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Arizer extreme vaporizer


Active member
After a month or so, I got tired of the whole thing. I much prefer the portable hand held units. I have both the Solo and the Air. I get higher using them than all the fiddling with the contraptionary involved in the table top model. I'm not saying it's not good, but just not my style.. I gave mine away..

mgk :tiphat:

Baron Greenback

New Volcano arriving Friday - yay.
Started with a Vapezilla (i know there's much hate but mine was an early model, US built and was great), went on to the Herbalizer (used a transformer, the voltage blew it, they were less than helpful, I'd go as far as useless ****s, so I'm $1000 down on that - if anyone wants to buy it cheap from the US and get it repaired, pm me :))
Haven't had a vapouriser for a while now, I'll probably still keep on the doobies though, ritual and all that :)


I've had it for two days now, got high as a kite each night. I love it! And no more joints, I'm feeling less of an urge to smoke cigarettes as well... A lot of coughing too as well, smoke can sting quite badly but my lungs have been pummeled with tobacco for years so it might just be me, or the weed I'm smoking which is still pretty fresh - longer cured bud seems to go down smoother. Would it be useful to pull the smoke through water? Out of the bag it's not hot though... The whip can give somewhat warm smoke but not too bad. Depends on how hard you hit it I guess.
I've noticed that when starting a bowl it can take a reasonably long time of hitting it before I'm getting actual hits. Or is the first vapor smokeless? Maybe the water needs to evaporate first before the good stuff vapes...
I like the bags as the taste remains the same throughout. Just gotta figure out when to stop the fan before the taste goes bad. I've tried second bags but I usually just squeeze them empty, a lot of smoke and a nutty taste, I don't think there's much cannabinoids left. Makes me wonder what is in all that smoke.

So do you guys vape until it's completely done or do you stop before it? I figure I rather keep it for cannabutter than smoke something that doesn't taste well...


Well-known member
I've had it for two days now, got high as a kite each night. I love it! awesome congratsAnd no more joints, I'm feeling less of an urge to smoke cigarettes as well... I'm sure your body is thanking you for thatA lot of coughing too as well, smoke can sting quite badly but my lungs have been pummeled with tobacco for years so it might just be me, or the weed I'm smoking which is still pretty fresh - longer cured bud seems to go down smoother. Would it be useful to pull the smoke through water? Out of the bag it's not hot though... The whip can give somewhat warm smoke but not too bad. Depends on how hard you hit it I guess.
I've noticed that when starting a bowl it can take a reasonably long time of hitting it before I'm getting actual hits. Or is the first vapor smokeless? Maybe the water needs to evaporate first before the good stuff vapes...
I like the bags as the taste remains the same throughout. Just gotta figure out when to stop the fan before the taste goes bad. I've tried second bags but I usually just squeeze them empty, a lot of smoke and a nutty taste, I don't think there's much cannabinoids left. Makes me wonder what is in all that smoke. you keep referring to the vapor as smoke, remember you're not smoking, there is no combustion happening. You are vaporizing!!!

So do you guys vape until it's completely done or do you stop before it? I figure I rather keep it for cannabutter than smoke something that doesn't taste well... the remaining bud after you vape is referred to as AVB or already vaped bud, some folks call it ABV or Already been vaped. Regardless of the name, save it! It makes excellent canna butter. Its basically decarbed bud ready to cook with...

Welcome to the club


pure dynamite
If you are vaping at a resonable temperature, let's say 220 C it should never taste bad.
And the avb still contains some cannabinoids in it, you can make cannabutter from that. you need more than you would need fresh bud, and the effect will be more on the indica/couchlock side, but good enaugh if you don't have enaugh "fresh" bud to use it for cooking as well.
Pulling the vapours though water does not help, and it probably makes it less efficient. Depending on the temperature you are using, you can get less dense vapours at start, but they should be filled with aroma cause of the terpenes that vaporize first. If you want to experience that start at 170-180 degrees C, then go up from there. You should also leave the herbs to heat up a bit in the chamber. When the vape hits desired temps doesn't really mean it is up to temp, cause the glass needs to heat up as well. This can also be the reason you don't see vapours straight away.

Enjoy your vape! It's a great vape!


Thanks guys :)

I only vaped at 200 and 210 so far, going to try the 220c setting now.
Yeah I noticed there was flavor, but no actual impact on the lungs nor vapor coming out. Guess it's indeed just the terpenes then.
And the second bag really gets thick smoke, err I mean vapor. I really want to get to the bottom of this - what is in that vapor and why doesn't it get so thick the first few minutes it's producing vapor? Is it because the weed gets dryer and dryer allowing more oils to be accessed?
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Although I can't comment on the Arizer but I have to agree with the jointed on. Having a vape with battery in it is awesome. Forgot what one I got. Lost it somewhere.


White Window
First time after a year i opened my Q because some glass fell in(broke my bowl)... 😣🙃


Found a gold nugget! 😃 🤪



pure dynamite
bro you must be filling with the bowl on top, or having the stuff sucked up from under it while puffing. i had mined opened after 2-3 years and it was pristine compared to that. but I always take the bowl off, so no weed gets in the vape body. and also i keep a clean table under it, since it's where it draws the air!

later.edit: sorry, i am high, i just now figured out the broken bowl is the reason for the mess! :D


White Window
No, the bowl broke because it fell... Just ordered a new one but it's a long weekend so i need to use the broken bowl further and then it happened that more glas broke and fell into the device. This is my only vaporizer and i don't smoke anymore so i have to wait a few days and make the best of the broken thing...

The mess is because i had the fan turned on some time with the bowl open so some weed flying around. Happens sometimes and no big deal, it's easy to open (and repair). (y)
Are you guys using Ddavemods with your Arizer vapes? If not and you own an Arizer you will want to go over to ddavemods right now and do yourself the biggest favour. It takes the Arizer from.a weak balloon only vape to a massive power house, literally the most sophisticated way to vape, smoke whatever. And I know the Arizer comes with a whip but stock it's a total waste. DDave will make your vape into what it should have been all along. I have the adapter for the balloon, extreme clouds with far less herb. I have the v3 which is the whip and talk about profound hits. And then there is my favorite, the one hitter which is connected to a dab rig. The most powerful flower hit possible, like a dab. Makes you sweat. Bigger clouds than smoking out a bong. I am absolutely addicted to the one hitter. Soo good!!!!! And saves you soooo much herb and you get sooo much higher.

I promise you will all love DDave adapters and the man himself. He's very kind and helpful.

I can't believe I lived without this stuff.

Take care.
Weird bromance defines the modern stoner scene. You fit in great.

You love a guy who had a user banned on FC, so he could put his name on the eBay gong fitting being posted? Sorry but the world was a better place when we didn't like resellers who silence the original retailer. The guy asks what size screen I ended up using, then boom sells an alibaba kit with his name on it lol.

What makes the EQ work even better than the UFO bowl (original name for ddave mod) is vibration while blowing a bag. I could sell some special device to help you drum roll the side of the tower. Or you could use your wives dildo. When you see the herb tumbling around in the chamber you know youre getting a way bigger hit.

Vibrator mod ftw.


White Window

I wanna ask how you guys are cleaning your whip?

Mine is pretty dirty now and i have no clue how i get all the condensated resin out without leaving residues of cleaning supplie, don't want any bit of chemicals in my lungs. :sick: I thought of using Dishwashing liquid... but there is perfume etc. in it. What do you think, what do you use?

Thanks. ✌️


Well-known member

I wanna ask how you guys are cleaning your whip?

Mine is pretty dirty now and i have no clue how i get all the condensated resin out without leaving residues of cleaning supplie, don't want any bit of chemicals in my lungs. :sick: I thought of using Dishwashing liquid... but there is perfume etc. in it. What do you think, what do you use?

Thanks. ✌️
A combination of hot water, not letting it get too gunked up in the first place, accepting that it won't get totally clean anyway, and every now and then replacing the tubing.

You don't get any reclaim if you don't let it gunk up though. :D


White Window
Yeah i thought so, thanks. 😅 But it's not gunked up, just don't look nice. ;)

So i think we need a glass or metal whip! :biggrin:
Btw, i broke my herb-chamber 3 times in less than 2 years. 🤪


White Window
I'll try it with hot water and a little bit dishwashing liquid, don't have alcohol right now... except for some beer. ^^ But another question; the alcohol doesn't attacks the material?

Or maybe i really try it with the beer, it's a dark strong one with 7% alcohol. :biggrin: Don't drink it anyway. Could soak the whip in it for 30min. or so...


Well-known member
I use a bottle brush with a wire attached for the EQ just pull the brush through the tube with a little aclohol. I prefer thier portables solo 2 airmax because the only thing that needs cleaning are the glass tubes and just leaving them sit in 99% aclohol overnight gets them 100% clean, and the aclohol is reusable for months.
BTW everything on Arizer.ca web site is 50% off this month.

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