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APBT lovers thread!


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Pit Bulls and American Staffordshire Terriers are genetically the same breed of dog and there are several instances in which a particular dog has dual registration. In fact, the UKC was founded for the express purpose of allowing registration of the breed. Over time, the UKC also became the registry for hunting dogs which is its main focus today. The AKC eventually began allowing the breed to be registered under the name of American Staffordshire Terrier. What we currently have is a situation in which one group (the UKC) has been breeding the dog for "performance" and the other (the AKC) has been breeding the dog to maintain specific physical standards. Selective breeding over many generations have produced two strains of the same dog with pit bulls having the tendency to be more aggressive.

Agreed...Its like Chem#4 and ChemD...both Chems, but one bites A LOT harder;)

But a true AmStaff and an APBT standing next to each other, I see 2 dogs...


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
a TRUE amstaff and apbt standing next to each other should appear the same. what they have turned most staffs into today... resemble a different dog ;)

Im not talking about AKC and UKC show dogs. NODOUBT they both came from the same gene pool way back, like with Colby, the original red nose. I dont think AKC or UKC will show a AmStaff with a red nose will they? I dunno, never did shows...just weight pulls and schutzhund.
Look at ADBA:

The American Staffordshire Terrier (AST or Amstaff)
The AST or “Amstaff” used to be the same dog as the APBT but was completely taken out of the pit in the mid 1930s. In 1936, the AKC opened its studbooks to a few APBTs that fit their standards and came up with the name “Staffordshire Terrier.” In 1972, the name was changed to American Staffordshire Terrier to avoid confusion with the newly recognized "Staffordshire Bull Terrier" from England. The only dogs that can properly be called American Staffordshire Terriers are those from AKC-registered bloodlines.

ASTs are primarily bred for conformation and good temperament. They have a set height standard of 18 to 19 inches for males and 17 to 18 inches for females. They usually weigh between 50 to 80 lbs., which should be in proportion to their height. They may be a little stockier than the APBT but not always. “The dog’s chief requisites,” the AKC explains, “should be strength unusual for his size, soundness, balance, a strong powerful head, a well-muscled body, and courage that is proverbial.”

Red (or “Dudley”) noses are considered a fault according to the AKC’s breed standard, and this physical trait has been bred out of most AST lines. Red-nosed dogs are common in APBT lines. This may help you differentiate between the breeds. If the dog has a red nose, it is more likely to be of APBT than of AST lineage.

The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT)
Like many other common breeds, including Labrador Retrievers, Greyhounds, German Shepherds, and the Parsons (or “Jack”) Russell Terrier, the American Pit Bull Terrier is essentially a canine athlete. As the UKC points out, during the nineteenth century breeders in the British Isles began to experiment with crosses between terriers and Bulldogs in hopes of finding a dog with the “gameness” (defined below) of a terrier and the athleticism of a Bulldog (a very different dog from the English Bulldog of today). This original breed, which later resulted in the breeds we now call the APBT, the AST, and the SBT, came to America with immigrants during the late nineteenth century. Just as the Bulldog was originally bred for bull and bear baiting, dog fighting was clearly part of the APBT’s original purpose. But as the UKC also notes, the breed’s many talents did not go unnoticed, and the APBT was also used as an all-purpose farm dog and family companion.
Today, the APBT is bred for a wide variety of purposes from looks and companionship to fighting to nothing in particular, so it is difficult to make generalizations about appearance or purpose. While some APBTs (probably a minority of the overall population) may be directly from fighting lines (“game bred”), many are genetically far removed from their fighting ancestors. Some are animal aggressive; some are not animal aggressive at all.

NOTE: Like most things in life, we must be open to a certain degree of nuance when thinking about pit bulls. As we note above, pit bulls can exhibit a level of animal aggression ranging from nonexistent to very high or somewhere in between - a statement that is true for all dog breeds. To date, there is no identified “fighting gene” that determines which dogs will be animal aggressive and which dogs will not. Even pit bulls with fighting histories have proven manageable around other dogs. Knowing how your dog will behave around other dogs is an important part of being a responsible dog owner. More importantly, there is absolutely no relationship between animal aggression and human aggression. Pit bulls might exhibit an above-average tendency toward dog aggression relative to other breeds, but human aggression has never been a normal trait in these breeds. Pit bulls were not bred to fight humans or for guarding purposes. A common fallacy is the notion that pit bulls are the only dogs that have been historically bred for “fighting.” This is demonstrably false. A large number of dog breeds have been bred to chase, fight, and kill other animals, yet nobody seems to fret about human or animal aggression in Dachshunds, Greyhounds, Whippets, Irish Wolfhounds, Coonhounds, Foxhounds, Beagles, Jack Russell Terriers, and nearly every other dog in the terrier group. Once again, human aggression and animal aggression are entirely unrelated behaviors.

Because breeding purpose varies so widely among APBTs, less consideration is paid to conformation (how closely the dog matches a set physical standard for the breed). As these pictures show, APBTs can look quite different from one another. In general, however, APBTs can weigh as little as 30 lbs. and as much as 70 lbs. News reports of “pit bulls” weighing in excess of 100 lbs. should be taken with a grain of salt. These dogs are either not pit bulls at all or are mixes of some sort.

An often-overlooked fact of the APBT’s history is that human aggressive dogs (“man biters” in fighting parlance) have been actively culled from bloodlines. In the world of fighting, it is not useful or desirable for a dog to attack handlers or spectators. Not all APBT breeders breed for the pit, though. Some breed for conformation, temperament, weight-pulling, obedience trials, or therapy work. At the foundation of their bloodlines, however, are the same physical and mental characteristics—lean and athletic body, agility, courage, and stability.


ICMag Donor
i understand what you are talking about. we are on the same page just not able to explain it well. pm me sometime and we can discuss further.


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Heres my boy Boomer, I love this dog like he's my son, BEST dog I've ever had, bar none:

He does have a tail, it's just going a million MPH. He's quite a happy boy. ;)


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Nice dogs guys!!! Keep em coming!

Your right phillthy, I think we are saying the same thing in different ways...lol

good vibes


Hey bro. resend the invite to F------k .
Heres a pic or 2 of our last lil evil monster Luci .
Stay safe you guys n G/B .
Crispi :hotbounce


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There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Hey bro. resend the invite to F------k .
Heres a pic or 2 of our last lil evil monster Luci .
Stay safe you guys n G/B .
Crispi :hotbounce

pm me homie! For I am stoned and lost.....:crazy:

Luci looks adorable! I think Kief may kinda have the same-ish face when he is grown...

good vibes


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Tonight mine are driving me CRAZY....all the girls are in season, so our male is losing it, lol.....plus they know Daddy is away, so they are trying to get on the furniture!!!!! Dogs really are alot like humans....and at the moment, they are all staring at me, and wanting a treat......their eyes are so imploring!!!!! Gotta love pits!!!!!! have a good one....peace...O.

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mrs.Tango said ours act totally different when I am gone...

good vibes


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
Hey bro. resend the invite to F------k .
Heres a pic or 2 of our last lil evil monster Luci .
Stay safe you guys n G/B .
Crispi :hotbounce

She's good lookin man! How old?

pm me homie! For I am stoned and lost.....:crazy:

Luci looks adorable! I think Kief may kinda have the same-ish face when he is grown...

good vibes

That is an AWESOME name for any animal, Kief. :D My dogs name is Boomer, but he was already named when I got him, his owner couldn't keep him any longer. When I showed up to pick him up, he was really being cool with me, as if he knew I was going to be his new master. The guy commented how wierd that was, he said normally he's really stand-offish with new people. He's a GREAT dog, I couldn't ask for a better one.

Tonight mine are driving me CRAZY....all the girls are in season, so our male is losing it, lol.....plus they know Daddy is away, so they are trying to get on the furniture!!!!! Dogs really are alot like humans....and at the moment, they are all staring at me, and wanting a treat......their eyes are so imploring!!!!! Gotta love pits!!!!!! have a good one....peace...O.

I'm glad my boy is cut, he'll live a lot longer and be healthier, and I don't go through that stuff, thank goodness. He got neutered as a pup, and the cool thing is he's still in that puppy mindset, at almost 4 years old. :)

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mrs.Tango said ours act totally different when I am gone...

good vibes

My ex said the same thing to me, lol. She said he would keep looking out the window a lot, waiting for me to get home from work. I'm glad that I'm not working a 9-5 and just caregiving now, I always felt bad leaving him home alone, even with a doggy door and full access after my ex and I split up, being alone for 8-12+ hours straight sucks for anyone, let alone a dog. He does well, chews his toys, and doesn't screw up stuff. A girl I know, her dog "acts out", in her words, tearing up couches, carpet, WALLS! :yoinks:


Here are a couple pics of my pups. I love pits and wish I could have many more. nice thread...


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There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Keep the pics coming guys!

Lots o lovely dogs in here....

good vibes

will update a few pics of the puppies later today, they are HUGE!!!

Big V

I posted in another APBT thread on here. I am glad to see so many people working so hard to preserve the breed. In the early to mid 90's I was into weightpulling and search and rescue with the APBTs but In thae late 90's I walked away from all for personal reasons. I also had somewhat of a rescue service for dogs that didn't perform well in the gamedog arena. I stuck to very strict breeding guidlines always keeping a tight line in my yard. I had a few Hemphil dogs and some Colby and Tudor. I had a Jimmy Boots bitch that was crazy as hell Hehehe, what a great dog. I have to say that I am a little set back by all the "Bully" dogs that cary the pitbull name but look more like deformed english bulldogs or weiner dogs but to each their own I guess.

I hadn't had a Pitbull in since 97 when I decided it was time to get another dog so I looked around and started seeing all these Blue dogs and let me tell you I think they are beautiful dogs. I paid top dollar for my boy Odin when he was 6 weeks old and he has been a blessing to me and my family for the past 2 years now. A "PitBull"? I have had much gamer dogs but he is probably the most loveing, loyal and careing Pit I have ever owned. He is dual registered ADBA and UKC and I called Kate Greenwood to ask her opinion on the Razors Edge line before I bought him and she had nothing bad to say. I am glad I bought Odin, he is a beautiful Blue Brindle and his personality is true to the Pitbull nature. Odin has never seen a cable streached across the ground or been staked to a 40lb chain and he has never spent the night outside. He is a part of the family and he sleeps on a futon beside our bed. Yes he has a Kush Life.



Here is the last litter I had with a bitch named Mercy in the late 90's.


Glad to be a part of the ICMag pitbull community. As for the whole Staff / Pitbull debate, I have never seen a Staff with rateings in the Game Dog Journal. Isn't American Staffordshire an oxymoron? But I hear they make great pets.

Peace everybody.


Big V all this "game dog" talk is for dog fighters... I would never look at a pit and think one is more "game" than the other because that is dog fighters mantaility. I know you dont fight your pit so whats with the game dog journal? that is just inabiling pit fighters to continue on. you have a beautiful dog...


Active member
Had em all my life and wouldnt live without one in my house. Best breed of dog there is IMO.

This one is my wife dog...he is a mommas boy for sure


Big V

Big V all this "game dog" talk is for dog fighters... I would never look at a pit and think one is more "game" than the other because that is dog fighters mantaility. I know you dont fight your pit so whats with the game dog journal? that is just inabiling pit fighters to continue on. you have a beautiful dog...

No I'm very much against dog fighting. I think it is sick and inhumane. It is just a breed standard, I mean lets face it the dog was bred for one purpose and one purpose alone and that was it's gameness. If you are going to stay true to the breed it has to be game. There are many reasons to keep the gameness alive in the breed. In the past I was into training my dogs as "Catch Dogs". Many catchdogs are used to hunt wild boar and let me tell you there ain't no chicken shit kurrs gonna hang with a wild boar, pitbull or not. My dog Hacksaw was a badger dog. He would go into the badgers hole and pull him out by the head. He was bred for his gameness but he was one of the best family dogs you could have.

Before Digital Photography.




This is a better picture of Him. He is the red brindle under my right arm on the left. With a really sweet Carver bitch named "Savage Lady" under my left arm.


These two sure threw some nice pups. I really miss my Buddy Hacksaw but he is gone now. This pic was taken in 96 and he was two y/o then.


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Big V all this "game dog" talk is for dog fighters... I would never look at a pit and think one is more "game" than the other because that is dog fighters mantaility. I know you dont fight your pit so whats with the game dog journal? that is just inabiling pit fighters to continue on. you have a beautiful dog...

Not necessarily...I am a dog trainer by trade, and my APBT Manson is Shutzhund 1 (almost 2) and Obedience 3... "Game" is defined as the dogs eagerness or WANT to continue, not stop...A dog that will swing from a tree branch till the cant go on, then still try to jump, even with their legs buckling...thats game. Manson goes swimming and he WONT stop...I gotta pull him outta the water, f.u.c.k.e.r will damn near drown himself...lol. Thats game. Of course game is wanted in fighting dogs, and thats why people tend to wince when they hear "game dog". But the term is not meant for fighting. Hope that helps a lil...
Game dogs make for great weight pullers too. Being 'game', they wont give up. That can also be the downfall for a dog too....game can make a dog hurt themselves....or worse.
I remember once on the field when I was working manson with a decoy in a sleeve, he turned so fast to chase the guy, that he ripped a toenail completely out. You could see an inch into his foot. didnt care...lol. I was freakin out, and he is lookin at me like "....what dad?" didnt even limp. Where a normal non game dog would be like "shit hurt...think Im done for now"...lol.

Big V...your last comment after the great pics was SPOT ON homie! Amstaffs are damn good family pets...but not so great for working. They dont give a shit, just wanna play or cuddle. I am generalizing of course, Im sure there are a few that are exceptions to the rule...lol. NEVER seen an Amstaff Schutzhund ir protection trained dog. Or a sniffer, or an explosives dog...havent seen amstaffs working at all really...MANY MANY books out there on protection work and other working types SOLELY on APBTs.
Just cause AKC or UKC accept a dog as something doesnt make it so. Try registering one as the other with the ADBA...

good vibes

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