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Auto-Ak47 balcony grow


Active member
Hi, I grew them on my deck. I noticed two separate phenos with mine. They didn't have a lot of odor you'd only notice it when I touched or moved them. How old are yours? I'll be interested on what you think of their taste.


Hey guys!

Another weekly update today!:friends:
The girls are doing fine and started flowering, little buds are starting to form...
The height of the 4 bigger plant is around 35 a 40 cm, the big pots are I think 11 or 16 litres...

The 2 bigger ones in the bigger pots:

Top of the left girl:

Top of the right girl:

The three smaller ones in smaller pots.... the difference is clear...

Top of the left:

Top of the middle:

Top of the smallest plant, this one looks like to be the bggest bloomer for now...:

See ya later!

Let me know what you think! Always nice to see...


Active member
I am just trying out the pot into pot transplant and so far am loving it. I found that the 10" pots fit well onto the bottom of the bigger pots so you can re-use them. I planted mine in smaller 5 liter pots I'll be interested to see if the larger pot makes a difference with these.
congrats on getting pollen from a fellow grower. I hooked up a buddy of mine,a nd it was awesome to see the look on his face when I told him I would be able to hook him up. He had no idea I was even growing hah, I had to break the first rule, to never talk about it, as he was talking about his problem, having only females, and I just had to let him in on the fact that I had what he needed :) O well, hes a great friend, Im not too worried about him knowing, and it is even nicer than i thought it would be to have a growing buddy that you can talk about shit with and share genetics etc.

Anyways, Peace/Love/Joy


Active member
whats the stench like?>

I can smell mine on the mainfloor and there locked in a cab downstairs in a room behind a closed door,and I'm using a brand new odor-sok...they stink good-real good. I think I need ona gel,your lucky there outside or you might have had my problem...not good.

Anyway,lookin good retoc.just curious,how old are they in the last pic and are those lowlife beans?


Active member
just saw these in hightimes this month. Autoflowering is really catching on. Nice little balcony you have going on there!



I was busy last week so didnt post an update so you get the pics of two weeks now!:woohoo:

They are Lowlife seeds indeed... and on the last pic, 2 weeks ago so i guess 1 month old... i think..

But now we are 2 weeks further and last week I've pollinated them with my LR2 pollen... worked out fine...

Let's just watch the pics:

Last week:





This week:






Let me hear ya go :woohoo:


People take heed - you see the size of these plants? Now go and take a look at mdanzigs genetics plant shots in this forum and THEN make a decision on weather to buy lowlife genetics or mdanzig genetics. The smoke is also better


what's wrong with their size? I think it's just fine for an AF strain... better then my previous LR and LR2 grows...


Nothings wrong with their size... its the exact opposite- theyre miles bigger than mdanzigs
I've been following autos since overgrow, and have grown both mdanzig and lowlife gear. aswell as being more vigorous, growing much larger, better calyx to leaf ratio, and yielding 3-4 times as much as a mdanzig cross.... the smoke is superior also
I'm making the point because there is very little lowlife grows here.... but alot of mdanzig ones and i dont know why because mdanzigs genetics are nowhere near as good as lowlifes. Lowlifes gear is backcrossed from the original lrx"original" cross until they are 100% autoflowering (f3-f4stage normally) to get the fully auto cross.
Mdanzig, to get his auto crosses, crosses the lrx"original" but dosnt backcross, instead, grows them out then pollinates with more lowriders until his line is fully automatic

To conclude, lowlifes gear is at least 50% "original" (ie ak47, hindu kush) and mdanzigs is ... im not sure what % but alot less because instead of inbreeding until fully autoflowering (which happens naturally) he backcrossed to original LR which is why theyre not as potent and alot smaller than lowlifes gear and also has alot less of the "original" traits


You could have a point there.... It makes sense if it's true what you say...

IF I had the tim and lifestyle for it I would dedicate my time and money for some ultime crosses... Like a superbud or bigbud for the yield or an auto Hashplant :)

BUT I dont have the time and lifestyle to do this... and I think that's good in a way....

See you guys around friday/saturday for the next update!


hi ReToCs.

its looking very promising, just ordered a pack myself, also for the balcony. so this is pure inspiration, keep up the good work, and keep those lovely pics comming.

take care. gravy

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