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Anything outdoors 2019 !!!


Boreal Curing
Tycho, how was the soil on these hemp fields? Looks sandy??

Not really, just dry. They must have sprayed the shit out of the fields before planting because there's nothing growing in there. A few weeds on the periphery, but that's it. Overall, good farmland with 30 inches of top soil and just a bit of sand sitting on bedrock in that area.

I'm surprised that it's not 14 feet tall. I would expect more than the 3-4 feet it was. Maybe it's a different type. Like for seed, not fiber.


Well-known member
This is Platinum GSC x Jagerschnizel, its the earlier starting regular strain I got this year, it'll have 10 weeks on it by the end of September. Its extremely odoriferous as well, has been loud for weeks already, smells something like concord grape, really got me looking forward to the finished product.
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I got a 9th male too, got enough dudes for a baseball team now and they're all completely clean of pollen.
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i also have a jager cross,jager x purple punch that is smelling like straight up grape koolaid,its so intoxicating,starting to go purple as well

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
im pretty impressed with the bradley danks gear

Me too, I crossed one of his early flowering strains with some of my later flowering hybrids last fall in hopes of making my stuff harvest earlier and I got pretty good results out of that so far, but nothing quite as excellent as the one Platinum GSC x Jagerschnitzel I tired, this one has got to be the earliest flowering regular plant I've ever grown, it was already loud and resinous in mid August when a lot of other plants hadn't even started flowering yet.

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
Backyard Swazi.

That big red one you got is a really great looking tree, that lumber looks big enough to make a baseball bat.
I got this little red one going from South African bagseed I was told was probably Swazi

but there was green ones in those seeds too

PDX Dopesmoker

Active member
This is the other kind of South African bagseed females I got, said to be probably of Swazi origin by the person who sent them over. There was only these two females in the seed bag out of five sprouts so I bred one female with one male and the other female with another male. The males all started around the same time and the two dudes I kept seem similar enough so far.

One super late flowering female plant with a big stretch

One low stretch plant that started in mid-late August, a few weeks ago already.

Kinda makes me wonder if the spread on the start of flowering is the result of hybridization. That two to three week difference at 45.5ºN would be a much bigger spread at 25ºS to 30ºS latitude, probably a couple months.


Well-known member
Lemonade OG outdoor planted out May,.. Mid September Harvest.. 100% Guerilla Grown Plant an Leave.. UK





Boreal Curing
Your Swazi tree is really impressive ,
you will get a lot of lumber :biggrin:
seems she will be a great yielder !!!


She might if she survives the cold. We sometimes get a warm spell between now and November. Hope that's the case this year.

No guts, no glory. Lol

St. Phatty

Active member
Had a major change in the weather = RAIN.

So we don't need to worry about watering the plants.

So I switched to compost tea mode, with double helpings of NPK (2 different sources of N, P, and K).

Also mixed up about 8 gallons of soil with Bone Meal mixed in, 12 ounces by volume of the bone meal.


Tried to find video of Bone Meal exploding, but so far just articles of historical incidents.

Of course the only thing I want is an explosion of Trichomes & THC & all the other cannabinoids :woohoo:

Spread the bone meal soil on top of the plant soil in each of the pots.

Then watered it with the compost tea.

So I guess technically 3 sources of Phosphorus - Bone Meal, 0-10-0 seabird guano, and chicken manure.

So that's the new routine. Almost seems like the end of summer.

I note that a neighbor who is sort of a beginner grower, who gets clones & seedlings from everybody including me,
A/ uses composted pig manure & chicken manure from "Vegan" pigs. His pigs free range and eat mostly roots.
B/ grows pot so good I don't feel a need to grow for my own meds. Plus he will take beer in payment for bud :huggg:

Can't help but wonder if there is a connection between the pig manure and the quality of his pot. His pigs crap more than his chickens, obviously. So it's a diet of mostly free range pig manure.

Doesn't even smell bad.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Story time with ol' BT, chapter 23: Root Bound & Down

So here's a bittersweet glass half full / half empty thing, all in how ya look at it..

Saved up 10 plants as replacements after I took down the veg-room and had planted outdoor spots in the spring time. These were ok(ish) plants but kind of B-team surplus stuff that grew a little bit slower than their sisters and got shaded and didn't show sex as fast as I would have liked. Didn't wanna veg em indoors any longer, so I tossed em to the backyard berry bush to avoid being seen by neighbours, just to be safe.. Then totally forgot about em until spotting em two - three weeks later when mowing the lawn. By this time out of the ten plants one had fallen over and dried up, 3 were eaten by bugs and slugs and thing, one had that weird hempy look to it: Lots of stretch, couple of leaves, so I tossed that one. Was thinking about tossing the 5 remaining shits too, 'cause they didn't look happy at all, and were badly root bound due to living in 0,4 liter plastic cups.. But then remembered that I had 2 bags of really cheap garden soil. So what the hell I thought. Found a spot in the woods, broke the soil a bit, tossed in the cheapo soil with some guano and chicken shit, planted the runts and hoped for the best.
2/5 turned out to be males, so they got dealt with later. The 3 remaining chicks I thought prolly won't make it. They never regained the veg momentum and only grew and branched out a bit, but to my surprise started flowering in time. So here's what I ended up with:

The tallest plant was about 2,5 feet tall to give you an idea on the size.
Not the fattest baseball buds ever, more like little ass popcorns, airy too. And the greener phenos were leafy as you can see. But they were done, sticky and stinky. And I only found a couple of moldy spots on the girls, so easy trimming. All in all, not bad 'cause I wasn't expecting much.

If you're gonna veg your OD-plants before transporting them outside for a long ass time, do re-pot after a while 'cause that root space is pretty important for the future of your plants. Whatever you do, don't forget em shits to your backyard berry bush for a couple of weeks.. That is all for now, have a good one:tiphat:


Altruistic Hazeist
Hey Bad Ticket, that's what I would call a Plan B!

Zamaldelica x Kali China
Glistering under the Sun...


Wild Honduras crosses (x Honduras or x Ethiopian)
These are my Plan B :tiphat:

All sprouted wild outdoors from open pollination last year, I picked some beans but not all...

Never feeded them, and started watering only after a handful plants were standing.

Culled males and runts cherry-picking the most promising amongst a hundred wild sprouts and kept the girls.


