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are you a "conspiracy theorist"?

are you a "conspiracy theorist"?

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
just wow! do you remember every one of your posts?

whats the quote button for if not to answer a post. why not quote the words you are bitching about? instead of making all kinds of allegations with no proof. show the good people where i was insulting you. i was saying your words are ridiculous not you.

We weren't talking something you said weeks before, the exchange this is a continuation of was referring to the previous exchange. Sure nobody remembers all of their post but hopefully they remember the last thing they said to a person. Oh and newsflash, when you tell someone their opinion is stupid, crazy, the result of mental illness or complete bullshit that's an insult. A point that you conspiracy theorists have been making throughout this thread. In fact that very notion is the premise for the topic of the thread. There would be no need to make the case that being a conspiracy theorist is actually a sign of mental health if people didn't feel being called a conspiracy theorist was insulting and dismissive of their opinion.

btw the last posts contain more errors and misconceptions.

or would you care to show the evidence that Osama funded this event?

Yeah like there is a canceled check someone has from Osama where in the memo section it says "Terrorist Attack" I'm talking the official story and you damn well know that. I like you am just an ordinary citizen who is not going to have access to whatever proof that Osama funded things available to them to offer up as proof. Maybe 10 or 20 years from now it might be available after it's been declassified, although it probably won't do much good because most of it will be blacked out with marker ink. But see I'm not the one who needs to prove things here. I'm not the one making the claim that the official story is fabricated, that would be you and so the burden is on you to prove your claims. Which you haven't in the slightest. Saying you've read the opinions of 1500 people proves zip other then that you can read and 1500 people out of hundreds of thousand perhaps million of pilots, first responders, demolitionists, etc, who may or may not be qualified to disput the official story, also have the opinion the official story is false. Which doesn't even begin to come close to being proof.
You apparently have no clue of how establishing theory works. You form an explaination to explain something and then seek to prove it. You don't just say "This is what I think and I think I'm right" and then demand anyone saying you are not right, prove you wrong.

on the other hand i can show you proof that the saudis and one pakistani general were the ones sending the funds for this event.

You can't because there isn't and just because some Saudis and one Pakistan general might have been the ones to send the funds doesn't mean it was their funds they were sending. Most people financing things like secret terrorist operation aren't likely to be cutting checks or even handing out cash themselves. Financing things doesn't mean you're the one sending the money. You also seem to lack an understanding of how middle easterners transfer money when they're trying to fly under the radar it's called Hawala and has been used to transfer money discreetly since medieval times. So to look for paper evidence of a money trail for 9/11 would be a waste of time.

also you say how they knew all about the people planning to hit the towers with planes but thought it was too impossible or well defended against happening.

That's not what I said though, not even close. What I said was we knew that they were interested in using hijacked commercial planes as weapons but the Bush administration dismissed it as unlikely to happen because he didn't feel the people expressing this interest would be likely to pull it off given the current protections in place at the time to prevent hijackings. I never said they knew that they were going to hit the towers on 9/11.

well thats more bs, there is footage of bush and others in the gov at the time saying how no one could have ever imagined anyone doing this in their wildest dreams, even though they were training those scenarios regularly.

And your proof they were training those scenarios regularly? Of course Bush would go on record at the time as saying no one could ever imagine it. Do you really think he would be likely to admit to the American people that he actually knew before 9/11 that terrorists were looking into using hijacked commercial jets as weapons? Where are the critical thinking skills in that that you conspiracy theorists are so found of bragging about having?

so how about you stick to the subject matter rather then making cheap shots about my person. it's typical of people who can't discuss or answer the facts to start making disparaging comments about the other party in the discussion to distract from their lack of real answers to most points brought up.

you don't even seem to know the whole official version, let alone all the holes in that story.

Hey when you are being disingenuous and I point it out, that's not taking a cheap shot or making disparaging comments. No a good example of making a disparaging comment rather then discussing facts is the last line above where you imply I don't know the official version. You're not discussing fact there, you're once again expressing opinion of my opinion rather then proving your claims.


what ever makes you happy Pappi.

not in the mood for this today.

but i do notice , you still didnt post a quote of me being insulting to you and not your subject matter.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Its EXTREMELY obvious you watch TV , listen and believe the NEWS.

Also the fact that you smoke pot and are this ignorant to the truth has me wondering if legalization might just make idiots - retards?

If you actually loved America and this countries history and ITS PEOPLE. You would realize hte government is trying to take away our 2ND AMENDMENT.

So grandpa do you happen to know what that means? DO YOU KNOW WHY WE HAVE A 2ND AMENDMENT? OR ARE YOU ALL TALK NO WALK?

I can't be polite to you - sorry but with all the tax money we spend and theres homelessness - USA is not #1 in education - and the Dollar is collapsing and you smoke weed and can't see this shit? fucking Obummer - I bet you voted for that fraud puppet.

Its not worth my time to sit here and spew facts to change a mans mind whom is brainwashed and corroded by the illusion of the current corruption that plagues man kind and planet earth.

It makes me very angry and sad that people like you exist. You live a blind life - you see nothing important around you. Pop that bubble you fool.

May good vibes - blessings - and love find you and fix and heal your backward ass.





You apparently smoke way too much pot. First of all it was four planes, three buildings fell and one had a partial collapse (Pentagon) so if you had a clue you should be saying at least 3 planes (since one crashed in a field) and four buildings. Obviously though you're talking just NY though but the fact that one more building fell then the numbers of planes that crashed is irrelevant when you look at the footage of massive parts of one of the two building hit by the planes fell on the 3rd building that fell much later then the other two.

As for the rest of your comments, just because I don't believe that 9/11 was a government conspiracy doesn't mean I believe everything the government says. To jump to such a conclusion is pretty irrational.

If the government wanted to take away your 2nd Amendment rights they could, in fact they're the only ones that could. However without the support of the public it would never happen even if they tried. IT doesn't matter to me though, I have already had my 2nd amendment rights taken from me because I have a felon on my record even though it did not involve a gun or even any violence and I see nobody who fears they might lose their 2nd amendment rights stand up for my rights. So why should I stand up for anyone else's? Not that I could since they also stole my right to vote. So to address another incorrect conclusion you jumped to, no I didn't vote for Obama but I sure as hell would have voted for him before I would have voted for a 1%'er like Romney.

Since you seem to know so little I feel obligated to tell you, jumping to conclusions doesn't count as exercise.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
comment on this post boys

maybe you can debunk why the people I am referring to hold no weight in this "debate"

What's to debunk? That you cherry picked one person who seemingly has the proper credentials to question things? Where is his statements on what he thinks happened. All the link shows is that he is a member of a group dissatisfied with the 9/11 investigation.

What the fuck does that mean though? Just because he is dissatisfied doesn't mean he feels it is a government conspiracy, especially since most of his credentials were obtained in service to the very government being implied in said conspiracy. Does it make sense he would be currently flying for any commercial airline if he believed at any given moment the government might sacrifice him, his plane and his passengers to cover up a misappropriation of money? dissatisfied might mean he feels the government fell short in correctly blaming and punishing those in government responsible for this incident being allowed to happen? That seems a more reasonable dissatisfaction for someone currently flying a commercial airliner.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

So, you can't show a building being demolished that is 5 times smaller then either of the twin towers and say that because it fell in a similar way it proves the twin towers were taken out with demolitions. Nor can you say it proves anything about WTC 7 which was slightly more the twice the height of the buildings in that video.

Skinny Leaf

Well-known member
Afghanistan has become the first country to map its natural mineral resources using an advanced remote sensing technique known as hyperspectral imaging.

The mapping, a collaborative effort between the U.S. Geological Survey and the Afghan Geological Survey, generated more than 800 million pixels of data from Afghanistan's rugged and mountainous terrain.

Afghanistan's ambassador to the United States, Ekil Hakimi, says the "transparent and credible information" about its minerals has already helped to attract foreign investors.

"Countries like India, China, Canada, Turkey, and companies like Exxon, Mobil, and Chevron have all either secured contracts or expressed serious interest in resource extraction," said Hakimi.

About 70 percent of Afghanistan has been mapped with the hyperspectral imaging, giving the government a clear picture of the country's abundant natural resources, an essential tool for the development of an economically viable minerals market. Hakimi says this information is the beginning of a new vision for Afghanistan.

"This will once again establish Afghanistan as a strategic land bridge that connects the Asian and middle Eastern markets, stimulating broad-based development and economic diversification," Hakimi added.

The director of the U.S. Geological Survey, Dr. Marcia McNutt, says going to Afghanistan to map its resources with the new technology was a dream come true.

"Suddenly someone comes to you and says 'I'm going to give you more money than your agency has ever seen and you get to go - we've going to give you the key to unlock this country that for 75 years has been undiscovered from a natural resources standpoint and by the way there's a new tool that has never been used on this planet before to map natural resources,'" McNutt recalled.

McNutt says with the success Afghanistan has had with mapping its mineral assets, she is sure other countries will want to use the hyperspectral imaging technique.

And people wonder why 9/11 happened. Look Halliburton wasn't named but they are the subcontractor to the stars. Halliburton is going to get theirs.


Well-known member
Obama is the same as Romney who is the same as Bush who is the same as Clinton, ect. If you paid attention to what we are saying you would understand this. Obama is a puppet just like Romney would have been. They do nothing but divide and conquer, and serve only the ruling Oligarch. That's the game keeps us divided and conquered.


3rd-Eye Jedi
What's to debunk? That you cherry picked one person who seemingly has the proper credentials to question things? Where is his statements on what he thinks happened. All the link shows is that he is a member of a group dissatisfied with the 9/11 investigation.

What the fuck does that mean though? Just because he is dissatisfied doesn't mean he feels it is a government conspiracy, especially since most of his credentials were obtained in service to the very government being implied in said conspiracy. Does it make sense he would be currently flying for any commercial airline if he believed at any given moment the government might sacrifice him, his plane and his passengers to cover up a misappropriation of money? dissatisfied might mean he feels the government fell short in correctly blaming and punishing those in government responsible for this incident being allowed to happen? That seems a more reasonable dissatisfaction for someone currently flying a commercial airliner.

click the link one of many too many to repost here


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Obama is the same as Romney who is the same as Bush who is the same as Clinton, ect. If you paid attention to what we are saying you would understand this. Obama is a puppet just like Romney would have been. They do nothing but divide and conquer, and serve only the ruling Oligarch. That's the game keeps us divided and conquered.

All Presidents are puppets you're not saying anything new. They aren't exactly the same though, otherwise they would all do the same things. Clinton being liberal did things according to the liberal view, Bush did things more in line with the conservative view, and Obama is doing things more towards the liberal view just as Romney would have done more towards the conservative view. Puppet is actually an inappropriate label as it suggests they would only do what their puppet master tells them. Figurehead is perhaps more accurate. In that each president is allowed to do minor things that serves the view of the side of the aisle they're on but none of them are allowed to make any meaningful change.

Nope the real power is in congress hidden in the pockets of the puppets called Senators and Congressmen.


Active member
So, you can't show a building being demolished that is 5 times smaller then either of the twin towers and say that because it fell in a similar way it proves the twin towers were taken out with demolitions. Nor can you say it proves anything about WTC 7 which was slightly more the twice the height of the buildings in that video.

I find difficult to believe that if you crash a plain in a building,

it falls the same way that in a demolition.

May be we should ask people who Works in demolitions.

You can see many names of companys in the 2 video.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I find difficult to believe that if you crash a plain in a building,

it falls the same way that in a demolition.

May be we should ask people who Works in demolitions.

You can see many names of companys in the 2 video.

I'm not sure that would get you anywhere because in the debate of 9/11 I've seen people on both sides of the argument that claimed to be demolitions experts. So at best I would have to conclude that nobody knows for sure otherwise there should be consensus among these self proclaimed experts.

Also you should keep in mind neither building fell instantly as a result of the planes crashing into them so you can't think of it like the plane crashed into the building and it instantly fell. If that were the case then even I agree it would be much more suspicious.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
On this whole topic I voted no but that's based on the idea that we're talking specific Conspiracy theories. That's not to say I don't believe there are any government conspiracies. There are plenty of well documented theories, such as marijuana prohibition which was initially a conspiracy between government and big business. Then there is the whole Contra scandal, the spraying of Paraquat on marijuana fields which was a conspiracy between the US Government and the Mexican government. Just to name a couple of well known examples. More recently you have the Wall Street Bailout and the Fast and Furious program.

Only an idiot would say there are no conspiracies and that our government always operates in a totally transparent and honest, above board manner. Likewise only an idiot would believe that just because conspiracies have happened that any and all conspiracies that people imagine are true.


Active member
ICMag Donor
You apparently smoke way too much pot. First of all it was four planes, three buildings fell and one had a partial collapse (Pentagon) so if you had a clue you should be saying at least 3 planes (since one crashed in a field) and four buildings. Obviously though you're talking just NY though but the fact that one more building fell then the numbers of planes that crashed is irrelevant when you look at the footage of massive parts of one of the two building hit by the planes fell on the 3rd building that fell much later then the other two.

As for the rest of your comments, just because I don't believe that 9/11 was a government conspiracy doesn't mean I believe everything the government says. To jump to such a conclusion is pretty irrational.

If the government wanted to take away your 2nd Amendment rights they could, in fact they're the only ones that could. However without the support of the public it would never happen even if they tried. IT doesn't matter to me though, I have already had my 2nd amendment rights taken from me because I have a felon on my record even though it did not involve a gun or even any violence and I see nobody who fears they might lose their 2nd amendment rights stand up for my rights. So why should I stand up for anyone else's? Not that I could since they also stole my right to vote. So to address another incorrect conclusion you jumped to, no I didn't vote for Obama but I sure as hell would have voted for him before I would have voted for a 1%'er like Romney.

Since you seem to know so little I feel obligated to tell you, jumping to conclusions doesn't count as exercise.

lol the pentagon attack was a missile not a plane - if you spent your time looking into it.

And out of 4 planes doofus - 1 hit each tower - 1 crashed into the ground in PA - supposedly - but ify ou look at hte hole in the ground and the lack of wreckage - it looks to be another missile and then you have your pentagon plane(missile) and that = four.

So now please do explain how building WTC7 fell from OFFICE FIRES? lol? please. and oh yeah flying debri which you stated earlier came from buildings burning and melting right? Your own story is backwards and contradicts itself.

If the twin towers fell from fire and melting metal - then how is there debri on the 3rd building causing it to collapse - that much debri - when the towers fell straight down with "gravity" LOL as you said earlier?

You really don't see it dude? you dont' get it? I mean its beyond obvious - physics alone debunks the whole thing....

You clearly don't see the implications these events have on our lives- the lives of our children - the planet and humanity as a whole.

These are bad vibes and energies flowing through our universe that will always be around - but right now the balance is OFF.

LOOK AT UKRAINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If only they had guns and a 2nd amendment... but oh we can lose ours anytime the goverment wants? PLEASE Connecticut residents over 10,000 are refusing to register their guns. Thats just CT...

and just because it doesn't matter to you doesn't mean you shouldn't do the right thing fool!

And stupid you would vote for either of them. Best thing to do is not vote. the whole 2 party system is just an illusion for control.

I feel these ways and understand these FACTS because I want to be part of the solution, not the problem.

Blindly believing false information is just like religious fools.

You should do a Pineal Gland detox and cleansing. Your 3rd eye is still shut.

good luck hempkat. You know... the fight isn't for us - its for the future - for the kids - our kids and their kids... so they may possibly live in a free happy tranquil world where there isn't inequality and prejudices... and we don't pay tax money to a government that loses 2.3 trillion dollars on days like 9/11. And people die in sweat shops.... and our chicken grown in america is set to China to be processed before coming back to america for us to eat... and we don't use nuclear power that potentially could be our demise.... oh and so much more!

I'm outa here - these threads always get trolled and ultimately I don't need to sit here and talk about this shit. I live my life accordingly so that it has no negative impact on others and so that it only compliments nature and helps reinforce the old ways making me, my community, the world, and everything in it a better place.

I'm really into permaculture - "the problem is the solution" and you can look at food - money - everything and fix it with this simple idea.

Too bad these terrible events don't bind and strengthen us as brothers and sisters and instead divides us like hte 2 party system, and confuses us like obamacare, and creates a distraction like TV and everything created by mainstream media.... Too bad we all don't just start doing whats right and see the slavery system we are in for what it is...

The Matrix is a CHILLING movie.... when you realize the symbology in it. My goodness is that movie creepily on point.

Big Brother is also practically up our asses these days...

We are here bickering because we all care... now if only there was a consensus.


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Active member

I know this might not be news to us, but it is a conspiracy and a example of how we are looked at as slaves to be controlled and extorted by the government whom professes to be the servant.
Look up the term, paddy roller, if you want to know the origin of modern policing institutions.

The drug war’s profit motive

Terrific reporting here from the Capitol Report, a small publication that covers politics and policy in Minnesota.

Minnesota state Rep. Carly Melin is trying to introduce legislation to legalize medical marijuana in the state, but she’s bumping up against some aggressive opposition from the state’s police agencies and law enforcement organizations, who have united behind a group called the Minnesota Law Enforcement Coalition.

It may at first seem odd that police groups would so vigorously oppose medical pot. These aren’t medical organizations. They have no clear stake in the debate over the drug’s potential therapeutic benefits. According to the article, the police groups say they’re concerned about public safety, but we’ve been living with medical pot for nearly 20 years now, and there’s no empirical data to support the contention that legal medical marijuana brings an increase in crime. If you’re a fan of public choice theory, you might argue that narcotics cops may oppose any move toward legalization because a decrease in the demand for and supply of illegal pot might mean a decrease in need for narcotics cops to police it. And of course there will always be a supply of and trade in other illicit drugs to keep them busy.

So why such strident opposition? Rep. Melin has discovered what drug policy reformers have been arguing for years: It’s about revenue. Police agencies have a strong financial incentive to keep the drug war churning.

From the Capitol Report piece, by reporter Mike Mosedale:

“They wouldn’t discuss any specific provisions and said they had a blanket opposition to medical marijuana,” Melin recalled. She took note of one objection voiced at the meeting but not mentioned in the coalition’s 10-page, bullet-point laden white paper: concern about the impact the measure might have on police budgets.

According to Melin, Dennis Flaherty, the executive director of the MPPOA, explicitly told her that he was worried that legalization — in any form — could lead to harmful reductions in the federal grants that are an important funding source for many police agencies . . .

Melin took pains to acknowledge that many in law enforcement have legitimate public safety concerns related to medical marijuana. But the uncompromising posture of the top leaders, she added, makes it “pretty obvious that something else is going on here.” . . .

For those police who see medicinal marijuana as gateway legislation, the financial implications of change are real. In Washington, where recreational marijuana is legal, police are already complaining they’ve been forced to slash budgets because they can no longer rely on any revenue from marijuana-related asset seizures. A drug task force in one county cut its budget by 15 percent to compensate for the lost revenue.

Mosedale then dives into the abundant sources of drug war revenue for law enforcement agencies that provide a strong incentive for those agencies to make drug policing a far higher priority than it might otherwise be, and often at the expense of policing crimes that have actual victims. It might also induce those same agencies to speak out to ensure that the drug laws remain intact.

Take the Department of Justice Byrne Grants, for example:

Byrne grants are especially critical to the operations of inter-agency drug task forces, which don’t have the same dedicated funding sources as municipal police departments. In 2012, 23 such task forces in Minnesota received a total of approximately $4.2 million from Byrne grants. The money is spent on everything from military-grade hardware to officer overtime.

Critics contend that Byrne grants effectively encourage police to pursue relatively low-level drug offenses, including marijuana possession. Mainly, they say, that’s because the performance measures used in determining awards are based on such factors as numbers of arrests or new task force investigations, with little regard paid to the quality of the arrest or the outcome of the court case.

Or asset forfeiture policy:

In 2012, police in Minnesota seized approximately $8.3 million of cash and property under the state’s forfeiture law, according to a report from the Office of the State Auditor. About 47 percent of those forfeitures were related to controlled substance violations, with most of the rest associated with drunk driving . . .

The St. Paul Police Department netted more than $582,000 from asset seizures in 2012. It was the second-biggest haul of any police agency in the state — a fact made more notable since the proceeds were derived exclusively from controlled-substance cases.

According to Lee McGrath, an attorney with the libertarian Institute for Justice, Minnesota law enforcement agencies netted nearly $30 million between 2003 and 2010 through the use of forfeiture.

“What is most offensive in Minnesota is that you can be acquitted in criminal court and still lose your car or your cash in civil court,” McGrath said. “The only people defending the current law are in law enforcement. Everybody else is offended by the idea.”

While forfeiture was sold to the public as a good way to hit drug kingpins and gang leaders in the wallet, McGrath said, Minnesota law enforcement mostly use forfeiture to target small game. “No Colombian drug lords are being busted under this law. The average seizure in Minnesota is worth $1,253,” he said.

In Minnesota, the law enforcement coalition lobbied not only against the medical marijuana bill, but also against a bill to put limits on the use of asset forfeiture, particularly in cases where the property owner is never convicted of any crime. It takes guts for a politician to publicly oppose the law enforcement lobby. But at heart, these are interest groups like any other. The best interests of law enforcement personnel, police agencies, and police organizations will sometimes, perhaps even often, coincide with the best interests of public safety. But certainly not always. That’s why it’s important that elected leaders push back when necessary, even when doing so could be politically perilous. To her credit, Rep. Melin is doing just that:

In a sharply worded letter to Public Safety Commissioner Mona Dohman and the members of the VCCC, Melin made her frustrations clear:

“The public has long questioned law enforcement’s motivation behind its staunch opposition to medicinal marijuana, and suspected that a threat to the law enforcement’s revenue stream through forfeiture laws creates an inherit conflict. The fact that the VCCC opposed both medical marijuana and a restructuring of forfeiture laws at the same meeting raises a red flag that needs further exploration.”

In addition, Melin wrote that “it is especially concerning to me that the VCCC flew in a law enforcement officer from Colorado to address the Council on medical marijuana laws in the State of Colorado.”

Melin said the incident further highlighted the outsized role that law enforcement has assumed in a debate she would prefer be defined by doctors and patients. But, she said, Gov. Dayton invited law enforcement to the table. “It would be very helpful for us if the governor asked law enforcement to negotiate in good faith,” she added.

I’d add here that what these law enforcement agencies are doing is entirely predictable. It’s even understandable. They’re merely advocating for their own self-interest. Once the politicians created these policies,they simultaneously created a powerful lobby to ensure those policies permanently remain in place, regardless of their efficacy, or of any harmful unintended consequences.

MR happy

New member
Conspiracy realist myself! My favorite is that PR.A lincon freed the slaves...... fools the cotton gin freed them! Tech not a man freed the black man! We are not taught this in public schools...WHY because we are teaching racism not the truth! Its hard to be racist when we rconize that we are all slaves with only limited freedoms! It is cheaper to have limited slavery actually its profitable! Its the owners fault to starve a slave! Now who fault is it if you go hungary! sorry bout spelling!

MR happy

New member
Damn I read a lot of good stuff here but cant give any rep yet! Good thread guys! The debate seems mature and healthy!
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