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aside from CA , what cities are most laxed about small scale cannabis cultivation?


Maine has awesome laws....but then you would have to live in Maine. Would be great in the summer though.

and i think you meant to say "what states" but i am not sure for more info;


CC Rider

thekingofNY said:
....but then you would have to live in Maine.

hey, whats wrong with livin in maine!?? its a great state!

but i think the best laws by far are alaska....they have this whole privacy thing going on.


Active member
CC Rider said:
hey, whats wrong with livin in maine!?? its a great state!

but i think the best laws by far are alaska....they have this whole privacy thing going on.

wasn't that law changed to only allow like an oz for personal possession? thought i read something about that.


Active member
idk but im going to CO as soon as i can. Snowboarding and medical mj? cant go wrong there.


Active member
tngreen said:
wasn't that law changed to only allow like an oz for personal possession? thought i read something about that.

thats true, but you can still have plants if it's under 25, and they are working to bring the poss. limit back up to a QP


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Over all Ohio looks like a fairly 'kind' state as far as fines & jail time go.
Here's a screen shot that even shows that a 'minor misdemeanor' (possession & even cultivation) doesnt even create a criminal record....... now that's good karma. Of course finding out how certain local and county law enforcement entities prioritize their fight on weed is another story.


It's no secret, don't live near any churches or schools if you can help it. I include churches because they could always decide to prosecute the 'school' statute when they can prove someone was growing near 'Sunday school' kids, an even bigger no-no imo.

Find out (in whichever state you decide on) which sheriffs dept/county police (same difference) is not on a weed agenda, that usually helps to dictate how the local municipal police handle it.

If I had a choice of states I'd go with California....... some counties allow 25 plants per person for medicinal use, if you became a 'med mj provider' for 4 people incl yourself that'd be 100 plants.
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CC Rider said:
hey, whats wrong with livin in maine!?? its a great state!

but i think the best laws by far are alaska....they have this whole privacy thing going on.
yeah i have to agree there is nothing wrong with living in maine. i hitched into portland, maine and i was down by the docks where i met this drunken sailor looking dude. i think he was just a bum though. anyway, we got drunk in the park. after awhile a cop comes runs our names and let us go. granted i was kinda wild when i was younger and any time cops caught me drinkin in public it was always jail except for this one time. i never had trouble finding a ride. longest i waited was like 15 minutes. got smoked out with some great weed. camped on an organic farm. went to a liberal film festival at a college for free paid by some kids who noticed me, and also met this old lady who said she was busted in the 60's for smuggling weed. she only lived in a small trailer no longer than 8x15 feet.

shit, i miss maine... i had such a great time when i was younger hitchhiking around up there in the summers. i need to get back... maine is awesome. lots of crazy, but very nice people.
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Anime n Stoner Aficionado
these topics prove how messed up our laws are... ya could find similar thinking about moving w/ a convicted pedophile (distance from schools & local law focus) which is sick as hell!!

we are not criminals!! just lovers of a plant.

that mini rant had to come out... as for a good choice i am not up enough on all the laws especially cause they seem to change daily. but i think others gave good suggestions like norml.




tngreen. I left Alaska May 3O O6. The new laws that make any pos under 1 oz is mis x3 = felony
over an oz was felony
my grow was a big no no, so i left. guess were i lay my head now? tn! we just got funding to take mmj to the house again and it looks good for us. lobbiest are on the payrole w/me. Alaska sux imho to have made me leave for growing a weed.

poor alaskans thought they were voting to make pot legal...lol. they got shitted on. i moved so as not to be a shitted upon.

health care anyone?


I lived in Maine many moons ago well before I smoked. It was a beautiful place and a wonderful education system. At least in my opinion. As for safe cities...anywhere but where I am. We be a backwords little area and herb leads straight to hell, dotcha know?


Active member
Oakland (California) allows medical patients to have 72 plants indoors, 20 outdoors, and up to three pounds of dried flowers.


Active member
NPK said:
Oakland (California) allows medical patients to have 72 plants indoors, 20 outdoors, and up to three pounds of dried flowers.

imm in a ton of pain w/out weed...do i qualify?


Active member
I was up in me camping this summer and read in the local paper that under 99 plants is a misdemanor - that and a quick look through the police blotter I saw two cultivation charges each had a couple hundred dollar fine, no time - no probation... so yeah maine is pretty lienient. Mostly outdoor but people go huge and it was a big year this past one...

Other than that normal.org does have the state by state listing - depends upon where you want to live, do you like cold? warm? ocean? mountains? It's a big country...



Active member
NOKUY, you could almost certainly get a doctor's letter enabling you to grow under Proposition 15. Oakland is a very marijuana-friendly place.

Only just saw the "aside from CA" part of the thread title--sorry, didn't mean to veer off-topic!