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AZ light Schedule



Here in AZ the sunrise to sunset in the summer is usually 14 hours and drops to 10 hours in the winter. Any recommendations for this climate...Anyone know about the tricks here or strain preference tips would be appreciated. IT also gets hot here like 110 and up over sumer like june, july, and august. 12/12 is just ending. Sunrise at 6 sunset at around 7.



Does anybody have an idea or am i not up to par with my question asking? I tried the search, no luck.



guess no one knows? Well I have some chronic plants going outside almost a week old and hopefully they'll be ready by October 15-30 with some good sized buds on them. Thanks.


Active member
Arizona has some challenges when it comes to growing Cannabis.

The state in located on the high plateaus east of the Sierra Mountains. The mountains cause a rain shadow that results in arid conditions and lots of Sunshine.

Finding a remote site should be simple, no shortage of unimproved land to choose from. The biggest challenge will be water. Cannabis does really well in elevated tempetures as long as it has plenty of water.

Spring planting can result in a very large plant by Fall. Large plants need lots of water.

Postponing planting until early June can still produce a substantial plant, but it will be smaller then a full season plant and take less water.

I grow in similar arid conditions, my plants needed water three times a week during the peak of Summer growing. They need less water when the tempetures drop into the 60-70F range during the flowering season.
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Thanks Stoner133, yeah watering really wont be any problem for me. Hopefully I get some big trees like in your pics.