Here's a pic Buckeyebandit sent me of the Cherry Mist. It's a serious kali mist x dr greenthumb Cherry bomb. Check this out he tied it down and it still grew up 14ft tall lol
Very nice! I'm taking it's mostly a Sativa? Can you even grow a plant up north like that?
Well it's Kali Mist x Cherry Bomb....don't know if you remember Dr Greenthumb Cherryy bomb?? The Kali mist is serious seeds it's 85-90% sativa they say and the Cherry Bomb is a Hawaiian Sativa. N America indica hybrid supposedly....if not sure right off. But I'm not that far north really......I'm looking at pushing into the early Nov days hopefully. Plants usually start to flower late July. So I'd have Aug,Sept,Oct......I'm hoping for a mild Oct into Nov...but my avg 1st frost is around Nov.1. So who knows if that comes early,on time or late this yr. I guess in a decent world I could finish it, but who know....12wks I figured up....I'm not sure the flowering time but I was told early Nov so that's 12-14 weeks flowering. I guess I'm trying to say I hope to see one of them finish I started 5-6 seeds so we'll see!!!!!
I'm actually not all that familiar in the Sativa department. I grow near 41 N and like to be done by mid October because of the rain and dying native foliage making buds stand out. Not to mention deer season starts on October 1st. We normally get freezes in November but the weather has been really weird in recent years and snow in October is not unheard of.
Azamax and Neem oil are both extracted from neem tree seeds. Either one should be fine to use on young plants, ive never had issues. I switched over to using the Neem oil because its cheaper. I reapply Diatomaceous Earth intermittently as the main repellent/preventative. Insects can develop immunity to the neem oil and azamax, so i wait to use them until i notice a problem (spidermites usually) and spray daily until they are gone.
Yea I'm not well versed on growing Sativa outdoors here.....but it's hard to say no when I see a beautiful 15ft sativa and have seeds gifted to me to grow....I'm gonna give it hell. I'm a few ticks south of you....I understand it's not ideal to grow past mid OCt here and that's what I'd prefer but I'm giving it a shot. I'm looking for strains to finish In mid OCt. Most everything I'm growing should finish in Oct. I've just got these Cherry Bomb and a few Genius Thai I'm gonna put out or gift to my brother inlaw
Got cages up.... Little early but now i have somthing to tie the main branches down to let the inside growth become 30 plus tops. Ill be tieing down tomorrow. . 10 ft sections of fencing comes out to about 40 inches diameter.... Hopefully will be half that sativa pic from above LOL
thanks man! Im happy so far...You got a very nice grow going. Do you have your rabbit cages anchored down someway/how??? I don't have much rabbit wire(what us hillbillys call it) left. I've got a bunch of regular chicken wire front old cages I had from my chicken fighting days. I've got a few made I've zip tied then on the ends. I've got another day or so work removing brush, than gonna put insect granular/ and spray before I get started putting my containers were I want them. Keep the pics coming Cali.
thanks man! Im happy so far...
No anchors yet but i will be using U stakes to hold them down.
I have seen people use chicken wire but i cant with big plants i feel my stems will be larger then the 1 inch holes.
I bought a 5 ft x 100ft roll for 100 bucks. Pretty expensive but its a must with big plants.
Keep up the hard work.once plants are in the ground not much work after that. Almost there man....
After weed eating the garden i noticed all my plabts have chew marks from bugs. I knocked them off their home and they found nEw ones on my plants.
Time to neem again