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Aquaponic Chronic


Hello, hope all is well. I'm setting up another aquaponic system. A little smaller this time. It may be time to move this thread to general gardening or whatever. Unless we can get some pictures of pot plants in aquaponic systems.


Active member
Wow those ammonia levels are high. Are the fish still alive? Any pics of the complete system?


The pictures were not working when I was trying to upload. There are only 3 or 4 feeder fish in the system, still alive, not just floating ;)

I'll try again...


I guess this is the next growing style I need to undertake, as it fits in quite neatly with my former work in trade (both retail and wholesale aquatic and exotic import/export). While I've never grown aquaponically, I've kept a LOT of fish, including at a large scale. So, there are some limitations and qualifications I would like to make before I get started here, which is to let you know that I do have an opinion and suggestions.

Before I address a couple of posters here, I want to state that in my opinion the biggest limiting factor for FLOWERING cannabis in aquaponics is going to be P. High P levels typically lead to algal blooms, which can suck up O2 at an astonishing rate. So the question becomes how high can those P levels be pushed, and by what? I'm thinking mineral sources would be better, but can be problematic depending on how they're applied/used, and the scale of the system itself.

If tomatoes are being grown successfully in aquaponics, then I would follow that model. Clearly, I need to read some of the links here!
Plants can handle nitrate better than fish. IMO doing a fish less cycle would work best. I have a mini aquaponic setup in my basement with garlic, green onions, and cilantro.

My ammonia is around 4ppm, nitrites are starting to climb (1ppm) and nitrates are still zero.

Plants are doing awesome. When ammonia and nitrites drop to zero I will add some fish. My system is only 10 gallons.

As far as growing weed in a an aquaponics greenhouse my only concern would be dealing with humidity.

Good luck.
Your system is still becoming established. Plants do handle NO3 better than fish, but generally they're better able to use the NH3/NH4 fish put out directly. Therefore, you do want your biological filtration (for the aquatics) established so they aren't suffocated by the NH4, but in the end your goal is to get it to the plants before it's even converted. Make sense?
I was reading on backyard aquaponics that one guy was tossing in a little urea instead of using fish. He did it regularly so as to build up the bacteria and keep it cycling. Makes me wonder if bunnyponics has been coined yet?
When I was working and setting up a new warehouse many, many years ago, we started the saltwater system by peeing in it. I shouldn't say "we", I didn't help.
I asked a few questions here and I have initiated an program.
I have two 100 gallon stock tanks set up in the shade in my yard.The wife got use a fat mess of guppies and a couple of pairs of swordtails.
My water has gone to an acceptable p.h. now and I don't feel the need for p.h. down anymore.The guppies keep the water very clean and they multiply like crazy.
This water is primarily for the canna crop but it goes to the mater's and bean too.
I'll post up any negitive findings if there are any but for the past month,Guppy water rocks.
I do have a long flowering sativa finishing now and I am flushing with spring water instead of guppy water but the romulan beside it is getting tested with guppy water thru finish.
Next year if we survive 2012...I'm having more guppy tanks.Prolly 400 gallons more.:shark:
Nice! Have you had to supplement anything to the tomatoes like Ca or P?

pine boy

Nice! Have you had to supplement anything to the tomatoes like Ca or P?

All my raised bed were getting fed once a week with an organic ,bottled food concentrate.
It consists of fish emusions ,sugar beet molasses and a bunch of other things.Its sold as an all purpous food for natural gardening.Haven't used it since I started with the fish:woohoo:
So far I have not had to add anything to the vegtable gardens and things are blooming and green,better than ever.
I will probibly feed once a month with the food to keep stuff in check.
I can't really post pics of my yard on this site.It freaks me out a lil... sorry


Active member
What kind of fish food does the best for canna crops? I know the backyard guys stress that using aquaculture food is way better than using flake food. I ordered some flake food that is made without preservatives but I am not sure if it is the best stuff to make them poop. I have also included peas and earthworms into the diet somewhat. I made frozen ice cubes with smashed up peas and want to try it with the worms too. I also wanted to try some freeze dried stuff too and see if it helps. Anyone know where to source aquaculture pellets?

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