.


ICMag Donor
I'm gonna post some pics of the veggie garden in my OD thread later. Can't wait... I haven't had proper tomatoes in way too long. We're going to eat nothing but bruschetta and caprese salad for a week when they start to pop.

That reminds me... I need to get tomato cages today or I am going to run into problems.

some of my favorites:woohoo:...cant wait to make both of those!! yummm


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit you two...?? Sorry you had a lil hiccup with the gurls. It looks like they are bouncing back as i see in the pic. With the TLC you guys give them gurls will rock all the way till the end.. So Im sending my positive vibe x10 over yer way... I'll just chill in the TH (TreeHouse) for abit take a nap in the beautiful babba garden... peace..



just steppin through checkin Babbas garden...
hope you guys had a fun and safe 4th weekend..
hows them avacados doin?


Morning Babba,

I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July. It was pretty nice down south. Had a good time hanging out with some friends. Hope you and the family had a good time. Boy, it sure is nice to see the garden going this year. I love following this thread every year.

I see Mrs.B got's some veggies going like always. I hope the plants get in high gear. Sorry, to hear you got them in the grown later then you wanted. I'm sure they will take off soon enough. Can't wait to see some pictures of the place filling in.

You take care and I know. I'm trying, been so darn busy down this way. I have to get up that way some day soon. Need to get me one of those famous jars of Jam :yoinks: and meet up with some good people. Take care and wish you and the family the best.


ICMag Donor
The garden is doing good..the girls are all good now and growing alot.
Most all the veggies are growing nicely...
We had a great Fourth...one of the better ones.

We had a huge oak tree in our yard and it was unstable and in the way so it was time to cut it down! what a rush it is to see that big sucker fall!! It will make alot of firewood for our son, he gets to split it allll up!! haha

garden pics...

cellar...thanks for stopping by! its an artichoke plant and its lookin pretty sad...something attacked it and it never really recovered..oh well..maybe next year.

Sack..get out of the tree house and come and puff!! heheh

BG...If we dont get together soon!! Im tellin ya...lets do it soon :D

have a great day everyone!!


guerilla grower
Or a place for litle greenhouse... Years ago wanted to stay a lumberjack :D

Wish you both happy growig and heavy harvest!


Wow the oak tree is gone!! That probably looks strange without the tree; til you get used to it being gone! It was a great visit! Can't wait to come up again!!! Probably at the end of the month...... Hugs N Kisses to you all!!!


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
I gotta tell you MrsB, I feel really sad about the tree! I have been looking at it almost every day for a couple of years now. It was a beauty and part of my memory of being there. The back yard must seem really open now! Taking it down almost HAD to increase the light to the garden, at least at certain times of the day.

We're happy that you're happy! Hope to see you soon!

Much love and deep respect,



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit you two..?? Hope yer well and wowzers the big oakey is a goner.. But if she was unstable that coulda been dangerous.. and im on my way down from my TH to go puff can we puff some chem i still havent puffed her yet... puuuuleeeeeeze....? Anyhow the gurls looked like they have totally bounced back cos they are definitely on a growth spurt already... I am glad they are fine.. cos they are FINE... if ya know wat i mean... the veggie garden looks like it is rolling right along as well.. Cool ill bbl later i found a small office fridge for my TH.. off peace..



No Longer a Human Watering Can
HEY Babba's >>> just droping by to say :wave: to u a yours !!!!

the outdoor babies are looking good lovely garden and backyard ya got there !!!




We had a huge oak tree in our yard and it was unstable and in the way so it was time to cut it down! what a rush it is to see that big sucker fall!! It will make alot of firewood for our son, he gets to split it allll up!! haha

have a great day everyone!!

Yeah ,then it will keep him warm two times :yeahthats

GArden looks Lovely Babbas keep the great work up :woohoo: