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AutoMalawi x NL and hazes


Active member
Hi Orfefs....
You do a gret job there with your plants....
Enjoy the best harvest from them.....
Oh you have a serious problem here!....
As you say maybe its mg prob or something else ...
Please check your general conditions there....
The sun in your place is burning fire now....
Some strong winds and storms appear from time to time almost every where in Greece....
Just remember if you made a mistake of something you put or something you spray....
But thats not the matter friend.....orfea....
See the next days if the prob increase....
Transplant them into a different pot......and hold from the old place a SMALL ball(like your hands) with the roots and soil...
put the plant to a pot with the best soil possible without fertilizers!light soil....not full....
Cut all the infected leaves and leave the plants in a more quiet place....not straight to the sun.....
And give them spray water all over the plant once a day or very often in the week....
Wait for your plants to become again healthy!:)
But hey Orfea....
You live here!:biggrin:
this varieties like OTH,OTH*M....are late flowering sativas so you can germinate some new seeds if you have!..
You are on the best season in Greece and new babys can grow really fast especially HAZES!:dance013:
thats my point of view...
i cant think that a demon burn it....:biggrin:
Γεια σου Ορφευς...
Καλη συνεχεια στο ταξιδι with da plants!
Thandee here!..:tiphat:
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Well-known member
ORF ! where are ya did you try a foliar of epsoms if thats your prob maybe some hot soil .What did ys figure anyways did you pull them out of pots look at your roots,hopin you figured it out maybe well water too high a ph im sure you thought of all this stuff let us know how your making out ..:)


Well-known member
really appreciate your feedback my good fellows, thandee and Budmate!
I did check the root ball of Kalamata, gave it a good rinse before repotting it to enriched peat moss...didn't much like the look of them roots, dark brown that is...I won't take it to heart, do I have to send it to Kaiadas :biggrin:
didn't want to pull PHxM out of its hole for when I shoved it in there the root ball looked fairly healthy...
now after almost a week the problem still lingers on, not advancing though, which is pretty reassuring...
the larger PHxM had to be ousted for there were some miniscule bollocks starting to develop, unlike the smaller one which in turn is showing tiny little punani hair... :biggrin:
Buddler, your suggestion sounds fine, the soil might be hot a tad...neverthless I've just foliarfed it with a cocktail of Azomin(organic N + organic C + 32% Aminos)...I notice all the leaf tips are turning slighty yellow...

It's been bloody hot around here with three fires breaking out up the mountain the other day, lightning bolts being the culprit...the planes got them in no time at all...
we're expecting a mini heat wave next week, but I don't give a dime nor do my plants...as long as there's enough water in the well, whose pH by the way must be balanced why it has quenched the thirst of many a plant for quite a number of years...

ta ta for now



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Well-known member
Hi orfeas :) are you around week 7 from seed with your auto malawi> is that about right?
Oye, Spaventa! :) You're very hot! That is, the one in the pot sprouted on April 24 and the one in the dirt on May 15 and by the looks of it the younger one will overgrow the older one by far, the former being at 48 cm already... the latter must have ceased stretching at 80 cm ...

Happy growing, mate!



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Well-known member
Yes those auto's are looking great the older one is really starting to load up ,I bet they like the heat wave. i want some for next yr thanks for sharing ..:good:


Well-known member
PH x M reg old seedling

PH x M reg old seedling

as if an icon spake a myriad words...



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Woo,full throttle! :)
The gals lookin' really healthy!And good job on guessing the male/female.;)
This last auto has really bad intentions!


Well-known member
Thank you both compatriots!
The tommy patch auto is really hasty, flowering already, nearly four weeks old at 70 cm now, almost as tall as the Joneses... :biggrin:
The older one in the pot is taking its time packing on and swelling by the day...sweet vanilla scents vaguely reminiscent of Malawi...no clue as to NL smells...
last photo Panama Haze greening at last...

Oye, gravarian, been suspended from work for the whole summer, double edge sword that is... :huggg:



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Well-known member
Those autos are packing it on Orf ! Are you changing your feelings about them now i bet lol.bud in the summer plus not having to work! Pura Vida! :)


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Nice looking ladies Orfeas. I don't know your situation, but I hope you get through summer well.


Well-known member
Those autos are packing it on Orf ! Are you changing your feelings about them now i bet lol.bud in the summer plus not having to work! Pura Vida!
Right on, Budmate! Your using Present Continuous tense(2nd sentence) is just about right... :biggrin: Now, if I get to harvest them autos, it'll be the first time in my fairly long canna career to have buds in mid-summer...Midsummer Night's Dream...

Nice looking ladies Orfeas. I don't know your situation, but I hope you get through summer well.
Thank you for caring, mate!
I've often had extensive summer holidays in my line of work and I've always made the best of it...
Now, I've worked out this complicated scheme :biggrin: for my work-free summer: Breakfast--canna growing, lunch--canna growing, dinner--canna growing and in between ample time for me daughter, lots of reading, no booze, and plenty of dives into our crystal clear sapphire waters... what Buddler said "Pura Vida", viva cavrones!

I could use a buck or two, did I have a part time job to pay for the mortgage, but what the heck...most of us Greeks have lead a frugal life for the last decade...not bad, time to appreciate what one has and not take anything for granted...

Now about them autos, I'd rather not count my chicks before they hatch, so I keep my reservations till I get to smoke them...
If they do deliver and if dubi's right about the other crosses he's been talking about, then we're in for an exceptional treat... :)

depicted auto 4 1/2 weeks today at 73 cm

fare well my friends!



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Active member
Right on, Budmate! Your using Present Continuous tense(2nd sentence) is just about right... :biggrin: Now, if I get to harvest them autos, it'll be the first time in my fairly long canna career to have buds in mid-summer...Midsummer Night's Dream...

Thank you for caring, mate!
I've often had extensive summer holidays in my line of work and I've always made the best of it...
Now, I've worked out this complicated scheme :biggrin: for my work-free summer: Breakfast--canna growing, lunch--canna growing, dinner--canna growing and in between ample time for me daughter, lots of reading, no booze, and plenty of dives into our crystal clear sapphire waters... what Buddler said "Pura Vida", viva cavrones!

I could use a buck or two, did I have a part time job to pay for the mortgage, but what the heck...most of us Greeks have lead a frugal life for the last decade...not bad, time to appreciate what one has and not take anything for granted...

Now about them autos, I'd rather not count my chicks before they hatch, so I keep my reservations till I get to smoke them...
If they do deliver and if dubi's right about the other crosses he's been talking about, then we're in for an exceptional treat...

depicted auto 4 1/2 weeks today at 73 cm

fare well my friends!

You'll see... :laughing:

Only a couple of retracted pistils at this point and aaaaall the trichomes are still clear.. :biggrin:



Well-known member
BD x Erdpurt

BD x Erdpurt

Here's my 4 1/2 weeks old BDxErdP in its final 25 lt pot.
I transplanted it there yesterday on dubi's saying that it doesn't grow that big and I thought 25 lt would be fine hoping I won't need any grow ferts unless she proves a heavy feeder...will certainly need some flo ferts when flowering advances come late August the soil being a fully fertilised Florabella enhanced with woodash, calcium, zeolith and a handful of granular organic bloom fert...curious to see how it performs...a typical indica by the looks of it.



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ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi orfeas,

I like your plan for summer time :)

The Auto Malawi x NLs are obviously not so strong like pure Malawi or strongest Malawi hybrids, but they truely deliver good quality flowers in the blink of an eye and a decent yield in summer which is highly appreciated by voracious growers with empty jars. I have a few friends that are also a bit reluctant to grow autos, i always tell them 'all these weeks that you have been thinking whether to start some autos or not, and you could already be harvesting some and get your first hand experience with them' and stop blaming life for not having anything to smoke during summer time :D

Not sure what could happen to the Kalamata, looks like she suffered at some point damage in the root system, but the new growth looks healthy so the problem has probably been overcome.

The Purple Haze x Malawi has the classic structure of this F1, the uniform and balanced Xmas tree Malawi structure but with thinner leaves, thinner stems and extra flexibility from the Oldtimer's Haze extreme tropical sativa traits.

It's going to be a very interesting 'hazy' season for you orfeas with the pure Oldtimer's Haze, Purple Haze x Malawi and the dutch elite hazes x Malawi, excited to have the chance to see them flowering in your lovely mediterranean climate ! ;)

Have a great weekend!


Well-known member
Hi orfeas,

I like your plan for summer time

The Auto Malawi x NLs are obviously not so strong like pure Malawi or strongest Malawi hybrids, but they truely deliver good quality flowers in the blink of an eye and a decent yield in summer which is highly appreciated by voracious growers with empty jars. I have a few friends that are also a bit reluctant to grow autos, i always tell them 'all these weeks that you have been thinking whether to start some autos or not, and you could already be harvesting some and get your first hand experience with them' and stop blaming life for not having anything to smoke during summer time

Not sure what could happen to the Kalamata, looks like she suffered at some point damage in the root system, but the new growth looks healthy so the problem has probably been overcome.

The Purple Haze x Malawi has the classic structure of this F1, the uniform and balanced Xmas tree Malawi structure but with thinner leaves, thinner stems and extra flexibility from the Oldtimer's Haze extreme tropical sativa traits.

It's going to be a very interesting 'hazy' season for you orfeas with the pure Oldtimer's Haze, Purple Haze x Malawi and the dutch elite hazes x Malawi, excited to have the chance to see them flowering in your lovely mediterranean climate !

Have a great weekend!

Muchas gracias, muchacho! :)

First of all I grow more than I need and despite giving away pretty much, my jars always have something ... to give you a clue, I'm still smoking M x P elite I grew the year before...
The autos can be quite a safe alternative against nickers and notorious mould...the one in the 35lt pot is so well camouflaged that I can't tell where it is from a 10 m distance :biggrin:

Speaking of hazes, no doubt this is going to be a hazy lazy summer...
I am astonished at the growth fashion of them PH x M despite being quite familiar with them africans...but this PHxM sitting in a 5lt pot with minimal (if any) feeding is but a pleasant surprise...I only wonder when it'll show sex...
So there you go, the one in the trough and the other in the 5lt pot.
I still have to upload a pic or two of the dutch ones :)

As for Kalamata and OTH, I am entirely in uncharted waters learning the hard way about their sensitivity...

Have a nice w/e !



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