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Are you retired?

Are you retired?

  • Yep. Retired and love it!

    Votes: 32 26.9%
  • Im retired, but work to keep some sanity and extra spending money

    Votes: 7 5.9%
  • Semi Retired

    Votes: 12 10.1%
  • Own my own business

    Votes: 17 14.3%
  • Hell no I'm not retired! Im still working my ass off

    Votes: 35 29.4%
  • Retired????? Whoaaa I must be in the wrong forum

    Votes: 16 13.4%

  • Total voters


I spent 21 years in the Marine corps. Went on a six month vacation after retirement. I have been working for a Major U.S. Corporation as a Liaison between Retail - Commercial -Corperate. I work mostly out of my house and pretty much on my own schedule... I love it..

I was active duty USMC for 21 years. My MOS was Cryptology.

Like to hear from some of ya'll

Uncle Hughie



I was retired off due to an accident at work.......threw on the scrap heap at 35!

now i just do anything to survive ..i mean they gave me the smallest pension you could imagine....now im runnin around in circles tryin to get work together for me and my 2 little girls...but itll come good one day!
threw on the scrap heap!



New member
i guess i am semi retired since kids are grown up and i only work part time .....mr river is highly jellouse since he works full time yet :D
I've medically retired (Hep C) for 10 years and am now approaching the big five oh in a year or so! I believe that I may have an early onset of Alzh, er, I mean Oldtimer's disease also, as I seem to be a bit more forgetful these days. Or maybe it was just that extra hit that I took! Who knows????:cool:


Welcome Buffalo!

Five oh doesnt seem so bad now that you are there... does it! LOL

Yes, I think the majority us lounging here in the Geriatric Crash Pad suffer the same memory ailments. :D

Looking forward to seeing you around these halls.... If you can remember how to get back here!



Bubblegum Specialist
I forgot what this is about...

I forgot what this is about...

It will eventually come to me if I start typing..:confused:

Oh yeah...I am semi-retired but I own my own business that I have to keep secret. :eek:

My heart was broken by my career and they threw me away...

The normal story when workers are hated and unions are a dirty word. Some day labor will unite world wide and then this silly system will be changed.



I think that things happen to us for a purpose... BOG - Your new career (even if you cant openly "show off") is obviously what our Creator had in mind for you...

The assholes who threw you away and broke your heart actually are, through you, healing hearts and minds all over the world now... For that, I thank them.

Stand tall and pround...


lI call myself semi-retired I suppose. Don't work a real job per-say. I have a small farm with 25 mama cows and 1 bull, you can fill in the rest.:) The mrs. and I also care for her 87 year old mother who is the Alhzimers poster child. Hey, we try and keep that subject as light and paletable as possible, it can be very depressing watching someone un-learn everything and I mean everything.
Here's a test for Alhzimers; If you can't remember where you put your car keys, no big deal. If your keys are in your hand and you can't remember what they are for, go see a doctor.

Anywho, when mom-in-law passes, I'll seek something outside the farm to do, hell, gotta torment somebody. lol

Keep it between the lines,


New member
I'm not retired - just retired from the world - I work from my easy chair and seldom leave my house - btw, BOG, thanks for the bogbubble - that is some really fine stuff!


Unofficially I retired 3 yrs. ago, but I haven't told anybody that I work with yet.:p


New member
For the longest time I thought I would be retired by the time I become 55, but becoming a father at 50 put a change into that plan.
However, every once in awhile--usually on a Sunday afternoon--I do get to practice with my hammock.



Bubblegum Specialist
16 years and what do you get...

16 years and what do you get...

I don't mean to whine but I was a union member who had worked 16 years for the same Hospital. When I turned in my notice early they waited a month and then fired me before I could collect my longevity pay. My pension was stolen by laws which allowed my employeers to do so. And finally my own union threatened me when I was fired for telling a parent that their child was medicated with an unnecessary drug for adults without their consent.

Workers are scum in America and unions have become so weak that they will be gone soon. Long live the giant Corporation America that throws peoples lives out with the trash every day. Did you see how they want to change workmans comp now? Have you heard of right to work laws that misleadingly make you think thats fine but it means right to bust your union by forbidding a closed union shop by law.

Now overtime laws are changed and what happens? Labor gets a smaller and smaller piece of the pie until they can't buy all the products so there is a surplus so we must export but we import more than we export so our economy is doomed. BOG ;)

I am happy to see it all crash. But, Gunny everything does happen for a reason and I don't expect fair in life. Jesus was crucified for nothing at all... :mad:

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