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Scottish Research

Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Stupid is what stupid does. Liquor stores get robbed too! but alcohol sucks! I never hurt anyone stoned or high, but on alcohol I have hurt people; not while driving thankfully.

Where we are now.

Ok. NOW, I can't stay away.

This is exactly what I speak of.

How is where we are now, a good thing?

Mr. Mustard himself, not a few posts ago, hints at the collapse of American society, or maybe he doesn't.

Either way, we can all, democrat, republicans (I know you're out there, right on, we're all still American's!) and libertarians alike, agree, that this nation is not is a good place.

Unless, you think otherwise, it seems like you are confirming my points.



How is where we are now, a good thing?

From where I stand I believe we're in a good place because things are actually starting to change. We're about to end prohibition after this long, dark night. This will happen, even in my lifetime (the good lord willing and the creek don't rise). That is amazing.

We're about to have the first female president of America. I know, you hate her. I don't care. I'm a woman, I'll be thrilled. It's our turn, FINALLY.

Lastly, the kind of things George Carlin used to say are becoming commonly understood by average citizens. Back in the day, people just accepted what they were told without questioning. People freaked out about the things Carlin said, and nowadays it's common discussion. All that hippy mind pollution about questioning authority and why the military industrial complex is bullshit and civil rights are important.

To those are good things. Things I always wished for and never thought I'd see. You might not be able to relate to how good that feels.

Mr. Mustard himself, not a few posts ago, hints at the collapse of American society, or maybe he doesn't.

Our society sucks, and has sucked since Day 1. The only way to make it much better is to prune vigorously and stimulate new roots. We can't keep on this way, nor should we.

Either way, we can all, democrat, republicans (I know you're out there, right on, we're all still American's!) and libertarians alike, agree, that this nation is not is a good place.

There's another category of citizens you didn't mention, one that almost never gets mentioned -- neither democrat, republican, nor Libertarian. There are a lot of us. Can you think of the name of this group?

Unless, you think otherwise, it seems like you are confirming my points.Thanks!

Your point was that flower power caused stricter drug laws, which is still really myopic IMO. I'm not mad at you about it, you seem like a nice guy, but I don't/won't accept that theory.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
His point was that we should cut off the hands of the thief originally.

When did I hint at the collapse of society?


I love my life
Mega ditto never happen, too old and too ugly.

You forgot to mention too condescending and too fat.

Betcha $5! Every sane woman in America will vote for age or looks not being a hoop we have to jump through.

The nation didn't elect an ugly or fat Obama, you should save your $5, but if you wan't I'll be your 2016 huckleberry and place my saw buck on the table.


PS. I know a lot of women that hate Hillary, but 9 of 10 women I know can't be classified as sane.


All I can say to the guys who think old and ugly is a problem, or feminism is a problem, is get ready to hate the future! You might hate it half as much as the rest of us have hated the past.

Civil rights: Never a problem for me


Hydrosun, you're on. $20

Hilary Clinton is way to the right of me. I didn't vote for her when she ran before. But I'll definitely be voting for in 2016 and campaigning for her, too. Unless she runs against Elizabeth Warren.

I know, y'all hate her too. Duly noted. You can hate my ass too and I still won't be sorry. LOL I'm not mad at you, but I'm on the winning side of history here.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
LOL I'm not mad at you, but I'm on the winning side of history here.

Perhaps. However, as we are currently experiencing, the winning side of the election sometimes bears no absolutely no resemblance to the winning side of history (meaning what is best for the nation). People need to stop voting their hearts and start voting their minds. Voting for someone simply because of their sex is as ignorant as voting for them because of their race.


Perhaps. However, as we are currently experiencing, the winning side of the election sometimes bears no absolutely no resemblance to the winning side of history (meaning what is best for the nation). People need to stop voting their hearts and start voting their minds. Voting for someone simply because of their sex is as ignorant as voting for them because of their race.

Well, I can understand how you would feel that way. It's logical from a male vantage point. I didn't vote for her when she ran before, for that reason.

Women interact differently with the world than men do, all the time. It's a man's world, we're just living in it. A lot of us are really sick of dancing to your tune, and the very first opportunity we get, we're going to vote that shit out. Like I said, get ready to hate the future!

For me, voting for her won't be because we're in lockstep on policy. It'll be like responding to every man who ever told a fat joke about a woman who was way sexier than him. You see, every time a man says "she's old/fat/ugly/bossy," what women hear is "fuck you, bow down."

Every time one of us get judged, a lot of us judge you back. It's always been that we had to just suck it up, because you run everything. But when we get a chance to change that? LOL! There are so, so many men to salute all at once. It'll be so refreshing. And the more they hate her, the harder we're going to vote for her.

I may be the only woman who feels that way, but don't bank on it.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Well, I can understand how you would feel that way. It's logical from a male vantage point.

Women interact differently with the world than men do, all the time. It's a man's world, we're just living in it. A lot of us are really sick of dancing to your tune, and the very first opportunity we get, we're going to vote that shit out. Like I said, get ready to hate the future!

For me, voting for her won't be because we're in lockstep on policy. It'll be like responding to every man who thinks looks are the most important thing for a woman to have. Every man who ever told a fat joke about a woman who was way sexier than him. There are so, so many men to salute all at once. It'll be so refreshing.

I may be the only woman who feels that way, but don't bank on it.

My, what a brilliant set of standards to cast your vote by. I couldn't care less about fat, ugly , or even sex in a politician - I want an effective leader, not a talking head. And no, I certainly wouldn't bank on you being the only woman to vote that way, after all it was supposed to be JFK's errant spit curl that got him the overwhelming majority of women voters. The simple fact that Hillary has aided and abetted the most notorious philanderer in US history for forty years should cost her the women's vote, but it won't.


You know, I guess you missed my point there.

Remember when OJ got found not guilty? That wasn't because the jurors thought he didn't do it. That was their way of telling white America what they think of the criminal justice system. In other words, you're too corrupt to judge. Was it fair to let a killer walk free? Is it fair that we have more people in prison than at any time in the earth's history, and most of them are black?

So if the male-run media says women voted for Kennedy because we're that fucking stupid, you buy that in whole cloth? Do you think we're in the same place now that we were then? Or have a lot of us woken up? Do women have anything to be angry about?

Sometimes you're voting on a much bigger question than what was being asked. I won't be one bit sorry voting for Hilary, the same way the OJ jurors aren't sorry. You get shit on long enough, you take any opportunity to flip the bird.


The fact that this

My, what a brilliant set of standards to cast your vote by.

was your response to this:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Women interact differently with the world than men do, all the time. It's a man's world, we're just living in it. A lot of us are really sick of dancing to your tune, and the very first opportunity we get, we're going to vote that shit out. Like I said, get ready to hate the future![/FONT]
Is going to send women who don't even like Hilary Clinton to vote for her IN DROVES. Believe it.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Yes, kind of like the overwhelming percentage of black's who voted for Obama. They are going through the highest period of unemployment in history, and it will only get worse with the proposed immigration changes, but by God, we have a black man in the presidency. Sweet Jesus.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
No, actually my response was to this:

For me, voting for her won't be because we're in lockstep on policy. It'll be like responding to every man who ever told a fat joke about a woman who was way sexier than him.

There are so, so many men to salute all at once. It'll be so refreshing. And the more they hate her, the harder we're going to vote for her.


Right, so you completely skipped over the part about how we get dehumanized all day every day, and it leaves a bad taste in our mouths.
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