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Arjans Haze 3

yeah im going to try:

40% FFOF
20% Pumice
20% Perlite
20% EWC

see if that changes anything. does coco have a ph effect that would be more useful than adding perlite? I'm not a fan of perlite...it floats everytime i use it longer than 8weeks.

thanks for your efforts guys. its defo a plant i want to persevere with, but it just acts like i don't love it all the time.


I find that coco tend to keep your pH around 6.3 where peat based media that has been adjusted will be around 6.9. Also if you rinse or just wet your coco with water and cal-mag and adjusted to ph of 6 you will have a balanced media, especially with soft water.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
just to be clear i recommended that you still add the lime (perhaps be sparing with it) but then water at the lower pH. this is the basis of how i grow organically and it has given great results for me.
i use citric acid for lowering pH. you can buy it very cheeply off ebay. PM me is you get some and ill explain how i use it



Dr. Doolittle
I don't know why you would think that Ca gets locked out at 6.5 and below. 6.5 is as close to too high as I'd want to get.

Nobody here really knows what a Ca def looks like. If you see pics of Old fan leaves with a def it can't be Ca, because Ca is immobile and cannot be translocated. It tries and may redirect from edges of older leaves to new growth.
But the Ca def has to show on new growth first just like the other immobile elements like Fe.

I'm no organic guy, but I'm with the 'you overnuted' crowd.

Calcium deficiency is easy to spot, they look just like a potasium deficency, and they can also start in the inner part of the leaf and not just the edges like potassium.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i like it for going to see a film. nice and creepy with a long lasting high ;)



I just wanted to add that Arjan's Haze #3 works extremely well for anxiety. Calming effect is the best I have seen with a completely functional high.

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