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authentic real durban poison?


On a mailtrain.
Premium user
Goat and Monkey Seeds are tied up in court right now…..the owner passed away and everything is in probate , seeds included

but yeah , the anise licorice pepper terps dominate the profile in the Durban Poison x Triangle Kush strandivar

7’ - 10’ foot outdoors eastern Colorado high plains about 38 degrees latitude





Well-known member
I know the dudes you’re talking about it does have goat in the name 🙂 I’m not looking for any I have my own
it was @Gunter asking about Khalifa

I’m just checking how legit they are
are cos those aren’t and the goat guy the seeds are from drakensburg / foothills maybe valley of thousands hills and recently? I saw on Ig
You have any Picts of the pure one not the blue cheese x
Man, you're talking years back, I don't really do pics its just not my thing my camera work is some blair witch shit, but I asked one guy who was in the group, and he might have pics he hasn't replied yet. If he still has seeds he may post on here, but I don't know.


Well-known member
Those are some doinks 🙌🏻, the “Durban” X growing so well at those altitudes and temps , proves the point of “durbs” coming from Lesotho / Transkei highlands
Edit . And Drakensburg


New member
The Dutch seedbank "Durban Poison" lineage traces back to Ed Rosenthal who got the seeds in the 70s in Durban.
Apparently Ed Rosenthal was never in South Africa at all: Quote from article in High Times "

History of Durban Poison

The modern history of Durban Poison began in the late 1970s, when the legendary cannabis breeder and grower, Ed Rosenthal, took a trip to Amsterdam. Despite many websites claiming Rosenthal went to South Africa to get the genetics, he told High Times, “I did not travel to South Africa, that is totally not true, I don’t know who created that urban legend.”

The truth is he went to “a coffee shop called the Transvaal,” which was named for a province in South Africa and “was run by white South Africans who were importing cannabis from South Africa.” Rosenthal noted that “South Africa is far from the equator so it is seasonal like the US,” which means cultivars that do well there might also do well back in California. While he admits that none of those original seeds were “super powerful,” Rosenthal said the benefit of the Durban seeds was that they “were very fast growing and ripening.” At the time, Rosenthal was living with the botanist Mel Frank while they were working on the Marijuana Growers Guide, and he gave some seeds to Frank and “many other people.”

Frank then passed on some of the seeds to Skunkman Sam, the legendary cannabis grower who bred Skunk #1 and many other classic cultivars. Like many landrace cultivars, Durban Poison originally suffered from intersex characteristics, which needed to be bred out of it before it could be a stabilized cultivar. Skunkman Sam spent several seasons working on it in California to get rid of those intersex traits, before Durban Poison would make the leap back across the Atlantic to Amsterdam.

In the mid-1980s, Skunkman Sam relocated from California to Amsterdam and brought his valuable cannabis genetics with him. Once he got to Amsterdam, Skunkman Sam met with cannabis breeder and creator of the first cannabis seedbank, Nevil Schoenmakers. It was through Nevil, his Holland Seed Bank, and other Dutch seed banks, that Durban Poison would become internationally known.


Active member
So what is the most authentic dutch durban? I have trusted Dutch Passion in the past but that's also 20 years ago and it was my first grow so I may have some rose colored glasses there.

Crazy, the building blocks that people like Sam etc. bred that are still in everything today.

I think the durban was never really a true sativa, maybe not even from the start in SA, maybe Sam crossed some skunk in (?), maybe the Dutch crossed some skunk in. Nirvana did this 100%. In any case it makes sense that the landrace needed work before it became a strain.


Well-known member
So what is the most authentic dutch durban? I have trusted Dutch Passion in the past but that's also 20 years ago and it was my first grow so I may have some rose colored glasses there.

Crazy, the building blocks that people like Sam etc. bred that are still in everything today.

I think the durban was never really a true sativa, maybe not even from the start in SA, maybe Sam crossed some skunk in (?), maybe the Dutch crossed some skunk in. Nirvana did this 100%. In any case it makes sense that the landrace needed work before it became a strain.
I haven't grown their Durban Poison but their Auto Duck genuinely had webbed leaves so based on that (alone) I would say Dutch Passion has in their tins what it says on the tins.

Besides them the only ones I'm aware of that sell a Dutch Durban at all are Sensi, Anesia, and Blimburn. The latter two I don't know much about. They seem to be Spanish companies with huge catalogues.

El Timbo

Well-known member
So what is the most authentic dutch durban? I have trusted Dutch Passion in the past

I grew the DP DP years ago as well - 2 females, I took clones but as the buds from the seed plants were nothing special I didn't bother keeping mothers but flowered out the 2 clones anyway. The buds from the clones were excellent!


Well-known member
I might be wrong, but I think landrace/feral/wild are confused, Landrace to me, (and who am I just some guy) means a heirloom adapted to an unique soil type, environment, and has had some human intervention. AKA Charra plants from india. Feral, once cultivated but has not had human interaction for the past 50- infinite number of years, AKA Wild american hemp. Wild indigenous to environment, no human interaction was needed to place the plant there, very rare/getting rarer due to human cultivation, aka Nitti Valley, Tibet wild, all of these plants are found around a circle in areas bordering Tibet.


Well-known member
Durban poison as sold by the dutch is most likely south african (unknown origin) x (big bud x skunk) then selected, south African land races are amazing! But like i said, are huge small budded plants
This guy is wrong, Sativas, in origin, feral plants, can contain thc/cbd/thcv/cbc/ and fit the nomenclature of speciation. Primordial plants (ruderal in nature) have been found to contain thc. (When i say Ruderal in nature i mean fitting the classification of ruderalis). (Primodrial, i mean from the center of the orgin of cannabis) Again, I'm just a guy, no degree, but i be thinkin. I think botany with out rules and set standards has thrown us all for a ride, but thats not because of us! "Black market guys" The guys with degrees are just as full of shit! Its about who gets to agree with you being full of shit! But what ever your durban is, if you're enjoying it, fuck it! If you want south african genetics please look around they're out there! If It was ten or so years earlier I'd give you guys all that you can handle.

Genghis Kush.

Well-known member
Apparently Ed Rosenthal was never in South Africa at all: Quote from article in High Times "

History of Durban Poison

The modern history of Durban Poison began in the late 1970s, when the legendary cannabis breeder and grower, Ed Rosenthal, took a trip to Amsterdam. Despite many websites claiming Rosenthal went to South Africa to get the genetics, he told High Times, “I did not travel to South Africa, that is totally not true, I don’t know who created that urban legend.”

The truth is he went to “a coffee shop called the Transvaal,” which was named for a province in South Africa and “was run by white South Africans who were importing cannabis from South Africa.” Rosenthal noted that “South Africa is far from the equator so it is seasonal like the US,” which means cultivars that do well there might also do well back in California. While he admits that none of those original seeds were “super powerful,” Rosenthal said the benefit of the Durban seeds was that they “were very fast growing and ripening.” At the time, Rosenthal was living with the botanist Mel Frank while they were working on the Marijuana Growers Guide, and he gave some seeds to Frank and “many other people.”

Frank then passed on some of the seeds to Skunkman Sam, the legendary cannabis grower who bred Skunk #1 and many other classic cultivars. Like many landrace cultivars, Durban Poison originally suffered from intersex characteristics, which needed to be bred out of it before it could be a stabilized cultivar. Skunkman Sam spent several seasons working on it in California to get rid of those intersex traits, before Durban Poison would make the leap back across the Atlantic to Amsterdam.

In the mid-1980s, Skunkman Sam relocated from California to Amsterdam and brought his valuable cannabis genetics with him. Once he got to Amsterdam, Skunkman Sam met with cannabis breeder and creator of the first cannabis seedbank, Nevil Schoenmakers. It was through Nevil, his Holland Seed Bank, and other Dutch seed banks, that Durban Poison would become internationally known.
There is another version online where Ed or Mel says the Durban Poison was created in California in the seventies by some one who crossed the original South African with short flowering pakistanis .
I’ll see if I can find it

Old Piney

Well-known member
In my opinion the short answer is no what we know as Durban poison is probably a hybrid of original South African crossed with some kind of indica. Regardless if this is true or not it has at the very least been heavily selected outside South Africa and not resembling any true landrace existing in South Africa. I still like it and it's more of a heirloom IMO

Genghis Kush.

Well-known member
Dutch durban (poison) = (South African) Durban poison x Skunk
Durban Poison arrived in Amsterdam already worked but not with skunk.
durban poison skunk hybrids came after.

“The original Durban Poison, as it was already known when first collected by the legendary American breeder Sam the Skunkman in the late 1970s, though intensive breeding for five seasons in California would go a great way towards removing the intersex trait.” And shortening flowering time.
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Well-known member
It was first called “Gifs”
( poison in Afrikaans)
Pronounced with a guttural G then uffs like muff without the m lol
ggguffs , you drag the g when saying it

And it “ came from Durban”
That’s where the moniker Durban Poison came from , but called D.Pees or Gifs on the street
And probably not “worked” in the modern sense
Another off shoot word from that in English is “kiff” pronounced kuff, meaning very nice ..


Well-known member
I know people probably already know this, but you can find and have what was the orginal, original Durban Poison in seed form right now if you wish to grow it. Khalifa seeds offers an authentic long flowering Durban from the early '80s. Ive grown it many
Tropical Seed co pics:




I didnt take pics of the ones I grew from them but it was long lanky pencil shaped buds just like the pics.
hello, great pics, i know this was a long time ago, but do you still run this variety, or perhaps any of its hybrid you may have created with it? do yoiu know where someone could find seed of this variety? i know tropical seeds no longer stocks it. wich is a real shame. they also got rid of the old congo strain wich looked amazing to me. a guy in spain grew this strain in a boxed in mesh covered dog kennel. was one of the most impressive vigourous plants ive ever seen in pictures, i know they have the other durban punch and also another south african strain, the name of wich aludes me as of now. -thanks


Well-known member
The Durban is definitely not from the 80’s
Khalifa should have done research … the dude claims he found a baggie of them , not refrigerated !mind you, from his uncle bla bla bla this is South Africa and hot plus Durban is super humid
I would be more amazed how he sprouted those after 40yrs then the genetics itself

but it’s a Transkei , and a BS story
yeah i had a feeling it might have been transkei or something along those lines, oh well i like the strain that i gre out from it. i guess that is what matters to me. though i am no fan of bullshit backstories.

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