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Articole, cercetari despre cannabis


Some kind of shaman
As fi pus si articolul despre heroina, dar e cenzurat, au lasat pentru public doua pagini. M-a amuzat.


pure dynamite
Adevarul ca hash comercial ca la Chefchaouen n-am mai vazut. Astia zic ca ar avea cam 30% thc in articol, eu zic ca avea mai mult. nu de alta, dar se apropia de un bubblehash mai slab. Probabil ajunge la 30% cand trece in spania, unde e taiat cu altele. Si pana in romania cine stie la cat o mai fi taiat.. poate ajunge la 10-15%, ca iarba. Daca il mai taie si dealarul local.. mai bine ajungi de fumezi frunze, decat hash marrocan.


Some kind of shaman
Ei, nu am pus articolul pentru reclama la hash-ul marocan, ci mai degraba pentru analizele de continut ale plantelor si pentru ... atmosfera.


pure dynamite
Clar.. oricum, nu stiu cine si mai ales cu ce a facut analizele astea, ca localncii inca mai traiesc in case de pamant si bat iarba cu batul ca sa faca hash. Singura unealta high-tech de pe acolo parea sa fie un cric pneumatic folosit la presa pentru hash. In satele de munte nu era nici macar apa curenta. (si chiar si aia imbuteliata era foarte rara.)


Some kind of shaman
Pai tinand cont ca in Maroc planta asta e o industrie de miliarde de dolari, sigur s-a gasit cine sa o faca, si sigur nu localnicii. EU sau guvernul Marocan. Oricum, inteleg ca ai fost, ca eu numai la Strain Hunters am vazut Marocul. Cred ca ar fi interesanta o excursie pe acolo...


pure dynamite
Desigur, dar daca vrei sa vezi partea asta cu cannabisul, trebuie sa te abati putin de la zonele turistice. Eu nu am reusit sa merg spre munti decat 2 zile, incluzand juma de zi in chefchaouen, a durat mult pana am gasit un contact bun in zona. Dupa aveam avion.
Dar hash bun de fumat am gasit si in zonele turistice. Trebuie insa sa fii putin specialist in hash sa nu iei teapa, au niste copii exceptionale, "fake hash" de nu il recunosti nici la culoare, nici la miros de multe ori, din rasini naturale, colorat cu henna, cu tot felul de esente in el. etc.


Some kind of shaman
Ma duc cu hash-ul la mine, lasa... Dragut oricum, auzi, fake hash!


pure dynamite
In Chefchaouen gasesti hash bun destul de usor. In restul oraselor mari si turistice, din cauza turistilor neexperimentati s-a inventat acest sport de a face fake hash. Daca incerci sa pufai din el putin te ia o durere de cap, de ai sansa sa zici ca e high daca n-ai multa experienta. Si mare grija ca se pot lega politistii de tine pe acolo. Nu-i chiar roz ca in alte parti unde te lasa in pace daca esti turist.


Some kind of shaman
Metode recomandate pentru identificarea si analiza cannabisului si a produsilor

Metode recomandate pentru identificarea si analiza cannabisului si a produsilor


Cautam de fapt niste detalii pentru metodele de analiza. Gasit.

L.E. Nota: hai sa lasam threadul asta curat, pentru ca cei eventual interesati sa poata gasi mai usor linkurile.


Some kind of shaman
Despre cannabichromene si acidul corespunzator CBC(A)

Despre cannabichromene si acidul corespunzator CBC(A)

Cautand de curiozitate, am gasit un articol bunisor pe leafscience:


Apoi, desigur, am gasit si bomboana de pe varful tortului, patentul (hehe, cannabisnis) GWPharma:


Foarte tari Coreenii. Visez la canepa coreeana!

L.E. Vis implinit! Am gasit seminte: http://canadianhempco.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=1289



pure dynamite
Frumos patent si-au tras. Sa le dea toate drepturile direct, doar ce.. nu ei au inventat cannabisul??


Some kind of shaman
Pai nu, dar l-au studiat! Cine are drept legal asupra pasaricii femeii? Cine a facut-o, sau cine o cerceteaza seara de seara?


Brian Wilson, a former New Jersey resident who moved to Colorado in 2014 because of its liberal medical marijuana law, is another parent of a child suffering from Dravet syndrome. In an interview with Ladybud in 2014, he said:

CBD is a very important part of the mix, but only part. We saw minor seizure control and developmental progress with CBD alone, but we didn’t see real seizure control until we added measurable levels of THC to the mix.
Others see great results with THCA added in. Some see very good results with no CBD, like in New Jersey, where there is little to no CBD available. The point is, this is highly individualized medicine. There is no magic bullet.


Rebecca Hamilton-Brown is the founder of Pediatric Cannabis Therapy, a support group for parents of epileptic children with more than 2,500 members. She has been treating her son with cannabis for two years and gaining feedback from the group’s many members:

It is ignorance that leads people to believe that CBD only is the way to go.
They either have never dosed their children or they are totally naïve when it comes to how the political machine works.


The media has focused much attention on children who use CBD oil to combat intractable epilepsy and other severe neurological disorders. Some of these patients gain significant relief from a single-cannabinoid extract. Children who have gone from hundreds of seizures per week to only a couple per month using only CBD oil have gained ample media attention.
One patient, nine-year-old Charlotte Figi of Colorado, experienced a 99 percent decrease in seizure activity using a CBD-only cannabis oil. Figi has been the unofficial poster child of advocates of CBD oil and efforts to legalize it. She is also the inspiration behind a CBD-only oil product called Charlotte’s Web from CW Botanicals in Colorado.
Desperate parents of other children with similar conditions have also experimented with CBD oils. Many, unfortunately, have reported that the lack of THC in CBD oils often doesn’t work for their children. Jason David has been treating his seven-year-old son, Jayden, who has Dravet syndrome — a severe form of epilepsy that doesn’t respond to conventional treatments — with medical cannabis since 2011 (Charlotte Figi’s mother learned about CBD oil from David).
I wish Charlotte’s Web worked for all epileptic kids, but it doesn’t. The worst seizures Jayden ever had on medical cannabis was while we were using Charlotte’s Web, said David.


To better understand the concept of the entourage effect, I traveled to the secret labs of GW Pharmaceuticals, outside London. In developing Sativex, a cannabis-based drug to treat multiple sclerosis, the company's chairman, Dr. Geoffrey Guy, told me the company ran into some of the same obstacles that Marinol faced.
More than a decade of experiments revealed that a whole plant extract, bred to contain roughly the same amounts of THC and CBD in addition to the other components in the plant, was more effective in reducing the pain and spasms of MS than a medication made of a single compound.
It could be that multiple individual compounds play a role, or it could be due to their interaction in the body; it could also be combination of both, Guy said.
Now, maybe this all sounds obvious. After all, eating real fruits, vegetables and other plants provides better nutrition than just taking vitamin pills with one nutrient or mineral in each. Science is showing us that we can likely say the same about cannabis.
As we move forward with creating medicines, like Charlotte's Web, for the patients who can benefit from cannabis -- this is an important point to keep in mind.
Unlike other drugs that may work well as single compounds, synthesized in a lab, cannabis may offer its most profound benefit as a whole plant, if we let the entourage effect flower, as Mechoulam suggested more than a decade ago.


Some kind of shaman
Despre hranirea foliara

Despre hranirea foliara

Deoarece intampin niste probleme cu vreo doua plante, am cautat sa le dau ceva foliar. Desigur, peste tot, opinii de tot felul, ca e bine ziua, dimineata, noaptea, de aia sau de ailalta.

Am gasit articolul asta:


care pentru mine a facut nitica lumina, mai ales dupa ce am pulverizat plantele imediat inainte de a porni becurile (cum recomanda o ... serie de indivizi) si am reusit sa le ard nitel (nu grav dar totus...).

In concluzie, cu grija la umiditate, merge foarte bine noaptea, fara risc de arsuri.

explo: nu am gasit alt loc pentru postul asta, daca ai alta idee, muta-l tu te rog.


Organic LED Grower
Ma simt nevoit sa repet expresia "Less is better". Cand vrei sa hranesti plantele foliar si ai preparat o solutie in acest scop, cel mai bine e sa o diluezi 1:1 cu apa. In felul asta le vei indopa mai putin si riscul de a se arde scade.


pure dynamite
Eu la FPE-uri am dat si dublu decat era recomandat.. si n-au fost probleme. Nu sunt asa concentrate cat sa arda. Mai periculos e daca dai pe soare sau lumina puternica, dar eu unul las doar luminile flourescente cand stropesc, sau daca e out stropesc seara tarziu sau dimineata devreme.


Some kind of shaman
Pai si eu am lasat pe daylight, adica ce venea de la geam, si dupa vreo ora am pornit HPSul, nu m-am gandit ca ar fi vreo problema. Oricum, am dat foliare de chimie, ce am gasit intr-un magazin, 0,5%, jumatate din concentratia recomandata. Par sa inceapa sa isi revina. Nu rau multe, doar vreo 10 din 80 dar totusi...

Nu m-am gandit sa le dau FPEuri. Oricum, in dormitor cu FPEuri mai greu. Nu ca n-as putea sa imi pun un hamac pe terasa :)

In tot cazul, decat plante moarte, mai bine cu nitrati :D

Ideea articolului e ca merge si noaptea. Si din experienta asta, mi se pare ca asa este. Acu, mai e de testat.