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AZ's desert dwelling

heya mike!

az... those some clones still in the storage tub? haha...

i love the way you set up the tables with the styrofoam... you should try and get some pics of that buddy =]


Grinding extra.
Damn AZ. Lookin SICK.

That PurpleSpaceship you got is SICK looking. And finished in 8 weeks with a good yield? Sounds like a dream...


Active member
that pic of the bud is actually a 7 week shot...as its so greasy it attracts pm if not vented properly.....you'll get to see more of her...peace az


Active member
hey az, looks like you have a lot going on. I'll be lurking around watching thinks progress.


Active member
heres an update on a lil bit...the sog flower....

an here's some of my new vegging plants in bubble bukets.....

more pics ina couple weeks....peace az


Active member
alright folks well today is the first day of flower for my new line up.....got my new cuts rooting as well for the next pull....hopefully by then i'll be in my new house....but on with the show......



Active member
well you know whats up frank..im allday desert jungle..loll...speaking of jungle..lets take a peek into whats up....i was setting up my 600 as it fell last night an shattered the bulb..thankfully it wasn't on..but i was working right under it..so close miss....anyway here's the show..first pic was when the plants got out..second is them still kinda scrunched..waiting on some other things to finish so i can spread em out...peace az



Looks like they are coming along nicely. How many strains are you growing??


Active member
got 4 purplespaceship(mendo purpsxspaceship)selected pheno,3sputnick2.0,kksc, an geisil all in bubble buckets...then i got 2 agent orange 1 herijuana 1 lemaire in hempy buckets....i was gonna do a run with cherryd..but must hold off on time an such....anyway my veg is 1kmh an flower is 2600hps...just set it up so going for big pulls with low numbers...lets see what happens...peace az


Active member
Monsoons are on AZ. Brings a little relief to the desert.
My grow's barely noticed that it was summer.
Have you run the hempy buckets before? Just wondering how you like them vs the dwc. DWC is spooky to me for fear of root rot. The hempys don't have that problem and aren't so picky about ph and stuff.


Active member
ya i have hempy buckets for a couple years now an am very profecient with them...as we all know they really out perform soil...but for my cash crops i like to use dwc as it still offers faster bigger growth...one thing i do to keep my buckets temps down is keep a 14inch heavy duty fan blowing on the buckets always.....peace az


I am trying hempy buckets next grow, are you just using grow bags?