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Are you retired?

Are you retired?

  • Yep. Retired and love it!

    Votes: 32 26.9%
  • Im retired, but work to keep some sanity and extra spending money

    Votes: 7 5.9%
  • Semi Retired

    Votes: 12 10.1%
  • Own my own business

    Votes: 17 14.3%
  • Hell no I'm not retired! Im still working my ass off

    Votes: 35 29.4%
  • Retired????? Whoaaa I must be in the wrong forum

    Votes: 16 13.4%

  • Total voters


Active member
I did it 2 yrs ago. One day at work, I'd had it with my boss, told him to sit on it and twirl. Wife just about shit when I told her I quit. I had months before checked with HR and found I was locked in anyway. Not working is the GREATEST thing in the world. Realized after many years (50) of working that I'd brought home the pressures and things of work with me, NOW don't even think about things like that. All though........... the biggest problem about retiring is living with your wife of 43 yrs and becoming one of those pain in the asses that women talk about after their husbands retire. I'm a real trip I am. For the first year tried to run her life for her, the second year (now) am learning not to do that for it may get me killed.
Anyway LIFE is GOOD, have meant to look for a part time, but can't face the fact of working for anybody ever again.

It does take some adjustments for a couple to be together 24/7...but it sounds like you have made the adjustment...
People still need their space and independance...those that can't adjust sometimes lose each other at this stage. But sounds like you have made the adjustment well...it is nice owning my own time to do the things I used not to have time to do...
After raising 5 children and an intense nursing career...not to mention breaking down sterotypical barriers for the women of Texas...73-84...

I am in a "Zen Like" state of happiness these days and live each day to the fullest...
I still learn each day and try to do at least one random act of kindness each day...so my karma is great these days...

my new man has taught me to slow down and savour the life we have left to us.
My children are my greatest accomplishment and each one unique and successful...
so enjoy retirement and we empathize with those still slaving away daily.
I also am contemplating working only part time again...BUT every time I start to do it I just can't bring myself to do it. But ...not being drug tested is sooooo nice...
Fuck working again... 40 years is enough of that ...
but mentoring our young and helping them get through the hell race is a good thing to do.

I am enjoying reading the posts of fellow older stoners out there...


I'm retired, but to be honest I hate it. I loved teaching mathematics; being surrounded by curious youth seemed to keep me young. I was injured in 1997-spent 4 months in traction and was back in my classroom 2 weeks after getting out of the hospital-and finally submitted my resignation in Dec 2000. The students were always there for me (not a day went by while I was hospitalized that I did not receive a card, call, or flowers, from multiple students...admin contacted me twice, both times to ask when I would be back) so when I reached that point where my pain kept me from giving them the 100% they so justly deserved I opted to leave. I would give anything to be giving a lecture on the formation of non-Hopf 3 manifolds right now.


Active member
I'm retired, but to be honest I hate it. I loved teaching mathematics; being surrounded by curious youth seemed to keep me young. I was injured in 1997-spent 4 months in traction and was back in my classroom 2 weeks after getting out of the hospital-and finally submitted my resignation in Dec 2000. The students were always there for me (not a day went by while I was hospitalized that I did not receive a card, call, or flowers, from multiple students...admin contacted me twice, both times to ask when I would be back) so when I reached that point where my pain kept me from giving them the 100% they so justly deserved I opted to leave. I would give anything to be giving a lecture on the formation of non-Hopf 3 manifolds right now.

Do some tutoring and mentoring of the young and poor who are falling through the cracks. I can't work full time because of my disabilities...but I do volunteer at a free clinic when I can. I still seek learning and new experiences. Whatever you do...keep your mind active and STRESS is a killer.
Avoid stress and negative people.

Stress affects your immune system more than people really realize...
Life is short and make everyday better by counting your blessings and cherishing those you choose to love.

I really do believe in KARMA and good things come to those who CAN follow The Golden Rule!

So little do that these days! Pity!

Damn...somebody who actually likes math???
i get a Pavlovian Response to math in general and I hate math. I was very good in all subjects BUT math...suffered through it though to get where I wanted to go...
That is what calculators are for...LOL...:wallbash::wallbash:

Thank God for Pharmacists I called to check my calculations. More people are killed in med errors by nurses than any other cause for death in the hospital. miscalculation can kill unfortunately. Glad it never happened in my time...but beware when you go to the hospital...[inside secrets]...


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
5436 day's untill i retire, not that I am counting.

Stay safe and high.


Do some tutoring and mentoring of the young and poor who are falling through the cracks. I can't work full time because of my disabilities...but I do volunteer at a free clinic when I can. I still seek learning and new experiences. Whatever you do...keep your mind active and STRESS is a killer.
Avoid stress and negative people.

Stress affects your immune system more than people really realize...
Life is short and make everyday better by counting your blessings and cherishing those you choose to love.

I really do believe in KARMA and good things come to those who CAN follow The Golden Rule!

So little do that these days! Pity!

Damn...somebody who actually likes math???
i get a Pavlovian Response to math in general and I hate math. I was very good in all subjects BUT math...suffered through it though to get where I wanted to go...
That is what calculators are for...LOL...:wallbash::wallbash:

Thank God for Pharmacists I called to check my calculations. More people are killed in med errors by nurses than any other cause for death in the hospital. miscalculation can kill unfortunately. Glad it never happened in my time...but beware when you go to the hospital...[inside secrets]...

I do stay as active as life will allow, focus most of my energy on the environment these days helping to cleanup garbage filled sink holes, springs, and other karst features that directly affect our drinking water supply. I do tutor for free whenever anyone asks me, and am always offering any new person I meet that mentions they are in school. Plus I do my best to keep up with my own research (as well as follow the progress of former colleagues) and even manage to publish the occasional paper. But truth be told, I miss being in front of that classroom everyday helping to shape our future.

I really know about stress as it and cold are the 2 primary triggers for my RSD. And now I know why nursing students were always such friendly neighbors ; )


Active member
I do stay as active as life will allow, focus most of my energy on the environment these days helping to cleanup garbage filled sink holes, springs, and other karst features that directly affect our drinking water supply. I do tutor for free whenever anyone asks me, and am always offering any new person I meet that mentions they are in school. Plus I do my best to keep up with my own research (as well as follow the progress of former colleagues) and even manage to publish the occasional paper. But truth be told, I miss being in front of that classroom everyday helping to shape our future.

I really know about stress as it and cold are the 2 primary triggers for my RSD. And now I know why nursing students were always such friendly neighbors ; )

I know what you mean as I was the mother of 5 and a nurse and suddenly retired d/t disability. It is hard to make that transition for those of us who seek intellectual and artistic outlets. I live in a 55 and over condo and most livin' here are in their 90's and europeon ...

So I prolly am the only toker in the building. seriously.
And my Texas accent makes me stick out here...So much for leading a low profile.

But I mentor my grandchildren these days. The first is in her first year of college at USF and she is a "Bright Scholar" if ya know what that is. She was in the IB program in high school. The youngest is 14 month old Holy Terror that I watch daily and at the end of the day I am tireder than when I was workin'...LOL...
He is very cute though....so I am busy. We built an ultra light plane and will fly more soon.
Good keeping up your research and understanding how stress affects CRPS/RSD....and its complex chronic neurological pain.

But move to Florida as it is warmer here...LOL...another day in paradise.
I will never live north again in my life.
The cold would kill this coastal old lady.

But seriously...you sound like you have lots of interests going and sites like this keep us communicating even in our pain.

Gotta go do a "random act of kindness" and change this baby's poopy diaper for now....

Once ya have children...it never ends...LOL!:wallbash:


Lammen Gorthaur
I'm retired, but to be honest I hate it. I loved teaching mathematics; being surrounded by curious youth seemed to keep me young... I would give anything to be giving a lecture on the formation of non-Hopf 3 manifolds right now.

I suspected as much. A math teacher. Might as well say communist notary public. Next you'll be saying you're from the Appalachian Mountains or something... :dueling:
:laughing: :nanana:

When I retire I'm going to teach math to kids who want to do something with their lives or maybe economics. I'm studying economics now and just eating it up.

I've been a consultant for so long I don't know how to do anything else. I'll keep doing this gig for the rest of my life because the pace is rarely too frenetic for me not to cope, so I enjoy the challenge.


Guess it's like going from 100mph to 2.5mph. Took me a few to adjust the gears and now enjoying idling at the light. A few people honk at me, but let em pass.


Active member
I have been retired for a few years and just love it. Every so often I think about going back but it passes.


New member
I retired last year after being in business for 25 years. My investments did well over that time so life is good.


Active member
ain't it great...I keep trying to make myself return to work part time at least to keep my skills up...but can't yet bring myself to do it.

Life is good if ya can retire ALIVE STILL! LOL


Im working :D well kind off, i dont do much when im at work.
Mostly i play com or surf on icmag hehe but its a great job woulden change it 4 nothing But i still cant wait to retire hehe all that spare time , all them naps :D i can drink a bottle of wine or 5 evey day and sleep untill my hair feels ok again
Great times it will be......


Active member
Im working :D well kind off, i dont do much when im at work.
Mostly i play com or surf on icmag hehe but its a great job woulden change it 4 nothing But i still cant wait to retire hehe all that spare time , all them naps :D i can drink a bottle of wine or 5 evey day and sleep untill my hair feels ok again
Great times it will be......

You got a long way to go Kenni Boy...but you Danes at least get lots of time off for holiday. So enjoy being young because life is short.
Hope your baby is doing fine...mine has allergies and is teething and cranky making me smoke more weed after I take him home at night. Babies are for the young.


You got a long way to go Kenni Boy...but you Danes at least get lots of time off for holiday. So enjoy being young because life is short.
Hope your baby is doing fine...mine has allergies and is teething and cranky making me smoke more weed after I take him home at night. Babies are for the young.

Damn m8 sry to hear about the allergies my kid just finish teething..well almost but he was a bit cranky so i can alomost feal ya bro :)
In 5 years i dont have any hoolidays :D i work 12 Hours 4-5 days in a row and then i get 4-5 days paid freedom and i use them 4-5 days for vacation whit me son :D
So time off 4 hooliday depense very much of what u work whit ..i help a mand whit eating,shitting,pissing,breathe and all what u can imagenand i work Xmas and new year........i droped out of school when i was 16 ...Got a job as a pizza boy hehe damn fun btw..then i got in to cleaning, then millitary , then a kid whit Down syndrom and then a kid whit cancer in hes brain :C imo i felling old already